I bottle fed since day one
I didn’t I tried with my oldest lasted about a month but she seemed not to be getting enough, not everyone can do it just as long as the baby is being fed you’re still doing a great job!!!
No worries momma just feed ya baby!
I formula fed both of mine and they are happy, healthy kids now
If you don’t want to, don’t.
You do what’s right for you n baby , so long baby’s fed that’s OK
I made the choice not to BF my son, and it was/is one of the best choices I made. If I could have another child (I can’t - I’m spayed), I wouldn’t BF them either.
Fed is best.
You’ll still have a bond with your child.
My child is damn near never sick, and is TOO smart…
I didn’t and my 7 month old is growing like a weed and healthy as can be. Fed is best! I wanted to and changed my mind after she was born because we travel A LOT. Formula is just easier.
I breastfed my daughter but would most likely not do it again if I have another child. She’s 15 months and I’ve been trying to wean her and it’s basically impossible. When she wants to nurse and I tell her no she starts to basically try and rip my shirt off, claws at me, hits me, headbutts me and bites me until I give in. All along with crying hysterically. Even though she eats real food all day long as well.
It’s ultimately your choice. But I’ll say the idea sounded revolting to me, until I had my baby. Breastfed 3 to a year. Your choice but my recommendation would be to keep an open mind until they’re born.
I only breastfed my first for a week. The second for a month. They are extremely healthy and smart! Breastfeeding was painful, they both have lip ties that I did not get revised just to be able to breastfeed them. They were both also milk and corn intolerant so anything I ate made them literally scream. So the first drank Nutramigen til she was 1, and my second used Similac Alimentum until he turned 1. Breastfeeding is extremely beneficial don’t get me wrong, but don’t ever feel pressured into thinking that it is the only healthy way to feed your baby! My son gained weight better from formula then he did my milk, and it was extremely white and fatty. Everyone is different, do what works for YOU mama!!
6 kids never breastfed … I tried with my first got frustrated and said nope this ain’t for me… nothing wrong with formula feeding… some try to make ppl believe breast is best when in reality it’s the same thing. It’s really your choice… but don’t let others beliefs make your choice for you!
Fed is best. Do what’s right for you
I formula fed my second child who is just as healthy and intelligent as my first. Formula has come a long way in recent years. Fed is best!
I didn’t and my girl’s are just fine
I couldn’t bf my oldest but my last 2 I have & currently am. Personally, I’ve had nothing but the best experience even after getting mastitis. Feeding my oldest was more stressful. Between the bottles, formula, & water, not only was it very expensive but time consuming. Breastfeeding for me is a bonding experience. I struggled with my 2nd bc he has a tongue tie. I had to use a nipple shield for awhile and at times we supplemented with formula. As he got older I started to lose supply as well. It was tough but I loved it. With my 3rd, a much better experience but he is a big boy. He eats constantly. He’s 5m & still eats about every 2hrs. He loves to nurse as well but it’s so much easier popping a boob in than a formula/bottle situation IMO & experience. Do what is best for you tho, nothing makes you more or less a mother.
I tried and it didn’t work out for me. Nothing wrong with formula fed babies! A fed baby is a healthy baby! No matter how you do it
Chose not to all three times
My first was formula fed and I didn’t try to breastfeed. My second was breastfed for 16 months and they met the same milestones and everything the same if not a little early
I wanted to with all 3 of mine. My 1st had the WORST tie and i just couldnt handle split nipples.
My 2nd i dried up
Im on week 8 bf my 3rd and so far so good.
WHATEVER you choose then thats the best option! Fed is absolutely the best!
Me. Had no desire, nee it wasn’t for my famoly Bottle fed all three of my kiddos. One is 20, almost 10 and almost 4. My month old grandson is bottle fed too
I tried to breastfeed all of my kids, but I just wasn’t able to. Whatever way is best for you!
Breast feeding is the best !!! If you cannot for any reason that’s okay . But it’s always the best for our babies
In the long run honestly it makes no difference, its not like you or anyone else would be able to tell if your baby was breast or formula fed. Fed is best that’s all that matters
I didn’t for both of my children.
Whatever is easiest is best cuz being a mom is hard enough. I’m thankful I breastfed as my son is 16 months and only got sick one time when he was switching from my immunity to his own immunity at six months which is expected and has never had an ear infection or anything that you get with formula feeding more. It’s nice because you always have a warm bottle but it just depends on the person really. there are a lot of benefits to doing it like money health and bonding, but whatever works for you is best. Happy mom =happier kid. It’s a lot more expensive not to but there are options like WIC and snap if you qualify. Even if you do it for a month it’s more helpful than not doing it at all for their health but either way they will grow up to be happy and healthy. If you feel pressured to do a certain thing but aren’t feeling it then don’t do it. Release your mind from all stigma. It will make them much less likely to be obese later in life though. However, if you are on medication that you can’t breastfeed you need then do what is best for you!
I didn’t even attempt with my first. I just didn’t want to
I didn’t just couldn’t get a handle on it
I didn’t. Never regretted it.
I only breastfed for two weeks.
Do what’s best for you.
I didn’t. I had medications that I had to start taking again, that I didn’t want a expose my then newborn to.
One of my girls was formula fed after 4 mos, one was 3 before she started to wean and she’s never had a drop of formula or baby food. Both of my babies are smart, healthy, and beautiful. You couldnt look at them and tell me which one was which if I didn’t tell you if formula is what you’re comfortable with, then do that. But if it’s a lack of support or information that is swaying your opinion PLEASE look into some breastfeeding groups. If it’s for your own wellbeing/mental health, don’t worry about what other people say. Do what is best for baby AND for you
I tried but wasn’t for me.
Do what you think is best
A fed baby is the best baby
I didn’t ! It was time to have my body back after pregnancy and my almost 2 year old is in the 90th percentile for almost everything perfect health.
I tried to breastfeed all 4 of mine but only the last child got it. My others were formula fed and they are beautiful healthy and smart kids now. (12 yr old, 9 yr old and 7 year old). My now 5 year old breast fed for over a year!! It was a shock for me lol
I tried with my first. She could not latch on and it was very painful. Ended up with formula. She’s 40 now. Turned out just fine!
I didn’t this second time. It was too frustrating and time consuming for me the first time.
You do whatever you’re comfortable doing. There is no right or wrong answer. It is much cheaper tho if you’re able to pump.or nurse even some.
It’s up to you. I wanted to but even though my breasts got large I wasn’t producing milk. I leaked but I couldn’t produce enough.
Formula fed all 3 of mine.
Tried with all of my kiddos and decided not to continue due to multiple complications.
I cannot stress this enough: fed IS best no matter what you decide. Period🗣
I tried but couldn’t produce enough milk. While I felt very disappointed I do have to say formula feeding was a heck of a lot easier…
resorted to using raw goat milk for 5 years.
I knew a goat lady and she milked, cooled milk in ice and froze the milk in new sterile milk containers she bought from a dairy.
$7 a gallon.
Me wasn’t for me. Do what’s best for you!
Just do you and quit worrying what everyone else thinks
Fed is best. You do you and don’t let others tell you it’s right or wrong. Whether a baby is breast or formula fed, they all turn into toddlers that will eat Cheerios off the floor or put a lollipop back in their mouth after dropping it on the ground lol
I exclusively pump, my daughter never got the latch right but I was determined to at least give her breast milk.
He cried all the time.
I only lasted about two weeks.
I didn’t breastfeed either of mine
I wasnt able to bring myself to do it with my daughter.
I didn’t. No regrets about it either
nope never did never tried
You do what’s right for you. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad one way or the other. You’re the mom. What you say goes and to heck with anyone that disagrees.
I didn’t for all three of mine.
I opted out with all of my kids….wasn’t interested in doing it at all
I did. All four times
Lots of moms don’t breast feed. It is up to mama. Don’t listen to the guiltmongers.
My sister in law don’t and her baby’s a good
Didn’t even try wasn’t for me😀
I didn’t breastfeed any of mine
Fed is best and don’t let the nipple Nazis tell you otherwise. I exclusively breastfed my second for 5 months and am currently doing the same with my 3 week old but my first just would not take to it and I gave up in two weeks and the shame/grief I got from the health visitors etc sent me into really bad PND so just make sure whichever decision you make you are confident with it so you can’t be guilt tripped (yes I know mums guilt tripped because they chose to breastfeed too ) I prefer to breastfeed just because it’s easier than sterilising bottles and worrying about how many bottles you will need when you go out etc but it fooking hurts the first few weeks so if you do decide to breastfeed get some lanolin cream (expensive but worth it) and maybe some shields for if they get really sore xx
I had no choice, I didn’t produce enough.
Please try the first week, that’s where all the golden stuff is! Then after that- formula! That’s what I did
I did it once in the hospital and decided it wasn’t for me. She was bottle fed, and now is 14 and 5 ft 7in…lol
I didn’t with either of my children. Just chose not to.
I did both , formula fed two breastfed two, breastfeeding is so over rated , do what your comfortable with
If anything I would just pump
Nope my kids would have starved lol
Yup I didn’t if u don’t feel comfortable then don’t
I could only supply about 5 weeks worth of milk and had to bottle feed thereafter. Whether you can or can’t… or just decide not to, your baby will be fine!
A lot of mother don’t breastfed for different reasons
I thought I wanted to and then when I realized how demanding it was on top of not producing much it took me no time to stop.
I didn’t with either baby
I didn’t breastfeed. My daughter is 4 now; very smart and healthy.
I didn’t. Single teen mom and quite frankly I didn’t have time to pump.
I didn’t breastfeed and my kids are healthy and happy and I don’t regret formula feeding at all. Don’t let the breast feeding bullies scare you. Formula is fine.
My aunt didn’t breastfeed at all and didn’t want to and that was 100% fine! My cousin is a healthy, happy 9 year old now.
Didn’t breast feed 3. They are 6 foot 5 inch tall healthy men!
I breast fed 2 out of my 3 children. X
I didn’t breast feed. I had to work my children are healthy.
I didn’t. I can’t stand people who try to shame others for that choice.
It’s up to you how your baby is fed
With my first I didnt!!!
I didn’t with mine. I have 4.
The majority don’t … I did.
Yep. Hated it. Nothing to be ashamed of. So many moms feel too much pressure to make it work. You do you.
Idid try but not all my babies were able so on the bottle he went.
Formula babies sleep better in my experience
Yepp! I didn’t want to. So I didn’t
Me!!! I never breast fed. Don’t regret it one bit.
I didnt with either of my 2
I didn’t for all 5 of mine
As long as the baby is fed. It doesn’t matter.
I didn’t! My baby is an extremely happy and healthy boy!
Breastfed for 5 months (not exclusively - mixed with formula.) I wanted to ebf so bad but it just didn’t work out. I felt like I let myself and my baby down when we went full formula at 5 months. However, my feelings were my feelings. And that’s all they were. The fact is, my son is thriving on formula and has gone from 14th percentile in weight to 88th on formula (proportionate to his height!) At the end of the day, I’m glad I gave him as much breast milk as I was able, but there are also upsides to bottle feeding…primarily not having to pump, not leaking milk all over, not smelling like sour milk, etc. I think either way you choose, you will make the best decision for yourself and your baby, and ultimately that’s what matters most! If you want to bf but have concerns, work with a lactation consultant. If you just don’t want to…that’s fine too! Formula is great at feeding your baby. (Pic of my 9month old, 22lb-er)
I saw this awhile back and I love it
I didn’t. It just was I something I wanted to do. There’s no shame in not.