Did anyone decide not to breastfeed?

I didn’t breast feed because honestly I didn’t want to. My Similac baby grew up strong, smart and beautiful. Healthy, national honor society, honor roll every time. She is now in college. Fed is best , whatever mom chooses. My beautiful Similac baby!

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It’s so bizarre that we live in a society where it is acceptable to refuse to provide your infant with proper, biologically normal nutrition and biologically normal mothering. Very selfish.


I tried pumping, but barely produced anything, after a few weeks i gave up and my son was exclusively formula fed. Even witha a serious congenital heart condition he grew perfectly fine and is a smart, active almost 4yr old. Do what is best for YOU 2. Dont let anyone pressure you into breastfeeding if you are not comfortable with it.

I gave it a few attempts. Was painful on my uterus, contractions all over again. So I did formula and less and less breastfeeding. Then I wrapped my boobs real tight in a body ace bandage and hot showers to drain them lol

Girl you do mama. I have friends who did not breastfeed. Their babies are growing and healthy and wonderful. I breastfed and pumped for a year. It was tough. I am a glad I did it but it wasn’t easy. Fed is best. Love you and love your little one

I exclusively pumped with my first born for 6 months so that’s an option too! I had such a hard time breastfeeding with her, I was miserable and cried every night in the shower for a month when I tried breastfeeding.
I did supplement formula because I didn’t make quite enough milk to keep up with her and the world kept turning for us. She is a thriving little 2.5 year old.

Lots of people choose not to breastfeed. Its ok to make that choice. Hospitals used to send you home with formula. I would just research your options. Some babies have more gas or reflux or more allergies. Both my babies would up on soy formula.

Fed is best!! I have two formula kids who are uber healthy, surpassed every milestone ahead of time, and are beyond beautiful. Don’t let anyone shame you if that’s what works best for you and your family.

I didn’t breastfed neither one of my children…my oldest is gonna be 22 and my youngest is gonna be 13. And me my kids are so close…some people think me and my oldest are a couple, because we are always touching each other. Lol. And holding hands…my 12 yr old…well she’s 12…lol…but im close with her as well.

I tried but it didn’t work out. I tried with my 2nd and he got sick with meningitis so he had to stop while in the hospital. So that ended. My daughter decided not to breastfeed before her son was born. He’s a fat and happy baby and they are bonded sooo much. If you decide not too, it’s absolutely ok! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Tried with my first. Wasn’t working and wasn’t for me or my baby. My other 2 were formula fed.
Fed is best.
Don’t be bullied into doing something you may not be able to do or want to do.

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I did with my first for 2 weeks til my nipples got so chapped it hurt. My second I didn’t at all. It was hard getting her to latch so I gave up. As long as baby is fed. Fed is best

I did for like 2 weeks for both of mine. I just wanted to get them filled with good antibodies. But I plan on breastfeeding longer with this one. There is a lot of tools to help now. Such as nipple protected that the baby can feed directly from.

I breastfeed my baby and plan on breastfeeding this one when I have him! That being said I support every parent’s decision to breast or formula feed. Every baby and parent have different needs based on their situation. Fed is best!

I breast fed all 6 of mine however it was hard! We had latch issues mastitis that nearly killed me 3 times thrush cracked nipples anything that could go wrong did weaning issues were awful formula is definitely an option if that’s what you want to do do feel pressured to bf if you don’t want to it’s totally up to you

I did with both of mine for as long as I could a few months. But it was hard specially with my first every time my milk come in I thought my lungs was guna explode well all my bk hurt I thought it was my lungs wasn’t sure…and one boob kept blocking I’m only 32 weeks this time and have leaking boobs already so I think my body knows what It’s doing this time so defo guna give it a go… I found it easier. In the hospital using there electric pump machine so guna try find the best breast pump

Breast is best for baby. I’d suggest getting a breast pump if you don’t want to breastfeed you can do it via bottle. Look into milk donations. If you must do formula, I suggest looking into making your own. Formulas are not good for babies and are filled with a lot of crap. The choice is yours of course. Breastfeeding/breast milk has so many benefits for mom and baby.

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Yes. Fed is best. The hospital also supplies formula if that is your choice!

I didn’t and I regret it. I tried with my second one then I got an infection and had to take antibiotics that I couldn’t breastfeed with. I was devastated

Yes I did a combination as I have inverted nipples and it was painful for me even with a Sheild. The BEST thing was EVERYONE could feed her and daddy loved this special bonding moment also :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:All of the added features to formula these days do not be ashamed!! It’s so beautiful either way

I’m pumping and supplementing with formula. After 9 months of hg i want my body back. I have no insides pumping but i cant handle the demand of breastfeeding. Fed is best. Don’t beat yourself up.

I breast fed my first 3 for 8 weeks, then im still breastfeeding my 4th now who is 2.5 years old. :sweat_smile:

Honestly you do you! Theres no right or wrong however you do it! Baby will be happy and healthy either way x

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As long as your baby is fed and cared for, it doesn’t matter and don’t let anyone tell you different. You’re the mom, you know what your child needs.

:raised_back_of_hand:t3::raised_back_of_hand:t3::raised_back_of_hand:t3::raised_back_of_hand:t3:Just had my 4th baby 4 months ago & I can proudly say that ALL 4 of babies were formula fed NEVER even tried breastfeeding (I have my own personal reasons) and all 4 are some of the smartest kids I’ve ever seen (probably being a lil biased being they are my babies lol) but with my new 4month old babygurl I keep getting told how strong she is for being so lil the day she came out all the nurses couldn’t stop talking about how strong she was for a lil 6 pounder :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: a FED baby is a HAPPY baby​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:

I tried but I son busted my nipples open within the first couple of days and I just couldnt handle the pain when I tried with my daughter!

I did for 2 weeks, but had no supply by the end of the 2 weeks, so I had to switch. Best thing ever. We’ve decided with baby #2 we’re doing formula from the start to save my sanity

I have four sons. The first one I breastfed for only 6 months. When my second one was born I wanted to get back to my job and decided to forgo breastfeeding. My third and fourth I breastfed 1 year and 2 years.
The only child that has had health issues are the one I didn’t breastfeed.
He had thyroid issues and type 1 diabetes.
Now, I know there’s no documented science behind this, that I know of, but I still feel like there’s a connection.
I’d at least try to breastfeed until your milk comes in.
Colostrum is so beneficial for your baby.

I refused to breastfeed. It’s painful and I don’t like my nipples touched. I was breastfed and I’m still an idiot so why put myself through it.
I did pump the first week or so just because I had to get that shit out lol

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I did both formula and breastfed. Ultimately, as long as your baby is fed, how that happens is up to you.

I only got milk for 1 week and my baby is fine very good at 9 months with only formula

That’s your choice momma. Don’t allow others to shame you for it. A fed baby is a happy baby

I did it for a week but my daughter was so small and I’m inverted a bit so I felt like she wasn’t getting the nutrition she needed. I reluctantly stopped and went to soy milk.

I didn’t breastfeed all 5 of mine they are all healthy.

I didn’t Bfeed no3 or 4
Please don’t ever feel pressured into doing so

I didn’t breastfeed and of my boys. It’s your decision. Dont let anyone stop or force you to anything. As long as your baby is fed

I didn’t, never even tried, no one ever really spoke to me about breastfeeding, iv always been around bottle feeding, at 18 I didn’t know anything other that bottle feeding

I did both. Purely choice, and what your body will allow. No shame in either one.

I breastfed my oldest in the hospital after he was born. Other than that all my kids were bottle fed.

I didn’t with my first and regret it. I did with the rest of my 3 children and will for our last

I didn’t breastfeed at all. My son is almost 4 and very smart!

Breast is best.
Formula can’t come close to breastmilk
Breastfeed my three kids until they were three years old each.

Sure fed is best, but that’s like comparing a burger from McDonald’s and a Wagyu steak.

Fed is best. Do what you feel is good for you and the baby

l didn’t and my son was off the charts with growth etc

yup. n i don’t not regret it. remember, breast isnt best. FED is

I did not. I’ve never had any interest in it. They will be fine on formula🤷‍♀️

I didn’t and I DO NOT regret it.

I didn’t with either of my 3

Why would you not breastfeed tho

Breastfeed your baby.

Do what’s best for your family!

If you just don’t want baby on breast you could exclusively pump there’s lots of very helpful groups on Facebook :two_hearts:

Do what’s right for you❤

Plenty, I’m one of them.

do whats best for you!

Leila Mederos some of these comments :woozy_face:

:raising_hand_woman:t2: i didnt! im glad I didn’t my son had a reaction to milk based formula .

All the sad reacts on this post piss me the fuck off… You can all shove it

Fed Is Best Infant Feeding Peer To Peer Support Group :revolving_hearts:

Do not let anyone make you feel bad with whatever decision you make. This is YOUR child and there’s always going to be somebody hating some where. Feed that baby. That’s all that matters :heart:

I didn’t breastfeed my son. Formula baby over here ! Lol FED is BEST! :two_hearts:

Honestly, I expressed breastfed my son for 17 months but stopped when I became pregnant again and have been express breastfeeding my new baby for almost 4 months so far so overall, my body basically hasn’t been mine for 3 years because I’ve either been pregnant or breastfeeding and I feel trapped af in my own body, if you don’t want to breast feed then DONT!! Formula has all the stuff your baby needs so do what you need to do for you!!

I didn’t breastfeed any of mine

I deliberately chose NOT to breastfeed my second child. I didn’t have a great experience with my firstborn so I chose not to repeat it.
As long as your child eats, that’s all that matters. You got this!:muscle:

I didn’t but i also couldn’t with my twins as they had to b taken to a different hospital more adept with handling preemies, n with my youngest son i couldn’t either because i had to have 2 blood transfusions over a 8 hour period and was so weak from losing so much blood i could barely hold him untill the next day

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did anyone decide not to breastfeed?

:raising_hand_woman:t2::raising_hand_woman:t2::raising_hand_woman:t2: had my first In 2016… nurses were great they didn’t push me to breast feed, honestly I didn’t even try , just did formula

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I didn’t breastfeed my son. I agree theres benefits and admire those who do but for me personally it wasnt super important to me that I do it. I had a large tumor during pregnancy and when I had my Csection I also had the tumor removed and one ovary so I was in a large amount of pain and also on some heavy pain pills, these two things together was enough that I felt formula was better for me and my son.
He did fine on formula and is a happy healthy boy.

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I never with my 2 boys and will not with my 3rd

I didn’t and he’s a healthy almost 2 year old

I decided very early on that I was not going to breast feed my children. Neither my husband or I wanted anything to do with it.
My children are happy healthy and both in gifted and talented programs at their school. 6&8 year old beautiful little girls. Hardly ever sick. I have 0 regrets!

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I didnt with my 3 and wont be doing it with my 4th xxx

I tried breastfeeding but was so exhausted and stressed about it, so I switched formula. It was so much better for me and my baby is healthy. Its a nice bond and I would nurse for comfort but I do not regret formula. It was the best for us


I did not. I have no shame that i didnt its what worked for us bother my kids are happy and healthy. This was a choice because i didnt feel comfortable with it.

I chose not to with both of my girls!

I was on meds that was toxic to baby

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I didnt! I was more comfortable with the idea of bottle feeding. All 3 of my babies and me are super close and connected still and i still felt as though I was connecting with them just by feeding them my way

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I tired, and it just didn’t work.

I gave my two day old a bottle after we had such a hard time with breastfeeding and we never went back to breast. Do whatever you think is best!


I tried with my first and it didn’t work out. It was.much easier with the second. All that matters is that your baby is fed, don’t let anyone tell you different!


If I were to have a third, we’ll go straight to a bottle. It’s too mentally demanding on me to breastfeed. I’ve made it a year with my second and it’s a lot… I formula fed my first because I wasn’t properly educated on breastfeeding and he’s fine.

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I wasn’t able to with my first, she’s 8 now. The other 2 kids I did but it’s not for all. Fed is best


I BF my now 16 month for 6 weeks when he was born last year. We both struggled right outta the gate. Once I decided to exclusively formula feed him, we were both just so much happier!!!


I tried and my milk never came in. I pumped for the first month and supplemented with formula, then decided it wasn’t worth the stress and switched exclusively to formula.

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I didn’t with my first but I did with the other 3

I didn’t with any of my 3 (born 2015, 2017 and 2018) and was under absolutely no pressure from my midwifes to do so which was lovely! I went back to work very quickly after having mine and having them so close together and having toddlers in tow it just wasn’t practical. I’m expecting no4 and may decide to this time round x


I decided not to. Just wasn’t into it. The nurses at the hospital tried to guilt me into doing it. But I didn’t. And my son is just fine and did well on formula. We did end up moving to soy formula because he was too gassy on regular. He’s 13 now and growing up too fast.

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My mom didn’t breastfeed my siblings or I. We’re all fine. I did breastfeed both of my kids and plan to with this one too. But there is nothing wrong with formula feeding!!! It’s just as good as breastfeeding.


I didn’t breast feed at all. The nurses and drs were trying to shove it down my throat and I didn’t want too. I didn’t feel comfortable. I will be honest tho I regret it. I feel like I missed a bonding moment with my girl that I can never get back. Also what your boobs go through when you don’t breast feed is torture. My boobs felt like they had 50 lbs of rocks in them. They hurt. They were hard. They leaked EVERYWHERE. I also have a dragon baby, and I feel like maybe something would have been different had I decided to. I recommend everyone whose hesitant to atleast TRY before completely being against it. But I also respect if you don’t want to because I didn’t. It’s your body, your child. Your choice. If you don’t want to, don’t let anyone force you. But I would say atleast try first. Good luck and congratulations:)

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I didn’t do breastfeeding for either child, didn’t try or anything was not interested. Drs, nurses but especially WIC all guilted me about it but my dr was fine with my choice and didn’t make a big deal about it.

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I didn’t. I started with formula with all my babies. I brang ready to feed enfamil to my hospital ( some only have a certain milk) and they provide the nipples. I didn’t breastfeed any of my kids and they are all healthy

I didn’t. I knew I didn’t want too early on… I was pregnant twice in one year (one miscarriage) was just ready to have my “body back”

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Formula saved my life. No shame in not breastfeeding! What mama needs is important too.

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I didn’t with either of mine. Not exactly personal choice, I just never produced anything with either of them.

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I had my baby last September and decided while pregnant I just wasn’t up for it. She is healthy and growing so fast. No regrets.

Me times 3 with my first o wanted to but my milk didnt come in with my other two i was working so i didnt

I never actually had baby to breast for my two kids. I exclusively pumped for the first 4 months then moved to formula.

Didn’t with either of mine… it just wasn’t for me

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I didn’t with my 2nd, mainly because I was weak from complications from birth.

I have 4 kids and I didn’t breastfeed any of them.

Every mama has to decide what’s right for herself and her family. ((Hugs))