Can we take a second and talk about 11year old girls and tampons?

I used tampons from the very beginning and I started my period at 11, almost 12. Never used pads. I also didn’t tell my mom when I started lol but our relationship wasn’t the best at the time. Either way, I had no issues.

Have you thought about the period panties (I’m not sure they even come that small) or something like the Diva cups. I am highly allergic to tampons and pads. I couldn’t be happier with the cup. But I imagine I’ll let my daughter choose what is comfortable for her when the time comes.

Um… no. My daughter is 14 and I’m still buying her pads.


My daughter has been using them and she is 11. It’s for your period why make it more of an issue than it needs to be. My daughter hates pads especially at school. Having your period is already miserable especially at that age so why not let her use what makes her more comfortable?


For god sakes show her how to use a tampon! My mom helped me me thank goodness… & I did the same with my daughters… it’s a part of life & no better person than her mama to show her & teach her… my mom taught me to prop one leg on the toilet seat so I could place it properly at first… boy did that help… don’t make it weird or about sex because it is not about that it’s just what we all have to deal with… make it easier for her & be open… such a personal thing she should learn from you!! Stop making natural things hard or she won’t be open with you about anything…

shes growing up mom get over it … educate her on how to properly use tampons and teach her the risks of tss


I used a water bottle to show my daughters how it worked and how it expands to soak up the blood. It helped a lot


I remember being about her age and my mom said the same thing to me. I got one and tried to put the whole thing in, cardboard applicator and all. Teach your daughter please.


Teach her about tampons and how to use them properly. We all know periods happen when we least expect it so it’s a matter of time before your daughter finds herself unprepared and looking at a tampon as her only option. There are risks, but tampons can be quite handy, especially during the summer when she’s gonna want to swim with her friends. I would say to sit her down and talk with her in depth about tampons, all of the risks and then teach her how to place one properly. Make sure to explain the different sizes for different flows and all that. If she’s sneaky, she’s just gonna ask her friends about tampons if you don’t teach her. Cover all your motherly bases and let her explore her options for period products.


I think it’s important to teach her how to use it for certain scenarios. For example I was on swim team at that age and played other sports, my mom was absolutely against tampons and did not teach me how to properly use them. I ended up using them because of sports (pads shift causing embarrassing leakage) and a swim team mom had to explain to me how to use them. To be honest they are uncomfortable so it may not be her preference but it is better to have knowledge how to safely use one to avoid infections.
There are other options out there too. Organic tampons, period panties, a menstrual cup (which has less chemicals) maybe have a discussion about what the different options are and go from there.

Kids sneak when they don’t feel comfortable or know/think their parents will make a big deal about it. I highly doubt the child is sticking things in her because she likes it.

Myself personally, I don’t like to sit in a diaper of blood, basically. Pads are gross too. Maybe she is just more comfortable wearing tampons over pads. It’s a preference. But nothing to do with wanting things inside of her, that’s an insane way of thinking :joy:


My 11 year old is scared of tampons. She hasn’t gotten hers yet but absolutely refuses to use them which is fine. I use them but I didn’t feel comfortable until I was older to start. To each their own.

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Let her grow up!!! We’re not all the same. Some of us find it very disgusting to use a pad and sit their in your own blood all day :nauseated_face::face_vomiting: If your worried about her being sexually active then educate your daughter on just that sex! I’m not sure about anyone else but using tampons has never made me want to go looking for sex!

I think it depends on the girl. I personally couldn’t use them. If I did manage to get it in it was incredibly painful to remove once it expanded. It wasn’t until my first time having sex that I could comfortably wear one. My oldest daughter as well. It’s an incredibly personal decision. Life style, flow and comfort should dictate it…not another person’s opinion

Do you think she’s unaware that she can stick things inside herself?


I couldn’t, they were so uncomfortable and hurt and can cause tss if not changed often. They were not comfortable for me until after I had my 1st child. No way will I let mine. She is 9 but I still wouldn’t at 11. Too young in my opinion.

Talk to her about both. Don’t just say “pads for now” because you are afraid of her experimenting with other things. I would recommend pads because they are safer and avoid toxic shock syndrome. If you don’t teach her she will probs do it with out you knowing and that’s when it could be bad, she doesn’t put it in properly and hurts herself or she leaves it in too long, or doesn’t understand when she needs to change it so she has an accident at school. Honestly if she is going to experiment she will do with whether or not you teach her how to use a tampon. But educate your child! That’s important!


Don’t sexualize using a tampon. Support her in being confident in her body.

Show her how to use both and let her choose what works best for her.


Time out! Can we talk about why you just sexualized using tampons for something young ladies and women have absolutely no control over? Did this just happen? I’m invested now, solely to read the comments to make sure I’m not the only one who immediately thought the same thing. Girl my 7 year old already has pubic hair, not peach fuzz, actual real ass pubic hair. If this is how you react to tampons and periods I’d hate to see if you were in my shoes with a 7 year old getting pubic hair early. :woman_facepalming:t3:


When I started (in school) a girl gave me a pad to use. When I got home I immediately asked if I can use tampons. The feeling of it against me made my stomach so sick! I used tampons and didn’t stick other things in there. Didn’t even consider sex for years. So it not always that. Some girls can not stand the way it makes you feel. Plus periods can have a smell. It’s a bit stronger when you use a pad. My son has told me he can smell females when their on their monthly just standing next to them at school. So maybe she’s embarrassed as well?

Holy crap. You don’t want her “to get used to sticking things inside herself”?! Educate yourself, stop sexualizing periods, and do better for your daughter.


It’s her mensural cycle it’s her decision as a woman you will know there is nothing pleasurable about sticking a dry wad of stuffing cotton up your vagina. Avoiding tampons is giving her the idea that it’s something to be afraid of that could lead to shame if you are not carful. Educate her on her options and let her make that decision, she has started menstruating for Christ sake it happens but as a mother of a daughter I will be teaching her about all her available options and allowing her to make the decision she is comfortable with it’s her body

It’s your job to replace them don’t put that conversation on her. She’s young and yes needs to be in control of these things but you know it comes monthly so she should be well stocked.

And your being unfair to her by only saying pads. How would you like to run in gym with a pad between your legs? Tampons are made to be worn during sports. Yes they shouldn’t be worn all the time even though lots of people do and the fact that your associating a tampon with anything other then a period is so outdated and wrong


I get her away from all chemicals. Look into the underwear or the cup.


My 12 year old only uses pads. I told her about the TSS and that I do nkt think it is safe for her to use tampons. What if for some reason she is at school and does not remember to go change it? My Mom showed me how to use them when I was 10 years old when I started. And there were times were I went an hour over before changing it.

From personal experience I started at 11 years old and my mom said since I was so young that I had to wait to use tampons. Wasn’t allowed to use tampons until I was 13 years old and started with the junior/petite small ones. Ask your daughter if she’s sure she wants to try them and teach her all you can. If she’s still asking and consistent with her answer then I say let her try them. The small ones I used starting out would make a good starter tampon for a young girl. Good luck mama!


Yikes, imagine policing how your child handles her period. This is gross on mom’s part.


My daughter just started to wear tampons sometimes and she’s 13. When she 1st got it we started with pads and then I let her know about tampons. She wanted nothing to do with them lol over the summer I suggest tampons again because she was going into the middle school. I figured maybe better to wear tampons at school and then pads at home if she was comfortable with that. Accidents happen so easy with your period and well we all know how mean people can be especially kids. I feel it’s whatever the child is comfortable with after everything is explained.

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She’s not asking you for a dildo, she’s asking to use tampons. Let her period be as comfortable as I can be.

It depends on the person. I’m 35 and only use pads. It’s a personal choice that is best for me. May daughter is almost 14 and not yet ready to try them, although I’ve always told her that the pad thing is my choice and she can use whatever she feels comfortable with. However. . When you say you don’t want her in the habit of putting things inside herself? Mama she has a vagina. She needs to be comfortable with her body and her parts. And that’s what you want, ultimately, for her. If she’s ready to try it, then make sure she has what she needs from you. It’s her choice.

I would warn against it. I was a perfectly innocent 11 year old until my friend gave me a tampon. From the first moment I used it things “got out of pocket” really fast. I started getting promiscuous with every boy in the school and eventually went into s*x work and was a prostitute for many years. It was literally an addiction. I always needed something to take the place of the tampon when it wasn’t there. I ended up in prison for many years where they helped me detox. Now I go from town to town teaching of the dangers of “putting things… there” and the path it lead me down. I wouldn’t worry about the actual things that could cause harm like tss etc. Let’s focus on the real issue here. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: #justsayno

This is ridiculous. First of you should be teaching your Daughter that she should never put foreign objects in her vagina. Second tampons are just feminine products that are helpful if she goes in a pool and are sometimes preferred over pads and less messy. Lastly sticking a tampon in isn’t going to make her want sex. But please be realistic and admit that she now has the ability to get horny and may want to masterbate. (I got my period at 11 and did, and I didn’t have sex until I met my ex husband.)This should be her choice.

If you are worried about masturbation, you need to get that out of your head as quickly as possible. You need to sit down with her and have a talk with her about her body and how it works. Tampons are not for pleasure. I used them at that age and nothing ever happened with them.
As far as masturbation, everyone explores at some point which is natural and you need to get rid of that fear before she becomes sexually scarred in the future


I started wearing them at around 11. But I also had to swim in gym class and having your period wasn’t a valid excuse to miss gym. Essentially it was tampons or fail.

YIKES :flushed: please please please let your daughter be in charge of her own body. All you’re doing is teaching her to hide things from you…


Really?!?!! For real? I’m astounded at this. If you want her to wait a little bit, I guess that’s your choice, but your reasoning is ludicrous. And she is still a child. YOU are the parent and should be responsible for stocking up. Teach her when the amount dwindles to a certain number to let you know, but you should be double checking anyway.


So for my journey to tampons, no one helped me no one told me… I had my period at school and the nurse didn’t have any pads left and asked if I wanted a tampon. I said yeah( cuz I didn’t want the boys to notice) I was never told how to use it… so I put it sideways outside of me and went along my day until a guy started laughing cuz I had a blood stain on my light blue jeans… and at my school u we’re allowed to come down once per day for stuff. So I was mortified!!

With my daughter we started with pads until one day she told me she felt like she was wearing a diaper!! Then I got some of the slim fit tampons and she uses those and changes out regularly(we talked about tss and how to avoid it) she is 14 and has been using tampons since 12. We have a really REALLY open relationship and she has never thought about it as anything more than to stop the blood. She even wanted to try a diva cup and that wasn’t for her.

I would at least explain how to use one to her. Chances are she’s going to need something when she’s away from the house and someone will only have tampons…


I started my period at 11. Started using tampons after a few months because that’s what my mom already had and it was so much more comfortable and clean during the day. Figured it out by myself because I was too shy to ask. Still used pads at night. Never had a problem or issue and in HS I started using the applicator free OBs. Today there are many more options to choose from. My own teenagers eventually chose to use them in order to go swimming.

Let her choose which one she perfers !!

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I’m sorry but why are we sexualizing a tampon? Have you as a female never wanted to not wear a diaper? Or go for a swim with friends while on your monthly hellride?


Don’t make that child sit in her own blood. It’s uncomfortable enough cramping and dealing with a period. Making her sit on a blood filled diaper isn’t going to make anything better for her. It’s a tampon. Not a dildo.

Tampons are bad anyways. Get her the cup

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And we wonder why girls grow up to be shy about perfectly NORMAL things.


Talk to her about ALL of her options. I get what your concerned abt it. I hate to tell you but its just part of life. I didn’t like my daughter using tampons at first but very quickly after she expressed herself in wanting to use tampons. In all honesty… my mom was against tampon usage. My mother and I didn’t talk abt those things. Half the time growing up I had to just wing it by myself. Talking to my daughter about all of this things and sex can be very uncomfortable, but she obviously at an age to where she can handle these subjects. Talk to your daughter and have an open relationship so she knows she can come to you with questions and she will trust your advice. Girls do not want to wear pads. Most young girls don’t anyway. Teach her thats what your job is as Mom.

Personally my 12 yr old uses pads only (not for the reasons you say) but because honestly she’s not at the maturity level of being able to change the tampon as needed or regular as needed (she needs constant reminders even with pads (she’s autistic). So i got her period underwear and pads.

I think if she wants to use tampons it is ok but if you are worried if she will forget to change em than if she has her period say on a weekend maybe have her practice getting into routine than? That wouldn’t work for my kiddo but maybe yours.?

Tampons should never be sexulized. They are there for one reason (periods)


I think that’s a little too young for tampons. I didn’t start using them until after I started having sex :woman_shrugging:t2: With my daughter she can start using them before she goes into high school if she wants, but not anywhere near 11 or 12

Um it’s a tampon not a dildo. Calm down. I understand the concern for toxic shock syndrome and forgetting it, absolutely. It depends on her responsibility level. Some girls are ready for it and some aren’t. But don’t sexualize it. It’s literally just a tool to help with periods nothing more. I’ve been using tampons since I started my cycle at like 12-13. Never once did I compare it to a sex toy or a mans genitals. Literally never crossed my mind.

My 11yr old has asked to use tampons. That means I’m responsible for helping her keep time checks. She knows all about the cup & doesn’t want the hassle in public. She knows about pads & is ok with trying them at home but doesn’t seem excited. Lol
Her & I have read medical articles, watched video’s, talked… It’s her body. If she’s going to prefer tampons, it’s on me to guide her & get her in the habit if time checks & understanding they signs of needing to change it even before the 6 hours. :woman_shrugging:


The fact you have a problem with her having better hygiene because it’s done in a way you seem to have a personal(possibly sexual) problem with shows you most likely shouldn’t even be a parent.

It’s a tampon. It’s a healthy part of life, unless an actual doctor (real doctor, not Facebook or Google) says she is too at risk, there is no reason to be causing this drama. Not is there a reason for you to out your daughters personal preference and your lack of education about tampons out for every to see. Show your child a little respect. You will get alot farther


You sound exhausting as a parent, and you shouldn’t be sexualizing a tampon. Poor child.


I used pads up until I was like 15. I tried to put a tampon in when I was 12, and screamed. Lmao. That’s all I needed know to not want them for awhile. Lol.
(Not saying let her do that, just telling my experience.) :heart:

I started my period at 10 and by 11 I was wearing tampons because to me pads are uncomfortable. She should have a say on what she wants to use for herself. Just explain that she has to change it every few hours or help her by setting alarms.

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It’s so uncomfortable to wear a pad there are orders others can smell they make a nasty mess and her self confidence will take a hit if she is not comfortable. You are worried about something that is so natural to us.

Even though I believe she should know all her options and how to use them I am a big mom so I don’t know how you feel I hear the period panties work great for kids


My daughter is almost 13 and I would never let her wear a tampon. Now when she’s 16/17 then yea but never when she is that young.


I wouldn’t be worried about tampons for those reasons. What I worry about is kids just aren’t as hygienic as we’d expect them to be. I wore tampons forever but they really are not good for you. It was just a habit for me to use them because that’s what my mom would buy. I haven’t used tampons in many years. I just feel like it messes up your pH and causes other issues. Pads are annoying but I feel better using them v tampons.

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Your poor kids probably traumatized by how your reacting to it. U sound alot like my mother. Thank God i had a way out at 15.


Omg really let her do what she needs to feel comfortable
Pads are so nasty


Let her use what she wants to use. Educate her and let her decide what to use for HER BODY. I was on swim teams growing up so I chose to use them so I didn’t miss practice or meets. There’s nothing wrong with it if that’s what she wants.

My daughter just started her period last week. She just turned 12 then. I told her pads to start. She’s still trying to figure them out… she’s not really interested in tampons yet. I was freaked at first about her using tampons… but when she’s ready to try, why not….it’s definitely not a sexual thing, she’s 12🙄. For me, they hurt at first when I was younger… I was like hell no😂. Now it’s all I wear.
I just gotta get her in the habit of changing the pad enough first…. Then move on to tampons.

I mean she may not even like them. I was married with four kids before I was able to use tampons comfortably, and I still have months where they are impossible for me to use. I’d say let her try them out and make that informed decision herself. Pads are a nightmare in school so if she is able to use tampons you should let her.

Some of the questions that are on this page have me wondering if this real life, like WOW really your worried about a tampon but for the wrong reasons


This is a normal part of life for all of us females. She needs to find out what SHE is more comfortable with, not what YOU’RE comfortable with. And why in the world are you sexualizing a tampon. I have 2 girls and one uses tampons while the other uses pads, their preference.


Like… wait… what? Did you just turn a feminine product into a gateway into sex? I think I found out why your child is sneaky. You are exhausting. If you were worried about TSS or something thats one thing, which just reminder her daily for the first two periods, but you’re worried about her “getting used to sticking things up there.” First off if she’s “sticking stuff up there” you two need to have the sex and masturbation talk because chances are masturbation is already going on which is a normal behavior and if she can’t trust to even talk about her tampons vs. Pads, she’s definitely gonna sneak when she feels ready to have sex

Tampons are completely normal show her how to use both and let her decide. I’ve always used tampons ever since 7th grade for my period nothing more.

My daughter is 11, started her period when she was 10. We have both pads and tampons in the house as myself and my daughter both use them. My daughter used them one day But was surprised since she was so young and I a wasn’t sure they would be comfortable for her. She said they were fine, but still mostly prefers pad unless swimming or doing sports. I think it is perfectly fine to let her try them and make that decision, they have teen or light/sport ones if your worried about that and tampons are totally different than a penis. I know it’s hard when our babies are growing up, but no slowing it might make it taboo and more of a curiosity. Good luck I know it’s hard navigating these years!

let me tell you why.
-no toxic shock syndrome when left in accidentally
-can be left up to 12 hrs depending on flow
-offers different sizes for different women
-teaches women and girls to be empowered because they are in control

Follow precious stars vlogs to learn more. She has advocated for menstrual cups since she was 11 and she also talks about reusable cloths which also are safer


My daughter is 13, got her period at age 12. She’s on the competition dance team, and as much as I was worried about her using tampons, I was more worried about her being self conscious on a stage wearing a pad. I honestly believe if your daughter wants to wear it go for it. If you are that worried about things “going in her body” I’d lay rules out. If you misuse or we find out other things are going on, you lose the privilege of wearing them.

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What in the actual f&@k, You’re joking right?
Are you really making a natural menstruation issue of a young girl, into a sexual thing ?
And now you’re pregnant again?
You should’ve thought motherhood through thoroughly!
You’re twisted


Buy her period panties. It’s what I got for my daughter. I would never risk her getting toxic shock.

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I would think her maturity/responsibility level should determine what she uses not to mention educating her on TSS. Personally I would skip it all together and offer a diva cup with period panties though.


You can get tss from pads too. I didn’t start my period until I was older but I used tampons before I lost my virginity. Ultimately it’s her body and she should be comfortable with what she’s usinf


if your main concern is a sexual issue… just wow… let your daughter talk herself to her doctor or nurse, and you my friend need some serious one on one counseling before you destroy what bond you have with your daughter…


All 3 of my girls prefer tampons. I made them go thru one full period with pads, then they could use what the prefer! It’s their body…let them decide!

Ummmmmm….what in the actual h@$!? I had very heavy periods as a 10-13 year old. More than once, a pad leaked at school leading to massive embarrassment. Once I discovered tampons and realized that they worked much better for me, I never had that issue again. For the love of all that is holy, please don’t tell your daughter any of that crazy (if you haven’t already) unless you really want her to have some lifelong issues with shame and sex. If she wants to try them, buy her a multipack something she can see what size is most comfortable and works best for her.

Is this a serious fucking question? I’m gonna guess that you think because she uses tampons she’s gonna go out and find a dick to shove in there. :eyes: There is seriously something wrong with you. Do you like to wear pads? I just can’t even with this bullshit this morning.

If she plays sports, no question—-she needs them!


:stop_sign::stop_sign: ladies that have commented​:stop_sign::stop_sign:

my daughter is 13 gonna be 14 next month an asked to use tampons, do i show her out to insert or do i let her learn on her own??

I definitely understand your fear. I myself do not wear tampons and have only done so a hand full of times for very short periods before I’d take them out because they make my anxiety so bad.
If your daughter wants to wear them, then I would introduce her to menstrual cups and let her give those a try. It could be she’s uncomfortable in pads or making her feel self conscious.

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I didn’t have pads in my house when my period started. I just used a tampon. I was probably about her age. It’s time you taught her everything. I had sexual education in the 5th grade that discussed these things. Thankfully I come from a place where we now require sexual education all the way through school because this topic is treated like this. Keeping your child in the dark about realities will only have them learn it inaccurately from someone their age. From the time your children are around 4 you should be having honest conversations about their body or one day they will be misinformed by the wrong person, or they simply won’t discuss with you because they know you’re uncomfortable. Then you end up with young adults with kids and high STD rates. Just be honest with your kid and stop trying to act like they don’t already know. They know when you’re giving them a line and when you’re being honest.


I can’t believe that you’ve equated menstrual hygiene to increased sexual proclivity! That’s a trauma response you should examine before ruining your relationship with your child because you’re over sexualizing her actions! Stop it

That said, teach how to properly use tampons. Everything in life has the potential to be unsafe - tampons are not any different. If she’s not willing to learn and stay on a changing schedule , then, pads it is.

The choice is hers - not yours.

When I got my period at 13, my mom offered me both. I was scared of tampons and went with pads. She always playfully teased me about choosing the less dainty option.:joy::joy::joy:

I found tampons in my late 20s/early 30s and now I use both depending on how I feel.

It’s her choice, not yours.


“I don’t want her getting into the habit of shoving things up there” this is what I’m questioning, has she ever done something like that? It seems a bit odd that you want to make it something it isn’t, when she has given you zero reason on this specific topic… Is it possible you have unresolved issues when you started menstruation? I am not a doctor and if I was you, and my child asked me something like this. I would do my best to understand WHY, because it probably isn’t why you think. Sad, we can allow our children to choose their gender but not their own feminine products … make it make sense.:thinking:


I didn’t like my child using them at first neither but you can get the smallest ones possible me personally I don’t like them and won’t use them unless I have to other than that I ain’t gonna use them can’t handle something up in me like that all the time lol

Are … are you serious ? Shes an 11 yr old learning how to ‘women’ and you’re telling her not to “shove things up there”
It’s a tampon, you need to teach her to be safe before she hurts herself unintentionally
If she cant count on you for something as important as this say bye bye to her coming to you when shes assaulted or some shite… women are not some weak creatures who get addicted to things being shoved up there

My god, please get some assistance

What the f :rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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Omg I used tampons right away at 11 years old what is wrong with you :rofl::rofl::rofl: like is this post serios


I’m not sure where the concern even is other than toxic shock syndrome. Show her all the options, and let her try them all out and pick. It’s her body, and she’s the one having to deal with the period every month.


It depends on her responsibility level… My niece is 13, and not allowed to use tampons, because shes irresponsible and would end up with an infection … There is no problem with waiting to use those types of feminine products until you feel, and she feels ready and comfortable… Your doing good Momma!!!:heart:


My daughter who is 12, found them to be very uncomfortable. She has tried a couple of times but says she doesn’t like it. You need to have conversations with your child ! It is what ever the person is comfortable doing. And they need to understand about tss!

And just remember, masterbastion is normal and healthy behavior… Besides, think about this for a moment, would you rather have her masturbate or have sex with someone? At least with her learning this, she wont end up with an STD or unplanned pregnancy… Tampons are not the “gateway” to sex momma… Not having the talks about feminine hygiene and the new feelings because of hormones will lead her to “discovering” on her own… Have a real conversation with her… She needs your guidance, not your shame… And again, there is no problem with waiting to use more “adult” feminine hygiene products

I would definitely give her the option. At her age when I first started I had a heavy flow. I used pads first and they were so awkwardly uncomfortable and caused skin irritation for me. I read the pamphlet myself and told my mom I wanted to try them and now that’s what I use and pair with pad is necessary because my flow is HEAVY and accidents still happen at almost 30. Communicate with you kid and let her decide. It’s her body,her period, her comfort.


How about we stop sexualizing feminine hygeine products? Stop being a part of the problem. This post is downright creepy.


I think you’re being dramatic. Could be pregnancy hormones. But most young girls find them uncomfortable. Not sure what you’re worried about infection or her getting curious about her body but either way. Yeah.


My mother never talked to me about these things and I was basically just handed stuff by friends and scared to ask questions… I have a 9 year old daughter and two sisters 12 and 22… I’ve always made a point to talk about everything body wise with them. I just tell them it’s better they talk to me about it then not know or feel weird about talking to someone else. I speak to them all like adults when it comes to things like this. I wouldn’t tie periods to sex at such a young age but more of it being a hygiene thing! They only know what you tell them or what they hear some where else. Educate her with the truth so she’s not confused later.

I don’t think tampons are bad at any age if they are properly used and are comfortable… some what depending on flow… I wouldn’t push it but definitely explain it as an option.

Best of luck!

I’m going to tell you that if she has a period and you take tampons away from her As an option that’s kinda terrible, just for the fast of the matter tampons are cleaner.


The toxic shock is enough for me to be afraid of a young girl starting them. Once she’s more responsible and you feel like she won’t accidentally put herself in danger when using one, then go from there. Also, you can start a subscription on Amazon for them, you can also DoorDash/Uber items to your home from cvs and other stores if needed. Just a tip


I don’t know that I would make the connection between tampons and early sex. If you’re having regular conversations with her about sex what it is, what happens, how it happens, consequences of, etc. than you shouldn’t be worried about using tampons encouraging her to run to the first boy and have sex. With that being said, if you are worried about her having early sex then you need to have a lot more conversations with her and quickly. I started talking to my kiddo about the idea of boys and girls and babies in kindergarten. I promise you that at this point, at 11 years old, some of her friends with older siblings have already told her about it and and you can guarantee a lot of it’s wrong. The fact that you’re pregnant right now, and the fact that she has a baby sibling coming, is the perfect time for you to really hit home the consequences are of having sex early. Use your situation to educate her. Make her get up in the middle of the night with the baby a few times on a weekend. Make her change some diapers. Make her calm the baby as they cry a few times. Not only are these valuable experience for her to learn now for when she becomes a mom, but they will also teach her, very quickly that she does not want to have kids yet. Good luck.

A tampon is not a gateway drug to dildos or penis. Come on. She prob hates pads like most of us do and wants to see if it will be better.

Please don’t sexualize a tampon.


I say no because of toxic shock syndrome.

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