Can you microwave a bottle to warm it up?

I boiled the kettle and let it get to room temperature.

NO! Get a bottle warmer

You can microwave them. People say hot spots but you’re supposed to shake them up after so then there won’t be hot spots. If you’re using powdered formula you can use tap water if its city water anyways


Yeah I did. & shake shake shake ( apparently microwaves put hot spots in the milk )


You can but you shouldn’t for a few reasons.

  1. microwave ovens wreck important nutrients in food
  2. it creates hot spots
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I always heat up the water first! Before putting formula in and my daughter is just fine


I would warm up the water then add formula. 30 seconds was always good enough to make it warm.


I always have , good shake and test thou


I did with both mine and they are both fine :woman_shrugging:


I just used warm tap water for powder formula. I got a bottle warmer later on as a gift and it was very convenient.

Room temperature water is fine for formula. I only warmed breastmilk!

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I was lucky my son used room temp water. I just kept bottled water in the room. That way if we went to dinner I did not have to heat it up. My son was in the nicu for 12 weeks and the RN told me this trick.


Just like with food, microwaves don’t evenly heat. So warming a bottle could result in super warm parts of the formula. Even with shaking, it never really evens out. I would suggest a bottle warmer

Yes, I warmed the water first then added the formula.
Make sure to shake well though to avoid hot spots.

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I was always told that was a big no-no.

You can get a filtered water pitcher and leave it in the counter to use room temp water… I used the microwave and just shook it after. When you have a screaming baby you don’t have time to wait for the stupid warmer :rofl::rofl: I never made mine too warm in the microwave… Just enough to not be cold


Get a bottle warmer or put bottle of milk in pan of water on stove

Never the microwave. Used warm water to mix the powdered formula with… If it was a bottle that needed heating I ran it under the tap (hot water) to do so.

I did with mine And nothing bad happened

I used the microwave and my daughter is fine I’m not even sure why the tell you not too :person_shrugging:

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No plastic in microwave activates carcinogens.

Honestly it’s just easier to make room temperature bottles than to have to worry about that


Please don’t! Microwave leaves hot spots in the water. It could burn baby’s mouth & throat. I’ve always put it in a hot glass of water & shake it really good or use room temperature water

You’re not supposed to but I have before. Now I just use water bottles and leave them at room temp

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The main reason people use to say not was cause the plastic wasn’t bpa free. Its changed since then. So maybe its safe now I would research it yourself to make sure

Be careful because it can scald the baby. If u do shake the bottle and always test on your wrist

I’ve always been told no because you can have hot spots in it and burn baby. I had to warm up my nicu baby’s formula and invested in a small bottle warmer. I’ll list a fairly cheap one that even doubles as a sterilizer. : Bottle Warmer, GROWNSY 6-in-1 Fast Baby Milk Warmer for Breastmilk or Formula, Accurate Temperature Control, With Defrost, Sterili-zing, Keep, Heat Baby Food Jars Function : Baby

Never warmed any of my bottles. We just bought the jugs of distilled water at room temperature. It’s fast and easy no need to take time to warm it up.

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I would microwave the bottle with only water in it, THEN add the formula.

I always sat the bottle in a cup of warm water for a min r two

Do not heat.

I never did…

My Dr said to make several bottles (either with pre made…no water… Or powder) with regular tap water. Put all but one in fridge.
Leave one on counter to get at room temp… When you grab that one to feed baby… Pull one out of fridge to warm to room temp on counter.

Formula does not need heated. It is fine with tap water or bottle water.

No. I would use a bottle warmer. You can find lots that are surprising fast and affordable.

Everyone will say no for various reasons. I will admit tho I did alot of times when need be. My son never had any problems. Just always triple check as it can be unevenly heated

Honestly if you want to, microwave for a very short amount of time, shake it, test the temp.

I only microwaved bottles once my boy was 1 and on cows milk, for a little baby id say no, as it can heat it up unevenly, first squirt may be cold, but next be hot. I had two jugs, one i kept hot, other boiled then left cold, so i could mix the two for the perfect temp that bubs could drink straight away! :smiling_face:

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Yes, just not the teat

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I did it with my first bc I didn’t know any better but I always checked the temp on my wrist but now being a mom of 4 with my others I found it easier to just make a bottle when needed and buy gallons/bottles of water and just keep it room temp.

I used to microwave in short increments (10-15 seconds) at a time shake and check between till as warm as wantwd

Room temp is just fine. But if you have a picky baby that likes it warm, warm just the water up first and then mix the formula.

I have a water dispenser that has hot and cold settings in addition to a bottle setting that pours perfectly warm bottle temp water. I wish I had it when I had babies!

I used to keep my sons milk in the fridge then microwave it to warm it up so he didnt get tummy ache…never had any issues with doing that x

5 kids and always had a thermos on standby. Waited until the kettle was Boiled then cooled to bottle temp and filled. Ish saved my life in the middle of the nights :joy:

Microwave in a glass or ceramic jug in 10 second bursts. It need to only reach 36C.

They actually tell you not to use a microwave because of hot spots. They prefer you to heat water on the stove in a pan and use that instead. Words of a nurse I am working with

Microwave water. Then add formula.

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We have a water cooler that also has a hot water option. We would use a bit of hot water and the rest cold to make it lukewarm. Now that he’s on just milk, we do microwave it for 30 seconds

What I have done is just warmed up water for 20 seconds depends on how hot your microwave gets, you may need to add time or less time, but after heating up water then I make sure it’s not hot and put formula in bottle.

Microwave a bowl of water and put the bottle in the water. I was told to never microwave a bottle. It makes the bottle hot to the touch and unevenly heats the milk. Always be sure to test any heated bottle on your wrist before giving to baby!

Can i dare say and i feel im gonna get some negative comments i always used nursery water at room temp with formula powder for 5 babies strong and healthy older children now …it saved so much time and energy just kept it all next to my bed so in the middle of the nighg fill bottle with water add formula shake realy good and bam!!!


I warm the water in microwave, 8oz 20secs. Pour formula scoops and shake very well.

I got my son so used to warm water he doesn’t drink room temp water :woman_facepalming: not even now at almost 9 months

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Yes a few seconds or bottle warmers are great! After a while I just stopped. I used room temp or cold.

I used a bottle warmer for the first 5 months. And then I started using the microwave. Much faster and as long as you shake it well there shouldn’t be any issues. But the first couple of times check it on your wrist to get the temp right :smiling_face:

I measure boiled water in small bottles and put it in the fridge. I also measure out formula into the little containers. So when I need to do a bottle, I heat the water for 30secs in microwave, put it in my preferred bottle for bub and add the pre measured formula. It makes it easier for me

Nooooo! Too risky smh

Ok if you’re smart about it, it’s fine. I did BUT I did it for like 15 seconds at a time. Maybe 20 MAX. Any more and yes hot spots. So quick zap, shake and another 15 seconds and it’s fine. But I taught my little guy that room temperature was good so 15 seconds was enough most of the time. There are sources that say that zapping it can kill nutrients and stuff and I’m not a doctor so I can’t speak to that. But I did it once in a while if needed in a pinch. If you worry about it, a bottle warmer is super cheap and works fast ish.

I’ve microwaved or used a bottle warmer. Microwave is easier. I would just do little bits before you figure out the exact time you need. I always shook the bottle and checked the temp before I gave it to my daughter and I do the same for my newborn. I would shack it because you can get hot spots. I do up my formula before bed and keep it in the fridge

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I always made fresh with boiled water in a thermos and cold water next to my bed… if leftovers, i just threw it away…

put the bottle in a cup with hot water.

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Do whatever you want. Your baby your way


Use bottled water. And it should be room temperature,not warm. No microwave!

I just put it in hot water and. Shake it

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I always used hot water and cup on my first but took ages especially if baby was hungry but on my second microwave worked a treat :raised_hands:t2: few seconds and it’s perfect

I always used room temperature water for my son .

I have always mixed boiled water that has been cooled down with formula and save in the fridge then heat in the microwave as required.

No you shouldn’t…it unevenly heats it. Use hot water or a bottle warmer

I don’t I microwave a cup water for 30-45 seconds and and put the bottle inside of that for 1 minute and it’s usually warm if not keep it in the water long but it’s not recommended because it can cause hot spots in the formula when you put it directly in the microwave since it doesn’t heat evenly

Yes you can. Shake after & check on your wrist before giving it to baby.


No. Microwaves heat from the outside in, it won’t heat evenly and can result in burns to ur baby. Use a cup of water or a bottle warmer.

I just use warm water from the sink instead of warming it up

When my kiddos were babies I would turn the water faucet on hot and stick the bottle in another cup or coffee mug. Turn the stream of water so where it hits the bottle enough to where it makes it spin. It usually heated up fast and because it was spinning heated evenly.

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Absolutely. Always check it before giving it to baby first though. And always put formula in after otherwise it takes away all the good nutrients.


Yes but shake it and check it before giving it to your baby.


I microwaved my kids bottles. No issues. I dont see what the problem is


I have 3 kids and I always did…I would mic the water and then add the formula and shake vigorously and test on the front of my hand or wrist to ensure it wasnt too hot.
Never hurt mine :woman_shrugging:t4:

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I did for all 4 of my boys they are now 23,25,30,and 32 no issues just make sure to shake it good when you take it out

Just buy a bottle warmer. Warms it up in 3 minutes

I always just used room temperature water with all 3 of mine and never had issues

I didn’t…it doesnt heat evenly… also take the nipple off before you microwave it… because it can melt inside and burn your baby.

I always did :woman_shrugging: just swirl it around after heated, and check on your wrist that its not too warm.

Room temp. It doesn’t have to be heated.

Not after you add the formula. Zap the water 1st, shake to ensure temp, then add powder.

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I nursed/pumped but our doctor said to never heat anything in microwave so idk lol

I also put it in a bowl of running hot water.

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Don’t do it. It doesn’t heat evenly and is not good for breast milk

I did and had no issues

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Shake it. Always let sit for upto a minute shake again to avoid hot spots

I was told to never warm a bottle in the microwave. Cuz there could be hot spots and will burn the babies mouth. I just run the bottle under hot water

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Warm water from the sink

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I did. I just shook it after. Never had an issue.

I used to microwave my baby’s bottles for exactly 20 seconds, before adding the formula, and without the lid and teat, so just the open bottle. Take it out, add formula, shake, test on wrist and it was always the perfect temp for my fussy little ones :heart:


Gross. I dont even microwave my own food.

Fill a cup with hot water then stick the bottle in it for a little bit. Shake and test


I used to for my kids. Then I’d shake it so there weren’t any hot spots.

Mine were multiples in the nicu for quite some time and the doctor told us bottled water at room temperature. That’s how they feed bottle fed babies in the hospital and he said east formula can make babies grassier. Worked well for both sets of ours.

No you should not … everyone always looks at the uneven temp as issue … which yes it does … but the biggest reason you shouldn’t is because microwaving kills all the nutrients in the formula … yeah it wont hurt the baby but then it’s like feeding baby colored water … I personally just used warm tap water


I did just do few second check it and then shake it up and check it again as long as you don’t do it for long period it won’t cause the hot spot that can burn. I did my like 10 second a time

Not a good idea warm the water first or use a baby bottle warmer

I have done both warm water and microwave. As long as you shake it after microwave to make sure the heat is dispersed evenly and you test it, then it should be fine. But I never heated my breast milk in the microwave


It’s not recommended. It heats up the milk unevenly.

No!! This creates hot spots! Warm in a cup of hot water, shake and test on your forearm!