Did a membrane sweep work for you?

I was 39w5d with my second had it done at 9:30 am went into labor around noon and went to the hospital around 8pm had her at 10:37pm that same night. The dr broke my water at the hospital.

Had them stripped on a Wednesday. Slept all day Thursday even fell asleep at the table at Olive Garden for my birthday dinner. Water broke Friday morning. I was still only dilated 1cm but since my water broke i had to be admitted. Had my son 12 hours later…

Nope, had one at 40 wks…then another at 41weeks! Baby came at 41 weeks+2 days, so I’m inclined to say that it didn’t work lol (3rd baby)

Nope. My first still arrived at 40wks/5days and my second arrived at 41wks/1day. I was in active labor with number three when I went into my scheduled appointment (for a sweep). Obviously no sweep but he came that afternoon a few hours after my appointment at 39wks/6days.
I honestly wouldn’t bother, esp before 39.5-40 weeks. It only can shorten time by a few days…and that’s if Baby is ready. Besides, labor begins days before we even feel contractions so a sweep could have been coincidental and not causational.

Had a teaspoon of chilli paste with one…and a small birdseye chilli with another…both went into labour pretty much exactly 12 hours later…

Nope. Had it done twice and did nothing. I would never have it done again. It was extremely uncomfortable and did nothing for me.

I had it done with my first pregnancy and went on to carry for 42 weeks lol so…no it didn’t work for me.

Did it twice with both my children and went over a week past my due date with both. Had to be induced with my second

Had one done at 37 weeks (I was actively dilating) and went into labor that night at 9 and had my son at 2:15 am!

Had it with my second. No sooner I left the office my contractions started. I got to the hospital at 8 cm it went fast

I had one at 39 weeks with both of my last two. It worked with one and not the other. Babies come when they’re ready

I just had a membrane sweep done in Monday no baby yet :disappointed: I’m 40 weeks tomorrow

Had it done 4 times with my first and nothing. I just was sore and hurting for a few hours after each time. I decided not to do it with my 2nd.

Went into labour the day after my sweep with my son. Had one done when already 1cm dilated with my daughter at 38 weeks, didn’t do anything lol.

Had it with my first. And took a week. Went into labor

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Nope! I had it done with all 3 of mine. Still went late and had to be induced with all 3.

Didn’t work with any of my 3. Two of them were late. 4 days and 5 days

Yes! With all 3 went into labor the next day!

Yes, I had one on Friday afternoon and went into labor Saturday afternoon and had my daughter early Sunday morning.

It help for me. I had it done on Friday and I started my contractions the next day

I had it done with my third. Was in labor that evening and my son was born just before midnight

I had a doctor do that to me and two days later my daughter was born!

Yes!! Had it done at 38 weeks , in the afternoon and was in labor by early evening!!

Worked for both of mine however both times my cervix was already favourable and softening.

Yes! I had a membrane sweep at 10am in a Monday and started contracting by midnight. Had my boy noon on Tuesday.

I had my daughter 9 hours after a membrane sweep. I was not even a 1cm dilated and I was almost 2 weeks past my due date.

Yes, worked with both pregnancies. Went into labor the night after…with both!

Nope. They did one 38 and 39 weeks with my third and neither one did a thing.

Nope for me and I ended up carrying her till 42wks and then induced and still went to C-Section.

Nope sure didnt… red raspberry leaf tea did though! 40 weeks 6 days!

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Was in labor 3 hours after it happened…I was 14 days past my due date

Had it done on a Wednesday with my first. Didn’t have him until Monday and had to have pit

Nope, they had to break my water both times. I had a very sturdy placenta:-)

Sort of, my water sprung a leak that night. But it could have been coincidence

I had it done twice I went into labor 2 days after I had the second one.

I only had it with my youngest and I believe it worked for me. The labor was intense though.

Yup. I was 4o weeks n went in for a routine did the sweep at 10 am with 1cm. By 945pm baby came lol

Not always but it can help. My friend had 4 membrane sweeps and still had to be induced

Had them with my kids, never worked for me but then again I had to be induced with all 3 way over

Had it done on a Thursday and delivered our baby Monday morning at 2:00 am

Worked for me on my second, went into labor two days later.

Had two and neither helped at all. Still had to be induced with all 3 of my littles

I had mine stripped at 41 wks. Didnt work. I was induced 3 days later.

Nope had it done twice and still had to be induced.

Yes! Had my boys 3 days after each sweep.

Had it with my 3rd and it worked like a charm.

Worked for me! Went into labor 2 days after the sweep.

Only had it done once and had her 16 hours later

Nope, had it done twice between 39 and 40 weeks, still had to be induced at 41 weeks.

It took a couple days but my daughter still came 2 weeks early after membrane sweep

Had it done with my first. Went into labor a few hours later.

Yes. Had one done at 37.4weeks at 1130am, labor started around 2pm

Worked for me on my last 4 , I had five kids

I went into labor just a couple of hours later.

Had mine done at 39 wk appointment at 9am and by 7pm he was born, first and only child

Not for me. Had it done 2x and baby was still 6 days late.

Yes it worked for me labor the next day

Nope. Got mine done 3 times and still went 9 days overdue and got induced.

Had it done three times and was in labor later on that night/ or the next morning

Nope had three and still went almost 42 weeks. . .

Brought on labor within 16 hours with 2 pregnancies and gave birth 3 to 4 hours later.

No i still went on to 41 weeks for induction

I had it done at 40w6and went into labor 3 days later

Had done twice and still needed to be induced

Had it done and was in labor in 6 hours

Nope. Had one with #4 and it didn’t do anything

Had 2 and still got induced. They r not gental

Had it done with my 2nd at noonish and labor started 9pm that night and baby was born 8am next morning

Had my membrane swept at 11am and had my daughter at 10:31 that night. It jump started my contractions.

I only had it done with my 4th pregnancy and thats the only time my water broke on its own…like a week after the fact.

I was 2 weeks over due. I wasnt dilated or effaced at all. Did the sweep and I had contractions immediately. 3 hours later they were 2 minutes apart. Was 10 hours of labor. She wssnt my first child though.

4 babies, 4 sweeps. None worked

Made my water break early and led to a 40 hour labor. Don’t recommend.

Yes but my doctor didn’t ask me. She just did it :roll_eyes:.

Had one done yesterday (39 + 2) and so far, nothing.

No. Didn’t work with either of my kids.

Nope didn’t work but Castor oil sure did!

Had one at 39 weeks went to 41 weeks so a no for me lol

I had it done at 39bweeks and had my son 9 hours later lol. Worked for me

Only had it with my 1st and it was like 2 days later and I had hin

Doesn’t even seem good to do
Maybe baby should come when ready ?!

I had it done twice with my 4th child… did nothing but cramp

With the first no, but my 2nd I had him within about 6 hours of it!

Had it done 2x worked within a few hours the 1st time almost a week the 2nd time

They did it to me 8 hours before my daughter was born. I think it did, but I hated it because it hurt me pretty bad.

I had seven children… they come when they want to!

Didn’t work for me. I had to be induced at 41 weeks

Nope had it done at 38+2 and was induced at 39+1

Didn’t for me with my 4th child

Why don’t ya’ll just wait for your babies to come naturally???

What is this? Never heard of this…

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Never had one, All of our kids came after intercourse the night of😀
Our first was 39 weeks and that day we walked a couple of miles, went on the boat, then had sex. My water broke 3 hours later.
Fast forward 7 years later when I was pregnant with twins… We had a busy day and around 9:00pm had intercourse, my water broke right after and the twins were born a few hours later.
Ugh, I hope my family can’t see this post😂

Never worked for me but, good luck, it certainly won’t hurt.

Yes had it done Friday, contractions all day Saturday and Sunday son was born sunday night

Also bounced on exercise ball

I had it done twice with no luck :confused:

I had this done and was in labor for two days immediately following it

Nope it didnt do anything but oh heaven did it hurt!

Yes with both of my boys! Within 24 hrs i had both naturally

Did it twice with my daughter didnt work either time :roll_eyes: her butt still came 3 days late :expressionless:

Yes! I went into labor 2 weeks later