I had mine done after my 3rd child they did it no problems they just did it while I was open not long at all
I had my tubal during my c section. It didnt take much longer because they were already down there. The only thing I found odd was I quit having cramps during my cycles.
I had a tubal ligation during my C section about 27 yrs ago. If it added any time, I wasn’t aware of it and I have never had any problems.
I also.did mine after my 3rd child via c-section. There was no difference between recovery. I didnt feel any different
Yes I did I think it’s the best way then you don’t need birth control or another surgery
Yes. I had no complications and my recovery time wasn’t any longer.
I had mine done during my c-section and it didn’t cause any more time to healing than the other 3 c-sections I had
I had mine done after my 4th c section longer recovery time but other than that pretty smooth
I had it done right after. It took maybe 15 minutes longer and the recovery was the same as the first two c-sections.
Recovery was longer for me but everybody is different and yes your period changes which are also different for many ppl some bleed heavy and some don’t
I had a tubal after my 2nd c-section and it only took a few minutes more. It’s better to do it at that time when you are already opened up than having to go back to have it done at a later date.
I had one after a tubular pregnancy, after i had my tubes tied. I have had the worst periods and cramps ever since having it
I had a tubal with my last c-section. Did not seem to take any longer. I did think my periods were much worse after the tubal. The doctor said it was probably because I was no longer on birth control and had been almost my whole life so far. But he did do an ablation using warm water and that made it so much better afterwards.
No problems your recovery is the same. Just make sure you are ready to not have any more.
Adds 5 minutes to surgery time if there are no adhesions to deal with. No change in recovery time
I had 3 sections. My final one included the tubal. They were al basically the same with the exception of how many humans I had to care for. I don’t recall any issues due to the tubal.
I had it done after my 3rd C-section. It didn’t add to much time to the surgery or recovery.
I did when immediately following my c section. For me it was easier. Got them both over with within moments.
Piece of cake…I did it right after delivering my twins didn’t notice any difference in the time healing…quick n easy
I had mine done 2 months after my c-section. Really wish I would have done it at the same time!
I had it done with my csec and it maybe took an extra 5 minutes to the procedure. I have not had any issues yet & my LO is 3mo old.
I did! It added maybe an extra 30 minutes. Recovery time was a little longer but I am happy I did it then and there!
I had 4 kiddos all c-section with tubal done after my fourth. Everything went smoothly no complications.
I had mine done after my 3rd c section too. The recovery wasn’t any different than a regular c section.
They wouldn’t do mine when I had my c section. I had to wait 3 months I believe
I did after my 3rd c section that was 9 years ago it was fairly quick and no complications
Might as well have them do it while you’re already opened up. I hear the healing is quite similar to healing from a c-section if you have it done after
I had my third child at 37. My first 2 were born by c-section. I felt more comfortable having a c-section with the last one, because I had already been through 2 c-sections and knew what to expect. I had not ever had a vaginal delivery and was a little scared. My last child was my 2nd husband’s and he was going to be a first time father. Because of that, I was more comfortable getting it done at the time of the c-section and that way I did not have to leave my newborn with my husband to go back in a second time for tubal and also have to heal twice. The surgery did take longer in my case because I had a lot of scar tissue from the 2 previous c-sections. In addition, my previous c-sections were done up and down and the last was a bikini one. Because of this, when I was preparing to leave the hospital, I was sitting on the commode and reached down to take off the hospital booties and where the two crossed, they burst open. I then, had to stay an additional day. If not for the bursting where the two crossed, I don’t think it would’ve taken any longer to heal. I had to go to my doctor a few more time after release to have it checked and drained. The only other issue that I had was with the insurance company. They wanted me to try to have a vaginal delivery even though I had 2 previous c-sections. My doctor informed them that it was medically necessary. Good Luck!
I had mine during my c-section I was I little more sore on one side but have had no issues and that was almost 5 years ago
I did and it was fast. Recovery was normal. I had mine done after my 4th Csection
they say to have it done while ur on the table . recovery time all at once
You definitely do not want to be cut on twice and I think if you do not get it done with the c-section you will have to wait a period of time before you can get the TL done afterwards which is not good if you do not plan or want anymore children and do not practice safe sex.
I had one right after delivery of my daughter and it may have added 10-12 minutes max to the time - no complications whatsoever- good luck
Not by much! I beat my son back to our room by almost 20 min! Highly recommend. Congrats!
had it done during surgery, ugot discomfort on the sides plus regular csection pain but nothing horrible
Had it done during my last c-section no issues and it was quick
I had a tubal ligation with my c-section. Only c-section I had so I can’t compare. I don’t think my periods are any different and I’m glad I had it done.
I had mine done about 9 weeks ago. Made my c section just a little longer but no issues!
Had mine done after My 4th c/section didn’t seem to take longer and recovery was the sam
I did with my third. Premature and lots of problems. Tubes tied right there…
They would not let me do it for some reason so got it done 4 months later
I honestly didn’t know they did it. Not a ton of extra pain, aside from the “normal” c section amount. And no real issues afterwards.
As an or nurse…its a good plan…not much longer and they are already there!!
I did after having twins. No issues, seems like it only took minutes right after they were born.
They did my tubal at the same time of my csection. Recovery went smoothly.
I had my tubes tied during a c section and personally I had no problems. It was after my fourth child.
Best thing ever. I was 21 when I had mine cause I had two kids already and didn’t want any more. And it’s a good thing cause two years after that I got cancer
I had mine done 4 months ago. I didn’t have issues with it, just a lot of issues from the csection.
I did after my 5th C-section. Not really much extra time and no problems/no more pain than the regular C-section pain
I had 4 c-sections and on my last a tubal ligation. No complications after I don’t believe the surgery took that much longer.
I had 5 caesarians none were my choice on the 5th i had my tubes done there was no extra pain or longer recovery
I had mine done after my 4th c-section. Only adds a few minutes to surgery and I recovered the same
I had a tubal done after second c! All went smooth with no complications. Second c was a breeze for me. Good luck!
I had 4 c sections and when I had my 4th they did my tubal the same time. No complications at all
I had it done when I had my second kid. Everything went smoothly
I had mine after my 4th c-section! Totally easy, really fast and didn’t add much to the whole event.
I had mine done during my 2nd c-section…mine was longer because my epidural got blocked and I had to be put under immediately
Mine went very smoothly! no complications…& nope, I didnt notice that it took any longer than during my first Csection.
I had it done. It took as long as my second c section. It’s worth it. I’m also almost 30
Everything went smoothly for me. Healing time wasn’t long. However I have lost interest in sex. Not sure if that is from the tubal or something else.
I was in and out in 30 minutes when I had a c section and my tubes tied… best decision I ever made and not really any difference in recovery time either
I did mine after number 3. I had no problems. It was 9 years ago.
I had mine done right after my 2nd csec. I was done 4 kids, didn’t take any longer.
Tubal done during my 4th csection. No extra time or recovery needed.
I did and it was smooth sailing! Maybe was in the OR for a bit longer, no big deal at all! Good time to do it!
I have one done right after my daughter was born and my recovery was way faster than I expected…everyone thought I was crazy lol
I have. It’s a bit more painful, but it’s better than being opened up again
Did it,didn’t want return trip. Don’t think it added alot of additional time
I did and had no issues and because of the csection I didn’t even notice more or less pain
A little more beautiful but killed two birds with one stone totally worth it
I did and I think everything went normal for me. I did it almost 10 years ago
Yup I did with a c section they keep you 2 days anyway so it worked out well no extra time
Yeah, I had tubes tied. Never had trouble at all with periods before, but chronically after. It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature!
I got mine done during, I think it was a total of 30 minutes, birth to sewn up and in recovery.
Literally just had this done friday and it may of added 10 minutes to the surgery. No biggie for real
I had a c-secrion and had a tubal ligation right after didnt take to long and that was 30 years ago so its probably easier now
Have your husband get a vasectomy! Mine did. It was easier than anything I could have done and he was down for maybe 12 hours.
Yes and I would not recommend it. I had mine done as soon as they took my son out. I have had the worse periods since.
yea did my right after birth. was in pain for about a week but not to bad
I did and it was quite quick and fairly unremarkable!
Research tubal ligation syndrome. It’s the reason I wouldn’t do it get hubby to have a vasectomy. Overall less risky
They denied my request because it was a Catholic hospital, even though I’m not Catholic
Similar situation. Although I decided towards the very end NOT to do the tubal. I almost wished I had. Now you’ve got me wondering “what if”
Added about 5-10min to my c section procedure. Everything went well. No issues.
8 month postpartum I had it done after baby #2 no issues of any kind
I did after my 5th child. Everything went well and it didnt take very long.
I did 2 weeks ago had both tubes removed during my csection it added 5 extra minutes to my surgery
I had one done while I was opened up for a csection.
If you can convince the doctor, that’s the best way to go.
i had a c section had it done after the 2 one had no problems didnt feel it and no problems with periods after
I had a tubal ligation and a hernia repair after my last c section at 42… no longer recovery than a c section on its own !!!
I had 3 csection didn’t feel any different when they tied tubes
I had mine done after my 2nd child during c-section no problems I was 23 at the time I’m now almost 43.
I had a tubal during my 3rd c-section and it didn’t take longer and I had no complications
I did mine during my last C-section and didn’t notice any added time. My dr was very quick and had me back in my room in no time flat
I did after 3rd baby. Csection and tubal. No complications. No extra pain or anything.
Having done mine at a later date I will tell you this. Do it during the c-section. Recovery will be easier than having to go back in later and have a 2 to 4 week recovery then. Side note. I had no pain and no issues with mine but still was told no driving for 2wks.
It was only an extra half hour maybe! And no complications afterwards
I did after my second and except for being a bit more sore it felt no different
Yes. During. Baby out, tubes tied. Sewn back up. Not much longer, I don’t think. No complications that I know of.
I had mine done after my 2nd c-section… it doesnt take long at all since you are already open… my dr. Just clamped mine off