Can you have sex before your 6 week check postpartum check up?

First kid was a forcep delivery born at 33 weeks me and baby daddy were back into it by the 4th day I had no stitches and recovered really well, it’s your body listen to it !!! As for my second kid nothing has since come out or in of my vagina since he was born and he is now 6 months old !!! We all have a preference ahahaha

I did within a few days. I was NOT waiting! I just couldn’t :woman_shrugging:


Things like this make me want to leave moms groups :joy: they literally tell you before you leave the hospital. Check your paperwork. You have a giant wound inside your uterus. Let your body heal!


Yup was about 3/4weeks I was fine. Go slowly go with your body and use a condom😊

Im at 4 weeks pp tomorrow and i am NOT ready to have sex plus before my 6 weeks check i aint on birth control. Its whatever you are comfortable with but please be careful.

I waited 3 weeks, and did it at my own risk of infection, there is also a big risk of getting pregnant again, if not using protection or birth control, I had stopped bleeding and felt up to it, and was on birth control from birth, didnt get an infection, and never had any issues, apparently I heal fast.

Hell yes. 9 days and 12 days post baby for me.


Not judging anybody but yall really couldn’t wait 6 weeks​:rofl::rofl: i was in too much pain and wayyyy too tired for my husband to even look at me lol


Probably almost every mom has but definitely use protection cause if not you will have kids less than a year apart.

Yes :raised_hands: as long as you feel okay

Yes…after all those years in medical school; doctors, nurses, midwives and surgeons just make up rules for their patients to inconvenience them all. Totally fine to get laid with a giant hole in you uterus



I did. I was pregnant at my 6 week check-up


I did … but then again I didn’t care if I died or what ever so yeh lol … I guess its up to u … after all it is your body

Yes. Go…slowwwwww…use protection

I waited 3 weeks im awful :disappointed:

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Five babies and I never waited. My OB didn’t recommend it for me. He told me to use protection, take it slow and to decide when I was ready. Everyone is different though.

Definitely not recommended

I did and got pregnant. My oldest two are 10 months and 9 days apart. They are now both 18 and the oldest one will be turning 19 next month.


I did and it ripped me open and I needed more stitches. My ex would not take “too soon” for an answer. Took another 3 months before I was able to.

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I would not do it if you do not want to have a kid again I would advise you two wait

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Yep my kids are 9months and 2 weeks apart


Yes and you can also get pregnant again.

Never made it the full six weeks all 3 times. But you’re the most fertile so have to be extra careful.

I didn’t want anyone to touch me for months after I gave birth. Husband had to dig into his spank bank. :joy::joy:

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Ugggghh Geezuz give your poor coochie a rest! :woman_facepalming::joy:


No you have a plate sized wound you could get infected

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They literally tell you not to have sex until AFTER your postpartum check up. Once you’re given the green light by your obgyn, then go for it.

My sister did and ended up pregnant :sweat_smile:

I had all 3 natural births…
my first baby… no friggin way in hell lol
I wasnt even thinking about sex AT ALL lol
I was bleeding alot and in alot of pain …bled the whole 6 weeks. I was only obsessed with my baby and nothing else :rofl:
With my last 2 children (born back to back)
…Dr gave the go ahead after around 3 weeks pp… right after I stopped bleeding …he just said go easy and use a condom lol.
Remember no matter how good you may feel , you still have a prettt big wound inside healing still. And your also extremely fertile …that’s how we got our 3rd baby so quickly🤣 although all our pregnancies were planned
I wouldn’t recommend back to back pregnancies.(js)
…medically we had a time restriction to have our third baby or never have any more…so we went ahead and had our 3rd son…
If I was given a choice to wait I would have for many reasons…but wasn’t in the cards for us. …which is fine now :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:
Goodluck! And congratulations!

What’s the rush :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

after 2 weeks we got a little drunk and shit happened not gonn lie it mf hurt the next day

Ya … About that… Im 34 and have 7 kids… Never waited more then 2/3 weeks… Hence why i have 7…


Sure can but your chances of becoming pregnant again right away are very high. Best to give your body the time to heal first.

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The reason it is not advisable is that where your placenta detached left a plate sized wound in your uterus and needs time to heal. Sex can cause infection its not about stitches or no stitches its about your uterus needing that time

I did with my second at 3 weeks pp

u have a stone cooch id be running if he even tried


Sarah Simone Singleton 10mths apart

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Suck some dick and suck it up it’s only 6 weeks you have a huge dinner plate sized wound that’s INSIDE and that you CANT SEE but if you wanna run the risk of a huge nasty infection all for some dick be my guest :joy:

Yes. Just be CAREFUL

If it doesn’t hurt go for it but you are verrrrryyyy fertile lol

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it was 5 days after my last one that we waited.

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I wouldn’t advise it , the risk of infection is very high not worth the risk or taking longer to heal from the trauma of birth because of it :cry:


I did 3 weeks pp, annnnnnnnd got pregnant again :sweat_smile:

Just wait, you have plenty of time to get it on, you are also very fertile and could very likely get pregnant again so close …

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you have sex before your 6 week check postpartum check up? - Mamas Uncut

you can do what you want but its not recomended

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I did and everything was healed properly. It’s not recommended due to the big hole from your placenta, they want you to avoid risk of infection.


Yes, you can. But do what’s best for you. You know your body better than anyone.


I did because my bleeding had stopped after about 4 weeks. My midwife said they like to make sure your cervix has closed to reduce infection risk, so in the future if I stop bleeding before 6 weeks and am comfortable enough to have sex to make a quick appointment just to do a cervical check before.

You can. As soon as you feel ready and comfortable. All depends on how your delivery went some need more time to heal than others

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My first baby we had sex a week after and our second baby was closer to two weeks. Whatever you feel comfortable with and just be careful. Everybody heals differently :woman_shrugging:t3:


You can do it but you run the risk of a really bad infection. It takes 6 weeks for the wound in your uterus to fully heal even after bleeding.


I went back for my 6 week checkup after a c-section and was pregnant with my last kid.


You can. But me personally I didn’t because I had stitches and was honestly very sore down there for months after.c and i was so scared of getting pregnant again so I waited until I got my birth control. So it all up to you and what you feel is best for your body. But remember even if the bleeding had stopped and you feel ok your uterus is still healing on the inside.

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You can. Everything will depend on your circumstance and healing. We personally tried at 2 weeks, but my body wasn’t ready. It was at 3 weeks and everything healed properly no problems, however I had an emergency c section making my experience different than someone who delivered naturally.

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No. I know someone who didn’t wait and got an infection from it. Was 4 wks postpartum too. Listen to the doctors.


Everyone is different and heals at their own pace. You will know if it’s too soon. Congratulations btw!

Thats how u go from 1 to 100 real quick…

My dr told me if I was comfortable I could but to use a condom to prevent infection and not get pregnant again bc your very fertile after you give birth

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You will get an infection.


Yeah you can, but it will depend on your level of healing. For me, I had uncomplicated vaginal births and I was healed by about 4.5 weeks pp. some people aren’t even ready until after 6 weeks. I wouldn’t do anything earlier than 4 weeks though. And use protection in case

Yes. I actually know someone who went in for her 6 weeks check up and found out she was pregnant again. Lol


No, it’s not really the smartest idea considering you have a big open wound inside of your body from the placenta.
You should wait till 6 weeks to avoid risk of infections! :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes and I was pregnant at 6 week checkup !!!


I did around 3 weeks with my first (husband was about the leave for deployment :rofl::grimacing:)
And then around 4 weeks with our second kid.
Everything was healed properly and nothing was uncomfortable but it’s not recommend due to infection risks.
That being said nothing happened to me.

I did 2 out of 3 times but I waited at least 4 weeks before attempting. I healed fast and had no pain. I was honest with my doctor about it and she didn’t seem concerned at all just gave me a pregnancy test to make sure I hadn’t gotten pregnant during that very fertile time. If you don’t feel sore then go for it. Just use protection and take it slow and when your doc asks at your check up just be honest with them. You won’t get yelled at. Lol


I had sex at 3 weeks depends on your body

I made it 12 days! Lol


Sure did and 9 months later had another baby! :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Can you? Sure. Should you? No. You have essentially a large open wound and are not only at risk for an infection but also pregnancy. I works listen to your doctor and wait for them to clear you for sexual activity. It’s just not worth the risks IMO. :woman_shrugging:


Not a good idea. Your body needs to heal


I was already pregnant at my 6 week post partum


:raising_hand_woman:t5: All 5 times. (3 wks vag & 4-5 wks C-sections)
My body & libido were ready, & did NOT need the Dr’s okay.

My 1st no I wasn’t comfortable doing anything until 8 weeks vaginal delivery my twins I was going low and slow by 3 weeks c section. Just depends on how comfortable u are with the healing. If u do before 6 weeks I’d just say dont over do it. Ultimately the decision is up 2 u. Just as a friendly reminder though u are extremely fertile until u get ur cycles back so u might be taking that risk if u dont want kids close in age be extremely careful. Good luck hope that helped.

Just wait heal up then go hard use protection so you don’t get pregnant right away :relaxed:

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If you don’t want to be smart, have sex.

I did and when I went back for my check up I was pregnant again! Oops


What you don’t see inside is what is healing and needs that 6 to 8 weeks to heal.

Reason for a 6 week check up is to either extend that healing process or release you back into work flow and sex.

You have open areas inside that need to heal or putting anything inside you is open to infection. Including tampons.


I did after a c section however I felt like I was ready, no pain etc

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It happens but I’d suggest letting your body heal fully. There is still a wound where you placenta was that can get infected etc.

I waited 2 weeks everyone’s body is different xxxxx


I did at 3/4 weeks. Obviously it’s not recommended because you may not be healed all the way, but if you’re comfortable with it just be careful.


I made it 12 days before I was pregnant again :rofl: be careful

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Hubby and I had sex 1 week after our baby was born. No infection. No problems. No pain. Everyone’s body is different.

I did and ended up pregnant with my 3rd :sweat_smile: safe to say my midwife RIPPED me a new one :joy:


I did after having 3 c sections. Your body knows when you’re ready. I mostly just waited for the bleeding to stop. Not extremely painful but I recommend to go slow. :blush:

I didn’t with either of mine (both c sections) because I was in a lot of pain and I could barely tolerate moving, let alone sex. Definitely wasn’t for me lol. But if you feel super ready, people do it all the time. Go for it.

My last 2 baby were c sections we waited 7 days the first baby and 8 days the second. :grimacing: It was fine.

11 months in my girls, dont do it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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With my first I waited 4 weeks. Only had a 1 degree tear and by then I felt my body was ready. Now my second is 6 weeks old today. His delivery was a helluva lot different with multiple tears and having been cut I definitely didn’t feel ready at 4 weeks like I did with my first. I waited until after my exam. So this time around I was a few days shy of 6 weeks as I had my exam on Friday. Everybody is different and heals differently. If you feel you’re ready then that’s fine. Obviously be cautious and use protection even if youre on birth control as youre still pretty fertile right now. Ive been on birth control for 3 weeks now and we will continue to use condoms until I feel comfortable enough to not.

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You aren’t going to die waiting 6 weeks. You could possibly die not listening to your doctor. Like I hate this question so much and can’t believe it’s asked so much. Smh.


There is no set rule that says you can’t, but for your safety I wouldn’t. They tell you to wait 6 weeks for several reasons one being that your insides aren’t not fully heald yet, and you may get a infection.

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Just make sure ur both clean from the day(after shower) and take it easy. No pounding. We waited about 3 weeks and i couldn’t take it anymore. I ripped up towards my clit on both sides as well. Ur body will tell u wen its ready. Just be careful

It is possible of course it it also a very real possibility of having a second baby in the same year… js

I had 250 stitches so I waited a whole 6 months :joy: all natural and I’m never doing it again


My husband and I started messing around after the first week and then by the second my bleeding was completely gone. We hit the sheets after that :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yup and now i have a set of Irish twins


Yes, and went to my six week check up and found out I was pregnant again :grimacing: they are 10 months and 11 days apart.

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Yes. You can. Listen to your body. With one of my kids we waited 2 weeks. Be careful the first time and do it protected so you don’t go back to the doctor pregnant at 6 weeks!

Glad to see where the priorities of some of y’all are. Personally, no way in hell would I risk infection or another baby before my first is even 6 weeks old… enjoy your new baby for a little bit first. :upside_down_face: