Can you end your period early or stop it from coming?

Warm bath, ginger water, anything that warms you from the inside should expedite the period process…

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If you are on the Pill just dont have a break or u can go tovthe doctor n get a tablet that will delay you period. (Norethisterone). Most doctors will prescribe this for you.

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i vaguely remember reading a post about a woman who discovered that blasting off four or five big Os in the shower, and then squatting and pushing would cut her period time down to only a couple of days

apparently the contractions from the Os expedited the expulsion of all the uterine lining and everything

not positive it works, but what’s the harm in trying?


Other than being on the oral contraceptive pill where you can choose to skip the sugar pill week (period week)I don’t think you can safely .


There’s a prescription pill you can get from your GP to delay it. I always remember my mum & auntie taking them when we went on holidays as a kid lol x

BC Pills, & NuvaRing will help with that! You need to talk to your dr about this. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


I have epilepsy and my neurologist put me on the pill and told me to skip the sugar pills so I wouldn’t have a period bc the hormones from my period were causing more seizures. So try that if your on the pill

Period sex is great !! Just put a towel down . I mean sucks cuz I’m sure you wanna get eaten out ! But he can always make it up to you next time you see him :+1:t3::rofl:


Try Flex or any other menstrual disc. You can totally have period sex without the mess. I suggest practicing putting it in before your big weekend because there is a learning curve. If you don’t like it, then next best thing is to not stress about the blood. Put a towel down and get all primal with your guy! Women bleed. It’s a thing. It’s natural. Don’t let it cause you any worry. Period sex is actually pretty amazing in my experience. Best of luck!


Seriously? If women knew how to “end” periods, we’d all be doing it and EVERYONE would know about it. Ask your doctor if Lo Loestrin Fe birth control is for you.


Talk to your GP though, anything that you usually can take to stop or delay your period takes time to take effect.

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Yes there is a pill you can get to stop your period, well in Australia anyway.

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Really weird and I don’t have any evidence to back this up except my own experience but Plan B has always made my period come early.

You can get norethisterone prescribed by the nurse/doctor to miss a period xx

Norethisterone is what i used, doctors don’t prescribe it anymore as you can now buy it over the counter from the pharmacy. No prescription required. I always keep a pack in my cupboard now lol

If your on the pill just miss the sugar tablets you take when on pill and keep taking your cycle pill tk skip it

No reason you can’t have fun still


Ypu can get tablets from the doctor to stop and delay periods

Yes you can. You can get a tablet from your gp to stop it from coming. I had to take them when my iron was dangerously low to stop mine

Just keep taking ur pill have no breaks or depo provera stopped my periods

I’ve often heard that ibuprofen will hold your time at bay. Don’t know dosage or how long it takes.

I believe drs can give you something to delay onset or maybe early.

Use the deodorant of a female that’s on her period and it will start early.

Yep! Get those tablets from your gp, my hubby used to live in another state and I took it everytime I was due and we were seeing each other.

If your on the pill don’t gave your week of keep taking it few days longer I used to do this if was due on Saturday and I was goin out xx

If you are on the pill you can regulate your period to where you want it.

Isn’t the problem here that the bf doesnt respect or understand menstruation is a normal bodily function?? You could always just have sex in the shower.

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Yeah there’s a period delay pill available here in UK, can’t recall what its called but you take it a day before you come on for about 7 days then you will have your period as normal afterwards

If you’re on the pill you can skip your off week of pills. You can’t do it every month but once won’t hurt you

That sucks…
Well at least your mouth still works​:rofl::rofl:


If you have birth control pills just start another pack it should stop your period within a couple days

The pill or the shot, they can stop it for a week or for every day!


Fuck it! Thats just additional lube!


Do it in the shower? :wink:
Continued birth control pills?

Time for him to get his red wings. Have sex in the shower.


Disgusting I think this is a personal thing wise up and keep your personal life to your self and not publish it on face book

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Plan ahead talk to your doctor move BC

Have him get his red wings ; )


Sea sponge works a treat

Have sex with your period.


If you take the Pill, keep taking it

I have no advice on how to stop it but taking hot baths slows mine down some when I do have it. Also, if you do have it when he visits you could try having sex in the bath or shower as that would get rid of most evidence of having your period. My husband and I shower quick, just lay a black towel down and get busy and shower again afterwards lol

Ask GP for Primolut N you take it for a few days up to 10 days to delay your period

You’re doctor can give you a shot to take care of that

Lime juice tajin and a lil salt in shot glass is one I’ve heard lately.

If hes afraid of getting a little messy dp you realky even want him?? Lol joking.

large shot of pure lime juice

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Get your GP to write you a script got Primolut. :ok_hand:

You could also just take birth control.

Are u on the pill if so u can skip it all together

Ummm nothing wrong with period sex… :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: any man won’t care, and if they do, they’re not a man.


Fun can be had regardless. Js

Take it up the butt or do it while on your period

Just put a plug in it

There’s always shower sex :woman_shrugging:t3::joy:

Take birth control non stop and ur period won’t come

Or fck in the shower with the lights dim, lmao :ok_hand:t3::joy:

Don’t let ur period stop a fun time :rofl::rofl:

Accupressure points in the ankle

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you end your period early or stop it from coming? - Mamas Uncut

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Just put down a towel or hop in the shower. It may look like an Alfred Hitchcock scene but both of y’all will get there. God speed on your quest


Depends on your contraception , but sex on the P is great too if your guy is upto it. :slight_smile:


Looks like you were hit by a train :train2: from the waist thanks better luck next time.


Its good to have sex if he isn’t scared of blood… hellboy!!!

When I was working I in women’s health, women were planning their menstrual cycle around special occasions like their wedding by starting Depo-Prevera injections months prior to the occasion.

Depo-Prevera is a contraceptive that contains the hormone progestin. It is given as an injection every three months and it typically suppresses ovulation, keeping your ovaries from releasing an egg which either stops the cycle completely or lessens the flow. Some women reported spotting.

Extra lubricant! Or if he’s afraid of the blood he can play in the mud🤷🏻‍♂️ I personally like to play a full round. You know tee off at each hole🤷🏻‍♂️

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In uk the medication is called northesterone. Stops periods.

Yes there is a medication to stop it. Talk to your GP

Well if u want no more monthly visits go get ur reproductive organs removed problem solved

Yall be asking some dumb a$$ question’s, :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Girl…a little blood isint gonna kill anyone, put a towel down, you’ll be fine…its natural.

Bite the bullet forget about it and just put a towel down, we’re all adults here​:rofl::rofl:

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A good boyscout would lick right threw it

Get a boyfriend who worships your body 24/7, Get comfortable with all phases of your Yoni mama. You’ll be much happier.

Just take it up the ass

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With birth control you can

Danny Agnew you know this one.

Talk to your doctor .

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My sister takes hormone pills to make her uterine lining thicker so it stops shedding but that’s because the iud made her bleed for a month

Jackson Mcdiarmid Here you go girlfriend

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Ask your doc for Northisterone

Girl just have sex lol

Just giver in the shower :wink:

Tons of exercise may help :sweat_smile:

“Period Sex” That’s what’s it all about! And here’s a wonderful opportunity for your BoyFriend to prove his true love :heart: and earn his “BloodWings”!

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Well, you can but the method I know and used once, does have risks so do your research.

High levels of vitamin C WITHOUT rosehips… Used to be called the poor womans abortion.
It brought it about a week early.
Can cause kidney stones, learn the signs etc. Use with caution.

Norithestorone from the gp

Just give careful shower sex a shot ma’am.

Get knocked up before then


Sex. Sex will help it end quicker, and sex during your period can be very healthy and good for you vagina. Try it.

Put in a IUD you go to the doctors for that this stops your period completely


Have sex in the shower :shower: problem solved

I have a mirina coil haven’t bled for a year, maybe for the future and of course if you’re not looking to conceive

Drink lots and lots and lots of water and make sure you pee lots and lots and lots. Also stress has a factor in it all too.

Most men I don’t care about the blood, they are happy to just lay a towel down to protect protect the sheets and go on ahead with great sex-
And there are others that I don’t even know that you can’t just turn it off whenever you feel like it, if you’re going to keep having sex with this guy you should find out what his idea is. Start by just asking him has he ever had sex with a woman on her period-

If your on birth control pills, skip the week you get your period by starting on next months.

If he lives you , cares , it’s not a problem. It happens its life like everything else we are adults . It’s called Adulting .

You can take birth control pills and skip the sugar pill week and keep taking the next pack of bc pills and it will stop your period. My gyno had me do this for years and I had zero issues and when I was ready to try for. A baby there were no issues there either I got pregnant right away after not having a period for over five years.

Ask for the pill and skip the placebo week.