Honestly if you are able to pump or nurse the first few days it gives a tremendous boost to your babies immune system. That being said it ultimately is your choice.
I exclusively breastfed and as happy as I am that I did I will say it’s a ton of work and extremely hard. So if you’re having doubts keep that in mind. My oldest was almost 3 before he self weaned. I was so ready to have my body back and he refused a bottle. My 2nd is a preemie so he had his feeding tube for a little while which meant I had to pump around the clock. I had my alarm set for every 2 hours if I wasn’t at the NICU. He took to the bottle though so it made things much easier that he’s not completely dependent on me. It’s ultimately your choice, don’t let anyone else persuade you. Good luck mama
Fed is best! Formula is a perfect option! Please don’t feel pressured into breastfeeding! Your mental health is important, and “because I didn’t want to” is a perfectly good reason not to breastfeed.
I breast fed so I cant help. BUT I just want to say because I know theres haters out there… FED IS BEST! Please dont allow anyone to tell you different.
Lots of moms don’t and that’s okay! I worked in 2 labor and delivery units. Many moms chose not to and I totally respect that! I myself only nursed/pumped for a short time. My daughter is 6.5, healthy, not overweight, not sickly, so don’t let anyone pressure you into thinking that formula will ruin them! If anything it saved her life because I was not producing, she wasn’t latching well and losing too much weight.
You’re the mom, formula or breast feeding, you get to decide. No one, not one person, should and can make you feel bad or second guess yourself. Period.
I did and I don’t know if I would opt to do it again. My son had a milk protein allergy and I had very bad ppd… the whole experience was horrible for me the 4 months I nursed him. Plenty of mamas decide not to breastfeed and they/their babies are no less than those who do. Do what’s best for you
I didn’t breastfeed. I had to go back to work and the thought of pumping gave me terrible anxiety. My daughter is 4 now, no allergies, has only been sick once, and is very advanced. It’s up to you, don’t let anyone shame you either way.
I didn’t. Honestly my pregnancy and delivery was an absolute nightmare. I went 4 days after my due date and had an emergency c section. I was exhausted I didn’t even try. My boy is 9 and perfectly healthy. My doctor was okay with it
Meeeee! I had babies 15 months apart. The first was breastfed (mostly pumped) for a while but we ended up on formula. By the time the second came, she was on toddler formula (yes, I was that extra in the first beginnings) and I didn’t even attempt the stress of trying to do it again. Never felt guilty, never asked anyone’s opinion. I was self centered on what was going on with me and my babies, which was awesome. You should never feel bad about not breastfeeding. Formula exists for a variety of reasons. Just feed the babies and it’s all good.
I breastfed but only for four months all I have to say is do not stress to much if you gotta go thru a few different kinds I had to with mt daughter and yes irs scary and stressful bit you will find the right kind to use!!! Baby being fed is better han anything remember that
I didn’t. My son had 3 different formulas before we found something his stomach could tolerate don’t worry about either way… keep your sanity and choose whatever works for you!
There are plenty of people who choose not to breast feed. As long as that baby is fed and happy, you should do what is best for you. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for choosing to not breast feed. Fed is best
I did it for a couple of weeks and then had to switch. One, I had to go back on my medication and it would make the baby sick. Two, it hurt me so much I couldn’t stick with it. It was excruciating. It’s not that way for everyone, some find it comfortable and relaxing but I didn’t. I felt a little guilty at first but he was being fed so I got over it. Do what you gotta do to feed baby.
Fed is best! It’s completely up to you on how you choose to feed the baby. Sometimes breastfeeding doesn’t work out the way you want it to & it’s totally okay! It’s hard and exhausting sometimes, but as long as the baby is fed, happy, and healthy, you’re doing amazing! best of luck on your upcoming journey!!
I tried. I really tried, but I was exhausted and in pain from my c section, my baby had a hard time staying latched on. I didn’t directly breastfeed her but I pumped her milk and I also gave her formula. I pumped milk for about 6 months
Fed is best, your comfort matters in these delicate times too.
I did not with my first (there were issues and he couldn’t get a good latch), but I did with my second.
If I could go back and do it again and would have NOT breastfed my second either. She refused a bottle and we were EBF, I had do do every single feeding 24hrs a day with no help until she was on solids
Yes, there are! Do what’s right for you!! I breastfed for 13 months while working full time outside the house, it was a true labor of love and not for everyone!! Do what feels right for you.
I didn’t with either of my kids. First one I pumped for a few months but stopped because it was wearing on my and second one is currently 2 months old and a perfectly happy healthy baby on formula besides I’m on a medication I wouldn’t be able to take if breastfeeding and I’m a better mom medicated than not
I breastfed both of my sons while in the hospital. Once we were home I had to get back on the only antidepressant that works for me, and I couldn’t breastfeed on it. However, even without the antidepressant I would have probably still went with formula feeding, because I desperately needed to share the work with whoever could help while I recovered. A sane momma is good for the whole family
I bottle fed(formula)my girl…honestly I did try to breastfeed…first and only child…didn’t know what I was doing, nurses came to try and help daughter wouldn’t latch…we went home I tried again the way the nurse showed still wouldn’t latch
So I said fuck it,baby needs to eat, went and bought formula and I feed her that… I dont feel bad or guilty for not breastfeeding, as long as she was eating and gaining weight and healthy, it didn’t matter to me…I suppose people would have a different opinion, but that’s them, I did what worked for us.
I didnt breastfeed either of my boys. Both grew up healthy and strong
I didn’t with my first and will not be with this one. It’s a personal choice. My mental health matters just as much as my baby being fed so for me it will be formula
I did both and this may make some moms mad but, Formula is so much less STRESS. I breastfed for 8 months and worked at the same time. It was mentally draining. No hate at all to formula feeding moms, fed is best. You deserve to be mentally healthy too.
I tried one time at the hospital with my first. I got super nauseous and told them to get him a bottle. Never tried again after. With my second we went straight for the bottle! My babies loved me the same and were happy/healthy.
I told everyone I was not going to breastfeed and that I was not going to allow anyone to push that issue. That was my choice. When I was home alone with my baby girl, when I felt like I wanted to, I did, but not because anyone was pushing me to.
Me! I actively decided not to breastfeed. I was a single mom, working 70-80 hours a week and I knew I would be balancing enough and decided that my mental health was more important for my son than my breast milk.
I tried to breast feed my daughter but she was born with a recessed chin which made it really hard for her to latch. after my experience in the hospital with being squeezed till I turned purple thinking that my daughter smelling the milk would help her latch made me realize even more that it wasn’t for me after that I didn’t even want to pump. She turned out totally fine. We will be bottle feeding our son too when he is born. Sometimes it’s just not for everyone and only you yourself as a parent can decide what is best for you no one else. Both are wonderful choices.
I actually tried and failed. She wasn’t getting enough to eat and ended up losing weight. Then she wouldn’t latch on. So I pumped a little and did formula. 6 years later healthy and happy. Please don’t feel bad for not wanting to breast feed. It’s your baby and your body.
If you don’t want to the. Please don’t feel like you “should” it can be very damaging with the bond if you really aren’t comfortable or forcing yourself. If you are happier bonding with your baby with a bottle then that is just fine, or if you try breast feeding and then decide it’s not for you then that is also fine, or if you breast feed and love it, again that is fine. But the main thing it is 100% YOUR choice xx
With my first baby I tried but it was so hard. My milk wasn’t coming in he wast getting what he needed and was loosing weight. I made the choice to switch to formula. With my second I also chose formula. I had a horrible experience with my first. I was made to feel like a failure and they refused to allow me to feed formula in the hospital so it was more of a trauma related decision to formula feed my second. I’m now pregnant with my third baby and in a totally different relationship. I am personally going back and fourth but I sat it is your choice! Formula feeding can be just as much as a bond and what matters most is their little belly is full! You are momma! Whatever YOU feel is best is what is best I hope for a loving safe delivery for you both!!
I chose not to. With my first I tried really hard I ended up only pumping till I was out of colostrum. My second I wanted to and tried again to at least pump. It was too hard for me supply wise and it caused a lot of depression both times. I’m not even going to try with my third. A fed baby is all that matters.
I didn’t breastfeed. My son couldn’t latch, and it gave me such bad anxiety. The lactation consultation I worked with was super judgey, and made me feel less than as a mother. FED IS BEST. My son is healthy, thriving, and I bond with him just as much. YOUR choice. Whatever works for YOU and YOUR baby.
I didn’t breastfeed my first but did my second and third. Fed is best! Either way is healthy!
I didn’t breastfeed. Felt awful, I have super sensitive nipples so I wasn’t a fan. Even pumping was to much for me. So I did formula instead. But like they say, a fed baby is best!
I didn’t breastfed either of my children as long as they are FED that is all that matters. I’m sure you know they say the colostrum for the first little big gives a big boast. My kiddos are not sickly or catch more than the next kid, I can’t stand the thought of someone (yes, even my beautiful babies) on me then as they age biting and teeth yuck, but to each their own. It was definitely much easier sharing bottle duty.
I didn’t breast feed my first. Never wanted to. She started out on and continued formula until she was about 10 months old. Then she was pretty much eating what we were, and put on whole milk. No problems at all. I did try with my second. It was aweful, I hated it. Lasted about 2 weeks. Switched him to formula. FED is all that matters. You are not hurting anyone by choosing formula over breastfeeding.
I did not breastfeed for either of my 2 children. A fed baby is a healthy baby so what ever you decide will be great!
It’s definitely a personal choice!! And fed is best! There are pros and cons to each. I breastfed for 15 months but there’s times I wish she was bottle fed because it would take a lot off of me but at the same time the thought of preparing bottles stressed me out. There is no wrong answer! You do what’s best for you and your circumstances xoxo
Breast is best… but you can do whatever you please good luck momma
I didn’t breast feed. I wanted to, and have a lot of mom guilt for it but none of my doctors educated me on when my milk would come in, how to get your milk to come in etc. I thought if I didn’t have milk right after I had my baby that I couldn’t breast feed, so I didn’t. And it came in 5 days after I had her
I have 2 kids. 20 months apart. My first was a preemie so I would pump & she would get it through the feeding tube, then when she learned to eat on her own we gave her bottle. Once she came home I did formula only… my 2nd was full term and I only formula fed him. They’re both perfectly fine and healthy. It’s your choice, Whatever way you feed is perfectly fine. Don’t let others bully you into one or the other
I breastfed 4 of my five. Fed is best yes nursing is awesome but they don’t mention the downside to some it the cluster feeds depends on how baby eats. My second would nurse for 15 mins then wanna nurse again 30 mins later. I couldn’t get her to nurse longer. You have to stop and nurse a screaming baby when and wherever. Some people aren’t comfortable doing so I am okay with it. Sore nipples poor latch now trust me nursing can be awesome. However fed is best! Dont let anyone push you into what you don’t want to do
I didn’t breastfeed my first three children. It’s a personal preference for sure. If you feel strongly enough about not doing it stand true to it don’t let anyone make you feel bad. If you are in between I would suggest trying it and if it isn’t for you then switch to formula. They are both perfectly good options. People can be brutal about this so my best advice is do what your gut tells you mama. You got this!!
I tried, but between problems latching, and how long it took for me to get a decent pump (I had a handheld, but I have severe arthritis in my hands) I didn’t get to do much breast feeding. My daughter was even re-admitted to the hospital at 1 week old cuz she wasn’t gaining any weight.
I breastfed my first and dear lord she was always wants sick she’s now almost 7 severe asthmatic uncontrolled and my second my son was formula fed and the kid is rock literally never been sick and strong as hulk looks like he’s 6 but only 3 years old… do what’s best for your mental health babe FED IS BEST
My daughter was in the NICU and had a hard time swallowing. While we had her feeding tube in, they tried hard to get us to work with breastfeeding after pumping to help her reflex. I struggled and couldn’t. It was just an uncomfortable experience and freaked me out. We stuck to pumping.
Feeding your baby should be a special time of bonding whatever you choose. As a nurse I have worked with moms who breast fed because they felt it was expected . I remember one mom we worked with for a couple of weeks …her baby wasn’t gaining weight and she was crying in pain with sore nipples. When she finally decided to give the baby some formula with a bottle she said she wished she had given herself permission before. Feeding time became a pleasure instead of painful experience. Oh. And we did have to convince her she wasn’t a "failure "…
I did with my first for a little while , but then went to formula , and my 2nd I walked into the hospital and told them I wasnt breastfeeding , I’m doing formula . Of coarse they tried , but I said no, there is nothing wrong with not breastfeeding and giving formula. Your child still turns out to be a kid and so on
I tried and just could not produce enough . my choice was to do both breastfeeding and formula as a 1st time mom I did not know which would work best until I had my son. lots of good intentioned women told me breastfeeding was the best option however genetically I was unable to and formula was fine for my son. I had lots of guilt I felt terrible that I wasn’t being the best mom for my newborn & ppl made me feel worst when my son got his first cold from naturally being in daycare. my best advice is see what works best for your child and yourself. my son is a big strong 1 1/2 year old with no health complications & a growing immune system
Do what feels right to you. Many babies start out with formula and they are fine. Breastfeeding is best, but for so many women it is so very hard and painful.
I didn’t but wanted to… just didn’t work out. My daughter is now a teenager and very healthy. There are different ways to bond with your child
Breastfeeding is not the be all end all. Don’t let others make you feel bad for your decisions.
I tried to breast feed for a few days til I pumped n bottle fed for bout 6 wks to get that first lot of goodness into her.
Unfortunately my Big boobs n small baby in public I just couldn’t juggle both and she took forever to feed because she tired easy being so small.
I did not breast feed my son- instead I chose to pump and use bottles until I dried up and then he went onto formula. If I should ever have another child, I will likely just formula feed. My best friend wanted to breast feed her son but wasn’t able to so she used formula. Momma, as long as your baby is fed and you are both happy, that’s all that matters! Fed is best!! Don’t get pushed into something you don’t want to do.
I wanted to but my body didn’t produce milk like its supposed to. Babies just need to be fed. Fed is best. It doesn’t matter how they’re fed as long as they are. My daughter is perfectly healthy and she was bottle fed
I more then likely will not be able to breastfeed her as she needs stomach surgery right when she’s born so she will be in the NICU so they will formula feed her. Induction is in a little under 11 weeks for her
I felt I would probably not before I had the baby, I tried because I thought I should but it didn’t work very well lol so gave a bottle and that was that x do what you feel comfortable with
I didn’t do it with my first. I wasn’t educated enough. I did it for a year with my second one, and I’m pretty sure I’m not going to breastfeed. It’s such an amazing thing and the bond is forever, but is so exhausting the first couple months.
I always tried it … my twins it wasn’t from me so I stopped very quickly but my son I did it for months before stopping . You have to do what you think is best for not only you but the baby as well
I didn’t. I couldn’t because of meds I take. If you aren’t comfortable breastfeeding, that’s ok, don’t feel bad. Fed is best. Breastfeeding isn’t for everyone. Don’t feel guilty about it if it’s not for you.
I did not. I had to take meds that wasn’t safe for breastfeeding. I took it really hard but I was able work through it. With my second I didn’t either… I have an amazing bond with my kids. You do what you need to do for you and your child
I didn’t for an emergency C-section and being so big breasted the only way she was able to latch was with a foot in my incision. Needless to say once we were released four days later I didn’t try again and pumping didn’t do anything.
My son wouldn’t latch. I pumped for 5 months before we weaned him on to formula. That was the most stressful 5 months ever. Formula made life so much better. My daughter latched perfectly. We actually tried formula and she had an allergic reaction. She self weaned at 14 months. Feed your baby the way that it works for YOU and your baby. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks or says.
I didn’t breast feed any of my children and they are fine. That is a total personal choice. And you shouldn’t feel pressured into breastfeeding. Fed is best!
I fed my son for 10 months via breast. My daughter her turned 3 months yesterday has never had breast milk, she is still thriving. It’s completely your decision.
I made the decision to not breastfeed either of my children and both are rarely ever sick and are doing great in school. It’s your choice and don’t let anyone shame you into doing something you don’t want to do.
I did not breastfeed after the first 2 weeks. It was the worst experience. I did pump for several months and supplemented formula.
My mom formula fed my brother and I exclusively.
My advice is you might have to try a few different types of formula to get what will be best for your baby.
Its your choice. It all up to you, you know what you would prefer. its good for them but formula is also good. Its up to you mama
I didn’t but that’s mainly cuz im an older mom of 1…I dried up before I left the hospital!?! I have other underlying conditions! I do have a friend who breast fed all 3 of her kids…a boy and twin girls!! She’s my hero!! Lol
I didn’t breastfeed. I have 5 boys and 1 girl. I tried with my last but it only lasted 3 days. Honestly, as long as they are fed that’s all that matters. I think it’s just what works for you. I didn’t like breastfeeding but my little sister thinks it’s the best
I wasn’t able to breastfeed my first, and then I had them so close together that it was practically impossible to breastfeed my second and take care of my first. Fed is best. No matter what. If you choose not to breastfeed and that’s a decision you’re happy with, your baby will be just fine mama.
I didn’t breastfeed. I didn’t want to.it’s a perfectly valid reason not to. My girl is perfectly fine. Bright, funny and thriving. Fed is best you have to do what’s right for you and baby xx
I had never planned on breastfeeding until I was pregnant with my first child. I tried to breastfeed her but she had a tongue tie which caused latching problems and my milk was slow to come in. She started losing too much weight so I supplemented with formula. I kept trying but it just didn’t work out and I wasn’t disappointed. She needed to feed whether it was directly from me or from formula, her health was more important. I’m pregnant again now and I will try again, if it works it works and if it doesn’t then it’s still fine by me. Breastfeeding doesn’t make you a better mother and doesn’t take away your bond with your baby either. You do what works for you and your baby and who cares what other people think.
I didn’t for 2 of them. I did for 2. Bottle feeding was definitely easier for me. All of my kids are smart & there’s really no difference in their health. Do what’s best for you mama. You got this & your little one will be fine no matter what you decide to do
I want to first and foremost say that it’s no one business what you choose & as long as you’re baby is fed you’re doing your job as a mother. As someone who is breastfeeding now 7 months in with my second & stopped after 2 weeks with my first I will say I wish I would’ve tried harder with my first. It’s SO much cheaper. In the middle of the night there’s no scrambling half awake to get a bottle made while baby is screaming etc. just whip a boob out & you’re golden. It can definitely be so hard sometimes but is incredibly rewarding.
However, ultimately refer to first sentence.
Good luck mama!
I work in a Pediatrics office. We have quite a few Moms who don’t breastfeed for whatever reason and that’s perfectly ok. As long as the baby is fed and growing that’s all that matters. It’s your decision Momma. Do what YOU want to do.
I didn’t for both my kids. They are just as healthy as breastfed kids and they end up all eating a chicken nugget off the floor. You do you mama!!
I tried to but could barley get anything out. My baby was tongue and lip tied so he wouldn’t latch. I pumped what I could and he had about a bottle a day of breast milk for the first 3 weeks. Honestly either way is fine. My aunt is an RN and told me that the first few weeks of life is really the most important because they get antibodies and stuff like that from you which will help him be stronger immune wise. But after that we’ve been on nothing but formula. They will try to push breast feeding. They did on me even though I was trying to. But the pediatrician said that it is perfectly fine and most important is that he was eating.
I tried to breastfeed and due to a multitude of reasons, I stopped completely when my son was 3 months. I can tell you that now that he’s 4 and in preK, you can’t tell which kids were formula fed and which were breast fed!
I didn’t with my first two and then I tried for two days with my third and just mentally could not handle it. Do not feel pressure to do it! Formula is okay too! My babies are all healthy and happy formula fed babies!!
With my last baby I didn’t pump or anything . What I did do was I bought these milk catchers that you wear and it catches your milk for you so you can still have some saved up if you need in an emergency or whatever else. Each time I would empty them every few hours I got 2-5 oz and its not painful to wear! But don’t let anyone tell you that you have to breastfeed because formula is just fine. That’s what I had my little on the minute she was born but she did get some breast milk from those cups I bought and I didn’t have to go through the pain and crying and mental exhaustion ( my personal experience) that it caused me.
I didn’t breastfeed and its selfishly because I can’t stand my boobs being touched and baring in mind they were full of milk it was even worse I did try but it’s not for everyone. X
I didn’t even consider it. Just wasn’t something I wanted to do. Not with my first Singleton or with my twins. Fed is best. Do what works best for you and your situation.
I tried for only 6 weeks and gave up me and baby where not doing well with it and ones we went to formula we both where happier do what you think is best for you mama
Fed is best! Breastfeeding didn’t work out for us, so both my girls were almost all formula fed. I know some moms go straight to formula. Totally your decision, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about what you decide to do.
I didn’t breastfeed both my children. I couldn’t bond with them when I tried. I honestly dreaded doing it because of the pain I was in and dreaded even more when they would be crying for me. I literally cringed when I heard their cries. So I formula fed and guess what? They turned out perfectly healthy. The whole “breastfed babies are smarter and healthier” was debunked so don’t let people tell you that you have to. It’s your choice. And do not feel guilty! #fedisbest
Fed it best! No judgment here. I breastfed for about a month. I had to stop due to My son having a milk protein allergy. Even before that, I would pump and pump and didn’t get much, but I tried so hard. He had to go on prescription formula. It was what was best for Him. He was fed and gaining weight and thats all that mattered. Do what you think is best. It’s your decision.
I didn’t, I tried with my daughter but no luck. So both my baby’s went onto formula, we had lots of babysbin the family at the time but I found the formula keep my baby’s fuller for longer compared to my neice who was breast feed but always hungry and crying. I know all babys are different but you do what you feel if best and comfortable
I didn’t with my second baby. At all. My oldest was only 18mo when she was born and he was difficult (later on was diagnosed with autism) and it felt like too much. I still bonded with her. She’s my healthiest kid now. Do your thing mama
I knew from the beginning when I found out I was prego that I was not going to even try breast feeding. It wasn’t for me, the thought alone made me sick, and people harassed me about it but it’s your decision and yours alone!!! My baby is healthy spoiled and has more than she needs!!
I breastfed for 3 months for 1st and pumped for 2nd for 3 months as he wouldn’t latch …I say do what works for you and your family
I didn’t breastfeed my son and he is absolutely fine at 5 years old… actually he is more than fine he is perfect. I’m pregnant again and I will go straight onto bottles for this one aswell.
I didn’t breastfeed longer than two weeks with all my three. I couldn’t keep up, I felt rundown, like a failure. Babies and I were so happier when we switched them to formula.
I didn’t with my second. It was stressing me out way too much and I was literally crying in the hospital because of it. She is now 5 months old and weighs the exact same as her older sister that was breastfed in the beginning and is actually an inch longer. She also has had LESS colds than my oldest daughter did as an infant. Do what’s best for you!! Don’t let other parents or doctors pressure you in to anything else.
A fed baby is best. Yes breast milk has properties that boost baby’s immune system. But, if mom is stressed, grossed out, can’t, etc, it most likely won’t go well. As long as baby is fed, that’s what’s best for both mom and baby!
With my first I pumped and fed as she was in NICU for a short time and I felt I wanted to give her the best possible start, once we were home however, I couldn’t pump as much, which made me anxious I was going to run out, the anxiety completely destroyed my production so I switched to formula at around the 5 month old mark as it was taking a toll on my mental health. I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant, and this time I’ve decided to just use formula straight away. Do what you feel is best and don’t listen to anyone else. <3
I have had 3 kids and never breastfed them! If you don’t want to do it then don’t ! Nobody at the hospital will ever question it they will just bring formula because FED is best !
For those saying fed is best - it isn’t. Being fed is a minimum of what you have to do to your baby. Now how you choose to feed your baby is completely up to you and I hope you can get the information and support you need no matter how you choose to feed them
I breast fed my son for a month but chose to switch to formula. I was overwhelmed and was suffering some PPD so it was way too much. He’s 4 now and 100% healthy. No issues. No allergies and rarely ever gets sick.