Did anyone decide not to breastfeed?

I am currently 37 weeks pregnant… is there any moms that didn’t do breastfeeding?


I decided not to. NO regrets.

I tried with my first didn’t work out and didn’t even try with my second.

I didn’t. It’s more convenient for travel and it’s hard to stop doing it whenever you feel you’re done with it. it only took my boobs 3 weeks to dry up.

I didn’t. I did try but my milk never came in. When it “did” I was dry as hell. Besides struggling to find a formula fit for my son. He’s still healthy and he was fed. Once we have him formula he finally slept and felt better.

You do not need to breastfeed! Do what feels best for you.

I tried and tried then made the decision to formula feed.

I tried. But she wouldn’t latch so I pumped for 6 weeks. Found out my medicine causes infants seizures, switched medications went into a mental hospital. Stopped after that. Definitely not worth my sanity And not doing it again

Never did, never wanted too. No regrets . My 4yr old is smart and very healthy

I dried up after two weeks with my first. Breastfed completely with the second. Both came up healthy and strong! Only thing I hated about not breastfeeding was I was always sore and felt like I had boulders in my chest!

You do not need to breastfeed! Do what feels best for you.

I knew I did not want to breastfeed even before getting pregnant. I didn’t have any regrets. As long as your child is being fed and you are happy with that, then that is all that matters.

I breastfed my first two and with my third I decided I didn’t want to do it. My son is just as healthy and thriving as my girls were. It’s a personal choice darling, do what you feel is best for you, your family and situation.

I always knew I never even wanted to try breastfeeding or expressing, so I didn’t. I made it clear that I wouldn’t even be trying once, and I didn’t. I’ve never regretted it at all.
My mum never did either. All 3 of her children were perfectly healthy, as is my son. If I have more children in the future I will not be trying either. I don’t believe it’s something that ‘has’ to be done or tried, or that ‘breast is best and formula is second best’. A fed baby and a happy and healthy mum and baby is best. And if breastfeeding will not make mum happiest then it’s not worth it, the risk outweighs the benefits in my opinion.

My baby didn’t latch correctly so I almost exclusively pumped and bottle-fed my baby for the first 2 months. I still made the effort to pump because I know there are many benefits of breast milk for newborns (and I was fortunate to have milk).
After her 2 month checkup, her Pediatrician. recommended alternating with formula to make sure she was getting enough food. Eventually my milk supply was drying so we just went completely formula. My daughter is 5 and thriving! So do what’s best for your baby and don’t let anyone shame you on how you nurture your child! FED is BEST! Good luck Mom!

I tried with both of my children. It didn’t work out. Both bottle fed and happy back then. Fed is best!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did anyone decide not to breastfeed?

I chose not to. You don’t have to breastfeed and no one should make you feel bad for it.


I have never breast fed any of my kids

I didn’t do with my first child. I wish I had later.

I tried it with both my kids. Didn’t work for me so this one on the way I’m not even trying. I might do colostrum in the first days cause how important it is but after that formula all the way.

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I didn’t breastfeed. I wasn’t comfortable with it. My daughter did have digestive issues and looking back 10 years ago. Maybe she wouldn’t have if I had breastfed her.

I bottled fed my two kids. I was a young woman in my 20s at the time. With my third I breastfed and now that I’m having my fourth I’ll breastfeed again. Everyone is different. Good luck.

Me. Don’t let anyone give you lip about it either. Feed them, that’s all that matters.


I breastfed for the first 7 days when I had my boy our first night back home after being in hospital for 7 days my milk stopped and I couldn’t continue to breast feed but gave our boy formula and he is now 5 months old and the most happiest little boy

I didn’t breastfeed because I just didn’t feel right doing it and didn’t want all the judgey looks from others in public cause this mama wouldn’t have held her tongue but looking back I feel like I should have Atleast pumped for my daughter so she could of chosen what she liked or not

I knew before I even had children I did not want to breastfeed. I hav 2 boys, perfectly healthy, that were formula Fed.

I’ve never breastfed any of my kids simply bc I didn’t want to. The hospital never pressured me, just brought me formula and that was that. :woman_shrugging:t3: Both of my children are very healthy.

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I didn’t my first two.

I breast fed but now I’m stuck trying to keep them from eating stale french fries on the floorboard of the car. Do what’s best for you and your baby. Fed is best!


I did with my first but chose not to with my second x

I wanted to but couldn’t, my daughter was born at 24 weeks and my quadruplet sons were born at 32 weeks. I never made anything more than colostrum

Tried with my first son and it just wasn’t for me so didn’t even try with my second son.

I nursed one and formula fed one. The formula fed child is independent, never sick, and gets good grades. The breastfed was hospitalized twice as a baby, clingy, and failing school. Fed is best. All that “nursing is better” is lies.


I breastfed my 2 boys then my baby girl was allergic to milk so I had to give her soy formula. She was actually my best baby.

I have never breastfeed either of my kids and they are perfectly healthy.

My first boy couldn’t latch, so I exclusively pumped for 9 1/2 months. I wanted to reach my 12 month goal but that didn’t happen. I felt defeated but my husband reassured me that a couple months on formula isn’t the end of the world. And he was right. Now that I have another boy due in August, part of me wants to pump again and another part of me doesn’t. I guess we will see what happens in a couple months. Fed is best regardless of which way you go.


I didn’t want to then was going to but I ended up not really producing and then ended up getting mrsa so it was a good thing I didn’t/couldn’t then with my next 2 I chose not to for just in case reasons

I tried a little but when I had difficulty getting my 3 girls to latch I gave up right away and gave em formula, they had formula in the hospital even. Very healthy 4 year old, 18 month old and so far now health issues with the 3 week old

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Me I bottle fed my first two and breastfed my third x

I didn’t breastfeed my oldest, and with my 6th and 7th children I flat out refused to even try to breastfeed again. It isn’t for everyone and that is completely okay. I breastfed my 2nd thru 5th children and honestly it wasn’t “awful” (except with my 5th it lead to me developing postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis), but it definitely also was not for me. Do what you feel is right for you and your baby. If you choose to breastfeed, that’s awesome! If not that is also just as great.

My ex MIL shamed me for years for my choice not to breastfeed. I have 5 kids, all formula fed, all healthy. My oldest is in college studying engineering. As long as your baby is happy and safe, that’s what matters. Don’t let anyone shame you into something you don’t want to do.


No i pumped for a month and gave up. She had reflux so the first 4-6 months were sheer hell. But i never breast fed and she was bottled fed a mixture between pumping and formula the whole time.

Do what you feel comfortable with

So I have two a 9 year old and a 1 year old and one on the way. I tried with my first one And i honestly had such a horrible experience with it that I didn’t even want to try with my 2nd baby . Honestly it really helped me just bottle feeding my 2nd . My husband was able to help, I didn’t feel like I had all this pressure on me , I didn’t feel like a meal kart, I got more sleep so that in all helped me be a better mom. I think mom’s know their body’s well enough to know what’s best for them. Fed is best weather you choose to bottle feed or breast feed.


I’m sure lots don’t. Is there a reason any you don’t want to?

I was going to with my daughter but her sugars bottomed out when born and was sent to the nicu an hour away. I decided once her sugars were stable I wasn’t going to mess with what worked. She is now a year old and never been sick and is healthy as can be. Do whatever works for your needs and your baby needs.

3 kids…never breastfed and of them.

I was determined to try to breastfeed and I did try. I couldn’t get my son to latch on, he liked the bottle so much better, and I got tired of my boobs leaking but not able to get all the milk out. It was very frustrating! It’s such an amazing thing to do if you work hard for it but don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out. And don’t let anyone tell you that you’re wrong to bottle feed. As long as your baby is eating, that’s all that matters💗you can try and permanently do bottle if it all fails! You got this mama☺️I just decided it was easier for me to bottle feed but looking back, I wish I would’ve tried harder.

I chose not too after 2 weeks and have 0 regrets.

Do not let anyone make you feel bad about not wanting to breastfeed. It’s a hard job & it’s your body your choice. Fed is best, doesn’t matter how!:yellow_heart: Goodluck

My oldest wouldn’t do it. He wanted nothing to do with working for his food he wanted right away and as easy a possible. He has a super high metabolism. He’s now almost 17 and smart, strong and healthy and were close he’s not affected badly in any way from bottle feeding!! Fed is best, just do your research about formulas and pick what you think is best.

I ebf my 3rd and while it was an experience full of good and sometimes hard I’m due with #4 and she will be bottle fed like my first 2 :slightly_smiling_face: no shame either way! You have to do what’s best for you :white_heart:

As a M/B nurse & Breastfeeding Consultant. I have always encourage my moms to do what is best for them, not anyone else. If they want to try, i was always there to help them. If they just want to bottle feed their baby, i let them know their milk will still come in, & give them all the tips i know to help them get thru the 48 hrs it takes to dry up. Remember moms, it’s your baby & your body & your choice. Don’t EVER feel bad because you didn’t breastfeed your baby. Your baby really doesn’t care how you feed them, as long as they are fed when they are hungry.


I tried with all my kids. I had no support with my first & gave up before we went home. I ebf my daughter up until 6mos when she started food. Continued to bf until she was 4. My youngest had a tongue tie. I pumped until his father stole the cord to my pump. It’s your choice. I will say with my kids my oldest who was barely breastfed gets sick ALL the time. He has GERD but I think that has more to do with being fed solids too early. He also had every virus that goes around & a lot of breathing issues growing up. My other 2 don’t. My daughter has the best metabolism. She can out eat her brothers & me & not gain a pound. She’s my donut & chocolate lover too. That’s just my personal expirence. It does match scientific studies though.

If you choose to formula feed check with your hospital. You may need to bring your own bottles & formula. My kids were born in 2012 & 2013. They were only providing formula on drs orders for medical need then. Also sign up for Similac & enflamil mailing lists. They send you free formula. Tip, don’t put that you partisapate in WIC even if you do. They send less to those on WIC. Have your friends & family all register too. At $20+ a can you can all the help you can get.

My hospital forced it on me even though I didn’t want to. Even after my PPH from having my daughter the lactation consultants and nurses would come in throughout the night and day and scrape my nipples with a plastic spoon to get the colostrum in a syringe to feed to my baby. I told them I wanted to formula feed and didn’t want to breastfeed but didn’t have a choice. It was so incredibly painful. I’m actually terrified to give birth to this baby in the same hospital and go through that again.

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I didn’t breast feed my second at all.

If I have kids, I’m not breast feeding. People can shame me all they want, it’s not their decision. As long as the kids are fed and healthy, I’m happy!

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I didn’t. And I have 2 smart healthy children. Growing and making accomplishments right on time or earlier

I have a five year old n a nine month old. Both formula feed.

2 kids, and decided it wasn’t for me

I tried but it didn’t work out so the girls were raised on formula. It’s ok if you don’t breast feed. Do what’s right for you and your family.

I didnt with any of mine

My son was born at 32 weeks weighting 1.3kg via c section. By the time I met him in NICU, he had always had his first feed which was formula. I tried really hard to breastfeed but couldn’t get any milk. He was conceived via IVF and I stayed in hospital for three months before his birth due to IUGR and low amniotic fluid. My doctor and his doctor brought in a lactation consultant and after a few sessions it was decided that formula would be the way to go as I didn’t have any milk and it was causing me to stress while having a baby in NICU. Today my son is four years old. He is a healthy happy little boy. Fed is best. Do what you feel is right for you and your child.

I didn’t with my first but I’m going to try this time around

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My mom Didn’t breastfeed me or my brother at all and we’re both fine. I started by breastfeeding my first daughter but she had a lot of problems feeding so I went to exclusive pumping until she was about 10 months. Then formula until she was a year (I had a milk stash but my freezer died). With my second I am going to try breastfeeding, but if it doesn’t work out, I’m not going to do exclusive pumping again and go to formula. Pumping and breastfeeding is not for everyone and that’s fine. What matters is baby is fed

I did for maybe a month. I hated it. I couldn’t tell how much she was eating, she was constantly feeding, and I despised pumping. She’s smart, tall, and has been sick 2 in 3 1/2 years.
I was relieved when I have it up. I knew for sure she was getting enough to eat.


Give it a try if you don’t like it or feel comfortable then don’t do it. But if you want too then just let the baby decide. My daughter did good and I was breastfeeding her until 3 and don’t let anyone tell you how long you should do it. I let her decide when it was time to stop and I try giving her regular milk once she turn 1 but she didn’t like it. My son didn’t wanted to do nothing with being breastfeed lol so I didn’t force it yeah I did try but he wasn’t having it so I just give him formula and he loved it. It’s all up to you and the baby

I didnt with all 3 now 22, 15 & 7 and all healthy

I’m pregnant with my 4th and haven’t breastfed any of them, don’t plan to with this one either.

I tried with my son and lasted 3 weeks. I’m almost 9 months with my second and told myself I will try it, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s not the end of the world.

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I tried. My milk never came in so hospital encouraged formula n’ i fed her that in the hospital. Tried more at home but my daughter wouldnt latch, i stopped tryin on the 3rd day at home n’ just formula fed

I’m 35 weeks 2 days with my third. I didn’t breast feed my other to and I don’t plan on it with this one.

I couldn’t feed. I dried up as soon as she was born and she couldn’t latch properly despite anything we did. I’ll try next time but won’t hold my hopes high. Theres no shame in not breast feeding.

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I did 6 weeks with the first, 8 weeks with the second, and my 3rd I didn’t at all.

I never considered formula despite facing a few challenges.

I breastfed, but only for six months.

My opinion is that you should give it a try because it is great for bonding, comfort, convenient, and of course free. But it isn’t for everything. Some people are under producers and struggle with it so if you give up you won’t be the only one. I only made it a few months with my first before losing my supply do to my work/life balance but with my next kiddo I’m hoping to go longer but will have to see how things go


I didn’t with my oldest and he is happy and healthy

Both my children were formula fed. Some moms just can’t breast feed and some moms don’t want to breast feed. Either or though as long as baby gets the nourishment they need its okay. Good luck mama with whichever you decide

I didn’t breastfeed my daughter and I’m not gonna do it with my second

I breastfed my 5 children for a total of 90 months or 7 1/2 years and I will be the first to share that the important part is for the babies to be fed nutritiously and to be surrounded by your love. You should do what is best for you and be confident in your decision. Just like most things in life, one infant-feeding plan does not fit all families.


I didn’t breast feed at all❤️ just didn’t want too

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I didn’t breastfeed my daughter.

I didn’t breast feed my daughter due to ptsd from expressing for my first who died at 11 days.
I’m so glad I didn’t put pressure on myself. My daughters happy an healthy an it meant her das could help with night feeds xx

It’s your choice. I believe even if you can only do it for a week it is worthwhile. There are loads of benefits to breastfeeding: Weightloss, it encourages your womb to return to shape, gives your baby your immunity to diseases, it’s a chance to sit down and snuggle, and much less smelly nappies. My advice would be to make sure you do it properly and not rely on midwives/HV telling you you’re doing great.

I breastfed 2 out of 5. Baby 4 only made it 3 months. Baby 5 is 9 months and still going.

I have four kids and did not breastfeed with any of them. They are all happy and healthy. The oldest one will be 19 in July.

I did not breastfeed my first. Didn’t even attempt it. And I’m pregnant with my second and he will not be breast fed either. If you do not want to, don’t. And don’t feel pressured into it. Fed is best. :heart:


I plan to “try” but my effort will be 1-2 days of trying and if we have a good relationship I told my husband I would do 3-6 months .

Already have a stock of formula just in case , I refuse to be mom shamed!

I agree the science is there …and breast is “best” in a scientific way. But :woman_shrugging:t2:.

I see what my friends goes through to I have ZERO intentions on putting myself through it! I want my husband to do night feedings and help on weekend while I run out to do groceries ( which is a 4 hour task … so my baby couldn’t go that long without feedings :woman_shrugging:t2:


My first i breastfed for 6 months, pumped for 3 months after that and did formula after that. My second will be 3 weeks old on tuesday and we are going strong on breastfeeding. I think you should do whats best for you and baby. No shame in not breastfeeding. Its cheaper for sure but its up to you as the mommy

Yep. I formula fed by choice both times and would do it again.

Probably plenty. When I breast fed, we bounded cause I had to hold them close in order for them to feed. They digested it instantly. No gas or colic. (Formula takes time for them to adjust to). My milk was always ready. Formula has to be made and heated. Both ways are fine. If you can’t do it from you, it’s great there are alternatives. Only you will know when the time comes. Enjoy being a new mommy. Good luck :heart::pray:

Fed baby is best!!! whatever works for you and your baby. Good luck mama


I have been breastfeeding my 20 month old she has a strong immune system, she never get sick as compared to those who are bottle fed


I have 4 children. My twins were formula fed as my milk didn’t come in right away, my daughter was half breastmilk half formula and my son, who is 29months old, was breastfed till he was 26months old.

So… I couldn’t w my 1st I was on meds, my 2nd didn’t want cus she was given a bottle of sugar 1st, 3rd i ONLY wanted 2 pump they told me no so I did bottle. 4th I said fuck it and just did bottle

I don’t produce enough without having to supplement most of the feedings so it doesn’t take me long to give up. Not worth the many stresses it brings just cuz it’s what society wants me to do

My babies wouldn’t t latch and I didn’t produce a lot of milk. I pumped and supplemented with formula. Both my girls are smart healthy girls. If it’s not for you it’s not for you.
I will tell you though some people (especially at the hospital) can be very pushy. Don’t let them talk to into anything you don’t want to do

I did not and there’s nothing wrong with that!:slightly_smiling_face:


You do you!! I breastfed mine for 9 months and 7 months each. I dried up with my first, and my second was so big and active I couldn’t handle him bouncing around on my belly while he ate any longer after his C-section. Then I pumped to a year with both. But I gotta say, if I had any more at this age, I would do formula out of the gate. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for whatever you choose!