Could my husband be cheating with my best friend?

Here’s an idea… talk to your husband about your concerns.


I’ve worked on the pipeline and you sometimes don’t even get a day off or they surprise you and make you work Thru the next day…. But if it’s new I can see how it would upset you. I’d start with the friend first…. Call her on that weekend and just chat til she says she’s just home relaxing, stop by with a glass of wine to “surprise her and to catch up”


Go with your gut. Do a pop up with lunch! Invite your friend to dinner. Tell them U would just like to have a fun night with them to de-stress. Drinks, food. Take note of their behavior. They will lie if u ask. Look for signs. Check his phone. Ask her could u do a snap on her phone or any reason to use her phone and scroll through her texts. Good luck!

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l get paid over $ 140 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes $ 13437 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Info Here >>>

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Tell the “ best friend “ ( in person) that u know he’s cheating bc ur having him followed by someone,and ur about to find out with who… her expressions and body language will tell you everything… pretending to already know helps


Go with your gut feeling it will never steer you in the wrong direction.if your feeling it than its happening.

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Show up at the job like at lunch time with a Surprise lunch for him at his job site and then you’ll know if he’s working or not and he won’t think you’re checking up on him you’re just bringing up lunch


Do his checks reflect overtime?


Tell your friend you are cheating and see if he finds out. :joy::joy:


Tbh it’s suspicious that your best friend has stopped coming over the same time your husband is supposably working on the weekends.
Id look into it tbh. And the same people thT say “learn to trust your man” are the same ones with husbands cheating on the side. Plus no one said she didn’t trust him, she thinks it’s oddly suspicious, which it is. Doesn’t matter if you trust your man or not. It’s a matter of do you want to play dumb or not.


Is his money matching up with the extra work?


Here is a idea pack up a surprise lunch and surprise him one day on said weekend and take it to him you will then find out if he is working


When he leaves the house follow him :woman_shrugging:t2:


You don’t need to do anything. If he is cheating he’ll slip up eventually these types can’t keep up their facade forever. It happened to me and I knew but karma did all the work for me

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I gotta ask… Wouldn’t his paycheck tell the difference after a month Now? That should be your answer


The worst advice is to ask him about it. He’s telling you he’s working, so if it’s not true, he’s a liar, and won’t tell you the truth anyway. Put a gps on his car, AND your friends car. That’ll give you your answer pretty quick. Don’t say ANYTHING TO EITHER OF THEM, or they’ll go to greater lengths to hide it, and make it harder for you to get them. If you know where his job site is, definitely go by to look and see if he’s there


Why not follow him.

Ask him which job site he is working at and show up with lunch.

Call him and give him an excuse why you need to see him. Ask him which job site he is working at. People that have nothing to hide will tell you. Someone with lots of excuses usually has something to hide.


Anything is possible

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Oh yea I say he’s cheating. Make plans with you best friend and see if your husband doesn’t work??


Don’t call your husband’s boss what so ever people telling you to do that that’s not cool. If he is working and you call his boss that’s going to get him fired from his job

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With all the rain and floods that have been happening lately, could it be possible that he’s had to work weekends to catch up on jobs?
Some construction workers do have to work weekends if there’s a lot of work/jobs that need to be done by a certain time.


Through an apple tag in his car. Done.


Do a drive by he has to have a car to do construction right


Don’t reach out to the boss why would you jeopardize his job and if you are wrong then ur nuts…leave it


What does his check look like? If it isn’t larger, he isn’t working :woman_shrugging:t2:


Turn up at your mates :woman_shrugging: Then you’ll know.


Easiest way to find out is through check stubs. More hours more money.If not check stubs check bank deposits.!!!


Ask your bff to hang out and see if he’s magically off work


Go with your gut if you feel they are they are having an affair always go with your gut it’s never wrong !!

What does his payslip say?


Does his pay reflect 12 hours OT?


Trust your gut. I wouldn’t get his work involved. Higher a private detective they take pictures and since you know when he’s leaving it won’t cost too much. Use his CC to pay for it and then hand him the bill with the pictures.


It’s always the best friend. Or a sister

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It’s Sunday so go find him lol let us know !! We are all hoping it’s not true but you won’t feel better till you know


Trust and verify! Verify he’s tell the truth.


Have you got a car if you do go see for yourself


Check his paychecks. That’s a good way to see if he is actually working those days. If it isn’t bigger than it was when he was working 5 days then you know. Try to hang out with your best friend on the weekends. Ask her to come over or to go out for lunch or something. I wouldn’t say you are crazy because our guts tell us things for a reason but I wouldn’t go gunns blazing either.


I would ask the owner like this " I’m planning a surprise for my husband and I’m trying to work around his work schedule, will y’all be working next weekend like you did this weekend if so that’s fine I’ll make it work just thought I’d ask" right there she will give your answer and you won’t look crazy


Invite your friend round or to do something

Or turn up at hers
You even do a drive by his work to check


Does his paycheck reflect him working an extra 24 hours? That’s something you kinda can’t miss. That’s a lot of extra money.

  1. Do his checks match the hours he’s supposedly working?
  2. Pop up with lunch at the job site on the weekend he says he’s there :woman_shrugging:t2:
  3. Does he and/or she act different when she’s around?

Stop stressing yourself out and just ask if your right get rid of his ass and as for your best friend get rid of her too if you even think she could do something like that to you

Follow him or buy a GPS tracker if you really feel like he is doing something wrong. It’s your business to know


Check his paycheck or bank account first. Do not get his job involved period. That could cost him his job. Ask your friend if she wants to hang out or go do your nails or do something yall like doing together. Follow him to work and find out where he works so on the weekend you can drive by that location and check it out.


Check phone history and his pay check. Can you drive by the job? Are they friends on FB? They could talk other ways like private chat apps . Honestly, I would want some proof before I started something. Is it legal to put a tracker on the car? They sell them on Amazon. People may criticize me for suggesting that but I would want proof and hope I was wrong. Can you track his phone. Does he turn his location off. Drive by the friends house….is she single?


Trust your gut always!

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Check his paycheck AND pay this friend an unannounced visit while you think he is at work.


Check the pay stubs and do a pop up!


I’m not sure if this was already said, but maybe do a drive by, by your best friends home to see if his car is there. You might want to consider expanding the radius a bit because he may consider you showing up unannounced.


Trust ur gut… u know we are gifted with that radar… he’s cheating with urnfake best friend… how can women stoop so low I will never understand… hire a private detective and catch them in the act… then make ur plan to leave… say nothing to him… just get away and file for divorce


You are NOT crazy you have suspicion for a reason. I would ask a wife and pop in unexpectedly to his job sites.


He could be cheating, could be working, or could be planning a surprise for your and needs her help :woman_shrugging: but often my gut is right. Tread carefully until you know the situation. Everything will come to light.


Trust your instincts…# it happened to me…# I was not as smart as you

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Drive past his work & go see your friend unexpected


Make plans with your bestie next weekend, and call his boss during the week to see how many more weekends they’re planning on working. Do you guys have Snapchat? Check locations.

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You don’t trust him for whatever reasons

Instincts trust your gut

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Check your phone records

Call his job saying you would like to drop off lunch but don’t remember the address right or something? Or say your planning a surprise and need his off time. I’m sure, being his wife, they would say he’s not there if he isn’t.


I would ask the wife save them I’d confront husband and friend

Sadly, if there is a suspicion, it’s almost always true.:broken_heart::sob:


Call his boss wife one of those days that he is supposed to be working, and tell her that he forgot his lunch or wallet and that you have to take it to him and see how she reacts.
Invite your friend one of those days or just show up to her place .
You can also try to track his phone locations .
If he is working extra he should be getting extra money , check that out.
I’m not saying that he is but our sixth sense is almost never wrong , and yes ……… it’s not crazy to them to be hooking up , some people are that nasty


Smell his cock n boxers when coming home

Stick a AirTag in his seat


With all the delays from Covid and weather events he may be behind. Go to work with him!!!

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Go to the job site and see if anyone is working weekends.Then…go over to the friend’s house randomly if not and knock loudly on the door. Once she opens it,push your way in and make some excuse about using her bathroom and barge into her bedroom.


Trust your gut!!!

I’d invite her for tea and ask them out right




Check his phone history and location. If you have an iPhone have it so you can see his location. Look at his paycheck, do the hours match up with the pay? Drop off lunch to him one day or call him while he’s working if he’s allowed to answer and ask where are you at today id like to bring you lunch or bring some cookies or doughnuts over for the crew? I do know work can get busy and certain companies will also their employees to work weekends if they would like or mandate so many weekends a month. As for your best friend ask her if she wants to hang out or run with you to drop off food to the guys on site or go do your girl time things and see how she is. See how she acts and he reacts when they are around each other. Tell her you think her cheating and see what her response is and how it comes about and if it is her and she tells him and things are different for your and your husband then yeah it could be her.

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Can’t you look at the hours on his paycheck stub?


The main thing is. STOP worrying about what others think of you and find out if
YOUR husband is a cheating snake… you have the right to know if the one person you base you’re entire life around is cheating. And if it’s true and your bestie is involved than put that slag in her place


Bring him lunch to his job site, when you get there ask one of the guys where he’s at


Shit idc if I seem crazy I’m calling and asking you have every right to know what your husband is doing witch I’m sure he always wants to know exactly what your doing but I would also start putting red flags in order and figuring out why your best friend stop coming over every weekend too . Did he start working these weekends the same exact time she stopped coming over ? Hugs mamma I’m sorry

Call anonymously and say that you have a project and we’re curious if they work weekends?
That way you know and they don’t know y’all’s business.


Ask your best friend to come over when he goes to work


Very suspicious that

I meaaaan I’d be doing pop ups, even if that meant putting a air tag to always know location :sweat_smile:


Drive by the job site you can tell if construction is operating that day or not


Find out where he’s workin and ride by see if he’s actually working. You can also just pop up to your best friends house. I wouldn’t involve the owners wife right now.


My husband isn’t in construction but is working OT during the week because the company was actually getting fined by the delivery companies because his shop would lock the gates an hour before these last few delivery trucks would come. He told his boss that the gates need to stay open so we stop getting fined. His boss finally agreed. Husband is the first to arrive and last to leave. He is in inventory so in his office 99% of his day. He listens to a gamer stream all day and talks to him too, as do I. My husband has been cheated on in the past so have I. We’ve been together 12 year married 11, never once stepped out on eachother. He’d rather be home asleep than trying to do shady shit. And his paycheck does reflect his increased hours, I don’t even look at his check stubs but saw his most recent one because it was in the pocket of his jeans that I was getting ready to wash. My uncle was in construction and my stepdad is currently they would work weekends especially in the spring and summer since it’s hit or miss with rain in the spring. My mom has never worried about my stepdad doing anything shady.

Call the company asking their hrs or for a quote over the weeknd loo

What’s his paycheck telling you


Things changed slowly at first and when it hit me it was just too far gone. He started getting his hair styled (slightly longer with longer sideburns; using professional hair and body
products; Wearing Aramis cologne daily (not just for special occasions); More tapered jeans and shirts and being done at the cleaners; polished and more stylish shoes and boots; clean fingernails and fewer calluses on his hands — on and on until she started calling the house when he wasn’t home — ger bame was Julie and she worked at Woolco. (I couldn’t get past this and we divorced).
We remarried two years later but it was just never the same…it was over. He told me that making love to me had become boring like being with an old maid Sunday school teacher and as for me, I could never “let go” while feeling I was being compared to other women.

Catch it and correct it early on before it becomes a habit.m JMO

Turn on find my iPhone

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Take him some lunch and see if they are working. Stop by your friend house. Go ahead and ask his boss. There’s no worse feeling than thinking about it all the time. At least if you know for sure, you can decide what you want to do. You have 2 choices after that. To stay or leave. But at least you will know


I would go by the work sight and bring your husband a surprise lunch or treat. Or I would call work and tell them you want to surprise him with a special weekend trip vacation and ask if they would let him off -you feel so badly he’s been working the weekends.
As far as your friend I would trace her comings and going’s if I could- sneak around and follow her when she says she’s busy. If she says she’ll be getting her hair cut or going to the gym I’d lurk in the parking lot and see if she is there.


Ouuuu keep us posted


My husband works construction so they never know if they’re going to work weekends. He always tells me his hours, location and I see his paycheck. Go visit him for lunch.


Ask him or both of them.

Honestly knowing my husband was cheating would be bad enough, but with your BEST FRIEND? Sis, if she’d do that to you she’s not a friend. I would be gutted.


Call her crying when he’s “working” and say I need to be with someone can u please come over?!! If she turns u down especially when ur crying I’d be doing some hard investigation. How can u turn down ur crying bf? I couldn’t !


Tell your friend you’re pregnant :rofl: see her reaction


Drive past the spot and see if he’s working before you say/do anything.


If you dont trust someone you shouldn’t be with them. If he is working over you would notice it on his pay stub and bank account.


Personally, if you feel he’s cheating, then why are you with him if you feel you can’t trust him? Also, talking about the creepy comments above with tracking your husband and best friend, stalking him, following him, don’t do this. Have an honest and open conversation about how you’re feeling. Don’t just jump in with accusations. Tell him you feel like he’s been distant and that you miss him. Guage his reaction. That will be healthier than any other thing you can do.

  1. Drive to his job site.
  2. Put a gps in his vehicle
  3. Go through his phone.

The truth will come out sooner or later :hugs:

Well it’ll show extra hours on his payslips and the amount that goes into the bank. His google location activity log would say where he is. If it isn’t turned on then turn it on.
Go drop him off lunch.
Also if he knows you are looking he will he careful. If he thinks you aren’t he will be cocky and slip up. Thats how I caught a cheater when I was younger. I knew something was up the second I picked up his phone and he near fell off the chair. I was literally checking the time. He got sloppy. Caught him. Haha
It could be nothing but either way I’d investigate as you wouldn’t want to ruin everything for nothing.
Sadly I’ve had many friends who thought they were being paranoid about friends but it was true.


Mine did. Mine kept coming over tho. Untill I found out and about a yr later she was pregnant by him…


Invite her over to stay the weekend with you because he’s working the weekend and you would love her company,see what she says, I would also mention to ur husband ur going to invite her over and see his reaction