Did you guys see the family that got kicked off the flight because their two years old wouldn’t wear a mask? As a mom, I found this crazy. My daughter will be two on the 22nd, and there’s no way she’ll wear a mask. It’s impossible to reason with a toddler. They don’t know what the word virus means and that they can get sick, so you can’t convince them to wear it. Her instinct is that something is on her face and to take it off. I agree with mask wearing, and I agree with having rules, but it has to make sense. This doesn’t make any sense to me. I think it was shameful to put a family out like that. What’re your thoughts?
This is a page for parental advice or similar. This isn’t advice. This post will just stir drama.
It’s not the airlines job to make sure your child can wear a mask. It is their company, their policy. If they knew their child would not wear a mask, they should not have tried to take a plane
i have a toddler, and she’s able to wear the mask just fine. the parents could have tried better to have theirs wear the mask
Don’t travel with a 2 yr old then. Wait until they’re old enough to follow rules or drive to your destination.
In NV no one under 9 has to wear one. Its the law. So no one can say anything. Period. Lol. I wouldn’t make my son who is 8 months ever wear one. My daughter does but she can’t for too long.
Yep saw the video, they tried to put mask on child, but the staff were just bullying them, without care,.
My special needs child was able to wear a mask at Universal without issue. I think if you know your child won’t cooperate, don’t go where masks are mandated. They could easily drive.
My niece is 2 yrs old and keeps hers on but we rarely take her out but when we have to she keeps it on
That whole situation sucks but as a mother of two toddlers, I wouldn’t bring them on a flight right now if I wasn’t 100% sure they’d wear a mask. That’s the airlines rule for the safety of everyone and it’s their right to enforce it.
I know A LOT of 2year Olds who wear it with no problem. Even 2year olds with special needs…if you know your kid doesn’t wear a mask, don’t bring them to where its required
My 3 & 6 year old don’t wear them. I don’t agree with it so we just stay out of places who would make them wear it. Luckily, our city has lifted the mandate a couple months ago anyways.
The age of the child should’ve excluded the child from the mask policy. To be so strict about the age policy of above 2 years old is ridiculous. For any child under 5 or 6 should be the parents’ discretion.
As a mama I made the rules not my children. From age 2 and up they knew mama don’t play and all I had to give was the look. They knew what I said went and they didn’t argue. Thinking maybe the parents could’ve tried harder. Even my youngest who is autistic can wear one…I just had to find one that he could tolerate.
I read the woman was just trying to give her kids a snack and someone flipped out. Who eats with a mask on let alone a little one?
I think it’s Stupid. We couldn’t go see our family (it’s been 18months) because of this dumbass mask bullshit. Our daughter just turned 3 and she can’t even wear it for 10mins in walmart let alone HOURS for a plane. So hopefully the mask mandate ends before December 31st next year cause if not we pissed away 1800 on plane tickets
Shameful but I got toddler has the Rona no fucks given get off lol. And the airline’s can’t be picky it would be the same for every person or child so fairs faor
I kinda feel you need to prepare your kid to wear a mask. Not expect them to put it on an leave it alone
My smallest daughter has worn one since this pandemic started and she is 20 months. If a child can’t keep a mask on where required then keep them home.
I actually am canceling my trip after seeing the video. I know my 2 year old won’t wear the mask and I don’t want us in this kind of situation.
Yeah pretty much everywhere I know of, doesn’t require a mask under 10, many more places under 5.
Children should be staying home, period. Wont wear a mask? Stay home. Too young? Stay home. Is it easy? No. But everyone needs to make their sacrifices in this
My youngest was 3 when this started and is now 4. She wears a mask no problem. I explained to her what the virus is and what it does, obviously in kid terms, and she understands. I don’t think people give kids the credit they deserve when it comes to understanding things. All 3 of my girls have never had an issue with wearing a mask.
I have a two year old and she wears a mask, she wants to be like the rest of the family and loves her dinosaur masks, unicorn masks. also have a nephew that is special needs and he wears one as well with no problems. Personally if a child won’t wear one don’t take them we’re there required.
In Europe, kids under 7 SHOULDN’T wear a mask
Personally regardless of my child’s age if we’re flying you bet your booty my kid is wearing one. Airplanes use recirculated air…eww. kids can get it just like adults. As well as be carriers.
I thought under 4 couldnt be enforced?
I think making such a big fuss about it is crazy. The airline have rules to keep everyone safe. The parents knew the rules and decided to fly anyway. They are choosing to go on a flight to visit family again knowing their daughter needed to wear a mask. The crew gave them time to get it in her. For some reason dad thought it would be just fine to hold it over her face for a while instead of actually having her wear the mask, he continued to argue about it and anyone who has a toddler knows you cannot hold a mask on their face for an entire flight. I’m kinda sick of seeing people knowing the rules, not following them, and taking to social media because they didn’t get their way. The parents had choices…travel a different way, or don’t travel. The airline did nothing wrong. Maybe if the dad wasn’t so argumentative they wouldn’t have been banned.
The whole thing was stupid. Who expects a TODDLER to wear a mask? I can understand kids 5 and up, they have better understanding…but a two year old literally doesn’t understand why wearing a mask is a must-do. And not saying it’s the flight attendant’s fault…but whoever made that policy is obviously not a parent of a small child. I’m a pre-k teacher and have 20 kids from ages 4-5 and I guarantee that not one of them would wear a mask correctly for several hours straight.
And for all you saying “WeLl My ChILd WeArS oNe JuSt FiNe” and “ThIs Is PoOr PaReNtInG”, I’m glad every child is the same and that you’re a perfect parent
If you’re scared of getting sick, stay home and live in fear by your lonesome.
PS: masks don’t work anyway come at me
I guess I wonder why they were traveling with a two year old during a pandemic. Was there a good reason or were they just visiting and not following any social distancing?
Toddlers can still get the virus and pass it on to others. They should of gotten her use to it before the flight. Rules are rules.
It’s almost like there’s a global pandemic going on
My young nephew wears a mask . Just tell them that their are germs in the air
Yes, I agree. My 2 year old will only allow the mask for so long until his ready to take it off. He has cool mask but still it’s really hard for a 2 year old to understand.
This is from United over two you have to wear a mask this child is two so wasn’t required the staff were just being jerks
On a personal level I agree that 2 is too young to expect mask compliance. However, it’s not my airline. If that’s their policy and it is clearly noted as such, then parents should have planned better or found alternative travel options. It’s a private airline! They are allowed to make their policies, and consumers get to choose to accept them or look at other airlines. I just don’t understand why more people do not understand this… thinking a rule is stupid doesn’t mean that the rule doesn’t apply to them.
In Australia children 11 and under are exempt from masks. Our medical advise is they are not safe nor necessary for children
Unfortunately no matter our personal thought on the airlines guidelines, it is their policies. If we don’t agree, don’t fly. It’s very simple.
I agree with you. It was shameful to put the family out like that. I think everyone should wear a mask but to ask a 2 year old to keep a mask on is ridiculous.
did sids saftey just disappear suddenly? when did it ever become a safe idea to cover a baby or toddlers face ever?
My not quite 2 yr old wears a mask but it’s always short lived knowing this I wouldn’t bring my child onto a plane in the middle of a pandemic
I know my daughter wouldn’t keep a mask on and she’s 2 and a half. Therefore I wouldn’t try to fly with her. They knew their child most likely wouldn’t keep the mask on and they made the choice to fly anyway. Not the airlines fault. Rules are rules.
I love all the people on here who use logic
The way I see it, is that the flight attendants were only doing their job. As heartless as it may seem, it’s to protect everybody. Now, as a parent with a 4 y/o who just recently flew… it’s extremely hard to keep a mask on a toddler and small child. They do not understand. And it’s because of this, that my husband, daughter and myself almost got kicked off our flight. Luckily, my daughter was tired and didn’t fight me to hard.
There is no way I would a mask on my 2 yr old, my 4 yr old isn’t even required to wear one at prek in my state or anywhere in public
My two year old wears his with no issue. Try getting masks with fun characters on it to help.
My daughter is 3 and wears a mask in the grocery store just fine. However I would never expect her to for 4+ hours in two airports and a plane. We usually go see family out of state in the summer and for Christmas. We’re missing both trips this year because I’m just not going to make her try and I know it’s a rule. If things don’t get better by next summer we will drive.
All of my kids wear masks… but I certainly wouldn’t be flying during this so, it’s not something I need to worry about.
Every child is different. So please you “perfect” parents be quiet. You don’t know their situation, you don’t know the child needs if there are any. Some children don’t understand why they need to wear one. So please please be quiet.
I feel bad for that child I can’t imagine how scary it all probably was for them. I don’t understand how a child that young would be expected to wear a mask… but honestly the family just should have avoided flying altogether if they knew the masks situation… I obviously don’t know the whole story but just my feelings
This is why we’re not flying my kid will not be wearing masks that young for any reason
My miles can continue to pile and I will drive that n you very much. I don’t like wearing them for more then 20-30 min myself so
Two year olds should not be wearing mask
I would never fly with my son during a pandemic or at least even without one. He would not keep a mask on or behave long enough lol. I wouldn’t risk the health of my child by being on an airplane.
It can’t even be healthy for their little lungs to have one on, they also can’t catch it as easy (this is why masks aren’t mandated in elementary schools) I think it really depends on who your flying with and the people dealing with it.
My sisters daughter just turned 2 and she wears a mask no problem.
My 3 year old will wear her mask just fine, but my 2 year old won’t lol I even have her size in pink paw patrol!
So shut the f up with the stupid “My kid wears their mask just fine” lol good for you. Wish mine would be she’s 2 and doesn’t understand so I avoid things that require her age to wear them. All kids are different and if adults can’t wear theirs right half the time why should they be expected to?
It’s strange how children in other countries are wearing masks with no problems at all.
My daughter is 4 and won’t wear a mask. I wouldn’t take her on a plane anyway, but you really can’t expect every child to wear a mask. Every child has different struggles.
Kids in Australia dont have to wear a mask under 12 yrs old
Amen. Im against masks beyond belief but have still worn one bc we have no choice. Regardless. Everything you said about a 2 year old. Is spot on. This world has gone nuts.
This mask shit is stupid anyway. More people die from the flu and you dont see everyone masking up. I never wear a mask and everyone I know who has been wearing em religiously has gotten covid. (And beat it because its got a huge survival rate.) Masks dont work. Its a piece of cloth. I can still smell peoples body odor at work (where they have recently started mandating the damn things) If it Cant stop body odor what makes everyone think it can stop a super deadly virus? Oh thats right… Cause our government TELLS us it can!
It depends on the day I guess. Sometimes my 2 yr old has no issue whatsoever wearing his mask and other days he freaks out and refuses. People say oh well I wouldn’t risk my child’s life flying anywhere right now anyway, while some of us have no choice. I made it easy for him by offering a variety of facial protection with two different styled hats that had face shields or a regular mask. He tolerated his mask for the 4 hour flight thank God. Will i travel again with him anytime soon? I think not🥴
Maybe don’t travel for non essential trips during a global pandemic
As a mom I find it completely ignorant to know the rules and not follow them. There are so many options for littles that she could have forgone a regular mask. She knew and she still didn’t do anything. She could have gotten a face shield or something less uncomfortable. Ijs
The family is anti mask.
The child is unvaccinated. And the mother has her on a diet. That I’m sure her doctor doesn’t even know about nor is the gluten free diet needed for a 2 year old.
Follow them on Instagram and you’ll see.
I have a video of the dad calling people sheep for wearing masks.
And the mother saying she refuses to put a mask on her child.
And I’ve seen posts of the mother even almost saying masks aren’t needed. And this virus isn’t serious if you just “take care of yourself”
Her MLM business is probably booming from this and she’s probably basking in this.
It was probably a few hour flight and the daughter would have been fine.
But the mother has never introduced the idea of masks to the kid and it looks like she didn’t even TRY.
And the father didn’t even have the mask over his nose.
It was a requirement that they should have done research on.
I don’t feel sorry.
Good job United for trying to keep people safe
My 2 year old will not wear a mask, a hat ( it’s freezing in Chicago) or anything on his face. But the airport rules are rules so just don’t take the child on a plane that won’t wear it. Nothing anyone can really do about it… I wish my 2 year old would wear the mask so I try not to take him with me anywhere unless I really have to.
The rule used to be 3 and up, not sure which genius thought 2 was appropriate.
It’s on her Instagram
They are anti mask anti covid
She sits there and says
I don’t want my child wearing a mask
No sympathy x
They should have had their daughter wearing a mask well before the flight. So she could have got used to it.
Its not impossible. It takes time and proper introduction. My sons fucking clinically defiant and can wear one. Liek of all the things that are a DAILY battle a mask isn’t one cuz hes a decent human who respects others.
That’s on YOU, the parent
Do better.
Stop fucking making exuses
Maybe no one cares what is a “non essential reason to travel” that is just plain ridiculous. If I want to travel im going to, pandemic or not. We have been living our lives like normal this whole time and have been fine and so have our children. My parents and sister and her family all had covid, they are fine. Im not restricting what I can and can not do in my life because some people want to freak out and be scared over a virus with a 99% survival rate how bout all you mask loving social distancing people stop trying to tell us to change how we live our lives, because thats just not going to happen. That just flies all over me. You do what you feel is best and if the rest of us want to travel then we will and so be it
Kids 5 and under where I am don’t have to wear a mask so I think this is just utterly stupid.
I thought it wasnt required for kids 2 and under
My thoughts are have none of you heard of cystic fibrosis ? Kids that age and younger have been wearing masks for germ protection in hospital settings long before covid happened
You need to think about it like this you’re freaking out but the fact of her wearing a mask yet you’re going to travel… I’m pretty sure it’s a non-essential trip during a global pandemic. It’s not like you haven’t known about the mask ordeal especially the airport did not try and practice this for the flight so either the child doesn’t go or you guys don’t go or are you putting that mask on her
My son just turned two and wears his mask at all times when we go to stores.
If. Your. Kid. Cannot. Follow. The. Rules. They. Don’t. Get. To. Go.
That simple. Other people shouldn’t be exposed because you cannot control your child. Period.
Where I love kids under a certain age do not have to wear a mask I hope the sue that airline for that
Literally right under the news story is this post. I’ve seen just about every news station report on it
Why are they putting themselves and child at risk by flying. Why would you want to be on a crowded plane at the moment
2 year olds aren’t even supposed to wear masks, they don’t have strong enough lungs for it to be safe to wear them. this is why it’s so important for all able-bodied ADULTS to wear a mask, because the babies can’t.
In the U.K. children under 11 don’t need to wear masks in shops etc - on airlines when we went on holiday in August it was age 6 and over had to wear them in the airport and on plane
I think 2 is a ridiculous age to expect them to keep a mask on at all times - hard enough to keep hats , shoes and gloves on them at that age lol
My 4 year old will wear one but definitely not the whole time. A two year old will most definitely not keep it on the whole time. I personally feel like it’s a shame to tell kids it’s your body, and if you’re uncomfortable tell someone but we also have to punish to get them to put something on their body they are uncomfortable with. Mixed signals yo.
Why would they take him on a flight to begin with . They knew what was going on in the world why even chance it if he will not wear a mask . There been news stories all over about kids not wearing and the families have to leave the plane. I sorry but you do not have to fly in a plane . I am 43 and have never been on one .
Make it a game and a requirement before the flight then she will know what to do. If the child doesn’t want to wear the mask then drive. Hopefully she is not visiting older parents or grandparents
Hate to say this but i dont see any toddler keeping a mask on! My two year old wont wear them period. I have tried the tricks of prepping him little at a time still wont keep them on. Toddlers dont understand!!
I agree, it was appalling the way United treated this family. I will never give this airline my business.
Yet any other time children are encouraged to be in a germ infested surrounding to build immunity. We literally inject them with live deadly viruses. The irony of it all🤷
Yes ridiculous need to be a understanding of age
I wouldn’t stick a mask on my 2 year old anyways even if she did keep it on
Shouldn’t be traveling in a germ infested airport and airplane in the middle of a world wide pandemic with a toddler!!!
To my understanding little ones under4? Do not have to?
I have 2 nephews who comply with putting on masks. It took some convincing and explaining but they wear them. If they don’t they don’t go !!!
Truthfully, I think that if you know that your child will not, or can not, comply with current safety guidelines, then you should make alternative travel arrangements. The airline is catching some major flack for enforcing a rule that the customers( let’s face it, everyone) knew about ahead of time.
What I find ridiculous is people who stress adults wearing masks yet kids not doing so. Why would you protect yourself from a so-called deadly virus but not your small children?! If this virus is as bad as claimed, children above anyone should be protected. Goes to show the real nonsense of this whole thing.
i have a 9 yr old autistic grandson who would never wear a mask and i would NEVER think of getting on a plane with him, he has sensory issues with things on his face and head, when we went to texas we drove yes it was a in the ass but it kept him and everyone else safe, i know its not the same issue but if the child cant mask dont fly period. its for their safety as well as everyone elses.
Agree my two year old granddaughter might let you put it on for few minutes only to remove it. At that point the more you try to put it back the more she objects…they don’t understand…someone said try training them for week or two …ya well again just about the time you think it’s working they decide no way…people they’re 2…let’s face it alit of older don’t want to wear the things let alone a two year old
Having a two year old that wouldn’t even keep a hairbow in her hair I call BS on most of the comments I’ve read. Yeah all your two year olds are so exceptional. Eyeroll.
Totally agree with you. This pandemic is making people lose basic common sense.
My kids are all grown, but I remember they had good days & bad days like every other human. To expect toddlers to be perfect in complying with mask mandates is just beyond ridiculous.
I think the rules are a bit extreme, and I don’t feel like they should be kicked off, but they knew these rules when they decided to fly during a pandemic. The best thing they could of done would of been prior to this trip get her use to the mask and get her prepared for the flight, if they would of done that maybe this wouldn’t of happened!