Could my husband be cheating with my best friend?

Go to her house on the weekends that he isn’t home see if he’s there.


Call them your husband our friend… see what they are doing. Stop by the job site or your friends house


I wouldn’t call the bosses wife but there are several good suggestions here. Honestly I’d probably do the bring him lunch or GPS and show up.


Look at his check Stub tbh :man_shrugging:t3:


Is his paycheck bigger ???


:100: are you seeing an increase in money in the bank account??


They do have to work weekends if the contracts coming to an end and the works not done.

Call the boss up one day and say “sorry to bother you but I can’t get ahold of (whatever his name is) and that it’s an emergency and that he said he was working today and see what the boss says :woman_shrugging:t2:


Definitely reach out, or stop at your friends.


Always working late, sleeping on couch, no longer come to bed, no longer kiss you and hold you and have sex with you, etc etc yes not forget the phone calls that get hang up on…

For real you need to go with your gut. Sorry😞


I think it’s time to see where he goes when he claims he has to “work overtime”. Or if you are unable to follow him, ask somebody you TRUST to help out.


Go to job site and friends do your research!!! If it’s happening you will catch it!! Do not call boss wife!! Will get messy and if nothing happening you guys need his check. But if your gut feels out, it’s there just do your wife FBI Skills!! May not be exactly who, but it’s happening!!! TRUST YOUR GUT!!!..Praying for you!!!


You wait for him to go work one of his weekend shifts. Then call his boss act like you have an emerand need to get a hold of your husband.
The boss will then either get in touch with your husband if he actually is working. And if he is not, the boss will let you know hes not working. And then you tell the boss that your husband said he has been working weekends. The boss will let you know if your husband is lying or not.


Are his clothes as warm and dirty at the weekend as during the week. Smell his clothes then you will know if it’s work smell or fancy smell x


I would be definitely tracking him
And also just go and check for him at work too
Yes maybe ring the phn and see if he will answer FaceTime ect
Ask if you can borrow phn off him and see if he lets you have his phn
These are red flags trust me it’s crazy
trust your gut instinct
You will know


If the extra hours are not reflecting in his paycheck, it’s time to do a little digging


Bring him lunch that’s the best way to find out without him thinking you’re tracking him or show up at you’re friends house she what she dose.

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That happend to me my husband was so called working everyday 5 days a week. Trust your gut. It only progressed and eventually left me for her. His co-worker.


Yeah that seems shady. I’ve seen lots of construction work weekends but during busy seasons


Do you see his paycheck if he’s working weekends or not?


Check his payslip hun and go from there x

Look at the pay stubs. Itll account for the extra hours

when the time he’s conveniently not around call her house and see what shes up too . than randomly go over by her house if shes there or wherever shes at to see if he’s in the same dam place as her or to bring the swamp roach out make up some bullshit story and feed it to her to see if it goes across to him but only tell her so that way ull know if shes with him …she ll feed the bullst to him and hell have to say something to u… ull have ur answer…

If he’s working more hours, his paycheck should reflect that… :thinking: unless your finances are separate. I would make plans with your friend that same weekend.


Do a drop in. Changed behavior from both is suspicious


You do what you need to do to get the answers you deserve. Always follow your gut.

Follow him or have him followed. Have a chat with your girlfriend. And just be like “I think he’s cheating on me” And see how she responds.


On the weekends when he’s working, show up unannounced at your best friend’s house. Also, has there been a difference in his pay? Is his routine, in terms of getting ready for work, packing lunch,etc., any different from a typical work day? Ask him about the job site, such as location and such. If you get the address or general area, stop by and surprise him with a coffee. If he’s not there, you’ll easily be able to call him out on it.


First, do not contact his work. Regardless of what’s going on, he needs to be working to pay you separate maintenance if you’re suspicion is true and you separate.
Second, if your gut is telling you something is up, it probably is.
Third, with the construction boom, I imagine many construction workers are working 6 to 7 days a week.
Ask your best friend why her behavior has changed.


Not saying it is happening but… It happened to me. It’s possible, and it’s weird timing.
Also I have learned to trust my intuition, it has no been wrong. If you are feeling like there is something shady going on, you have every right to ask questions.


Time to get a sancho :rofl:


Has he been getting paid more? If he’s now working weekends also he is probably getting overtime which would give him a lot more $$


That paycheck is what’ll tell ya lol


Follow him if possible and also your best friend :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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Be nice and surprise him with lunch… if he’s there working it checks out…. Let him know that since you’re free weekends you can be super nice and bring him a hot sub for lunch every weekend :relaxed::relaxed: if he panics or acts fishy about it you have your answer …


Drive by her house? Or his job?


Drive-by his job site don’t contact his job. Or dry by your friend’s house

My ex-husband was sleeping w my ex bestie… I was going to school and he and her started messing round… long story short one of my other friends pinned her to wall and forced her to tell truth… apparently it was while I was at work also… so ya go w ur gut and investigate your self


Plan a meal in advanced for you n your friend n see what happens if she comes, where is he? I have to say that your gut is always right so trust it xxx


Surprise him with a lunch!

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Turn his location on.


Check his paycheck. If it doesn’t add up, then do some detective work. Can you stop by his work during lunch, under the pretext of just being a doting wife by bringing him something yummy to eat and see if he’s actually there?


Has your bestfriend started acting different with you? If so, :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Follow your intuition and go ask that lady

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Go see your gf on the weekend…SURPRISE

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Do they flirt with each other when you’re all together?

Do they flirt with each other when you’re all together?

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Been there done that. Fk both of them

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There’s an app you can use on his phone and his text messages will be sent to you


Call tell the owner you want to surprise with picnic lunch could tell where the work is .


Swing by his job site and your friends house


Follow your Gut feeling


Call the bosses wife and ask for the address of the current job site. Tell her you miss him and want to surprise him with lunch. Go to that site immediately! So the boss can’t give him a heads up…, :woman_shrugging: the gut usually doesn’t lie. But - lots of companies do work weekends to get caught up. I agree with others to see if pay reflects the OT. Best of luck to you.


I wouldn’t call the boss, but I’d ask your best friend to do something while he’s working & see what she does :woman_shrugging:t3:. Or bring him lunch & see him on lunch breaks :woman_shrugging:t3:. But every job it seems is getting ridiculous with the “working weekends,” leaving no family time! But don’t be too obvious & don’t give him a hard time because he probably is working, just keep an eye on that woman!


Where do you live? If you don’t drive I will pick you up :woman_shrugging:


Drive by his jobsite, check his stub for OT money.


My ex husband was cheating on me for quite sometime. He swore it wasn’t happening everytime I would ask him. But I felt like he was. After our divorce he came clean. And one of them was my best friend at the time

Could be coincidental. Don’t immediately jump to conclusions.

But there are a few ways to know. Mention their names around each other and look for a reaction. Check the bank for increased pay. If you know where the job site is, swing by from a distance. Ask the best friend to hang out and check the excuse. Ask him to call you on his breaks/lunch time and then face time.

Make sure you have proof because once you make that accusation nothing will be the same after.


Right check his phone check his check Stubbs or bank account deposits .but he may immediately delete Drs he pay a little more on his appearance those weekends?. But yes face time call him. Call and face time your friend , as someone else said turn his phone on tracker . Take him surprise lunch to where he’s working .

Ask best friend to come over when he’s gone sometime

I wouldn’t follow him or turn his location on etc.
I’d confine in my supposed bestie that I think my husband maybe cheating and explain how you feel and why you feel that way, then see her reaction.


Have you ever thought to just ask him? My thing is, you’re the person who likely knows him best. You know how his mind works, his routines, and given the yrs in should know his character pretty damn well. If you feel the need to investigate, start with him. If you know him as well as you think you do, you’ll know if he’s lying. If you don’t trust what’s going on, he’s the first one to address it without ruining his employment, nor a good relationship with a friend, who could just be going thru her own things at the same time this is going down with y’all. I don’t know honestly, but hubby is where you should start

Follow your instinct


Does his paycheck reflect extra overtime pay?


Invite tw your friend to do something with you and see if she dies. If she doesn’t, she’s probably with him.

Sleep with the bf and call it even

It does sound fishy but could entirely be coincidental. I’d bring him lunch or something one of those days or ask your friend to hang out with you. You can also do what Maouche Sabrina suggested and confide in her your fears and gauge her reaction. As someone who was cheated on, trust your gut instinct. It’s usually right.


Has his paycheck increased?


Call the work. I would. That will put a stop to all this. Unless she says he has not been working. Then. You know

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I say show up at your besties house with coffees during the weekend when your husband is supposed to be working. Don’t ask what she’s doing or if she’s busy. Just show up.


Go to your friends house when he leaves work and follow her…

This little device works well. Had to use this in my new teen driver’s car cause she was lying about where she was at and where she was going. Good luck and go with your gut.

Spytec GPS GL300 GPS Tracker for Vehicles, Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Loved Ones and Asset Tracker with Real-Time Tracking and App

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Do a drive by his work site and her house or put a tracker on his phone or car
This is crazy advice and I’m encouraging you to do it :blush:
Or call the bosses wife and ask for their site address because you want to surprise him with some lunch and ask her to not say anything
Have lunch made so you look innocent :innocent:
If you don’t trust your partner your relationship will not work


Pay stub?? Check the bank deposit from the employer?


Check it out some people make good liars bot saying this is the situation

Make him a sandwich and bring it to him


My husband works weekends and he’s also a construction forman…


My husband works construction, and if they are behind on a project, they definitely work weekends. And yes husbands sleep with best friends. My ex husband and ex best friend had an affair for quite a while, she moved in the day I moved out, and they were married 5 months later. If there’s no other reason to suspect cheating other than coincidental time frames. Ask him. But yes, construction workers can and do work 12 hour days, 7 days a week when it’s crunch time, your husbands pay stub should reflect that overtime though. Because of my ex, I utilize find my friends on my husband, I only use it if he’s late, so I know he’s ok. And I do make sure he gets to work safely before I fall back to sleep (he’s had an accident on the way to work a couple times, the traffic is HORRENDOUS where we live. So yes, I know he’s at work on the weekends.

Ask the bosses wife.

Don’t know if anyone has said it or not but if you guys have iPhones I would track his location. If you can get access to his phone then you can set up where you always have his location with the find my friends option in find my iPhone. Or if you know his apple info you can log in to his iCloud and see his location.

Just check his paycheck


If your intuition is making you feel this way then investigate. Hopefully he is innocent.


Trust your intuition.

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Call the work and say you want to surprise him with lunch and a treat because he’s been working so hard and you want to know if your allowed to go visit him at work and go in there and give it to him :woman_shrugging: see what she says


I’m on both sides of the fence on this one. My husband is a crane operator and sometimes he has to work many weekends in a roll. Construction sites have state laws and completion dates. Weather and other things can delay their finish date and then the companies get fines huge amounts. In those cases before that happens they do require weekend work, sometimes 7 days a week. As for your question FaceTime him and your friend during these times. You can also look at his check stubs. You should also know exactly where he works in case of an emergency. Our family has life 360 and we know locations of everyone at all times.

Just so you know my husband works construction too and I’ve seen several companies including my husband’s work weekends.That is nothing new. Unless he doesn’t have an increase in his pay then don’t jump to conclusions!

All these people saying follow him or follow her. We’re adults. If your husband and your best friend are having an affair, the best thing you can do is drop them both. If you need to track your husband or follow him around, your marriage is already over. You want to confirm that he is or isn’t working more hours weekly? His paycheck should prove that, one way or the other.


Why would you reach out to wife?!! Its a marital affair why not talk to your husband? As for your friend invite her out maybe she got tired of coming over. Surprise her with coffee or something


It is not abnormal for construction workers to work weekends. It’s more then likely a coincidence… I would not do any of the things that seem crazy and just talk to your husband and if that don’t work or you still feel suspicious then talk to your best friend! Communicate and your worries will probably be at ease.

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It seems like you may already think he’s being shady. I would just find out on your own without making it a big deal, like, track or follow him. Then once you have proof, the rest is up to you. If he’s working, then you’d just have to trust him from now on. But, dear God if he’s with ur bf, omg, girl… you can’t keep either of them.


Go with your gut!!! :+1::wink:


If you have iPhones, setup your phone and your husbands phone to share locations with each other. He will know where you are but you will also know where he is.

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I come from a construction family, and if they’re trying to get a job done or want to take advantage of the good weather, they most definitely work weekends. Take him lunch and see if he’s working. Look at his paycheck stubs to see how much overtime is on there. Check out your phone bill. There are ways to tell if he’s truly working.


Surprise him at work. Maybe breakfast or lunch


Trust your gut instincts. Make him food to take to him on a Saturday and go up there with the food. If you don’t have a vehicle bc he’s using it then call the bosses wife. So what if you look crazy, you have a gut feeling and you want to make sure it’s not what it seems.

When we had our construction company we worked weekends depending on the job and when we had to be finished.


Trust your gut! My ex husband would lie to me telling me he had to work 4-4 while he spent the whole day with my then best friend , even took her to the airport so she could go back to her military husband in Hawaii to have her baby.


Some of you guys either need to learn to trust your man, or be with someone you can trust. These questions are really really old. Grow up. Handle yourself. And for God’s sake stop thinking your man is cheating because he was to work a few weekends.


Hire a private investigator and Dont give either your hubby or your BFF an inkling that you have a clue re:them… bc they will change their behaviors to throw you off their scent. Get hard proof that way so you can confront with the evidence to shove it in their face so they can’t gaslight you… good luck!