Did anyone else take anxiety meds while pregnant?

I was told not to discontinue my bipolar meds but they strictly titrated it and made sure it was one considered safe for pregnancy. Your doctor should advise you on this.

Don’t so anything without talking to your Dr. My meds were safe for baby while Prego so I never stopped and I’m so glad I didn’t

I took depression/anxiety meds with both my kids and they came out healthy and are still healthy.

Don’t do drugs while pregnant :pregnant_woman: I don’t cares what they say the baby is and should be more important, and make you happy :smiley:, I have 6 kid’s and lot’s of grandchildren and yes some depression and always anxiety but I’m always at peace knowing that they were more important to me than allowing people or doctors to tell me to take :pill: s ‘
But it’s up to you pls think about it hard and make sure that you are doing the right thing for both of you , good luck with your baby :baby:

Talk to your doctor about buspar for anxiety. It’s safe, non addictive and helps calm anxiety.

I took a med that my doctor assured me was fine when I was pregnant, 14 years ago. It probably isn’t now. My son was completely healthy when born (still is), however, had severe anxiety when he was in the nursery away from me. Every time the nurses brought him to me he was completely calm. It was as if he had separation anxiety from being born. Pretty strange. After 5 days and tests after tests, they finally just let us go home. No meds with my daughter and she is wild! LOL :laughing:

Yes i took anxiety medicines with my last baby and Alhamdulilah he is 6months now absolutely healthy and active baby

I took lexapro for three years and once I found out I was pregnant I completely stopped taking them. My daughter was born with one kidney and mild to moderate hearing loss. I have no idea if that medication had anything to do with it… I found out I was pregnant at almost 7 weeks so I did have it in my system for the first 7 weeks of being pregnant :pensive:

I recently had twin boys in February, full term, great weight, healthy as ever. Took zoloft my whole pregnancy.

Just talk to your OB, you will be fine. Many women go thru this anxiety and have done fine. Don’t listen to stories.

Yes. I have been on medication since having my first child nearly 18yrs ago. I did stop taking them with my next 2 babies but now about to have 4th and I have stayed on them. He is a big healthy baby and everything has been fine. I actually believe he will benefit from me being calmer and more “level” this pregnancy

I took the lowest dose of zoloft with my daughter and lowest dose of lexapro with my son. OB said it was better to take if going off it would negatively affect my mood. Both kids are just fine, no withdraw isues.

There are meds that are safe. I was switched before I got pregnant for safety but for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the drug. My son turned out perfect. Best wishes for you

I took anxiety and antidepressants with my last pregnancy and my daughter was born with a issue with nursing. I didn’t have any trouble with my son before her but I wasn’t taking anything when I was pregnant with him. Because of it I had to switch to formula because she lost over a pound in 3 weeks. As soon as I switched she was able to sleep and she gained her weight back almost immediately.

Please don’t take them. All these Meds might affect your baby :baby:. And we don’t want that. Find another way to deal with it for now. Once baby is out and you finish breast feeding go back on them . I beg off you not to take it .

I did and my daughter in law did recently. It’s very important to be open and honest and keep up with both tour prescriber and your ob. Some meds are OK and others are not and they certainly don’t want to give you a stronger dose than absolutely necessary.

How strange. Once I became pregnant my doctor took me off of my medication, duloxetine, and wouldn’t give me an alternative…

Yes i did it the doctor determined it was more harmful to take me off i just had to stay at a low dose and the baby came out fine you just have to monitored closely

I know a woman that took anxiety medicine while she was pregnant. Her son was born healthy and is still very healthy to this day.

Talk to your ob, you family doctor can’t make this decision. I had to switch medicines for both of my pregnancies.

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I didnt take anxiety meds but both my pregnancies I did take my seizure pills all through my pregnancy. Both my boys turned out healthy

Yes, all my children are healthy. Talk with your doctor and just make sure the one you need is safe or get one that is safe.

Avoid any meds while pregnant!! Talk to your doctor about other methods during pregnancy to keep anxiety under control. Not worth your babies life or well being. That’s what bring a patent is… making sacrifices.

I took zoloft and my son was a perfectly healthy little boy

I’m bipolar and didn’t want to risk going off medication. I took sertraline, buspirone, and guanfacine and was under the care of my psychiatrist. My OB also approved and I was seen by a maternal/fetal OB group to monitor my son’s development to be on the safe side. My son did have some minor withdrawal symptoms after birth and he didn’t handle the medication well in my breast milk, but he’s perfectly healthy at seven weeks now.

My dr told me with my last pregnancy, happy mamma happy baby. She said I could keep taking the ones I was on.

i took prozac during my 2nd. and celexa during my 3rd. my doctor said if the benefits outweigh the risks then take them. my baby cant be healthy if im always having panic attacks

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I stopped taking mine, then it was on one of those commercials later after being told its safe. Ultimately you do what you feel is best. Doctors dont always know.

my doc put me on Zoloft when he feared I would miscarry due to my husband and I just bought a house…then husband quit long term job for more money…no issues with pregnancy…was on same meds for 14 years…

I took zoloft in my 3rd trimester with my 2nd child. I regret it, because she now has an antiverted rectum and has a really hard time using the bathroom, but at the time it was necessary because I was suicidal.

Yes I did I had to take anxiety medication because if I didn’t I would drive people nuts with my anxiety being sky high and worrying about everything and obsessing over everything

I continued mine and it was actually increased when I was struggling with controlling gestational diabetes. Healthy baby, delivery, and now healthy 18 month old

Ok so i stopped my meds as soon as i knew i was pregnant, after the first trimester, it is safe because the baby is fully developed as far as physical features go…after the 1st trimester, u will be good.

Yup. Zero issues. In fact, my anxiety was so bad it made my bp go up, it went down when i got back on meds

Your doctor wouldn’t tell you it’s safe if it wasnt


I was on Zoloft with my 2nd. I feel the only thing it did was make him a very happy baby. :joy:

I never took any medication unless it was okied by my Dr. I don’t trust non of it. I still refuse take medication unless it is a life or death… I’ve seen what medication can do. I don’t agree with antidepressants. I watched what it did to my mother growing. Hell no!

I didnt take anxiety medication but I did take anti seizure medication…I talked to my dr and he told me you have to determine if the benefits out weigh the risks…talk to your dr.

Kept me on all my anxiety/depression meds all 3 times I was pregnant and my kids turned out fine.

I’ve had 4 pregnancies. 2 with anxiety meds and 2 without. All 4 babies were full term, healthy and the smallest was 9lbs 8oz

I took my celexa through my whole pregnancy. I did lower the dose, but she is a perfectly healthy 4 year old.

Any type of Benzo and most antidepressants aremy safe during pregnancy. I’m bipolar and immediately got weaned down. Not worth the risk. Use cbd and edible thc. Much much safer to go with something natural. Definitely talk to your ob!

I was on meds for anxiety, depression and for bipolar of course they had to change them due to me being pregnant but your dr will find ones that are safe to take during pregnancy

I took medication when I was pregnant with my first (2013). It was a medication used commonly in pregnancy. I have 0 issues during pregnancy, delivery or after. I have a completely healthy 6 year old boy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: just talk to your dr about the medication to make sure you have something safe in pregnancy

Infact I was suffering from anxiety but my doctor recommended not to take as it will harm our kiddo Plzz do not take it… Instead of that u can do drawing craft listening song to leave ur anxiety it will help you or sleep and take rest

Valerian Root is a natural supplement that works great for anxiety and panic. It can make you sleepy depending on the dose. Verify with your OBGYN/CNM if this is a viable choice during pregnancy.

I have had 3 miscarriages while on zoloft, dr. Insist it has nothing to do with the meds but i beg to differ as i have had 3 healthy children before i was on the meds.

This is one of those questions that I would only listen to my doctor in regards to. Everyone is different and there is no way I would take peoples advice who don’t know me or my medical history.

I take my meds still. I worked with my OB to find safest meds

Yes I did with my last 2 pregnancies! Doctor was fine with it bc severe anxiety and babies were healthy! I did only take a low dose. Also, I made my own decision to dose down to low low dose about 2-3 weeks before delivery. I was on Klonopin.

Bisporone is a non narcotic medicine for anxiety…safe to take pregnant

I take Effexor and I was on the during two pregnancies and they both came out fine. However it’s an antidepressant as well, but I was taking 450mgs. and dropped down to 50mgs.

I am the type of person who hates putting a bandaid on anything. I want to find the cause of what is happening and fix it not put a band aid on it. Whatever is causing your anxiety you should try to stop whatever it is.

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I took citalopram while pregnant with both of my children and they are perfectly healthy.

I took Celexa my entire pregnancy and baby was absolutely fine. He was born 3 weeks early, but that was because my water broke early after a fall in my bathtub.

Healthy Baby Boy and took zoloft more than half the time! Hes a happy, smart at
and mobile 7 mo

I took Lexapro with my third son…he did end up having developmental delays but there was no way of knowing if that was related to the medicine or if it was because of a genetic disorder. However, having just finished nursing school I will say that just because they say it is safe, does not mean it doesn’t cause side effects after birth. It basically just means it won’t cause a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or major birth defects that could kill them after birth lung heart & lung defects. It can still cause other “minor” side effects later on after birth during the developmental years though. With that said, if you are to the point where you could cause physical harm to yourself, your baby, or others than you obviously need to have some help of some kind. Ultimately you have to choose what you think is best for you and your baby.

I was on lexapro and ativan through my whole pregnancy as i had been taking it for years my son is healthy and thriving

Stress and worry can cause more troubles to your unborn child than physician approved medications during pregnancy

Took antidepressants the whole way thru all 4 of my pregnancies and never had an issue with any of them

I have depression I stopped taking my meds when I was pregnant and honestly didnt need them while I was pregnant. I was fine. I went back on them when i had him though

I was taking sertraline 50mg tablets daily before I found out. I have been on almost 2 years and then I started getting sick in February and found out I was expecting. My doctor told me since it had been 4 days since I last took a pill it’s safer on baby to stop now. I had to deal with severe morning sickness and the withdrawal headache but now things are better. Due in October and my doctor is saying I might not need it ever again. Who knows every person is different. Good luck mama!

Got to worry about withdraws too…depending on what meds your talking about the withdraws could be terrible. You may need to taper.

I was on meds when i was about 6 months along. Didn’t have any problems with my son when he was born or after.

I took Paxil for my anxiety my whole pregnancy, it was fine

They have medication for anxiety for pregnant women. I had to be on some meds also. I just forgot what the name of it was.

I know someone that took paxil all during her pregnancy and they were healthy. Do what your dr advises

I worried too much so I never took mine with any of my 3 pregnancies

Yes i did also, at the age of 40, i took zoloft,

I had to at 6 months pregnant, my youngest brother was killed by a drunk driver. My son was born a healthy happy baby.

I took Xanax just like always through two pregnancies. No issues at all.

I went off all my anxiety and depression meds cold turkey the minute I found out I was pregnant.

I took Zoloft during my second pregnancy with no issues

Took Zoloft with two pregnancies and babies were fine

I quit taking mine once I found out I was pregnant. I took Xanax

I was on meds with my second n I often wonder if that’s why my second son is so cranky all the time n is a huge cry baby.

Speak with your Dr. not wanna be Doctors in the internet. Smoking pot, taking the medicine, not taking medicine should all be talked over with your Doctor!!!

Take CBD. Crushes anxiety, no side effects for you or baby

No. I started 8 months after my daughter as I didn’t want to admit I needed help. I thought I could sort it myself. :sleepy:

They put me on Visterel which is a suped up Benedryl. Now I just keep benedryl handy.

No. CBD oil. Doctors said it was the safest to take and he came out just fine

Depending on what you’re on, there’s some you definitely don’t want to give a fetus. Buy talk with your doctor

I was taken off of mine. I am currently 6 months. Let your doc no how your feeling they should be able to give you something thats what mine told me

I tlked to my Doctor about my Axinety and he put me on med tht was ok for me to take while pregnant.

I think I should be looking into a CBD alternative if I lived in a legal state.

Yes!!! I took my meds through out all my pregnancies and during breastfeeding

I took Paxil while pregnant with my youngest and he’s just fine. I started it in about month 4

You need to ask your OB first before taking any meds

My doctor wanted me on them while I was pregnant but I didn’t take them.

Don’t take medications while pregnant.
Be selfless, your baby is more important.
Why even run the risk?

It’s not worth the risk if you are pregnant. So many things can affect the baby

Yes I did. They didn’t hurt the baby at all.

Always talk to your doctor! That will be part of your first appointment either way. Don’t listen to other ppl or the internet. Talk to the professionals.

They put me one told me it was safe my son is autistic with other learning disabilities

I was on them with one of my kids and he was born preemie

If your physician says its alright it should be fine

Take cbd oil its safer

I was put on Prozac. My Ob said it was the safest Ssri to be on! Worked great!! Prayers!:pray::heart:

I got off them and used CBD


Yes, zoloft. With multiple pregnancies. Doctor said it was safe.