I didn’t. And it was a choice nothing else… my son did excellent on formula and was a happy healthy baby and we had an amazing bond also…
I breastfed my first,worst 5 days of my life,I now have 5 kids and chose to bottlefeed them all,I’d never breastfeed again
Be prepared to advocate for yourself. I breastfed, and I likely will again, but I understand why moms choose not too. Breastfeeding sucks imo. Its cheap, and that’s about the only reason I did it. Lmao. You do you, and don’t feel bad about it!
I didnt really try to breastfeed with my 1st so she was all bottle after 3 weeks. My 2nd I am trying and hes doing amazing but I am also doing bottle feeds with formula so that I can rest and daddy and gma can be involved as well. I have to go back to work next month so idk how long I will be able to feed him once I do as I’m gone 14 hrs a day.
I have 3 kids never breast fed any all healthy
I could only breastfeed for a month with my daughter and went to formula after that. My son has been on formula since day and is 10 months now. You do what’s best for you. If you prefer not to breastfeed at all then don’t
I didn’t. My baby was healthy
I just had my first and I chose not to breast feed. One because the milk didn’t come in up until about 5 days ago, and secondly because I wasn’t willing to take dairy out of my diet because my baby seems to have a touch of lactose intolerance but I consume dairy at least three times a day. We found a formula that fits his needs and he is doing just fine and actually putting on more than enough weight. My doctor also told me that formula feeding reduces the risk of babies having jaundice after birth.
Yes me. I wasnt comfy with it with my 1st, my 2nd I medically couldn’t anyway n this time I may but FED IS BEST FOR BABY N MUM
My milk didn’t come in so we did formula. She goes to daycare 5 days a week, just turned 1 and has had 1 fever ever. You do you and don’t let anyone else make you feel less of a momma because of it!
Nope I chose not to. I have amazing bonds with my daughters still
I breastfed my two. However, my mother had zero desire to breastfeed any of her three children & we all turned out fine. You’re momma & the choice is yours! You do not need to give anyone an explanation for that. Fed is best!
I tried with my first and it was horrible and I cried every single day so I didn’t even attempt with my 2nd or 3rd. You do what’s good for you
I have 2 amazing boys who did wonderful with formula. It all depends on you & what you want to do with your child. Either way you’re an amazing mother
I didn’t breastfeed my first or my third. Not because I didn’t want to but because I wasn’t producing enough milk. My second I did through pumping for about 3 months. You just have to do whatever is good for you. I have wonderful bonds with all 3 and they are all smart, healthy kids. Never let anyone tell you what’s best for YOUR baby and you. People will push their own beliefs sometimes way to far in my opinion.
it’s a very personal decision imo. be prepared to advocate for yourself while at the hospital… they can be sooo pushy which is why i was so discouraged to breastfeed with my first. my son is 6 months old now and this time around i’m more educated on the subject and chose to breastfeed. it’s rewarding but in my opinion it really sucks… i exclusively pump and it’s physically and very mentally draining. i’ve wanted to quit more times than i can count. you have to do what works for you and don’t feel guilty about it ever!
Bottle fed all 3 of mine and they are all healthy & smart!
I started with formula because my baby had a hard time latching and from there decided I didn’t want the stress of trying to breastfeed. You do what you think is best for you and your baby
Tried with my first, didn’t work out so I formula fed. My second I didn’t even try because I had to go back on medications right after birth that are toxic to a newborn through breast milk.
My dr didn’t want me to nirse because of a busy life style and i have 3 great grown kids
My daughter didn’t breast feed. It’s total a woman’s choice. Don’t let others make you feel bad for your choice. All 3 of my grandkids all happy and healthy! You do you!
I didn’t breast feed my babies and they thrived just fine. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad if you don’t.
I couldn’t breast feed due to medical problems. Both my kids are perfectly fine and healthy. I used liquid concentrate formula instead of powdered bc its less constipating & its what worked for my kids. You do what you feel is best for you and your baby.
I wish i could breastfeed, but wasn’t producing enough at all. He is 5 months almost, super clingy mommas boy :), healthy and tall too.
I tried with my first. Killed myself for 2 weeks and gave up. Just thought I didn’t do something right, so I tried even harder with the second. Turns out my huge boobs are just broken. I produce about an ounce of milk between them for a week after the milk comes in and then dwindle to drops within days, no matter what I did to prevent or rebuild. It was a whole lot of work for nothing. Should have saved myself the trouble. Both my kids had tummy issues with formula, though, that they didn’t have with the little milk I was able to produce for them. I guess that’s why I pushed myself so hard. It was wholly not worth the trouble in the end, 100%. Both kids are very healthy and terribly solid children. Never had weight trouble thanks to formula, even with all the puking. Very healthy kids. Great immune systems. Wish I had taken the extra sleep instead.
I didnt. I have 6 children an when I got pregnant the 5th time I said I am breast feeding this one. I just didnt want to miss the experience. Well then I found out there was 2. I just couldnt. But now I wished I would of.
Fed is best. Whatever works for you!
My kids both were formula fed and they were fine.
Its a personal choice and if you do not want to it is ok to formula feed! Not everyone has the desire to breastfeed or can breastfeed and thats why there is formula
I didn’t, don’t worry about that momma! Formula provides all nutrients baby needs.
It’s ok to formula feed. Dont worry about that. Bottle fed, breast fed, tube fed, just know, the baby is getting fed and you’re a great mom!!!
It’s a personal choice I didn’t breastfeed my 3 and we never had any problems
I didn’t… as a sexual abuse survivor I couldn’t bond with my child in that way… I formula fed and was not ashamed
Your body your choice
Didn’t even try it, I knew it wasn’t for me.
I chose not to breastfeed with both of my girls
I wanted to, but let’s be honest babies have a mind of there own! My daughter would literally just scream into my boob relentlessly, gave up and formula fed! My 1 YO is perfectly fine! Once my father in law tried to shame me! As I would say to anyone “if you want to breastfeed grow your own and you do it!” no one’s opinion matters in that situation, do what feels right!
Fed is best. There will be haters but you have to do what is best for you. Its a very personal decision. Some who decided to wind up medically not being able to and their babies turn out just as fine. Do not let others opinions hurt you regardless.
There are plenty of people who don’t or didn’t breastfeed. Why is this even a question? It shouldn’t be. Feed your baby however you see fit and don’t question it. Period.
I was apprehensive about nursing so initially I told myself I would try it for 3 months, and if it went well I’d go longer. I ended-up breastfeeding for 6.5 months then transitioned to formula. I also supplemented with formula while I was still nursing (I pumped, but never was a big producer and would never have been able to leave my baby had I not also used formula). Choose a formula now and have some on hand with bottles. If you want to try breastfeeding, do. There is help available to make sure you get a good latch (the most important thing). I also religiously used a nipple cream after each feeding and organic green cabbage leaves to help with soreness. But if you’re not up to breastfeeding, that’s okay, too. You don’t owe anyone an explanation and your baby will be just fine, either way.
What ever you decide fed is best I personally didn’t breastfeed past the first 3 weeks my supply disappeared after a traumatic birthing experiment so went into formula and to be honest it just worked better in my family so everyone could help feed my daughter . Don’t stress yourself if you want to formula feed then that is more than fine
I did not with first but tried with second and switched to formula at about 4 weeks. If you do it’s ok, your baby will be healthy and will grow if you don’t tho. Go with your guy, try if you want to. I didn’t know I was going to try until after birth. Nurses and lactation consultants were great after birth.
I tried but it’s stressful, I only did it for about 3 weeks and then both of mine went to formula. Don’t let anyone shame you for not breastfeeding. FED IS BEST!
I didnt with my first and that was best for us. You do what’s best for you and the baby.
I decided not to breastfeed
All these women saying fed is best are just trying to make themselves feel better. I understand there are a million reasons why someone CAN’T breastfeed but if you can you should. It even says on the formula containers that breastfeeding is best. Fed is obvious and a given… not “best”
I formula fed my second and it was wonderful! I exclusively pumped for my first and it gave me ptsd. I refused to feed anything but formula to my second.
I couldn’t because I had a double mastectomy a year before I fell pregnant but even if I didn’t have that I don’t think I would of but everyone is different do what is best for you
I tried with my last baby but I couldn’t get her to latch properly so I had to give her formula after day 3 of her not being able to breastfeed properly. Giving her a bottle and seeing her be happy with her belly full for the first time was a good feeling and it made me feel sad at the same time. But I had to do what was best for her.
I breastfed while I was on maternity leave but switched to bottle when I went back to work
You do you. You can’t take care of anyone else if you aren’t taking care of yourself. My SIL used formula from the start for all 3 of her kids and they are healthy, smart, and super athletic!
My daughter was primarily formula and she’s so healthy, never gets sick. My son was strictly breastfed and he’s my sick one.
I breastfed for like 2 weeks but my depression and anxiety was worsening and I didn’t want to be near him anymore so I stopped and we’re good as buttons since choosing formula
Formula fed both of my boys & going to do the same for my 3rd due in August. I have bad anxiety & depression so my well being is the most important so I can take care of my kids. Hard choice but my kids are 100% healthy & I’m healthy too!
Yes! Tried for about a week with my daughter and i couldn’t stand it. It was the most horrible feeling. So when I had my son I went straight to bottles.
I didnt…I tried but was producing enough and she wasn’t latching…
I’m hoping with my second I can. With my first I only did for a month. And then I dried. But I know drinking a lot of oatmeal. Will help. If I’m not able to. There is a program for mom’s that donate their milk. And I’m going to give it a try.
I bottle feed 4 of my 5 by choice and guess what they are all healthy happy humans at 14,13,10&8yrs old:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I formula feed all 4 of my kids my choice
I think the majority of women do formula! I personally breastfeed but it’s not for everyone! There is nothing wrong with starting on formula right away if it doesn’t interest you.
I tried to with my first and was only able to for about 3 weeks. I’m pregnant with my second and I’m gonna try to. But I have no problem going to formula
I breastfed my first born but not my second. Personally, there is a huge difference in the 2.
Fed is best. You do you, mama.
With my first I chose from day 1 not to breastfeed and I plan on doing the same with this second one. It worked out perfectly and I have no regrets.
Yup. My first two I couldn’t because they were allergic. My third I was bullied into it by nurses at the hospital and post Partum depression spiraled out of control. My fourth I finally accepted formula is perfectly fine and anyone who has complaints can take their complaints and shove it.
its a personl choice i loved it but my dil didnt baby has to b fed it doesnt matter how do what u want
I didn’t breastfeed I have 3 girls and my youngest is 1 month old! They all are healthy and perfect And it was my choice ! I formula feed! It was nice to share feedings with my husband and not have to worry about everything I ate like if I had breastfeed.
Formula feed both my girl’s there 2 & 4 now
As long as you feed them. It doesn’t matter. Mine were all formula. Breast feeding didn’t interest me.
I never breast fed any of my 3 kids.all by choice and also dad could help with feeding when needed
Formula fed all 3 of mine and all 3 were premies. All are healthy and smart as can be.
Didn’t breast feed with my first and don’t plan to this time around either, currently 20 weeks with my second
I did not Breast Feed, it was not for me!
Personally I didn’t want to I didn’t like the idea of it I don’t bother obv if anyone around me does it etc I just didn’t want to … my daughter is 5 and absolutely fine xxxx
I have 3 and never bf.
Formula fed my 3 boys
i did breastfeed but my daughter chose not to w her 1st baby due in sept. i support her bcz bf is a choice u have to be willing to commit to and out of ur heart. ur baby will be just fine as long as she’s fed and loved
I cant produce milk so I never breastfed my 2 babies but if theres mamas out there that can give me some tips that might help my body so i possibly can I would love too ! Currently 35 weeks pregnant.
I couldn’t breastfeed my first after 6 weeks as I had heavy duty antibiotics due to an awful infection in my csection my second I breastfed for 12 months I let my baby choose what was best at the time I don’t understand flat out not trying if you really don’t like it then put them on a bottle but do try at least
I breastfed 1 of 5. All my kids are healthy. You can’t tell the difference
I didn’t with my first and if I’m totally honest, he’s the smartest of the bunch. Not that it’s a direct correlation but some people try to say that breastfed babies are smarter. In my personal experience it was great bonding while breastfeeding but I think the constant attachment held them back just a little. My oldest is much more independent and I know that’s because of the difference in feedings.
I tried to breastfeed my first but didnt work out so little man so formula feed! My youngest is breastfeed 100% of the time. Both babies fitting thier mile stones feed is best
I tried it didn’t work. I pumped but my son mostly got formula. Fed is BEST! He’s growing and 98% of all this growth and hitting all his milestones too!
Ultimately it’ll be your decision to make. I say fed is best, whether it be breastfeeding or formula.
I didn’t bf with the first baby, we switched formulas over and over due to gas and colic and he ended up on Alimentum formula. Projectile vomiting, cried all night. It was a nightmare. Because of this, I pumped with my 2nd and 3rd kids because they wouldn’t latch properly. No colic with them and we eventually switched to formula later on at about 3-6 months.
I tried with my 1st. But struggled. And with my second I decided I will not put myself or my child through that again. A fed baby is a happy baby and a happy mamma. I just felt with the bottle, I know how much he drinks and its easier for me.
I knew from the Jump I wanted to bottle feed. Especially having a 2 year old at home. I wanted to sleep as long as possible. & I didn’t wanna be the only one able to feed him.
Of you can try it is good to give them 6 weeks of breastfeeding for the good stuff after that it doesn’t really matter
I really tried to but I just wasn’t producing enough & my son just refused to cooperate so he was mostly on formula. It stressed me the hell out because I definitely wanted to and I received some hate by a few “perfect” parents I know. Now though I just see it as do whatever you’re comfortable doing. With formula watch out for any bad side effects etc because the first one my son was on made him constipated & I believe I ended up having to switch his formula 2 or 3 times before finding one he had 0 issues with.
I have 2 children and we did formula both times. The first time I never produced milk and the second was very stressful as he was in the NICU for 2 weeks and the doctors and nurses pressured me to try so I did and didn’t do well. Formula babies are perfectly healthy. If you don’t want to that is your choice, don’t let them push you into it.
I have 2 boys
I breast fed one and formula for my other one. Both are wonderful. Do what you want!!
I tired it but didn’t work out and used formula instead. And I’m dead set on formula feeding when I have my second one.
As long as the baby is getting a full belly that’s important
I didn’t breastfeed just because with my first I struggled and didn’t wanna repeat. Do what’s right for you mama.
On my 5th now (I’m 31weeks 39yo:woman_facepalming:t3: my oldest is 20 this year) didn’t even try with #1&2 #3 wouldn’t latch so pumped for the first 3 months and gave up #4 almost exclusively till a month after 2yrs and hopefully will pump and breast feed this LAST one. but each child is different so we shall see🤷🏼♀️best advice: don’t worry about anyone’s opinion do whatever works for you and your baby!!
The stress of breastfeeding is ridiculous …
Some only want to
Some can’t
Some don’t want to
It’s OK either way
I spent months stressing when my milk was drying up. So much wasted time I could have just been enjoying my daughter.
No matter your decision know that FEDisbest. Feeding is one of many things that mom’s do that is judged by OTHER moms ridiculously.
Pisses me off because it just is the start of the “I know everything” momma’s you’ll face!
Do what you want. Love that baby free of judgement! Do what’s best for you
I did both… it’s whatever you’re comfortable with. A fed baby is a happy baby
Half the world formula feeds. I chose to formula feed. Much easier in my opinion.
BEST IS FED!! I didn’t breast feed with mine due to my milk not coming in properly! They are both happy and healthy kiddos:)
I didn’t breastfeed my second child and he was just as healthy and gained just as much weight as a breastfed baby hes actually bigger than most kids his age my first son I had to stop breastfeeding after a month because I had a yeast infection on my skin That I didn’t know about and he kept getting thrush because it was in my milk aswell