Can you end your period early or stop it from coming?

He can wear the blood like war paint then spit some in the air like Triple H


The Flex disc allows for mess free period sex. You can get a free sample from their website. Give yourself several intense orgasms in a row and your period can start early.

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If your willing to get the depo needle. I started my period so got the needle the next day and it stoped. I also never get it if I’m on time with my shots. But Im not sure if it works different for different people tho

I haven’t had a period in 2 years. I take birth control and skip the placebos. Has been a dream. No mess, minimal pms.

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It’s just extra lubrication :laughing::rofl::joy:


Ibuprofen stops my bleeding completely for a few hours. I take 3 and I’m about an hour and a half I am done hopefully so we can do the deed!

Just get a cup. Period sex with zero mess.

Omg I just tried to do the same thing…and sadly it didn’t work…my poor husband had a little surprise this weekend and he was horrified​:rofl::rofl:

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My advice would be to go talk to your doc


How about he be a man about it and accept the fact that you get your period? He does know that when you guys live closer or get married, you’re going to get it every month and he’s going to have to deal with it, right?


Tablets off Gp

Omg your a woman deal with it


This is why I had to get with an older man, because I can’t be with someone my age who has a breakdown over a menstrual cycle. Sheesh. Can’t wait to read the next post where he says the only condition to marrying you is if you permanently end your menstrual cycle. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Tell him to man up and earn his red wings lol


I mean, to be fair yall. She said nothing about him being concerned. It’s her concern. I get it. I don’t feel my best when I’m on my
Period, so I get why she’s rather not be.


I’ve only had two periods the past 2 years the last one was in December and it was bad very very bad for several days when I went to see my OBGYN and did all the pap smear test and all that he said that my hormones were high and that’s why I wasn’t having one but now two different doctors told me to say naproxen cuz it’ll slow it down that’s where it’s not that long and I took naproxen and it does work

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My boyfriend doesn’t give a heck about my period but I do… I think it’s disgusting. She never said her man was concerned about it, just because it’s our period doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to be turned off by it :woman_shrugging:t3:


My doctor prescribed an estrogen type of pill to stop mine in its tracks but that was also because what was happening was the first signs of possible trouble

Aint nothing wrong with some ketchup on a hot dog


If you are on birth control just skip the placebo pills.


If you take birth control skip the placebo pills and just continue onto your next pack and you won’t have a period it is safe however my doctor just said I shouldn’t go longer than 3 months without a period


Drink alcohol mate thins the blood you’ll be sussed

I was able to make it come three days early last month by running everyday for two weeks. My husband planned a trip to the beach on the 17th snd that’s when mine would come, it came on the 13th instead. supposedly body heat produced by exercise makes it come early. I ran during my period also and it only lasted three exact days. But I don’t usually run so maybe that’s why my body changed the date.

Yes go to ur dr and they can give u birth control to take for that time to stop it shortly I seen a girl named gabyeagen on tiktok do it

If he thinks menstrual cycle bad he and you are in for a shock menopause way worse most women want pms back


A cold bath will stop it for a short time or just have fun in the shower


That’s what shower sex is for lol

Northisterone pills can be used.

Birth control will stop it. Get on the patch and just skip your “off week”

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You can end it early if you cum enough times! Helps the uterus finish contracting and brings the rest of the blood and shit down to

I have PCOS and irregular periods, I was bleeding for over a month and birth control didn’t help. My doctor told me to take 800mg of ibuprofen around the clock until I stopped bleeding and it worked. I then switched birth control so I wouldn’t have a period.


I agree with the soft disc! My fiance and I used them everything I had my period and they worked great

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Don’t do anything to alter your period just because a boy is visiting you lol. You can still have fun on your period!!


Birth control pills!!

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This can’t be serious. lol


Use flex disks. You can have sex with them in and your boyfriend will never know.

enjoy shower sex and get can come in you without fear of knocking you up

Lay a towel down, then shower together after


One time when I got my tongue piercing I couldn’t eat with how swollen it was. All I could do is drink water . Well I got my period and usually lasted a week back then. I drank nothing but water for 2 days and a lot of it. Period was here for like a day and a half

If you’re on the pill don’t take your sugar pills just start the new month right away

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They have these things I saw called a mental ring by a company called flex. Suppose to be good for mess free period sex if nothing else helps

Skip week off on your birth control and keep taking it so your period won’t start

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Put a towel down and go at it :woman_shrugging:t3:


When I was younger and would go out to a party and I was on my period I’d down 2 bootleggers before the party, my period always stopped if I drank some alcohol lol still does!

If we could control our periods I think Tampax and kotex wouldn’t be a thing anymore


Sex is SIN Out of Marriage. That is the only CURE.

Keep a tampon in for all the foreplay, then put a towel down and do your thing.

Enjoy your lady time AND fun time
My FAVORITE is period s3x everything is so much more intense!!!
Throw a towel down and RIDE him then hop in the shower touch your toes and let him go to pound town…
Don’t let Aunt flow stop ya, and if he’s not into it find a new boyfriend :woman_shrugging::100:

Dr can give you tablets that you take 3/4 days before you come on

Either start the pill that makes you skip your period or the ring. I do this when I go on vacation.

Not really anything that soon, but if you’re just wanting to have relations without the mess, get a flex cup!


Please come to my seminar…how to stop your period using your brain power. o.o


taking inositol everyday gives me a short 3 day flow. to get it to come on time or early/ish, use essential oils-clary sage, jasmine, lavender

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Put a towel down. You can still have all of the fun even on your period.


Just do it on your period and usually that makes mine stop completely like 3 days early

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If you’re on the pill you can skip it by starting your next pill pack when it hits the period week


Go at it with your period… make sure to shower before and lay a towel on the bed…


it will probably stop if you take a couple of cool / cold baths

If he cant handle a period … Boooyyyy byyyyeeeeeeeeeeee


Just do it regardless. If he won’t just because you are on your period he needs to grow up.


Dark towel, sweetie.


Too much information!

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You can still have fun on your period. You sound a little young for anything else. Maybe an IUD. They sometimes stop your period and keep you from getting pregnant.


Just give him
A blow job …anal if your preference or get tittied fuck problem solved :rofl:

Condom and towel under u. Have all the fun u want


Period shouldn’t stop anything.


A period don’t stop nothing but a sentence!


If you’re on the pill, just don’t switch to the placebos that week and continue to take the active ingredient ones and you should be able to avoid your period that week.


Take a shower together.


Get to the doctor and see if you can get norethisterone. I’ve used this many times and you take it 2-3 days before your period and it won’t start until you stop taking it. Even if you already start bleeding it stops things :wink: make sure it’s suitable for you as it’s progesterone based and has side effects like headaches and you can make your cycle a bit heavier next time, but I’ve never really had issues from taking it. I was in a long distance for a while and sometimes you just need to not have your period that weekend :joy:

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He sounds lame as hell :rofl:. Real mean don’t care


There are pills for that !

If you are on birth control there’s a couple different ways:
If you’re on the pill you can either start your sugar pills early or instead of taking the sugar pills skip them and start the new pack
If you’re on the patch or the ring: basically the same as above either remove the current patch/ring early to start your period or instead of removing it on the scheduled day and leaving it off/out then immediately put the new one on or in

If its an iud or the depo shot I am not aware of any tricks.

Also I agree with above answers in that it shouldn’t be an issue and if you have heavy cramps when you have sex while on your period it makes the cramps less severe or i think so and know a lot of people who agree

Lolol get used to it. That asshole is gunna show up for every single occasion, vacation and beach day no matter how you try to plan around it…it will come. Good luck

Sounds like you need a new boyfriend


Words from my husband…if your boyfriend hasn’t had it in months, he won’t care if you are bleeding.

Words from my youngest son…who has the red sea, ever stopped? :roll_eyes::rofl:
Then, they both said, it didn’t stop Moses…Lord help us!
Son said…it’s just extra lubrication! :woman_facepalming:


Speak to your gp, you can get a tablet to take

Words from my husband…”the only thing a period stops is a sentence” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

For real though. I doubt he will care :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


Shower sex homegirl :joy:

Orgasms shorten periods. It should be what YOU are comfortable with in regards to period sex. Take a shower together. Also give yourself a couple orgasms when you first start your period, helps speed it up. Good luck

Who cares about a period lol my boyfriend says,either put a towel down or we move it to the shower :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Please never procreate …

If you are on the pill you can manipulate your period.

Maybe this is a sign he is not the one lol

Ask your doctor so you are being told a safe and effective way. Keep you and your body safe. :sparkling_heart:

Omg just have sex while on it. Seriously he shouldn’t care if he loves you. If he does, move on sis :purple_heart:


They cell soft cervical discs for your period now that allows you to be intimate while they are in place, most stores have them.

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My husband likes it. To each their own however.

I normally do very heavy lifting to induce them but there is nothing wrong with a little red lubricant during sex, Or put a tampon and remove it during sex tops bleeding till the deed is done😉

Are his soldiers scared of a little blood ? Lol…jus do it …

Some of you ladies are ridiculous. Men are allowed to be uncomfortable with period sex, or any kind of sex. “real men don’t care”??? “Are his soldiers scared of blood?”

You guys are awful!!

If it was men in here saying real women do anal, or oral or have period sex… You guys would lose your mind about respecting boundaries and consent.

Men are allowed to have sexual boundaries too.


The only way you can do that is if you on the pill

I was told by my doctor that if you take 800 mg of ibuprofen it will stop sooner

I can’t believe this is even a question. Are you sure you’re of age to be having sexual intercourse if you have no clue about your own body?!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you end your period early or stop it from coming? - Mamas Uncut

Take a shot of lime juice

Get theMenstrual cup

Just bang in the shower