Did anyone else with a small frame give birth vaginally?

I’m 5’3 I only Gor to 120lbs full term ( 95 lbs before I got preggo) gave birth naturally ( no drugs no epidural) twice.
You got this girl💗

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I was 93 pounds and 17 years old. You’ll be fine

You’re size has little to do with giving birth.your body is made to give birth. i weighed 200lbs and I couldn’t deliver my baby. She was 10lbs 23.5 inches. She just didnt wanna come. I was induced it ended in a c section because of no progress.

I’m petite at 4’-11" and at full term I was only 115 pounds. My son was born weighing 6 pounds. Natural vaginal birth, no epidural or meds, and no tearing :raised_hands:t4:. Your body knows what it’s supposed to do. I understand the anxiety as I too was scared

I am 110 and have had 4 vaginally
The 4th was the hardest lol

I was small weighed 125 when I gave birth and didn’t have to get cut or anything with either of my girls.

I wouldnt say I have a small frame. But my body wasn’t getting ready for labor when I had my daughter so I was alittle over 40 weeks and got induced. I was 112 pounds and she was 8.25 pounds. I also loose weight instead of gain when I’m pregnant tho.

I’m 5’4 and gained 55 pounds and had her vaginally. She weighed 6 pounds 11 oz

I’m 5’3 weight ranging from 106-110 . My first was 2 weeks late at 42 weeks pregnant weighed 8lbs and I needed an emergency c section. My second I had vaginally and he weighed 6lbs 1.9oz and came 2 weeks early I was 38 wks. My first literally could not fit into the birth canal and was stuck that’s why I needed a cesarean.

I am 5’4" and weighed 95 to 118 lbs before pregnancies. I have 4 children ranging from 6lbs 9 oz to 8 lbs 8 oz.

I know a 5ft tall small framed woman give birth to twins vaginally. How big are they saying baby is?

My mom is 5ft was 88 pounds when she got pregnant with me. She had me vaginally

depends on your pelvis and if baby head is able to fit through nothing to do with height or weight

I’m 5’3 115 pound I delivered both my girls naturally … both my girls came 6 weeks early though weighing 4lbs.

I’m 4’11 && delivered all four of my babies vaginally ! As long as your doctor doesn’t seem concerned you should be fine !

My sister in law is tiny she gave birth to 4babys that weighed 9lbs and up vaginaly.

The weight of baby during pregnancy can be up to 3 pounds off.

I have a small frame and have had all of my children vaginally. One was 8lbs 6 oz. Second was 8 lbs 13oz and my last (who was 11 days early) was 8 lbs 7.6 oz. Had he come on his due date they said he would have been around 9 1/2 lbs.

I weighed 105 when I had my son, he’s now 13. I weighed 118 before my daughter and my second son.

Im 4 foot 8 and 90 pounds soaking wet. I gave birth naturally no pain killers to 3 babies

Yes I’ve had 4 vaginally. Im 5ft and weighed around 113 at 38 weeks with all my kids…

I weighed around 105 before getting pregnant. And gained about 50 pounds with each. I gave birth naturally to a 8lb 8 ounce boy and a 8lb 11ounce boy. Tested the first one but not bad a couple stitches and didn’t at all with the second and heavier one

I weighed 110 before my pregnancies and gave birth to 9 pound babies lol. With my first I asked my OB that same question because I was always told I was “too small” but she said it doesn’t matter size it’s how your pelvis is made.

When I got pregnant with my first I weight 127 at 5’7". I was small. They induced me only two days passed my due date because my doctor was concerned about baby’s size vs mine and guessed he was just over 8 pounds. Well, I had him vaginal and he was almost 10 pounds. Our bodies are miraculous. Lol

I weighed 92lbs with my first and I’m 5’0”. I was super tiny & went full term (4days early) with a 7lb 14oz Baby. My second I was 105lbs & gave birth 2 weeks early with a 5lb 15oz baby, currently pregnant with my third! I’m sure you’ll do just fine!:blush:

I had a 9 pounder vaginally when i was 17 and have a small frame.

I’m 100 pounds and delivered vaginally I had to be cut due to her head was big but other then that it was easy epidural is amazing if you have no pain tolerance

Yep she ended up having shoulder dysplasia

I don’t have a small frame I’m 5’9.5” and 210lbs my 3rd kid was almost 11lbs and 22.5 inches. No pain meds he got stuck we had no idea he was that big. It was terribly painful I have ptsd from it so my last 2 were c section they were 10 lbs 5oz and 9 lbs 12 oz. that being said I was able to deliver him she almost broke his collarbone to get him out. Your OB will decide if a c section is necessary. Some people just don’t have birthing hips. Good luck whatever happens it’s so worth it. I have 4 boys and 1 girl

I was 5’1 & 116lbs and gave birth naturally. 137lbs at delivery.

I was a size 8 when I give birth and I did… no longer a size 8 lmao!

Depends on your body. But i wouldn’t always to by what they say. They told me my son was gonna be almost 10 pounds and he came out weighting not even 8… but i did have to have a c-section bc his head was stuck in my pelvis.

My start weight was 115 my son weighed 9lbs 2.5 oz…had him naturally.