DCF threatened to take my child away due to my abusive ex: Are they right?

Yes they can.


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Yes they can and u calling the police can be used against u get a lawyer and get away from the problem show them u want better for u and child good luck and god be with u and that child u got a fight on ur hands

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They sure can and they will. if u are allowing him to keep kid knowing that he is not stable enough to care for your child, it shows u are irresponsible and being neglectful to the safety and well being of your child. Take their warning now hun. I promise if they go out again next time your kid will be leaving with them . Not being mean but they won’t play. He is not stable and shouldn’t be caring for a child.i wish u the absolute best . Put that baby first . That man is going to cost u more than u know. My heart and prayers are with u.

Also, if u call them and tell them u are scared and he is abusive to u and need help getting out and away, they may also provide u with some help. But u have to be completely willing to let go of this man.

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They will take your child. So first get your self some help. You are still in love with the father. Put your child first and you can pull away from him.

Yes ur child can be taken away. U used poor judgement U knew ur child was not safe with him. I wonder if they R safe with U. Men r a dime a dozen, ur children R forever. Get out of this situation

I’m sorry but you did not use your common sense, you left your son in a dangerous situation. Does not matter why you did it if you were tricked or you thought better of him point is you knew he had a problem and leaving your child with him was a dangerous move so yes they can

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They can and they will. First you gotta stop listening to him when he says courts will side with him second leave his ass for good. Problem solved.

Even with you getting a restraining order and leaving him they can still take away your child. It’s a messed up system that doesn’t really support you trying to protect yourself and your child. They’ll use everything against you. I pray that you’re able to keep your child and you never go back to a toxic relationship. Just do everything they say by the book and focus on your child. Leave the relationship behind.

Basically yes you can have the children taken from you if it’s proven that they are endangered, but if you flee before you have enough evidence of the abuse then the law makes you send them back until enough happens or you face losing custody because the other party can scream parental alienation.
It’s a very messed up legal system and its based on what you can prove.
And inexperienced people can get caught despite not being in the wrong.
And there’s very little support for vulnerable people fleeing.
Until you experience the stupidity and absurdity you wouldn’t believe it.

Yes they can take your child away