Did a membrane sweep work for you?

Nope. :confused: I got two with my youngest and he still didn’t come until he wanted to. :woman_shrugging:

No. And It hurt so freaking bad.

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Nope it didn’t work for me

Not for me, but worked for my friend

Worked with my son but not my daughter

Didnt work for me. Just made me sore

Didnt work. I was still induced :confused:

Worked for me 2 weeks early.

Nope didn’t work for me

Worked for me on 2 of my kids.

Yasss went into labor the same night

Yes. Went into labor that night.

I had it done and was still induced.

Thats a whole lot of hand up there if it dont work :eyes::eyes::eyes:

I’m sorry, this is the one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard of.

Yes I had my baby 3 days later.

Nope she could not get to them :woman_shrugging:

Babies had their own deadlines. :heart: congratulations momma!

Yes!!! But I was 40 weeks already

Nope… Next morning Dr. still had to break my water for my induction

nope… had to be induced

Nope. 3 weeks later I was induced

Hard to say. I was already in active labor when they did it to me. Hurts like a b*tch though.

Never heard about this, but if you Have sex alot of sex

It worked great for me!

Yep both times. Delivered within hours.

I had it done only with my home birth baby (#3 of 5). She did it before am church on Sunday and I had contractions for two days and had him Monday night around 10pm. It doesn’t work for everyone but it did for me. Also a lot of walking after it’s done helps the baby drop.

Worked for me. But it also depends on how good and hard of a sweep your dr does. My dr did one so deep and hard i screamed and bleed for an hour. Then gave birth 3 hours later.

Yes the very next day

Had mine monday and my water broke about 4 hours ago. Dr said if it had worked itd work within 3 days so who’s to say if it was that or what but

It worked quickly with my first. I had to have two done with my second and it still took a little more time than expected. I do swear by them though

So with my son I had it done late afternoon, went into labor that night he came the next afternoon. With my daughter last month I was completely closed, went into labor 3 hours later and had her that night.

I had two done one I think 39 weeks and then again at 40. Scheduled for possible induction at 41 weeks and another appointment with my doctor the same afternoon but my son came on his own at 40 weeks and 4 days.

Not sure how true this is but I read this today

“What you need to know because your care provider won’t tell you …

If there was one ritual I’d like to see banned before 40 weeks, it’s the stretch-and-sweep, aka membrane stripping.

The routine stretch-and-sweep is performed during a vaginal exam at any time beginning around 37 weeks. Mothers are seldom told it was done. And rare is the mother who is actually given enough information to make a wise decision. Even if she declines this heinous procedure, it’s often done without her consent (which is called sexual assault outside of the obstetrical/midwifery clinic). I’ve heard from hundreds of women over the years who were ritually violated and suffered the consequences.

A stretch-and-sweep involves having the provider’s gloved fingers manually stretch open the cervix and then strip the baby’s amniotic sack away from the cervical opening. The baby’s amniotic sack is normally adhered to the opening of the cervix in a way that prevents infectious agents from reaching the baby. It’s one of pregnancy’s many safe-guards.

It’s believed that manually dilating the cervix and separating the sack from the opening of the cervix will release extra prostaglandins that could stimulate labour.

Only prostaglandins don’t trigger normal labour. It’s a hormone that ripens the cervix. It’s actually the baby’s lungs that trigger labour when they secrete a protein just when they’re ready for air-breathing. Then oxytocin from mama’s brain brings on contractions.

A membrane stripping is intended to “prevent induction”. What your provider is saying to you (if they tell you) is:

“I will perform a mechanical induction to start labour artificially so that you might avoid a chemical induction after your due date with IV oxytocin in the hospital.”

Yes. A stretch-and-sweep is an induction that is meant to “prevent” induction. It is meant to bypass your baby’s lungs and all of the safety mechanisms of human birth to get the baby out before the baby is ready.

It hurts.
It makes you bleed.
It can cause your water to break meaning you now are expected to go to the hospital for a chemical induction.
It can introduce infection.
It begins non-labour, disorganized, painful, non-dilating contractions most of the time.
Your provider will say that you are in labour with these induced painful non-dilating contractions.
You will be sent to the hospital for augmentation and may end up with a caesarean for failure-to-progress.
It’s a crappy way to have a baby.

Some studies say that doing a membrane stripping doesn’t shorten pregnancy. Other studies say it can shorten pregnancy by a couple of days. All studies say it introduces many risks to you and your baby. It’s a crappy way to have a baby.

And since many providers won’t tell you that they’re going to sexually violate you and put you and your baby in harm’s way, you must not only decline a stretch-and-sweep (which is often ignored - hello criminal offence) but also decline every vaginal exam prior to labour. Those exams have no benefit, give you no useful predictive information and introduce many risks. i.e. keep yer knickers on and yer knees together!

And for those who had a glorious stretch-and-sweep and had a baby a day later (yup, I’ve heard from at least 4 in the last 30 years amidst the several hundreds who have had crappy births), you’d have had the baby anyway. And I’m beyond happy that you had a good experience as most women don’t.”

2 pregnancies, 42+2 and 41+5 I think it was, both times went in for midday appointments, was told zero dialation/effacement/-2, had the membrane sweep, and was holding baby 12 hours later :joy:. So yea it worked for me

I had it done with my second and I was in labor that evening and I’ll be having it done Monday with my fourth child I’ll be 40 weeks. third child came on his own first child I got induced.

I had it done with my first child, the midwife accidentally broke my waters, still didnt go into labour untill over 24 hours later, me and my son ended up with an infection after so lomg with no waters

I had it done. It was painful and for me didn’t do anything. I still went to 40 weeks and baby was born on due date. But the doctor did have issues try to do it so that may just be a my body thing.

Something worked… I had an appointment 2 days before the due date. She checked and said “oh you’re already 3cm”. She didnt say she did anything but 2 and a half hours later I started to bleed. 3 hours after that i was admitted to the hospital because my baby was losing amniotic fluid. I was still 3cm and not contracting. Ended up getting induced. 12 hours later after 30-45 min active labor my baby was born 1 day early lol

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Yes had it done at 40weeks and 2 days and as soon as I sat up from the table my water broke.

Got it done twice and nothing. Got induced instead

Never had to gave a sweep, waters broke on its own

nope. just hurt like crazy