Could my boyfriend be cheating?

Time to open a single bank account, take your cash, and split.

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7 years dating and not even living together :triangular_flag_on_post:


I’m sorry but trust your gut to many red flags

You aren’t crazy. This screamssssss suspicious.

Ask him about the gym, just in general questions, what’s his favorite machine to use? What’s it look like? Where is it?? Maybe one day (without him knowing)you could just conveniently be there when he’s supposed to be there…

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Sounds like something is up.

The pills possible GNC has a package w 3 pills n 5 pills & says male enhancer, metabolism etc.
But the venmo?? Add him as a friend on venmo & if his certain transaction u know of dont show Hes hiding something@ follow him in someone else’s car… put a tape recorder in his car! FYI men i know thats cheated in past did the cash app & venm9 thing, did the grooming, n hit the gym more than they did bf. Also stopped confiding & talking venting because their was someone else. U can check phone bill, but if he uses instant messages or fb messages or whats up u can’t see on phone bill

Use your gut feeling, you know he is cheating.

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His lying about gym to cover up for another lie run for the hills the whole thing sounds draining

Go to his work and sit in the parking lot without him knowing you are there.

Run. And close that joint account before he cleans you out!

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Sounds a little fishy but do have a question. He says he works out but has he ever said at a gym? Cause I know a bunch of people that work out that don’t go to a gym. Otherwise ya sounds :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:as hell hon

Trust your gut. You already know

Girl, get your own bank account, now. There’s no reason to have a joint bank account with a man, let alone one you’re not even sharing living expenses with.

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if you dont live together, which is fine whatever–dont have a account together . maybe he is just not wanting to spend as much time together as you do and doenst want to hurt your feelings. i just dont think jump to the conclusion incase you are wrong , have you found phone numbers ,or evidence in his room of another girl, or smelled perfume on him or lipstick etc.

Go to the gym and wait for him. Call him and ask where he is if he says he’s at the gym and your there you caught him. Just say ok and immediately go to his house maybe she is there. Spy time.


:woman_facepalming:t2: Are they testosterone pills? Because that’s something men take to help gain muscle….it’s not a male enhancement. :joy:


You want answers you’ll never get. Make peace with that as soon as possible. It’s a must. You will not get answers. At best you’ll get excuses. From someone who has walked a few paths - GET OUT. Leave as peaceful as possible, but leave and DO NOT GO BACK. Grieve, cry, scream- then pick up the pieces and make yourself open to the next stage. Man or women- this is not the way to live for either.


7+ years and you don’t live together?


He’s cheating! If your heart suspects something a as yours honey he’s doing something your not comfortable with! When they don’t cheat and they’re honest you know!

Don’t just jump to him cheating men In Their 30s start getting conscious about getting old


Communication is key to any successful relationship. Talk to him about your concerns, how you feel, the changes you have noticed. After 7+ years together, you should be able to sit down and have an adult conversation. Be prepared for your worries to possibly be true. But never ignore the :triangular_flag_on_post:.
Why are your accounts linked or do you have a joint account ? I would put an end to that until you have answers your satisfied with. Good luck.

If he’s not cheating maybe get a membership at the gym and this can be your guys new hobby.

How far away is he? Go with your gut.

7yrs and living separate? Are you sure you aren’t a mistress.


Ask him can you join the gym with him maybe?

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Throw the whole freakin dude out😳

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He is either cheating or pushing you away. Either way you deserve better DUMP HIS ASS!!

Why bother shaving down there like you say for someone who is obviously cheating. Move on.

His room what you mean? Sounds like he’s cheating to me and he’s good at hiding it.

7 years and you live separately? I’d leave him purely on those grounds let alone the missing money and weird behaviour lol its not going anywhere


Sounds like he’s feeling a little insecure and having maybe a bit of a crisis, he won’t talk to you about it probably cos he feels ashamed, I wouldn’t jump straight to the conclusion of cheating, buying hair removal cream and male enhancement pills isn’t proof of that.

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You obviously know something is off because he’s showing you it is. If he’s making you question and doubt him and he’s not being forthcoming about his behavior then he doesn’t respect you. Run!!


Trust your gut a woman always knows!!! So now you have two choices just dump him or ( personally me just to prove I’m not crazy ) go full on detective mode and catch him in the act :woman_shrugging:t3:


If you ain’t married after 7 years baby his ass don’t really want you and clearly you’re feeling some type of way for a reason I’m telling you every time I thought someone was doing something shady they was.

Talk to him. If not happy with his answer then there’s a problem

I went through this too and I’m my gut he is cheating! Can you go show up to his room? Or watch n see what he does? Idk he will never tell you the truth because he doesn’t want to get caught! And how much money is he sending and what’s the persons name does it sound like a girl? I’m sorry your going through this!

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If you have to ask then yes he is


Why is your money together if you arent. He should not have access to your money.


You guys don’t live together but have a shared bank account?? That’s really strange. Ask him about the transactions. You have to communicate. A relationship is nothing if you can’t talk freely. And show up at the gym. See if he’s there when he says he’s there. Stop stressing over things when all you need to do is find out.


Maybe they DO live together but he works out of town?:woman_shrugging:

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He’s just a boyfriend who is making you doubt him. Go find a husband an honest man who wants you and only you and appreciates you and you can trust and treats you like a queen.


All the evidence you’ve given us, now sit down with him and present it… see how he answers it!:thinking:

My ex was sending girls money on cashapp for their “menus” on Snapchat. I left him the same day I found it on his phone.

You wrote all this and you know he’s cheating

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I am surprised I am commenting here but I just have to add without being rude you both sound kind of superficial. You should find someone that is willing to work more on the inside matters than the outside. P.s. I trim & condition. It is not natural for an adult female or male not to have some hair growth on private areas. You are not 6

Sounds like you both need to work on some communication. Why a shared bank account when you don’t live together? Why are you opening his mail? Testosterone is taken often by men trying to bulk up. Instead of snooping and jumping to conclusions, ASK him or leave.


Just read your post and tell me the advice you’d provide. Trust your gut. You know the answer girl.


You don’t need to question this any more. Your gut it telling you exactly what’s going on. When a man changes his “grooming” habits etc… he’s doing it to “impress” someone. He’s suddenly taken interest in his looks!?? I’d ask where the gym is if you don’t already know and do a pop up visit when he’s suppose to be there… or pop up on his place.
Better to get all your solid proof before accusing him.


Separate the money and ask him all the same questions you asked here if you don’t like the answer leave 7 + years sharing money but not a last name seems off to begin with


When you know you know!


That shaving you speak of, is his fear of catching crabs or something and knowing then, that will be the evidence you needed, to know he’s been cheating. Just drop the guy, he’s lying to you.

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He’s probably just volunteering at a children’s hospital or something…:thinking:


Yes I’m sorry but the writing is on the wall. Cheating

If you gotta talk about it leave obviously your gut feeling is screaming red flags

If you really want to find out if he is. Follow him one night. Pop up on him out of the blue. Investigate. Women can sense when something is off.


Rule #1. When your just boyfriend and girlfriend DO NOT HAVE A SHARED BANK ACCOUNT. I think he’s putting money away. If he doesn’t live with you then why are you sharing an account and does he have a gym membership?


If you feel it in your gut something isn’t right, its usually not. Something is definitely up. We shouldn’t have to question things in a relationship and when we do it’s usually not good.


Trust your intuition. You have a gut feeling for a reason.

Run Sounds like He is ready to drop the ball on you it seems like He can’t be trusted get out before it is too late

Ask him? Seriously, you’re driving yourself insane thinking all of these what ifs. Why live like this?

Girl. What you allow is what will continue.


Seven years you say? This relationship is painfully stagnant. And this guy is taking advantage of you ignoring your instincts. He’s making a fool of you. :roll_eyes:


Trust your gut!!! Sounds like he is cheating. Follow him. Put a GPS tracker on his car. My friend did that and caught hers cheating.


When he starts lying about little things that tells you everything you need to know

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As my Grandma would say “Dont borrow trouble”. Understand your concerns but all that could be innocent too. I would be careful accusing him of anything, at least until you have some proof.


I say follow your intuition women we are never wrong our gut is right! 7 plus years together and not married? What are you waiting for it seems he’s very comfortable and your not! Follow your brain not your heart. …

Open communication w him or find someone to follow him! Do something because if he’s doing it now he will later!

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Get out now with your dignity in tow…lies just do not get it…little ones or big ones!!!

Personally I wouldn’t have a joint bank account, not even married just because you never know if your partner may decide to leave and take every penny you have. I also wouldn’t be opening my partners packages. However, I do see red flags in your post and I’d probably ask him wth was going on. If he’s in hotels a lot of them have gyms. Maybe he set up an onlyfans or something and doesn’t want you to know lol


I’d be hell suspicious :joy: I would be on him like a hawk and be all Nancy drew on his ass

At first reading, I am thinking this girl is just paranoid and wayyyyy to focused on his personal cash accounts, and a lot of people say they want to go the gym, or they plan to go and never do! Almost like a New Years resolution. So none of that sounds suspicious to me. But then all of a sudden he starts taking male enhancement pills and hair removal?! Lol :joy: I think you need to go with your gut. If your wrong then so be it.


Okay -
Doesn’t seem like the whole story, off the top. Do y’all live together? Sharing a bank account? Opening his mail? Wicked shady on your part.

  1. I will say before I retired as a model, I did not set foot in a gym. I said to hell with that when I stopped lifting competitively. NO ONE enjoys being judged. After I stoped lifting, I worked out at home. I jogged every evening, after work, and then did aerobics. Twice a week I added yoga and tai chi. In my living room.
  2. We all have insecure moments. I modeled professionally for…damn…about 20 years. I retired when I got involved with my (now) husband, almost 14 years ago. I still worked out, at home, after work, until I developed some health issues that, well, prevent that now. I have wicked hard insecurity moments! I’m 41 and a retired model and not afraid to say, yeah, I can be vain at times. I made poor hubby sing my praises about a week ago when I got some…disheartening…news regarding my son. And, I always get moments of insecurity where I want to try and better myself and go all in! I mean, I’m super hardcore about skincare. But, I’ll let my hair color go an extra couple months; one day to realize I have dark growth and it has to be fixed now!
    Vanity is weird like that.
    And, men are different. Those enhancement products often do more than help him, “pitch woo”. He might just need that ego boost to feel back on his game.
  3. My hubby gets the mail. I will pick up packages or envelopes and look, but I never open something not addressed to me without him giving consent and being next to me! NEVER. Postal fraud is not my issue. It’s common sense respect, IMHO. He gives me the same! And, if he says it’s none of my business, I trust him (means it’s a gift for me).
    I think your problem, IMO, is you’re assuming and not communicating. You’re also not trusting. Which, is absolutely a two way street. Sit down and voice your concerns without being accusatory.
    Yeah, probably be a couple spats along the way. Everyone interprets everything differently.
    But, if you can’t communicate and can’t trust, you can’t continue.
    It’s already over.

Lol ok listen I think your looking 4 something that’s not even there…like ur fishing 4 trouble…so what if he doesn’t go 2 the gym. Who cares…so y are u making such a big deal About it ? 2nd if u guys aren’t living together why the joint account & 4 that mater why do u check on his every move he’s probably not 3
Even doing that 2 u…sounds 2 me like ur just looking 4 something that’s not even there. Stop being a private investigater & ENJOY ur man the way he is mabe. He’s just having a mid life crisis

Sweetie, you already knew before typing this up.
I would go ahead and plan to end the relationship. This is pretty in your face and obvious.

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Your gut knows… listen and be prepared to follow through… don’t allow anyone to treat you bad

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called the 7 year itch for a reason


Any guy taking pills is cheating period

Follow him try put a bug in his car and what to c if his werd with his phone ask him if you could use his phone tell him you have no credit and you want to ring some one and see who he reacts when you ask him

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Communication is key. You gotta talk to him. I’d be wtfing all over the place lol :laughing: but that’s me.

You already know the answer, you’re just hoping you’re wrong :heart: You’re not.


Unfortunately your gut instinct is usually right. When something feels off, it probably is.


Offer to join him at the gym


7 yrs and still just dating? There’s NO commitment there. You say room then home so it sounds like he works out of town. Just saying he’s hiding something. How about just ask him?


Clear out your money and run.


Go to the Gym. Go to his work. You will know then

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He’s 31 and “in his room?” What up with that???


Maybe he’s moving the money for a ring :ring:? Trying to be incognito but not doing a very good job of it. Maybe he bought the hair removal for you?!! You will never know until you ask him…

Intuition listen to your gut.


Call him a Taxi :taxi: if you’re even questioning this then know your self worth and find someone who would treat you like a Princess! You can’t reason with a person on Steroids or muscle enhancing pills.

Ever thought of watching where he goes after work??? Id say your gut feeling is dead on…


I would randomly surprise him one day after work :blush:


Is he getting prostitution?

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Talk to him and see what he says. If he starts acting all sus and getting defensive, I’d leave. Sounds like you already know what’s going on…

Or follow him after work, see where he goes and if he is meeting up with a chick


Put a air tag and follow him. You already know the answer though more than likely.


Honey wake up. He’s a dirty dog

Not sure if he is cheating or not.

However, you are not married.

Are you living together?

Do you each have your own bank accounts. In addition to the shared account?

As long as any shared expenses are paid, it is none of your business what he does with his money.

Just as it is not any of his business what you do with your money as long as any shared expenses are paid.

Also is your man so stupid as to be hiding money if he knows you have full access to the banking information?

Why haven’t you sat down to talk with him about your concerns?

That’s private.

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Tell him you wanna go to the gym with him and see what he says


You have a joint account ? You’re entitled to know where that money is going
Is he taking steroids ? Get rid of him now.
Suggest a joint gym membership and go together.
Lying would be enough reason for me to get rid of him tbh but we all have different boundaries


He doing something behind ur back gf walk away


I have a question… have you ever seen I’m at the gym?


Tell him you want to start working out together and feel out his response