Could my copper IUD be causing these issues?

I’m 26 with a IUD I’ve had it since 6 weeks after my sons birth almost two years ago. About 4 months ago I stopped having a period all together. About a month ago down below started having a metal smell. I thought it was due to the antibiotics I was on. Well I’ve been off them and now everything smells like copper. From my body to my tears. I know this isn’t normal and I’ve made an appointment. It’s super embarrassing. Could my copper IUD bc doing this. I felt for it and it feels like it’s moved further up since the string isn’t as low as it normally was. They always claim the iud can’t do anything like that to your body and it’s the only birth control i can have that’s actually affective and doesn’t mess with my hormones so bad that I’m super emotional.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could my copper IUD be causing issues?

I almost died last year from the mirena iud. I’ve never had the copper iud but I don’t have any faith in the drs or pharmaceuticals being honest


I had all the same issues with my copper IUD and bled constantly. Get it out. Was the best thing I ever did

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Copper caused an allergic reaction in my body. I bled so heavily for such a long time, packed on water weight from the reaction, it was so bad. The copper iud sucked.

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I had these up until recently I ended up getting it out and since then everything has been perfect

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When I had the copper iud I bled constantly and had a constant migraine (I still get migraines but not like I did when I had the iud)… smartest move was getting it removed and things slowed down. And eventually I had my now 5 year old…


Are you pregnant? If you had regular periods and all the sudden didn’t I’d take a pregnancy test.

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Definitely doesn’t sound normal😳. Sounds as if it’s like poisoning your body

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Get your butt to the Dr and remove it!!

Get it out ASAP! They are the worst

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I had undiagnosed health issues for two years. I’m super active and fit, yet was having terrible abdominal cramping/ sharp pains + excessive bloating not menstrual related. My PCP referred me to a gastroenterologist who told me I was young and healthy and couldn’t possibly have any health problems, just drink more water and eat fiber (didn’t even ask me about my diet and would have learned I consume a gallon+ of water a day and eat a fiber rich diet).
My pcp kept prescribing me different meds to help with the pain and other issues, but I just experienced side effects and didn’t like having to take pills everyday. Researched my birth control (IUD copper) and realized tons of women had experienced what I was going through. Had it removed just to eliminate it as a possibility for my health and turns out it was indeed the culprit.

No more birth control for me - I’ve had way too many negative and adverse side effects (bleed excessively with both the Morena arm implant and pills).


Tell me why I’m in the dr office right now asking about my copper iud I’ve had in for almost 3 years :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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I had the copper iud put in at my 6wpp and about a month later i kept smelling copper. And stating having what felt like a shock in the right side of my pelvic bone and cramps like you wouldn’t believe. Turns out my body was rejecting it. I had it removed immediately


Yes!! This same thing happened to me!

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I have had the copper iud for the same amount of time . I also stopped getting a period but everything else you’re describing hasn’t happened to me. Definitely glad u made an appt

My IUD migrated into my cervix and lodged sideways

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Are you allergic to copper?

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My copper coil done the same thing even had ibs which I believe was caused by it and the time the few years I had the coil my hair wouldn’t grow and felt like I was honestly dying best thing to get that thing out


You need to get that out asap before it moves up to far and do damage

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Yes! I had the same exact symptoms as you are having. I had it removed because the copper smell was so bad I couldn’t stand it. Also it stopped my period completely.

Get it out, I was so happy I did. But take a pregnancy test first. I’d go to the hospital if I was you, not sure if that’s very accessible for you I understand the states can be expensive.

Not me wanting to get the copper IUD :grimacing::grimacing: I was about to make an appointment because it seemed like the best option amongst the other birth control out there. Not anymore :woman_shrugging:

I would definitely get checked I thought the non-hormonal IUD’s weren’t supposed to stop your cycle so that’s a little scary you haven’t had a period


I had BV constantly with an IUD. not a single occurrence since I got it out.

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Copper IUD And Toxicity Support Group


It could have become imbedded it’s good you made an appointment because it’s better to catch that early on then having to get it surgically removed. Mine became a little imbedded and they just plucked it out and it stung a little and I had spotting after it sucked.

Copper coil caused me months of heavy bleeding. I dont know anyone who hasn’t had problems with it. Changed it to the minera coil and never looked back.
The copper one releases copper into your body to stop pregnancy and its very possible thats whats causing your problems. Please get it removed ASAP

I had an iud for 6 months. I had a list of problems which the doctor said wasn’t related to my iud, I insisted I needed it removed… Once removed, it took a couple weeks to a month but everything was back to normal! Go with you gut feeling, it’s your body and you are the one suffering, not them!

It’s the iud. I would go get it checked out. I had the same iud and had the same issues… I ended up finding out I was pregnant and the iud was in my cervix. Praying that’s not the case for you. But it’s always good to have them check the location.

I will never have an iud, the idea scares me. My anxiety makes it worse. Lol. I’m sure it’s safe and effective for alot of women. Not my cup of tea.


Pregnant twice on it awful thing

Most IUDs will stop your period. I have had Mirena for 10 years. No period except for when it it’s changed. About to get my 3rd. There should be no smell.

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I had a copper IUD for a year. It was an absolute nightmare and caused it all kind of trouble from infections to my hair falling out!! Ended up having to get it out due to it causing severe nonstop bleeding an I developed uterine inflammation!!

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Go with your gut and remove it

My sister had one that moved and had to be surgically removed. Go in and take care!

I had the IUD and my body ended up rejecting it. It was pushed out of my cervix and tore the inside apart. It was painful during intercourse and caused my partner to have a scar on his manhood. I bleed for 8 months straight really heavy! Everytime I brought this up to my doctor she said it was my body adjusting. So very wrong she was. I finally couldn’t take the pain anymore and they agreed to remove it. When she did she said it had been rejected and asked if I wanted it back in! I absolutely did not want it after this. I’ve heard so many women’s stories about how bad it was for them also. But on another note I know plenty of women who love it. So definitely go with your gut. You know your body best :heart:

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Yes it could. As a medical professional it pisses me off that those things are still on the market they are so very dangerous. Get it removed asap and take the pill or try nexplanon which is what I have

You could have copper toxicity


I actually just had my tubes removed, and they had to pull an iud out that was imbedded in my abdominal wall. The copper ones can cause abnormal discharge, bv, etc. Cuz it’s still a foreign object in your body …

Definitely the iud! With my copper iud (paragard) I had it in for 6 years, everyday I had headaches, hair fell out & was extremely thin, developed bumps on the side of my arms… almost looked like a rash (still hasn’t gone away and I’ve had it removed for 3 years now), I still had my period though. Doctors said it couldn’t have been from the iud bcuz there’s no hormones lol. Yet when the removed the iud my hair loss was significantly less and my headaches stopped altogether! :woman_shrugging:t2:


You can have an allergic reaction to the copper - the whole premise of the copper IUD is to cause your body to have an inflammatory response to make the uterus inhospitable to sperm. I couldn’t use the Paraguard but Mirena has been great, at the end of my second one, no side effects, and no period for 10 years! :heart:

I can only have the copper coil and it has never made me miss a period usually makes them heavy.

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I haven’t heard of this but ever ruined experience and bodies are different so get it Checked out/ removed and try a non copper one. I loved Mirena IUD worked exactly like I needed it to

I had the Mirena and an iud can move unfortunately or even break according to what my doc said I still have complications from it and scar tissue . Please always follow your gut feeling mine broke and moved into my stomach had to have surgery. Praying you get answers i never had the coil one.

My sister has the same issue and we think it’s the copper iud

I tried both Mirena and then paragard IUDs and had crazy negative side effects from both. My Doctors swore it was just my body doing weird stuff and couldn’t possibly have been the IUDs… I’ve been off them now for 5 years and have never experienced anything like it ever again. I would go with your inclination on this because the Doctors won’t admit it’s your birth control.

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I had the copper IUD for quite a while and never experienced anything like that, just longer periods. But I would talk to your doctor, everyone’s different

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Copper toxicity. Especially if everything is smelling like copper. Get it out ASAP!


I have the paraguard IUD it’s non hormonal and I have had it for about 4 years and I still have my period on it and when I first got on it I bled for 9 months and the Dr just said it’s normal so I would just go get checked out ASAP since you smell like copper

Wonder why they went to copper. Had an IUD for years with no problems— but it was plastic.

I heard that paragard IUD was recalled. When I got my first IUD (6 years ago) my doctor didn’t recommend it, so I got Mirena instead. My period completely went away after 6 months, but I thought that’s one of the perks of all IUD’s. I just have occasional spotting during that time of the month. I would get that removed asap. There are other iUD options that are not copper.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could my copper IUD be causing issues?

Yes this can be from the IUD but also did your doctor know you had this before giving you antibiotics if not it could be because of the medication

It sounds like copper toxicity, while rare it’s not unheard of or impossible and can start anywhere from 6 months to a few years after implantation

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If everything is smelling like metal it sounds like something could be wrong with your sinuses. The smell of metal could mean there’s blood in your sinus cavity. I’ve never heard of the iud affecting other bodily fluids other than from the vaginal area. You should 100% get the iud checked because you said the depth felt different and they aren’t supposed to move. I’ve never dealt with a copper iud before so it could be from that but by symptoms it doesn’t sound like it. I hope this helps some

Definitely talk to your dr. Some people do get high levels of copper in their system from the copper IUD

If you’re coupled have a convo with partner about vasectomy as that’s totally reversible if y’all decide you’re ready for another child. He will need to ejaculated at least 50 times before all active swimmers have been expelled. Hope this helps.

Yes! I had a similar experience but I had mine for almost 10 years. I removed it. And everything down there went back to normal.

Yes it can and they can sterilize you. This is your body rejecting it. Call your doctor.

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I would definitely get it checked out. I had complications with mine. Mine also ended up moving and got embedded into my cervix and had to be removed.

I gave birth to mine. I had some issues of smelling copper all the time also. Went to get it checked out and it was trying to push itself out. My body rejected it.

Dude. Go ask a doctor. You can die from that.

IUD did the same thing, so I switched it to the hormonal IUD and the smell went away .

Call your doctor to at least get it checked out. It may not be anything but it may be something as well.

I thought they recalled the copper iud ? :hushed:

Absolutely could be the root of the problem. And the no period is definitely behind it.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could my copper IUD be causing issues?

I would ask your pharmacist! They are more likely to know the side effects and have resources to look up adverse effects or the side effects that affect a sliver of the patients if that makes sense.

General guideline is pharmacist for any prescriptions or drug related questions, doctors for diagnosing.

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I would see you doctor. They can exam you and confirm if the copper is adhering to your tissue. There could be metals going into your blood stream causing you to also smell it now.

Antibiotics make your birth control ineffective. Your doctor should’ve told you this.


I had the copper iud for 4 years, first 3 years no issues the last 12 months, I was having continual cramps, a very bad back ache, intermittent spotting. The docs said it was the coil, I listened to my gut, had it taken out and it was almost instant! All my symptoms went! Trust your gut!!

A “metal” smell, such as iron? Which is in your blood stream which is literally what any blood smells like? Lol

Honey I think you’re pregnant. No period + strong sense of smell especially a metallic smell screams pregnant. And yes you can still get pregnant with an IUD. It’s not common but it does happen especially if it dislodged. Your IUD itself wouldn’t cause this unless you have Wilkinsons Disease (a very rare allergy to copper/the bodies inability to process copper) rare as it is its much more likely that you’re pregnant


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could my copper IUD be causing issues?

They made the IUD seem so great to me because I wouldn’t have insurance and it’s a long term birth control. It caused me quite a few problems :disappointed: even after it was out I felt some certain things from having it. Everything has a side affect no matter how perfect it sounds


Get it removed asap! I had mirena, it made me feel soo crazy & my period would disappear for months.


My sister had the copper IUD years ago and she had horrible problems with it including severe pain and endometriosis.
I never ever gave a thought to using an IUD because of what she went through. Good luck

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Another reason why I removed mine and got the Liletta Iud instead. It’s been a good 6 years for me.


I had an copper iud , it not only gave me a bad infection, but i got pregnant with it in. My daughter was even born prematurely after treating the infection


Why do so many people say ‘take it out’. You’re obviously not medical professionals, everyone reacts differently and no one needs to be told what to do with their bodies.
I’m on my 2nd Mirena. It works perfectly for me, it saved my life. Too many know it all’s!!!


Yes. My copper IUD messed with my body so badly. I ended up having to remove it because it was such pain dealing with the symptoms.


Just my personal experience and opinion but I had an iud after my daughter for about two years and didn’t have periods
It wouldn’t let me lose weight either
I just didn’t feel right with it
Switched to the pill and got my period back and am losing weight
Best decision ever made
One nurse told me
“You know there’s no medical evidence that proves you need to have a period, right?”
Ma’am just take this thing out of me :sweat_smile:


Everyone is different. it might not affect others and affect you. I’m glad you are asking your doctor.

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I had the CU-7 and it caused an infection that destroyed my fallopian tubes. Please get checked!!!

I have a copper coil and it moved right up into my cervix. Currently having scans to see where it has gone. It is possible that it moved but its also possible it has fallen out.

Get an appointment to have a scan to see if it is still there and they will take it from there. Hope all goes well for you sweet xxx


Aot of medicines and even vitamins can cause a certain body odor but since you are having other problems see your Dr asap

My IUD had been moving for months… Each time I used a tampon it moved a bit… Cramping during my period got the strings low enough that the tampons would reach them. My Gynae had to use an ultrasound to find it during a routine checkup.

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Talk to your doctor about all the things you have stated. Remember everyone’s bodies are different so they can only give you their experience. I hope you get it sorted :slightly_smiling_face: xx


I had Merina IUD it caused nothing but problems… I was told it was safe and could be removed easily( not true) and would still be able to have more children… After two years of pain and severe problems I had to have it removed through surgery it perforated my uterus and my intestines. And can’t have any more children as a result of all the scare tissue…

Take it out!! I had several infections after mine. I was too young to realize what it has done to my body! Because of the IUD I never conceived a child. And had problems ever sense please take it out

I got mine removed a couple months ago after having it for two years! The amount of problems I had with it it’s definitely not in your head! I ended getting it removed because it had moved itself and it was sore :pleading_face:

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I had problems with my IUD in the past my doctor cut it back as far as she could and it was still giving us problems until she had to remove it and I end up getting fixed to where I couldn’t have no kids. I hope that your problem gets better.

Same exact thing happened to me!!! I went to my doctor and got blood work done- hyper thyroid.

I did get COVID vaccinated a week before my iud And since then things haven’t been right

I honestly can say I just had the same thing happening to me but I went to the emergency room because I had started bleeding so bad it scared me and I was afraid something happened it never dawned on me about my paragaurd they did ultrasounds and cat scans and I guess the er didnt think it was the problem so I went to the obgyn and he noticed right away that it was out of place and he took it out and had me wait a month and come back for a new birth control but like you I cant use hormonal birth controls due to mood swings and stuff so I opted for paragaurd again since I had it after my first child for 5 years then I had my second and it’s been 4 years and it’s been good I didnt regularly check it and not to mention the dr didnt put it in the right spot in the first place. But in the end I wouldn’t be embarrassed it happens and really there still could be a chance of that not even being the cause better just get it checked to be safe

I would take a pregnancy test if your period has stopped. And if the strings have moved in anyway I would recommend having a scan to see if it is in the correct place

my exes cousin had the copper iud and it started to implant more above her cervix and cause her to get an infection she needed surgery to remove it …

I had the mirena and it stopped my periods for 4 years, had to have it surgically removed because it moved too far out of reach :confounded:

I worked as a surgical tech and have seen iuds need to be surgically removed because of moving or absorbing through the flesh.

Be but I have the Paraguard and I don’t have that problem so go to the OBGYN .

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