Did anyone have a small baby after they were told they were going to be big?

Had my son
3 months early they said he was on time he weighed 3lbs when he was born they dont know they are just guessing
That was 1983. They still.dont know…

My last baby was guessed to be bigger. At 36 weeks they checked and said he was about 6 pounds 12 ounces. I had him at 39weeks 5days and he weighed 9lbs 15oz and that was after he pooped on his way out. He ended up weighing so much his lungs couldn’t adjust to the pressure of the outside world and he had to spend a few days on a bipap in Children’s.

Happened with all 3 of my kids. The biggest difference was for my 1st though. I was told he was gonna be at least 9 lbs. I even had an additional ultrasound at 36 weeks and induced at 39 because of that. He was 5 lbs 13 oz and 18 in at birth :roll_eyes:

Yes, with my first. They scared me into thinking she would be enormous. She ended up being a little more than 7.

A friend was continuously told that the baby would be giant, so they mostly bought 3-6 month clothes. Baby was less than 7 lbs.

Mine was the other way around. My First one they told me that my baby is measuring about 6 lbs. This was week 39. When I had him was a solid 9 lbs.

They told me both of mine were measuring about 7-7.5 lbs and they both came out under 6 at 40 and 39 weeks. I mean not too terribly far off but definitely smaller than expected!

On my due date had an ultrasound that estimated her weight at about 9 lbs. 4 days later delivered via C-section because we also found out she was breech. She was 6lbs 15 oz.

Yep. I had gestational diabetes and they measured my baby as quite large. Would probably be around 10lbs. She ended up being 7lbs 3 ounces.

All of my babies ranged from 7 lbs .5 oz to 8 lbs 3oz. The first 3 were basically the same weight, if they had been born at the same gestation. #4 measured bigger the whole time and was a full lb more than the one before and she was a week earlier

I have 2 boys, was told afew weeks before first boy he was big was a week overdue and 6lbs 12oz, second boy I was told 2 days before he was a low weight as I had alot of fluid around the feutus, he was born 2 days later, 8 days overdue weighing 9lbs so you just can’t go off scans

Idk why they even tell women if the baby will be on the bigger or smaller side… its not even accurate, plus being in labor at a hospital if they pump you with fluids your baby could end up being even heavier.
But seriously who cares? As long as your baby comes out full term or as close to it as possible, who cares if he/she is 5lbs or 13lbs!!

Yeah, they thought my son was almost 11 lbs( first kid was 9lbs) but he ended up being 7lbs 1 oz. he just had a big head lol (he grew into it haha)

When i went in on my due date to get induced they did an ultrasound and said he was going to be a big baby about 8lb 12oz or bigger. I had him about 15hrs after that and he was only 7lb 1oz.

While my baby wasn’t exactly small, I was told she would be 9lbs or more. She was 8lbs 2oz. Now, she’s now in the 8th (ish) percentile in height and weight. She’s pretty petite. She is now 9yrs old.

My doctor suggested I have a c-section or be induced since they believe my son was going to be 10lbs or larger due to the ultrasound, We induced just as a precaution he ended up being 8lbs14 oz.

All 3 of mine were not accurate. They said my daughter would be over 9 lbs and she was a week late and weighed 7 lbs and 3.5oz.

My doctor did the ultrasound measurements around my due date and said the baby was almost 11 lbs and that I should be induced or the baby won’t fit and I’ll have to have an emergency c-section. I said no thanks, I’ll give birth naturally. (Of course, there were a lot more emotions involved). Once I had her (a week after my due date) she was only 7’8. Measurements are unreliable.

Heard of lots of stories where they were completely wrong on babies weight, they seem to get it way wrong half the time

36 week ultrasound told over 8 lb already. My first was 8 lb and big head. I freaked out and wanted to be induced faster to avoid c section. Baby was born 39w 3 days . She was 7 lb 15 oz.

I had an ultrasound at 36 weeks with my first baby and was told she was 7 and half pounds. I had her at 37 weeks and she was 5 lbs 13 oz. Big surprise for me and my husband.

My son measured big, did an anatomy scan 2 weeks before delivery, and they were right, he was 9lbs 2 oz. When born.

They insisted my son was 9 or 10 pounds…the nurses even had a pool going to guess how big…he came out 7 pounds 2 ounces…he fooled everyone!!!

When I went for my appointment 20 some years ago, my daughter was to weight around eight pounds. While that was before I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia, when she was born she weighted at 5 lbs and 2 ounces. So when my second son was born 15 years later they estimated him to be 9 lbs. Nope, he was 6 lbs and 11 ounces. He was my heavy weight. My first son came in at 4lbs and 2 ounces. When my second son was born, the doctor told me this, We over estimate because we are humans. If we were to tell you the exact weight most people will be floored. So it’s best to give an estimate so there will be some surprise left when having a child.

Yes! My son was supposedly going to weigh close to 10 lbs and he was born weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. My husband had to go to Target across from the hospital after he was born and buy him clothes because everything we had brought to the hospital was too big! :rofl:

I’m 4’11 around 100lbs not pregnant. With my first I didn’t even hit 120 I was not only told she was going to be small but that I would need a csec. She was born naturally and weighted 5lb 6oz 19 1/2 inch long. With my second I hit 124 and he was 6lb 5oz (which I thought was too cute) 21 inch long. He was also delivered naturally AND with not even an Advil. The size of the mom and belly do not tell the size of the baby. They will grow and find a way to fit.

No, I had the opposite. My firstborn they said she looked like she was going to be small based on the ultrasound. Of my 3 children she was the biggest weighing in at exactly 8 lbs.

They told me my son was only about 5.5. I laughed at them because my first was 9lbs 4 ounces, he was 9.5lbs.
They made my sister have a c section claiming her daughter was too big for her to have. She ended up being 7lb 8oz just like her first daughter was.

Ultrasounds are horrible for estimating size so don’t worry

I have only had the size checked like that for one kid out of five but I hear that it being off is a typical thing so I never bothered with what they had to say since it’s wrong a lot

I was told my first son would be 3 lbs and when he was born he was 6.6. my other son they told me he would be really tiny as well with short arms and legs. He was born 6.1 and he did have short arms and legs but they eventually grew now he is 9 months and above average on height and he is proportionate.

They said I was carrying a 10 pound baby because my fundal height was 4 weeks ahead and by ultrasound, I said there’s no way he’s that big because he could “hide” and flipped from head down to frank breach and I never felt it. The ultrasound the day before I had him was 10 pounds and at that point I was measuring 42 weeks even tho I was 40 weeks and 1 day. Had him the next day and he was 7lbs 15oz. First thing I said after I asked if he was ok was “I told you he was no 10 pound baby!!!” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes! All 3 of my kids were expected to be big and in the 9lb range. I had gd with all 3 as well. Each pregnancy was harder to manage the gd, but yet each baby was smaller than the previous. My 3rd and last seemed tiny compared to my first. And when you weigh less than 10 lbs even a pound or two makes a difference.

Yes, said my baby would be close to 10lbs, ultrasound said 7lbs at 34 weeks, had her at 36 weeks and was 6.8

2 days before my daughter was born I had a check up. They told me the baby was going to be well over 9 pounds. I had toxemia at the end & also had about a 70 pound weight gain because of it. It scared me because mt first baby was only 7lbs 4 oz. When she was born 2 days later, she weighed 6lbs 13 oz. UM???

At 20 weeks I was told I’m measuring big and 2.5 weeks ahead and then at 32 weeks I was told I was measuring very small and 5 weeks behind! Now at 38 weeks I’m right on track so I guess we’ll see!

Drs told my SIL that my niece was going to be a really big baby. So she took and exchanged all her newborn clothes. She ended up being 6 lbs!!!

I was told with my 2nd son that if he weighed bigger than (my firstborn) 8lbs I would have a C-Section & I told the Dr to his face He’ll to the No, I won’t show up :joy:. I ended up having him at 8lbs 13oz natural :raised_hands:t2:. 3births no C-section my 3rd son was 9lbs 6oz natural also.

At 33 weeks my daughter was 6 pounds 2 ounces and was told that she would be a little over 9 pounds at birth and I was going to need a c-section . I had her a week early and she was 9 lbs 10 oz thank goodness I had the c-section cause she would have gotten stuck.

My dr guessed my son would be close to 9lbs and he was 5lbs they are wrong all the time

They told me an ultra sound cN go 2 lbs to 3 lbs either way ???
I had level 2 ultra sounds they were usually very close

My daughter born in January was estimated to be at least 9lbs at 37 weeks. She was born 2 days after that ultrasound and was 7lbs9oz. If we had made it to full term she might have been 9lbs!

My youngest was supposed to be big. They were estimating her to be over 7 pounds but she was only 5 lbs 9 ozs. That was 29.5 years ago.

My third child was projected to be 10 pounds by ultrasound at 34 weeks. They told me he was already more than 8 pounds. He was born at 37 weeks and he was 6 pounds 1 ounce. :joy::joy::joy:

My ob touched my stomach and said “that’s an 8 pound baby!” 3 days later I find out she was off by only an ounce. That amazed me!

I went into labor with my first at 37.5 weeks. They thought she was 8lbs. She was 5 lbs 15oz. It’s possible.

Was told my son was gonna be huge 9+ Well his head was big and he was very long. But Lord was he skinny. I called him my lollipop and string bean. 21 1/2 inches and 7 lbs.

Actually mine was bigger. Dr. usually say baby will weigh close to what you and your husband did. My daughter was supposed to be 7lbs. She was 8 lbs 15 ozs.

For my 2nd I had low papp-a and had growth scans. Bubs grew well and ended up being on the big side. 3 days before I gave birth they predicted he would be 9oz7 through an ultrasound, 3 days later when he was born he was 9oz11 so not far off :slight_smile:

36weeks my youngest was 8-10lbs…39weeks planned csection she came out 10lbs1oz
my son was measuring big he came out 9lb11oz.
my oldest was the only 'normal ’ size baby i had she was 7lb12oz

trust the dr n ultrasound

I had a c-section with my 3rd because they said she was 10+ pounds and she came out the smallest 8 pound baby I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t very happy they made me have a c-section

I was told my first was only about six pounds so they refused to induce me already over due , a week later my water started leaking so they were forced to induce me and I almost died delivering a nine and half pound baby. They grossly underestimated his size.

Yep. With my two youngest my doctor estimated them to be around 9 lb at birth but were only 6 lbs 10 oz & 6 lbs 11 oz. Obviously they had the measurements wrong :smirk:. My oldest was my biggest at 8 lbs 3.5 oz.

I was induced at 36 weeks due to illness with us both…the day before i was told after a scan he was roughly 6 and a half lb…he was 9lb 4oz lol xx

Yup. I had diabetes and was induced at 39 weeks. Was told he’ll be over 8lbs. He was exactly 7 pounds.

My doctor did a C section at 38 weeks saying that my baby was almost 12 pounds. She was 8 pounds 1 ounce. She was healthy, thank the Lord.

No I was told he would be small. 9 pounds was definitely not small.

Yes I was told my boy was gonna be 9-10 pound baby but come out at 7lb6oz and I also carried big also ended up having a c section as he was stuck and they thought it was because he was a big baby

I was told my 2nd bub would be small… he was 9lb,4
Now 36wks with 4th and having extra scans coz he is measuring huge! Seeing doc at 39 wks and will hopefully induce me. They estimate he will be 9lb8 by then :hushed:

I was told with both my girls that they would be 8 or 9 pounds. Biggest was 7.9 and she was 6 days late and smallest was 7.2 and she was 12 days early

I tend to have bigger babies…smallest of the 6 was 8lbs3ozs and he was 2 weeks early. My third child I was told would be in the 6-7 lb range, she was 8lbs 13ozs…

I had more the opposite my dr told me with my second not to expect anything over 8lbs since my first was only 7lbs 8oz ya my second was 9lbs 7oz I had to send my husband home to get out back up bag of 0-3 months because she hulked the newborns lol

My youngest daughter they told me she was going to be a 10 lbs baby and when I had her she was 5 lbs 11 oz and i was a Diabetic with her

Yes! My first baby was 9lbs 5oz and my second was suppose to 9lbs the doctor told me looks like another 9lb baby but I gave birth 10 days either with my second baby and she was 8lbs 3oz so if I had waited 10 days more I’m sure she would be close to 9lbs

My daughter was estimated 9lbs 3 oz, but she weighed 7lbs 6 ounce at 39bweeks 3 days. She was a c section due to failure to progress (I went into labor on my own). I would only be allowed to try vaginal if my son (2nd and last baby) was estimated smaller than 7.6 because my cervix won’t open further than 8. They estimated him between 10.11 and 11 lbs even… he weighed 7lbs 1oz :woman_facepalming:t3: thank goodness, but still I was disappointed because I really wanted to go natural and they would have let me try if he hadn’t been estimated to be so big.

My first was 8lb 9oz and was told he was 6lbs. For my 2nd they said he would be around the same as my first or even 9lbs. He ended up 6lb 13oz. So cant go by what they say unfortunately

Both of my girls came o it smaller than predicted. I’m 20 weeks with my third and will have my anatomy soon, we’ll see what they say this time.

Yes. They told me my youngest was going to be 10-11 lbs. Induced me early because they were afraid of her shoulders getting stuck… She was 7.12.

When I had my son now 11 year old. My midwife told me my son was gonna be 9lb maybe 10lb, he came out teeny tiny 5lb 1oz I had alot of water.

When I had my now 10 year old. They told me he waa going to be a well over 10 plus pounds. I had him 2 days later and he was only 5 lbs 4 oz

They told me he was 9+ lbs. I was measuring very big. But my boy came two weeks early and at 7.3 lbs. it’s just an educated guess on Their end

They told me my son would be 5.7lbs he came out 7.8 so I feel like they arent very accurate sometimes

Based on my measurements and ultrasound, they estimated DD 2 would be 9 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches. She was born at 37 weeks 1 day at 6 lbs 8 oz and 19.5 inches

I had gestational diabetes they expected him to be 10lbs at 40 weeks. They took him 2 wks early sonogram had him at 7.5lbs the day before csection. He was born 6lbs 2 oz. When the doctor went to say it’s a boy, it came out 'it’s a… really small baby…

I was told for sure I was gonna have a nine or ten pound baby girl and be a big girl. Nope she was 6lbs and small

My 4th baby was my smallest baby. I was told he’d be over 10lbs… Guys he was 6lbs 14oz​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes:
Do. Not. Trust. Ultrasounds. For. Size. Estimates.

With my daughter they thought she would be about 8 lbs. she was a week over due and weighed in at 9 lbs 13 oz. my son was 4 weeks early and weighed in at 8 lbs 13 oz. had he been born full term the would have been 11 or 12 lbs.

My son was estimated to be 9-10lbs at birth even when I went in to be induced they told me he was around 10lbs. He only weight 7lbs 10oz and thank god because he was sideways and they didn’t know it until it was too late to flip him had he been any bigger I would’ve had to have an emergency c section had the doctor waiting in my room while I continued to push for almost two hours because my son was stuck finally he started crowning though.

Yes at 35 weeks she was estimated at 6.12lbs they said I’d have a big baby (to be fair I was huge) she was born at 37+1 5.15lbs tiny

Yes! My daughter was measuring at over 8lb at 36 weeks. She came at 42 weeks at 7 lb 9 oz xx

My Grandma gave birth 8 times babies ranging in size and she always told me it’s easier to birth a bigger baby because your body has more to grab on and push out. The 2 I was able to give birth to vaginally proved her theory right in my experience. My oldest was 8lbs 5oz and my middle was 9lbs 8oz and my middle wasn’t as bad. They told me the day before my middle son was born he was going to be 9lbs 6oz.

I was told my youngest was measuring in at 5 weeks bigger than her gestational age, and the smallest weight she would be born at was 11 pound…
She was born 8lb 13.5 oz.

I was told my baby girl would be every bit of 8 to 9 lbs I also had gestational diabetes schedule c-section and she weigh in at 5lbs 12ozs

I did … my doctor said my baby would be 8lbs or a little bigger and she was only 6lbs 15oz when she was born

I was told my last would the 8.5 to 9 pounds and I had weekly ultrasounds because I was high risks. She ended up 5 pounds 13 ounces.

They told me that my daughter wasn’t going to weigh 5 lbs, she 6 lbs 11 oz. Of course that 27 years ago, lol.

When my oldest son was born was told he would be around 7# he weighed 8#1 1/2 oz. Second son. told 81/2 lbs weighed 9#15 oz. And was told my daughter going to be 8#8oz was 8# 12 oz

My son was measuring 90th percentile for his head and stomach. He was measuring 7 lbs. 13 oz. at 38 weeks.
They delivered me early due to polyhydramnios. He was only 7 lbs. 4 oz. at birth.

They took my nephew 20 days early he was supposed to be 8lbs by ultrasound he came out 1 oz shy of 11 lbs

They said my son would be around 9. He was barely 6 pounds. Lol

I was told my baby would be between 10 and 11 lbs. I delivered a baby boy who weighed 7 lbs 11oz. :blue_heart:

They told my sister her baby was going to be big so she should just have a c-section which she did. Her baby came out 6 lbs 5 oz. She was so mad because she had a c-section for nothing.

Was told my first baby would be big & she was 6lb10oz. They never said anything about size 2nd time round & he was 8lb12oz xxx

My first was 9 pounds 7 ounce. They estimated my daughter to be around 8 pounds and she was born 11 pounds at 39 weeks!

My first they told me he’d be just over 10 pounds. He was 7.2. My second they told me about 10 pounds as well. They were spot on. He was 9.9

My 1st was expected to be bigger than she actually was…my 2nd was expected to be normal size and ended up being bigger

I had gestational diabetes so my doctor enduced me a week early. She was so long, she was running out of womb to grow. I was told with gestational diabetes that she could be a big baby as in most cases, but mine was 6lbs 8oz. I was under a lot of stress and so much anxiety, I couldn’t eat much in the beginning and couldn’t sleep at all, my doctor prescribed Ambien so that allowed me to sleep a solid 4 hours a night. After I had my daughter, I never had trouble sleeping again, lol.

I was told at like 35 weeks that my kids were gonna be over 8lbs at least. One was 6lbs 10oz and the other 6lbs 12oz.

My second baby, said she was going to be le 12 or 13 lbs, which I thought to be ridiculous cause I only gained like 30 lbs with her. Amd she was only 7lbs at birth

I was told my first was going to be almost 9 lbs and she was 6lbs 4ozs

My son measured big the entire time. He was supposed to be close to 10 pounds when I was induced at 39 weeks. He weighed 8 pounds even at birth.