For mamas who formula feed. What are your opinions on microwaving bottles?
I did. Just have to be careful of hot spots. I usually only did it to get bottles hot for trips out and by the time she needed it, it was the right temp.
Personally i recommend buying a cheap bottle warmed. About $10 and imo totally worth it.
It can be done just not highly recommended, if you do make sure it’s the same temp throughout
Do it for no longer than 15 seconds at a time and keep shaking it in between.
Two points here. Mine only drank cold formula and secondly you shouldn’t microwave as it can create hot spots in it which could cause burning.
I pumped and bottle fed for the first little bit and I just warmed it up on the stove in a pot. I always try to avoid the microwave if possible to lessen the amount of radiation. Whatever works for you mama
Bottle warmers, you can get them for like 10 bucks
You can microwave the water before you put the formula in is what my pediatrician told me with my kids.
I’m sure it lowers the nutrition level significantly.
I always put a pot of water on the stove, set the bottle in the water then test on your wrist
I did it. And my daughter is a perfectly healthy 12 year old. Just shake frequently to avoid hot spots
I microwaved every now and then. I just made sure to shake up the milk and be wary of hot spots.
Or create your own “warmer” by microwaving some water in bowl then setting the bottle in the water to more evenly warm it up.
Its quick, cheap, and easy as well as helps avoid the hot spots in the formula
Noo! You can microwave a bowl or cup of water and place bottle in that
I did it for 5 seconds at a time and shook the shit out of it and tested it first on my wrist.
Get a bottle warmer. They work great!
Never microwave formula or breast
If you have a crock pot you could put water in it and keep it warm throughout the day and set the bottle of cold formula in it for like 5-10 min depending how hot it is. Would basically act as a bottle warmer lol.
No, just micro a cup of water super hot and put the bottle in that.
No!! It makes hot spots and can leave blisters in baby’s mouth.
I just used room temp
Personally towards the end of our baby milk career I did microwave but like 10 seconds at a time. I know you’re not supposed to bc it kills good bacteria and other such and such but he was and is an amazing eater so I never feared he was being deprived by my lack of milk warmer or other “proper” heating methods.
No I would either use a bottle warmer or heat it up in water on the stove, never put a bottle in the microwave
Make sure you warm the cool boiled water on its own… so have your bottles done out with your hot water for the day and night etc. Then when needed, pop in the plain water and heat for 20-30 second’s all depends. Then add your formula and good shake. No hotspots can form as formula added after not before. I was told this way by my sister in law and it is a god send. Especially in the nights , I have baby feeding in less than 3 mins. So no crying hungry baby waiting around x
You can if you want to risk burning your babies mouth. It says not to on the can of formula.
Never. Never ever use a microwave to heat a bottle
I warmed up my babies in a coffee cup, then poured it into a bottle. Avoided hot spots that way. But my kids preferred room temp or cold bottles after about 6 weeks.
You can work the water first then add formula then there no hot spots
Hot water in a bowl but never microwaved
Nope. You’ll never get to the right temperature and it takes out the nutrients. I just always had baby bottles full of water left out at room temp and added formula when I needed a bottle.
Never ever microwave… if you want to warm it then run it under hot water. Honestly when I formula fed I never warmed the formula and my kids loved it
My kids all drank room temperature formula. There was no need to warm it up. If I had to I would run it under hot water to just take the chill off.
Use hot tap water🤷‍♀️
Use a tea kettle and warm up the water stays warm during the day then at night same thing for night time bottles
Its the only way I’ve ever done it. Shake it well, let it settle from the bubbles and feed
I just always made the water warm from the tap
I used a bottle warmer at night and microwave during the day. I always shook the bottle fiercely after microwaving though, and tested several squirts on my wrist. Never burnt either kid, and they both grew up healthy.
When my bottle warmer broke I would boil water in a cup then out the bottle in the water to warm it up. It never worked as good as the bottle warmer.
Use a bottle warmer.
We had a specialized bottle warmer that you sit the bottle in. It worked great but you have to make sure you shake it up really good after and of course test it on your inner wrist
Noo don’t… just put hot water … and put bottle in
I’ve always used a microwave to warm them up. It was just easier for my house to make bottles for the day and then heat…
I second the Bottle Warmer! They are a life saver! And very affordable.
I always did, but mine only liked like warm so i just always made sure to shake and test temps so no hot spots
We brough a bottle warmer its the nuk steam one & its fantastic x
No, I would make the bottle and then run hot water over the outside of the bottle to warm it up a little bit.
I always used microwave
They say you shouldn’t, but if you let common sense prevail, you will be fine.
Stove top heating is better in my opinion
All I ever needed was a cup of hot water to set the bottle in
Bottle warmer will save you time!
I used the microwave, but for the water only.
My kids liked their formula room temperature better
You’re gonna get a variety of opinions on this, I did it with my kid and she’s fine but alot if people say don’t do it… Idk why but
I used boiling hot water on stove and putting the bottle in testing it every couple seconds
I boil the kettle fill the bottle to the right amount of water I do three bottles at a time (more when baby was small) I then just add the formula to the water whenever baby needed a feed, easiest way trust me plus the bottles never go cold just to room temp or if baby likes a warmer bottle I would fill the bottle up say over half way then top bottle up with boiling water when baby needs a feed
I used a single serve crockpot… I just filled with water and put on low and left it on refilling every so often when the water was low. I would make the bottle then put in crockpot go change him by the time I got back it was ready
I’ve always microwaved the water. Do a few test bottles so you know the right timing to temperature and it’s fine
Just get a bottle warmer.
Never microwave.
Room temperature nursey water was an easy solution. Worked well for my boys and saved me a lot of time and sanity
I put water in a cup, microwave it then put the bottle in the hot water. I never microwaved a bottle.
I always microwaved for 30 sec just shake well and test it before you give it to baby
I used to warm a cup of water in the microwave and put the bottle in the warm water to warm it up
I heat the water up in the microwave then add formula & always test it on my wrist. I find the right amount of time for however much water goes in the bottle and do it consistently until we go up in volume.
No. Run under hot water and rotate the bottle
They say not to because it could heat the water unevenly but if you mix it then shouldn’t it distribute the heat? For the most part I would make the bottle and then place the bottle in hot water but there have been a few 2 feeding feedings where baby was screaming and I said screw it a nuked the water for a few seconds before adding the formula.
Make the bottle up as normal pop in the microwave for 20/25 seconds. Did them no harm saves boiling a pan, kettle or running a tap. Go with what you think. X
Here come the Karen comments
They not to but my kids are fine. I usually just did the water and then added the scoops of formula. When you use a microwave you risk having hot spots, just make sure you shake it super well and test of your forearm
I used to microwave for 30 seconds at a time take it out, shake it so it mixes it around, wrist check (spray milk on wrist) if it isn’t warm enough put it back in if its perfect give it to her
They say not to use the microwave because it is meant to heat the milk unevenly but if you are careful and use common sense using a microwave should be fine
The water sure why not but don’t warm the powder and water together its not good for it
NO! don’t do that just run it under hot water so you don’t burn baby
It’s formula use tipid water to mix it?
I never warmed any of my daughters bottles. Just room temp water.
You should not microwave the actual formula because of what it does to the nutrients. As for warming the water up in the microwave, I do it in a glass and then pour that into the bottle. My midwife and sons pediatrician said it was just fine as long as the formula and the bottle themselves didn’t get microwaved.
Yes you can! Shake it and test it first obviously
I used bottled water at room temperature for both my girls and it worked fine for them
Its because the milk warms from the middle so risk of baby burning mouth. I used the microwave with my last 2 babys n theyre fine. Just make sure u shake the bottle well after warming it then test the temperature after shaking
Yes just shake very well to avoid hot spots
I warm up my bottles in the microwave! 25 seconds is fine !
Heat up in a jug of boiled water dont microwave as ot heats inacuratly and you can get hot spots even i u shake it and could burn babys mouth xx
I use warm water with my bottles so I don’t have to use the microwave to warm them up
I couldn’t not add to this, please always use boiling hot water to make formula bottles, as this kills any bacteria in the milk, this is also why bottles need to be sterilised, and formula made up in a sterilised bottles. Best way to warm bottles is by running them under a warm tap or sitting bottle in a dish of warm water. just hope this helps someone
I used to put the bottle with water in the microwave for 20-ish seconds, take it out and shake it, add my formula and shake it again.
Microwave a bowl of water then set bottle on the hot water till warm
I just used bottled water at room temp
Mine were breastfed but I pumped and thawed milk regularly and I would advise using room temperature distilled water and warm it in a bowl of warm water or under the faucet. The danger of warming bottles in the microwave is that it can heat unevenly and can burn baby’s mouth. Obviously I can’t tell you what to do but if you use a microwave just test the temperature before you give it to the baby and don’t add the formula until after it’s warmed.
Nuke the water, add the formula after.
I did with some one my kids when they were on bottles
I do with my daughters milk, I just make sure I shake it a bit so there are no hot spots
I warmed the water in the microwave then mix in the formula and shake. Let it settle to get rid of bubbles.
No microwaves, they create hot spots and don’t warm evenly. You can accidentally scald your baby.
We used a bottle warmer at night to warm the refrigerated bottles, but just warm temperature water during the day. My kiddo never cared too much what temperature his bottles were honestly.
Just use room temperature water. I have used the microwave just shake very very very well.
I did with mine and they turned out fine. I just put it in for short bursts like 30 seconds or less
Why not buy a bottle warmer??? The one I have i got for my baby shower but my grandma paid like $15 for it and it uses steam to warm the bottle. It’s a first years brand and it works like a charm I have used it for almost a year now! My daughter will not eat a room temperature bottle and heating bottles actually lessens likelyhood of colic and or helps with colic
I do, you get the proper idea for time eventually. Just have to make sure to mix it really well afterwards so the temperature is the same all the way through, however not to rough that it breaks down the proteins.
I uses a microwave, until I got a bottle warmer, my daughter is now 2 and healthy. 🤷🏻‍♀ all parents have their own opinions.
I had weird kids. They only wanted room temp or ice cold
I was told not to because it heats unevenly and can have really hot spot and cold spots. For an even heat either invest in a bottle warmer or heat up a large mug with a little bit of water in it. I did that and it worked fine!