The father of my child has not been in my child’s life since he was born 5 years ago, due to me not letting him. He’s now grown up alot and im letting him meet him, could he take custody from me? Also He’s not on the birth certificate and we live in Florida
If he hasn’t been involved in 5 years,not on the birth cert. He has to prove he is the father first. Then you take things from there. Dont get ahead of the here and now.
They would mostly make him take a blood test to prove he is the father that way he can get visitation, after that if he didn’t miss any visitations etc then I would say it’s possible. But my guess if if he does anything it would just be wanting visitation since the child is 5 and hasn’t seem to take interest. Just my opinion
no he cannot immediately get custody of your child but he can fight for visitation and if he can prove you to be unfit then yes he can take custody from you but Judges usually like children to stay where they have spent the majority of their life
He can get visitation. And if he can prove that you are a unfit mother he could get custody. But that’s a lot for someone to prove. They will make y’all do a dna test first then he will be put on the birth certificate if he is the father.
He would have to establish paternity first. Take DNA test . And proceed from there. Not sure how the laws are in your state
Nice to see u banned him for 5 years because he wasnt mature enough, but he was grown up enough to sleep with. He should take his child from you and RUNNNNN
No matter what they will not take the child from you, unless you are unfit, supervised visitation at first, then they will go on from there
The fact that you withheld visitation, aka parental alienation, he has a very good chance of getting some sort of custody and working his way up to joint or even full. And I hope he does.
So sad , he hadn’t the chance to see him before now
the child has spent all this time with mom because she blatantly kept the father from being with his child as she stated. She NEVER said that he was inept or dangerous so he could build a case to take 50/50 not just visitations specially if he lives in the same town and has the stability to raise his child.
I cannot stand seeing women keep children from their dad’s just because they feel they can. It’s disgusting
I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR FIRST SENTENCE… So you think it’s okay and fair to your child for them growing up not being able to spend time with their father!? You not allowing him to be a part of the child life because of your own reserved feelings isn’t right at all. I hope they take your child away from you!!! You are a TOXIC mother.
If you are unfit he could but you’ve been the only parent for 5 years so its doubtful. If he pushed anything he would get visitation and could work towards 50/50 custody. Idk why you kept him from him so I can’t judge you on that. I understand people change once kids are involved. I hope it was a legit reason though.
Yall judge but don’t even know what ur judging dumb
When my ex kept my son from me for 7 months I gained full custody.
Going through this now. My sons dad was in jail when I gave birth in November so he’s not on the birth certificate at all. I am going to court to get full custody and my son is 6months old. But his dad has been threatening to take him even though i have a stable home and he is a couch surfer and can barely ever hold down any stable place.
Geeze people. There could be more to the story…why so quick to judge ?
I hope you had a good reason for the 5 years of paternal alienation
I hope he does take the child. Your the immature one who wouldnt let him be a dad! Your a selfish bitch that’s all there is to it! You have growing up to do
Idk about the laws in Florida,but with him not even attempting court before now he’s most likely just going to get visitation or 50/50. He’s most likely not going to get full custody of him. An as for everyone saying she was in the wrong for keeping him from him,there must have been a damn good reason. Just because some men grow up when finding out about having a kid doesn’t mean they all do. An the fact he didn’t take her to court for 5 years for some sort of visitation means he wasn’t even interested in seeing the child.
Why would you keep your kid from a parent that actually wants to be involved? Wtf is wrong with you
If your a good mother and let him see his child and co parent and such it’s not something that should be an issue
You never said why you wouldn’t “let him” that right there is bad. My daughter is 8 & even though I can’t stand her dad I have ALWAYS welcomed his involvement. Unless he was a drug addict, rapist or murderer there is no reason to withhold ur child.
Yes he can the only proof that he needs is a dna especially if you’re unfit and don’t have a stable place for your child to sleep and food to eat
Maybe he was an abusive piece of shit or shitty DRUG ADDICT ,
way for you all to judge her and not know her reasoning
I am due I’m august and my girls dad is denying them and saying he’s missing the birth all because I don’t want to be in a relationship with his narcissistic ass, so since he doesn’t wanna act like a father I’m not going to let him be one when it’s only convenient for him. I’m sorry that’s doing more harm then good. My daughters don’t deserve a half ass father.
Yeah, he could. You kept him from his child. Andhonestly, you did a disservice to both. Yeah, he could have been immature, but that isnt a danger to his child. It isnt up to you to decide that. And… now that he can reach out, he can serve you with papers to establish paternity. This was so wrong on so many levels.
He can’t “take custody” as you say…but He can go to court and petition for establishment of paternal rights and custody. Which in this case would include joint custody. As well he should.
Her words. . Due to her not letting him. That’s her doing. She seems to think its up to her weather or not her child has a father, for heavens sake girl keep your legs closed and head out of the sand please
It depends why you kept the kid away but it does make you look bad. If he’s not in any kind of trouble he can file for paternity and then visitation MAYBE custody.
Did anyone ever think about if he was abusive or on drugs that she didn’t bother with him ? I mean there could be a lot of reasons that she didn’t state and so many are quick to attack
I hope so. Then you might know what it feels like for the father you kept away for 5 years when u had no right to
While everyone is bashing her, ask why hasn’t the dad taken her to court in the last 5 years to get some sort of visitation? That reflects on his character, right? So maybe she has a reason for not wanting him to be involved.
Bc this is a moms group Amy boggans it’s not called ima be nosey
In 5yrs he’s never filed for rights? No child support? A judge isn’t going to give your child to an irresponsible stranger. I wouldn’t let him see him until he petitions the court. Request supervised visits because he’s a stranger & hasn’t shown interest until now.
The only way would be if you could be proven unfit. To do that, abuse or neglect has to be proven. He can get legal visitation rights, and as long as your child isn’t in danger, they WILL grant them, whether you say so or not.
He can petition for a DNA test and get on the BC. Doesn’t mean he can just take him. He’d have to produce u are unfit and the child is better off with him
He has the right to petition for a relationship with his child. Your son doesn’t care about maturity all he thinks is his daddy doesn’t love him. If dad has grown up then maybe he’s ready to be the man your son needs.
Sorry but being a father isn’t based on weather or not the mother sees fit! But would love to know the reason behind this.
Why wouldn’t you let him see his kid for 5 years? Jesus. Hopefully he does take the kid from you.
Why did you keep him from his father ?
It looks very bad on a parent, a lawyer told me,when a parent keeps the child away from the other parent. Unless they are a threat to your child.
Her first mistake was keeping the child away of her own volition. “Take” custody? The goal should be 50/50.
I think this post is worded very poorly and there is a lot more to the story.
Please stop bashing her. It’s really not nice. He obviously didn’t take her to court for visitation in 5 years. So maybe she was only protecting her baby. I thought this was a place to come for non judgmental support? I see so much bashing. Women should be more supportive of each other🤷🏻♀️
You would have to be doing something wrong like neglect being unfit on drugs etc and since the child doesn’t know him he wouldnt be able to if hes not on the birth certificate
You kept a kid from his father for no reason than he wasn’t grown up? Hun. To grow up he’s got to accept responsibilities. If you keep the responsibility from him how is he supposed to do it?
A lot of judgmental moms on here. I swear it’s horrible to read some of y’all comments.
In Florida he has no rights unless he takes you to court if you were unwed. He will have to take you to court to get rights.
If you haven’t done anything wrong towards the child, like harm him etc then no he can’t take full custody, probably 50/50 though.
I need more information… like why you denied him his kid for 5 years… why he’s not on the birth certificate… are you planning on doing a child custody agreement… why would you think he would try to take your child…
Being on the birth certificate is insignificant all he has to do is get a DNA test and prove that that child is his and he will be awarded visitation will he get full custody probably not he would have to prove that you’re an unfit mother but he definitely could get joint custody. I’m not sure of your reason for keeping your child from his father but I really hope it’s a good one, if it isn’t it’s very unfair to him and your child.
Its wrong to hinder a child from either parent, not too let them have the opportunity too try an have a normal parent hood life an the child should get to know their parent. Unless u have real reasons or documents he can file for custody… Hes dad.
Coparenting isnt always easy but do it for ur child. As long as theirs no harm.
No. I live in Florida and they are very much for what they call “time-sharing”. You might get scolded if you go to court for refusing him access to his child unless for a very good reason, but unless you’re proven to be unfit he can’t take your child away. I went through this when I went to have my divorce finalized because my ex wouldn’t sign the papers. Luckily (I suppose, I feel bad for my kids but he wasn’t a good father)he hadn’t had contact with them in over year and hadn’t paid child support and had state hopped from Florida to Georgia to North Carolina with his girlfriend. While the magistrate was more of a “pro-father” supporter, she couldn’t even make an excuse up for him as to why if she wanted too. Because my kids are so young she set up a “re-aquant” meetings where he could see them for 3 hours every other Saturday and make nightly phone calls. If he kept this up consistently and paid his child support he could petition the courts for more time. Needless to say he’s fallen off the map again and STILL hasn’t paid a dime of child support, his half of the daycare bill, and attorney fees that the magistrate ordered him to pay. You know your ex the best so only you know what he’ll do.
Y’all are so quick to judge her and defend the “dad” without the details yet you are missing the thing that matters most… Why hasn’t this “father” fought for his son in the last 5 years? Why didn’t he petition for his rights? So, quick to attack her on her keeping her child away but not questioning maybe why that is… and wondering why the dad didn’t fight?
No, Immediately unless he can prove you are unfit. In any state if the parent is not on the birth certificate they have to get a DNA test to establish paternity 1st. If he was on drugs, alcoholic or unsavory behaviors with proof or the law was involved the judge will not give it to him for the fact that you kept the child from him. When paternity is established and he is cleaned up and grown up like you said he can go for 50/50 custody. If you are found to be an unfit parent then he can take full custody but there is many steps in every state.
And this is why I will never ask a question on here for any help of any kind. Most of you, not all but most are all judgmental. Bashing a mom for her decision to keep her child away from the father is her decision…may not be a great one but its HER decision. Her child. Her right as a mother. I hope whoever this mom is knows she didn’t do nothing wrong for her decision.
So much at play here and too much that we don’t know to give you an accurate answer. First, each state has different custody rights and steps that must be followed so you’d check that. I’m guessing since the dad isn’t on the birth certificate he had other plans at that time when your son was born, idk and you didn’t say. It’s strange you say you kept your son away and there must be a reason. Depending on what that reason was, and the fathers stability now, will play a lot into the possibility of him fighting for full custody. That would be battled in court. You didn’t mention why you think he’d do that. No matter the past, the dad is wanting to see his son and your son deserves to see his dad, unless he is dangerous in some way that would not be safe and that would also need to be proven in court
Kids need BOTH parents
If wants he can go to court and don’t let nobody tell you he can’t …you get a lawyer right away because that’s what happened to me and he was the one that didn’t want anything to do with my daughter …n he got custody he work for the city n I didn’t work …she was already 9 years old …I live alone since I was 19 …she had her own room and everything but I didn’t get a lawyer .
Even the child attliem (her lawyer)he said that I didn’t need a lawyer because I was good … Don’t listen to anyone get a lawyer
My ex’s 2nd baby mama ran away before baby was born to Florida and refused to put his name on birth certificate. He was abusive, a stalker, and over all mentally I’ll. She watched how he “parented” the daughter he and I share 50/50 custody with and she was disgusted, hence why she ran tf away. She fled for the safety of her and her baby. She and I got in contact and she about all the horrible shit he did and how he pawned off my daughter to whatever family memver would watch her so he could go to bars. He never asks about the baby, blocked her once he found out her and I were talking and I was taking him to court, and yet he tries so hard to gain control of my daughter and my life through her and he completly ignores and pretends the other child and woman do not exist. All I’m saying is you dont know this womans story or background. He cannot just take custody from you, after not being in childs life for 5yrs judge will probably just do 5050 but not sole physical and legal.
The day I had court the judge grant custody to the father in 4 cases
We need more info than that. Was he abusive? Why did you not let him see your son?
He has had 5 years to take you to court about it and hasn’t. The judge will view that as a lack of effort on his part and would not take a child from the only parent he has known. He would require visitation tho.
Depends on why you wouldn’t let him see his kid.
In Florida unless y’all were married, he has absolutely no rights to that child.
First he will have to establish paternity through court ordered DNA testing. Once he is proven to be the father his name will go on the birthcertificate. Then he will need to file for visitation or custody. He could do a 50/50 custody agreement and still have to pay you childsupport… Make sure once he establishes paternity that you file for child support. You may get back childsupport too from his time of birth.
In Utah if he chooses not to bring your son home, the only way to see him again is to take it to court. The cops can not take a child without proof there being harmed without a court order.
He would have to petition the courts for a DNA tests once paternity is established then he can file for some sort of parenting plan but no court is just going to immediately give someone the kid barely knows or has been around full custody the most he would get is like day visits so the kid can get used to him
Trying not to judge but this hits home
for us bc she unfairly did the same and the ages are similar.
If you were in Wisconsin, a father never seems to get rights regardless if the mother is unfit or not! But not enough information here to give an honest opinion!
Of course. He take a paternity test and if he is the father, then he can file for custody. If he has a kick ass lawyer, he can get whatever he wants. You’d best protect that child. Might want to think twice before doing all that
In most states unless you are married the mother has full custody no matter what. Yes the father can have visitations but that’s all. And even then the child lives with her unless agreed upon in court
I am just going to say that I did not hear this women ask our opinions about her decision to keep her kiddo away from dad was wrong or right but I did hear her ask our opinions about dad possibly getting custody of the kiddo I dont have all the info and nor does this women need to share more info I can give her a neutral opinion based off of what she did decide to share and I do believe that dad can take her to court and get a visitation order established my advice to her is seek advice from an attorney and to all these people attacking this women for something she did not ask your opinions on you are some rude judgmental people being a parent is hard as heck but yet the most amazing thing in the world and we all make mistakes as parents but no need to bash her and in my opinion from what she did say is ooooo yea that’s right it’s none of my dam business why she kept her kiddo from him if she wanted us to know she would of said why sorry not sorry people are rude and need to get off the peddle stool they think they sit on and that is also my opinion
he probably couldnt take him 100% but he can definitely get custody, as he SHOULD if you’ve been choosing to keep him from his child.
Here’s a different perspective. What if the day wasn’t being a dad the day the child was born, what if he wasn’t ready and wanted to party so she left him and chose better for her son? So many different views.
it would be split 50/50 but if you stopped him seeying his child for no valid reason the i hope he gets custody.
Unless you’re an unfit parent, no. But he could get shared custody if he takes you to court and proves paternity.
It depends on the situation and your reasoning. As long as you have proof to what you say theres no issue. I made books for every child I have for absolutely everything down to the last detail. Even to details of drop offs and pick ups for my oldest. I reccomend this and a lawyer. If he doesnt take you to court awesome but if he does as a previous posted stated make sure you get a lawyer. You may not get everything you want out of it but prepare for the worst hope for the best is my strategy.
Most likely not,unless you’re a bad mother.But he can get 50/50 custody.If you kept him from his son for no reason,he man get more custody.It’s up to the court to decide.
It’s literally science, the courts don’t make decisions how what they feel like. The system is set up from years of psychological learning for what is best for the child. What they understand is every child has a primary attachment and a secondary attachment. Messing with these can cause a lot of damage to young people. Unless the father can beyond a doubt prove you to be a completely unfit mother there is no way they will take your kid from you. The father probably isn’t even the 2nd attachment and will have to spend many years of visits to become that. Have no fear mama, it’s okay to let him know his dad.
Why have I read so many comments about mothers on here keeping kids away from fathers because daddy is a crackhead. Why y’all having sex with crack heads to to begin with?
Parental alienation. Yes he can fight for custody. Where I live he might even get it. We did. Hadn’t seen the child from 3 years old until she was 14! Guess where she lives now? Has seen her Mom 3 times in the past year because she asked to go, not because the courts told us she had to.
He could petition the court. He would have to establish he’s the father, through DNA.
By your own admission, you intentionally kept him from his child! He could have a case!
He was good enough to lay down with and have sex? But not to be a parent? You better look into co-parenting! you’re doing more damage emotionally to your child by denying your child the right to know their father!
Remember, if he starts visitation. You interfere in visits or phone calls. He could take you to court for parental interference! Me personally, as a single mother. I enjoy myself when my son is with his father. I’m able to practice self care and focus on my own needs while he’s with his father.
I would like to know when you mean you kept him from his father did you do it for your own selfish reasons or did you do it to protect your son? because these 2 are completely different… if you did it for your own selfish reasons then I hope he goes for custody but if you did it to protect your child then no he won’t get full custody he will get weekend access and maybe during the week depends on if he works ect
Be cautions and do what you think is right for your Child . Screw the opinions of people in here who don’t know your whole circumstance… they are just shut stirring and want to get your emotions and. Fear all riled up.
No I do not feel the judge will view that as in the childs best interest. If the father hasn’t tried in the last 5 years for court etc. Then thats on him. Everyone is judging and they shouldn’t but he has had 5 years to take you to court if he wanted to see your child and he didnt. A judge would probably order some visitation with him though.
LMFAO it’s hard to take custody from a mother. Unless you are harming your child or you had a incident showing your not fit to take care of child. Also…if someone gets a lawyer that plays dirty and know how to get around the laws… get ready for a hard and expensive time
When a child is born neither parent has “legal” custody. Married or not. I found this out with my first child. I had physical custody of her. When I filed for child support I also filed for full legal custody. If you’re afraid of him taking your child. I would seek legal counsel and get you ducks in a row. The father has every right a mother does unless there’s a court order stating otherwise. Also this way you can make out a patenting plan you can request supervised visit in a public place. Or anything else you may need to feel your child will be safe.
Maybe there was a reason she did not let the child see the father. Maybe he is straightening up now and she is going to try and give him a chance. Love how everyone is just jumping on to her for not letting him when none of you know the reason. Smh.
He certainly can, I’m not being ugly but u were wrong for not allowing him in the child’s life had you done so maybe the man would have grown up faster
He could if you are not providing for the child in a safe and productive manor… He will get visitation rights once he is proven to be the father… He will probably get 50/50
My child didn’t have her father on the certificate. He Never met her until a social worker found him and told him to get custody when he was already having another baby. When she was 8 months he got custody and this was due to an investigation between him and I. I had been trying to press charges against him who I never ever met in my entire life and a social worker got involved and thought I was too young to care for a baby, and it doesn’t matter if he was a rapist, or if anyone was high off of any form of drugs, they can still be a parent. (The social workers words) Just not me. Well my rights have been gone and I didn’t do anything wrong.
8 months old was the last time I had my daughter. She is almost 4.
I have now a 2 year old daughter and a 5 1/2 month old son. You can be sure as hell I don’t care who they are they are not going to do that to me. I had learned so much from a different worker in another stare that what they did back home (Wa state) was ABSOLUTELY WRONG!
If he tries to get custody either Full or partial, make sure you have a damn good lawyer. What I learned is anyone can get custody at any time. I don’t think state matters but maybe some. I can be wrong. As long as you can provide in courts if it happens is that your more fit and able to care for your child.
I wish you all the best.
The father has no legal rights to the child if you guys were not married at birth
He has to prove he is the father, are you afraid because you kept him away from the child he is going to come after you for custody? If he has a good attorney and can prove you kept child away, he could get 50/50… especially in Florida…it’s a 50/50 state
Since you two NEVER got married - he can NOT take anything from you. You need to demand Sole Custody, Child Support and Supervised Visits only.
Its so wrong to keep a child from their father ! So yes he most definitely can and i hope that he gets joint custody
he has to prove he’s the father
Well for starters. Who the hell are you to keep the childs father away for 5 years because “he wasnt ready”? That’s trash to begin with. And if you had a good respectable reason I would have added that in this post because right now… like I said you sound like trash. Given you had no good reason you may be looking at the fight of your life to keep that child in your custody because you single handedly and intentionally destroyed the relationship between him/her and dad. And to some states that is an automatic change in custody given other parent is deemed fit and can show they will create a healthy co parenting relationship… Depending on your reasoning again, please have credible proof that dad was dangerous, or seriously unfit to hold him away for 5 years.
Without proof prepare a long pricey battle, especially if he has proof of trying to contact his child and you for the child.
And I’m sorry if I’m blunt but as we have been going threw this ourselves simply because my husbands ex doesn’t like ME or the family we have built which are half siblings to my stepson it just makes me sick reading that parents willingly deny a perfectly capable and loving parent their own childs visitation over their animosity.
Court has been pricey and going on for over 4 years now. I expect the same outcome for you.
Child support would be part of the issue also. Don’t listen to me or anybody else contact a lawyer you can get a free consultation. The laws vary from state to state and also from situation to situation.
The state of Florida will not give custody to the father unless the mother isn’t capable of taking care of the child I live in florida also
He can petition the courts for visitation (they will dna test him) and if he abides by his visitation be can seek partial custody but they wouldn’t give him full unless you are proven to be unfit.