Can you have sex before your 6 week check postpartum check up?

Usually that will end with another child in 9 months but you got a 50/50 chance. Good luck, may the odds be ever in your favor. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My SIL did and had another baby which was 10 mos after the first!

I would absolutely not listen to the majority of these comments. Not only are you EXTREMELY fertile, you also have a giant healing wound and run a big risk of getting an infection.


I did it after less than 2 weeks with my daughter. And my Dr said If I’m liking it then she’s liking it.

It’s not recommended to have sex before the 6 weeks due to risk of infection, even if you didn’t have a tear or vaginal birth.

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Don’t do it unless you wanna go through same pain as you did 9 month’s priory to that I am living proof of that I have 12 months and 24 days between my kids x

I had sex 3 or 4 weeks PP because my pain was minimal and I wanted my partner to be happy. I had stitches in and afterwards they were not torn, but like stretched. They weren’t as tight as they were before, if that makes sense. I also ended up bleeding for a little bit after. And my pain went from minimal to extreme for a few days. I highly advise you don’t have sex before you get the okay. It’s not worth it, imo.

Edit to add: it also hurt like hell during the actual intercourse as well.

Yes at about 3-4 weeks after I was done bleeding.

Yes you can. My boys are 10 months and 14 days apart . :woman_facepalming:

They tell u 6 weeks for a reason…


You know… it’s not recommended…
I’m also not an idiot, so no.

I had a csection and had sex 4 weeks after having the baby. Definitely listen to your doctor but I also know my body well enough to know I was ready

Men can wait. Take care of your body.


First child no. I was too scared. Second child yes. Around 4 weeks with no issues.
It’s your body, your decision. If it still is sore down there then don’t do it. Wait until you’re 6 week check up.

Can you? Yes. Should you? No. You just pushed out a baby and now you have a gaping wound on the inside of your uterus where your placenta was attached. Please give your body some time to heal :heart:


I waited 8 weeks with my son and since I’m not in a relationship this time I won’t for a long time

No. Cos I was still bleeding

me and my uterus always cringe at these posts, you literally have an open wound and you’re usually fertile mertile after birth. Your doctor isn’t being mean when they say to wait at least 6 weeks +.
Trust, There ain’t no :eggplant: that’s worth risking a potentially life threatening infection for. :call_me_hand:t2:


Yeah lol my kids are 11 months apart i thought shit it would be alright but yeah def not wait till u get some birth control for some reason tho after u have a baby ur hormones are crazy and trying to talk u into having sex lol

Yes. I have 4 kids ages 2(twins) 3 and 4 years old. My 3 year old will be 4 in 2 days. My 4 year old will be 5 in 2.5 months. They are the same age for 2.5 months. I got pregnant 4 weeks PP.


With our youngest we had sex a day or 2 before me being 6 weeks but then decided to wait since I tore so bad and just got let know at that appointment :sweat_smile:.

I was already pregnant at my 6 week post partum check up


After 4 csections I k ow my body so I did it 3 weeks later after my last baby it’s not recommended but only u know your body no one else I also got my tubes done too with the last so I knew I wouldn’t get pregnant

Just know you’re extremely fertile right after you get birth so just get ready to give birth again LOL


I did at the 4 week mark and got pregnant again soooooo just be careful

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Yup as long as you feel up to it and you’re bleeding has stopped. No issues from it for me.

The reasons why you are not supposed to is because of INFECTION!


Let that kitty heal. Give him a blow job.


They tell you to wait for a reason.


You can yes but it is strongly recommended to wait until 6 weeks

There are various reasons why doctors do not recommend sexual intercourse after birth because we are prone to infection, healing, getting pregnant again, and overall it is painful. Personally, I did not bother to have sex until I hit the 3 month mark even then I wasn’t comfortable.


I was pregnant by six weeks LOL


Yup… I had another baby cause of that !

Ew. I’m almost 2 year post and I still don’t want to have sex :joy:


It’s your choice but, you are not supposed to have sex before 6 weeks as you have a open wound where the placenta was (about the size of a dinner plate or the plate in a microwave). Having sex before it has healed (takes 6 weeks) can lead to infection also they recommend giving you body 6 weeks to rest before doing exercises, heavy lifting and sex.


Yes and got pregnant at 4 weeks pp

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Yes just be careful not to get pregnant :joy:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you have sex before your 6 week check postpartum check up? - Mamas Uncut

I had a friend that recently did and caused her uterus to prolapse and had to have surgery. Other friends that have got pregnant right away. The worst was one of my friends got an infection and she didn’t realize what her pain was and dismissed it until she couldn’t handle it anymore then ended up having a full hysterectomy. I suggest waiting until your dr clears you.

The biggest concern should be that you have an internal wound the size of a dinner plate. Even if you feel healed and ready, you can cause internal bleeding.


For me the 1st time having sex after childbirth was quite painful. I had a c-section as my lady parts said hell no to passing a child through them. I imagine it would have been more painful if my kid used the door meant for her.

You arent supposed to because you are still healing and it can cause an infection and you have a higher chance of getting pregnant again.


I just saw that you have to wait because of the wound left in your uterus to avoid infection but no kids here. I just watch too much tik tok


My friend did…. Her kids are 10 1/2 months apart


I didn’t wait and now I have kids that are 10 1/2 months apart. Use protection because you are super fertile.

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You can but possiblity to get pregnant if you don’t use protection

You can if you feel comfortable. But obviously use protection. I personally couldn’t because it was painful. :joy: the doc that stitched me up stitched me up too much and ruined it.

My last 2 kids are 8.5 months apart!! So yes you can just be safe

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You should not before your six weeks check up. Your could get an infection!

I don’t have kids, but I think ur supposed to wait bc ur healing and yes there is a possibility of becoming pregnant again, so ur babies will literally be less than a year apart.

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My bestfriend didnt wait and her kids are 9 1/2 months apart

Yes but I tore when I gave birth so it tore one of my stitches and they added a few more weeks to my “healing time”. And I bled a little which made my boyfriend feel really bad but I was too needy to care :rofl: but be VERY careful! Your much more fertile!

Girl, I still wasn’t completely healed at 6 weeks! My opinion, NOOOOO. It wasn’t until 8/10 weeks postpartum that I was feeling better. Even then, my body didn’t completely regulate until I was about 8 months postpartum.


Yes I did and ended up having my son(27 now) & daughter(26now) 9 1/2 months apart! So just be careful especially if you don’t want your babies close together. I LOVED having mine so close cause it was so much easier! Also they have a GREAT RELATIONSHIP and always been real close they talk to each other if not everyday every other day! I LOVE the CLOSE BOND THEY HAVE! Sorry for the rant just wanted to let you know!

Yes have sex when you’re reAdy

It’s possible if you birthed vaginally but not if you’ve had a c-section. The risk of infection with a c-section means they really don’t like you to

My sister did and ended up pregnant her girls are exactly 10 month apart


You can do whatever you want. I worked with a lady that was out having a baby and when she came back to work on the 7th week after delivery, she was pregnant again. Dr.'s will tell you not to do that but it’s up to you to decide initially.

Yes and I ended up having a second baby 10 months later…lol

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Yes expect what they call Irish Twins!!

I say no! Please wait until your dr gives you the okay. Do other things but no penetration


Pretty sure the doctor told you you can absolutely get pregnant again right away. My sister’s are 11 months apart. Lol

I didn’t wait the 6weeks as soon as C-section pain was gone I went for it. No problems. I’ve had 3csections

You are to wait because of a few reasons so I would wait

Yup and my kids are 10 months apart

My MIL did my husband and his brother are 10 months apart -
Me - just Nope 8 - I was 8months later -

My aunt went bk for her 6wk chk up and was pregnant again.

I did but I had c-section and it didn’t hurt and I wasn’t bleeding and it only happened once

I know a lady who did u are extremely fertile for 12 weeks after ur baby is born the lady I know did 3 weeks after and got pregnant so make sure u use protection if u don’t want to get pregnant straight away

I did 4 days later with stitches :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face: and did not get pregnant

I had a c section and we did 3 weeks pp.

Yes and got pregnant so I had 2 kids 11 months apart. This was 40 years ago.

Yes and you can get pregnant

I did and now I have Irish twins. Lmao they are 11months apart & it’s like having actual twins.

You can but you’re real fertal & it’s possible you can feel pain

Yes, I did twice. I did after ea of my boys. (I have 2 boys, 3 total) keep in mind you still need to use birth control. I did, used a condom & didn’t end up pregnant

Yes and my kids are 9months and 2 weeks apart :joy:

Sure did and mine was a c section. I was fine :woman_shrugging:t2: we waited 3 weeks.

Yep. 2nd baby 9 mths later!!!

I did &. No problems

You’re asking a world full of sex addicts :grin: we don’t wait even a day.

I did after all my kids but I didn’t tear or rip either

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you have sex before your 6 week check postpartum check up? - Mamas Uncut

I was given the okay to as long as we were careful and used a condom before I left the hospital I also had a c section so if you weren’t given the okay yet I would just wait

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No. You technically can however you have a wound the size of a dinner plate so for me it’s not worth the risk of infection


My mom didn’t wait the 6 weeks after having my older brother. Long story short, were 10 months apart and she had a very difficult time while we were small.


If your dr said to wait the 6 weeks then you should. The reason they tell you to wait is due to infection AND you’re extremely fertile during that time.
Please don’t take advice against that of your doctor from Facebook.


Doctors advice against it for several reasons. Not only are you a bit more fertile after having a baby and can get pregnant instantly but you’re also healing. You may feel ok on the outside and feel normal but you’re still healing on the inside. Because you’re not fully healed you can get an infection. It’s just not worth the risk. It’s only 6 weeks, give your body time to heal.


Girl don’t do it. Seriously. The risk of infection is not worth it. Doesn’t feel great the first time after anyways :joy: you have a plate :plate_with_cutlery: size wound on your uterus from the placenta. Not worth it girl


You can but doctors advise against it for a reason. You are highly susceptible to infection, as well as another pregnancy. It is not worth the health risk.


I’m sorry but I hate this question! Your doctor tells you 6 weeks for a reason. You just put your body through the most traumatic thing it can withstand. It will not kill you or your partner to wait the 6 weeks. You are risking infections, possibly another baby very quickly after the one you just had, and probably pain. Let yourself heal!

So the answer is… Yes, you can, many people do… But wait! Doctors tell you this for a reason.


I personally would wait. I tried it at 4 weeks and it always hurt a lot. I found 6-8 weeks was a decent amount of time and it didn’t hurt as much.

A close friend of mine didn’t wait and ended up with a very serious infection and is now infertile because of it. The pain it caused her in more ways than one is heartbreaking.

Please let your body heal. It’s not worth it.


I did before the 6 weeks! I had a perfect pregnancy and labour! We used a condom and were slow! We had no issues at all, no pain!
Each to their own girl :kissing_heart:

I did 2 weeks after my second and I was fine :woman_shrugging: didnt hurt me you want what you want!


Your placenta has left a dinner plate size wound inside of you and your cervix is open so it’s a massive massive risk of infection that can kill you, your also super fertile and this is how you end up with Irish twins… but seriously the bleeding may have stopped but that wound is healing and it’s not a small one, you can have sexy time without actual intercourse and if your partner can figure that out then send them to the interwebs


I did after two weeks and it wasn’t painful but my bleeding definitely lasted a little longer than it should have. I didn’t end up pregnant again (at least that time :joy:) or with an infection. To each their own. There are definitely risks but it’s all up to you really.

Okay, it’s possibly, but no matter how you feel you still have a LARGE OPEN WOUND inside you. So just…. don’t risk infection for a few minutes of what’s probably going to be pretty painful anyways


:rofl: I mean good for you if you want to. That was the last thing I wanted to do even after my 6 week check up :rofl: but obviously like most are commenting be careful you DO NOT want to end up back in the hospital with an infection or end up pregnant again so soon


6 weeks is due to the placenta leaving a wound the size of a dinner plate inside of you. So if you are ok with risking an infection or a baby then go for it. Otherwise wait the 6 weeks and get birth control.


Well yeah… You’re just very very fertile… And have a really high chance of having a baby right now