I teach two year olds. My students are better at wearing their masks
Than most adults.
How do you get a 2 year old to keep their eye glasses on? You practice with them. You can’t stick a mask on a kid the day of the flight and expect them to just be ok with it. Shame on the parents !
My niece is around that age and wears one just fine.
It does seem odd they kicked them off for that though, I wonder if the kid was also being disruptive. I have been on flights where the plane was delayed because of small children not behaving, and they were eventually removed so the plane could take off.
I agree, that was shameful! I don’t think anyone should be forced to wear a mask if they don’t want to, much less a baby. What happened to “my body, my choice”? I know they have to follow rules and all but still. Kids that young aren’t even required to wear a mask…because most won’t!
Unwise to make blanket judgements but on some level knowing a 2 yr old is not likely to behave "as needed " in any situation, maybe not subjecting them to such an environment might be better. Was flying necessary?
All these parents saying they can get their toddler to wear a mask. Well so happy for you. Btw. If anyone has more than one child. You know there are no kids the same. Some kids you can get to do whatever you want amd some kids won’t no matter what. My 2 kids were completely different. My daughter would climb under tables and throw tantrums if she didn’t get her way. We did everything to get that girl to behave. She had ADD. Very badly. She kinda grew out of it. She’s 27 now. My son. Never had to tell him twice to do anything. Most well behaved kid. He’s 19 now. Both are amazing adults. Not all kids are the same quit assuming all kids can be easily taught to wear something that isn’t really normal.
I have a three year old great niece and she wears her mask w no problem when asked to ! She’s done it since she was two !! All in what you teach them . My question is WHY are you flying right now during a pandemic with a two year old !!!
Look I watched the whole video. The parents truly tried reasoning with their child and eventually the dad put his gater on her and the mask she was suppose to wear on him and held her with the mask pulled up. So the parents complied. And im sorry but my 4 year old fights me on it. She watches her older siblings wear them, 8 6 5, starts with it on and pulls it off like 5 minutes later. Funny thing in their school were masks are mandated the teachers said and principle said that they don’t expect the jk and k kids to wear at all times because they get it kids don’t get it. So you all need to pull your heads out of your ass and stop pretending your kids are perfect. Even professional people say its not always possible to get kids that young to comply.
They went on vacation. With a toddler. During a pandemic. Millions of us canceled our vacations this year to avoid EXACTLY this kind of situation. It’s not like they were taking care of a dying relative or moving across country. If she knew following the rules might be an issue, rent a car. Go somewhere closer to home.
There were options here. It’s not the airlines fault she didn’t choose to take any of them.
I think if you can’t get your toddler to comply , and I admit that can be difficult , then you don’t fly. It sucks but it’s reality your toddlers willfulness doesn’t override public health or the safety of others
I work at airport, we see tons of people young and old not wearing masks. I’m thinking there was something else going on, cause airlines just don’t “remove “ people for trivial issues. Also airlines, don’t like bad publicity especially during Covid where they are loosing millions.
Many states don’t enforce mask wearing until 5 or later because of the broad range of what’s developmentally appropriate for each individual child in this age range. Some 2 year olds are ready to tolerate a mask. Some 4-5 year olds just aren’t there. That’s normal. It really isn’t about discipline, expectations, etc. I’m a hard ass about discipline, but at 2 years old you can’t punish a kid into keeping a mask on. It just doesn’t work that way - you have anxieties, sensory issues, etc. that all play a part. We’ve thrown all consideration and moderation out the window. 5+ should be the rule of thumb for airlines as well, and we should also be making exceptions for disabilities.
If the toddler had suddenly decided that she didn’t want to wear clothes, as toddlers sometimes do, would mom have allowed her to go naked because “She’s just 2 years old” . Sounds like the kid is in charge.
I think that NO ONE should use this particular airline again…they WERE CLEARLY out of line with their idiocy on this…they were worried about a two year old wearing a mask but didn’t care to at least leave the parents with the child’s car seat or their luggage…that plane wouldn’t have flown until I got ALL of my belongings from its cargo
I thought children that young did not have to mask up.
Disagree. People shouldn’t have to be put at risk so your little plague monster can fly. It’s close quarters in a sealed pressurized cabin with recycled air. When your two year old who can’t grasp mask wear and therefore also doesn’t understand covering their mouth to cough and sneeze inevitably spews large quantities of droplets into the air it puts everyone at risk. If you can’t figure out a way to get her to wear a mask then you better start figuring out a new way to get to your destination.
2 year olds can be taught to be able to wear mask. Not all 2 year olds, but some can. I am a preschool teacher and I have taught 3 and 4 year olds to wear masks so it can be done. A little practice and making masks fun may work like buying her a Frozen Elsa mask or something she may like. If it don’t work, then at least you tried.
I know many 2 year olds who wear masks. Its not about reasoning with them, it is about setting and enforcing expectations.
The issue is not with compliance for these toddlers, it’s that it’s not good for them to wear a mask. Unlike larger kids and adults, there are actual breathing risks associated with 2 and under when wearing masks. The airline is wrong for mandating a very unhealthy guideline.
They should not have been flying. My grandson wears his whenever he is asked to. He is 3 so may understand a little more.
I disagree with them kicking them off the plane. The kid is 2 not 4-5. People are getting ridiculous next they will be telling people that babies need to wear 1. Asinine if you ask me
The news report I saw was they were going to NY to see the tree… I have no sympathy for the parents… we are in the midst of a pandemic … as the saying goes, you play, you pay!
When you buy the ticket you can see the covid regulations. If you’re unable to follow the rules then drive or don’t go. There are ways to get children to do what is required. Businesses are allowed to say no mask no service. They were lucky that they were able to fly previously and no one said something. It is a risk to buck the system and you need to be ready to pay the price. At least they were reimbursed for the ticket price.
I don’t see how people can get mad. Its clearly stated in airline new policy before you book a ticket. If you cant comply you shouldn’t fly. That’s my opinion.
They sit in their car seats. Wear coats, hats and gloves. It is more how they are taught and what they observe.
Though asking for a 2 year old to comply with wearing a mask for the duration of the flight could be a daunting/impossible task, the bigger question is why are you traveling on a plane to begin with with said toddler? If you knew you had to travel than either train your child to wear a mask (if flying is the only option possible) or find alternate means of transportation. It’s called being a responsible parent.
The CDC recommends children under 2 not wear a mask. So if your child is 25 months old they should be treated differently than a child that is 23 months old? I get there are rules, but, they don’t call them the terrible twos for nothing! If the child refused to wear a mask while the parents were trying to make the child comply I think its ridiculous to remove that family from the plane. Provide an accommodation of sort. If it’s the little girl I saw in a video the father was covering her face with a blanket. He was trying! We aren’t in this thing “ together” we are being pitted against each other.
Well u need to travel by car, 300,000+ deaths so far, it’s that serious!!!
If the mask work,why are there so many cases,more and more everyday,mask do not stop it.We are being lied to.The test are not accurate,false positives are reported all the time,it is just a way to control people.
The child would take it off any way. 2 is way too young to wear masks!
It’s training
My grandson goes to preschool and it’s a rule and all the kids follow
It’s like behaviors… teach them and they will do what is expected
I was under the impression that if they were that young, masks were not required.
Whether they like it or not, children have to follow rules. Whether they like it or not, adults have to enforce them. I would be far more upset that my disobedient child cost me the flight. I would have been MORTIFIED that my parenting (or lack thereof) was going viral. I normally disagree with mom-shaming, but at what point do we draw a line, and say “no. As a mother it’s your responsibility to enforce rules and effectively manage your child.”??? Yeah, toddlers are a challenge - apparently one this mother can’t manage.
Don’t take a 2 year old on a plane on the middle of a pandemic.
My son is 2, and when covid first hit he wouldn’t wear a mask, so he wouldn’t go anywhere. Slowly I taught him to wear a mask, by making a rule that he could only have screen time if he wore a mask. Plus having his parents and older, 4 year old sister, model the behavior helped a lot. Now he’ll wear a mask for however long he needs to.
Traveling is not essential.
And traveling with children that you know will not wear masks, which was the company policy, makes it their fault.
Policy is policy. And yes, they tried. But they honestly should have tried and coached her looooooong before the flight, or chosen to travel when the situation is over, or when they’re daughter can wear a mask.
It was ridiculous that they went ahead and let their luggage and carseat fly though.
Two is too young. They are not required to wear it in other places.
Then don’t fly. Stay home. It’s for their safety too!
Why would anyone take a 2 year old on a flight during a pandemic.
Disagree. My kid can do it so can yours. If you practiced normalizing wearing the mask (complimenting them, saying they look cool, and wearing one yourself) then your child (like mine) would have no issue wearing one.
I agree with you no two year old is going to wear a mask. In fact my 1 year old thinks its a toy to play with even mine.
Just remember this virus could care less how old you are. Yes there are littles also getting sick and a few have even died.
I thought they said children under age 5 wear not required to wear them.
When you purchase your tickets, it states that mask are to be worn at all times, if your child can’t then don’t fly.
My 3 year old has days she wears one just fine, then some days she wants nothing to do with it. The airline policy stated that children 2 & under did not have to wear masks, if I read correctly so to kick them off over it was breaking their own policy. CDC states children 2 & under shouldn’t wear masks. I would be one mad momma if it were me! Absolutely insane & the airline should publicly apologize, refund them for their tickets & the extra money it cost the family for hotel expenses.
Poor judgement on airline’s part. If the child was showing no signs of sickness, then give the baby and parents a break. And btw, him wearing a mask does nothing to protect him, only others IF he is sick!
Practice, practice and practice! My son who is 5 with autism and sensory issues hated the mask but we practiced and told him he will not leave the house without it! And now he’s use to it and doesn’t take it off! Kids are quick learners! Be mindful and teach your kids to be safe just like when they go to the bathroom teach them to wash their hands same thing!
Isn’t there an age requirement for kids to wear a mask? Two seems a little young.
Im sorry but even a. Three year old wouldnt keep one on . maybe lets not have no mask for 3 and under
It has been PROVEN UNSAFE for children under 3 to wear a mask . Why is this even an issue?
Unless the child looks 2 or older just tell them they are 18-20 months
If you can’t comply, don’t fly. It’s your job as parents to teach them.
My 2 year old asks to wear the mask. She wants to be like everyone else. If I knew I was getting in a plane that requires this I would be practicing with my 2 year old on keeping the mask on. I understand it’s not easy but there are ways to make it happen if it’s important enough. Fact is, this family didn’t think the rules would apply to them and learned the hard way. I sure with the airline on this one.
She was 3. All airlines are following the CDC rules. The parents should have spent time teaching her to wear a mask.
A lot of people are saying ‘well my 2 year old wears one and she or he is fine’ good for you, every child is different, not every toddler is going to be ok with wearing one, they don’t understand, and it was way out of line to BAN the family from the airline even though they tried to keep a mask on their child, way WAY out of line, plus the flight attendant was being a bit rude to them
Let the airlines go belly up and they might be more sensible about things.
All toddlers are not the same each with a different personality as are all adults different due to their preconceived ideas of how this covid situation should be handled. Some adults refuse to cover their nose for example and others do.
The airlines are private companies. You pay for their services and along with their services you agreed to follow their terms/rules when you bought the tickets and agreed to the terms/rules once again at checkin. Everything is clear. They are following guidelines from the CDC to keep everyone safe. It’s not just this specific airline that is doing it. It’s ALL airlines. You either follow their rules or you don’t get their services. You’re selfish if you’re fighting their employees at the gate or on the plane. They are people that are employed to keep everyone safe they don’t make the rules.
I think this is ridiculous !! I just flew United from Atlanta to Houston and every seat was full . No compliance with CDC guidelines regarding social distancing . I guess the CDC guidelines are only adhered to when a two year old refuses to wear a mask . If adherence to CDC guidelines costs the airlines $$$ then they are disregarded . So hypocritical !!!
its not advisable for children below 2 yrs.old to wear a mask.
Exactly, this is why maybe you shouldn’t be flying w a 2 year old during all of this
As of mom of 3, when the masks started being forced, I bought them masks for practice because its our normal way of life. If the family knew they were traveling, then they should have made that transition with the child. I have a niece who just turned 3 and she knows she needs a mask to step out. Stay safe everyone.
I think people don’t give little kids enough credit. How many little kids wear their Halloween costumes ALL day because they’re so excited for Halloween? Put a mask on when they want screen time…they’ll get used to it.
All of things you said are true. It’s also true that the policy was agreed to before tickets were purchased. So, people need to make a decision whether or not to fly based on those rules.
putting masks on babies is absolutely ridiculous
Most 2 year olds won’t even keep their clothes on, lol!
Airlines post the rules when you’re booking the flight; they e-mail your confirmation, with the rules included. They have the rules posted at the airport; they tell you the rules when you check in. So no one can say they didn’t know. I was on a flight last week that included a family with 2 children, one about 2 and the other about 4. The parents had several masks for the children and let them pick which one they wanted to wear. They also had the same masks for every member (Frozen) and the kids picked that one. So the whole family wore the frozen masks. I’m sure it took a while to get the kids used to them, but it was done. During this time, if you know your child can’t or won’t wear a mask, use alternative transportation and save yourself and others from the aggravation.
Sorry, but I’ve witnessed quite a few times parents having mini masks on their 2 year olds and higher with NO ISSUES. They didn’t even play with the mask or whine about it. Just were walking happy minding their business… So to say it’s impossible to is a lie. No one is safe from this virus so it’s not far fetched that they got kicked off . From a person who had covid with multiple symptoms, sorry not sorry. Now just to clarify, any children with any medical, psychological/mentally impaired disabilities, it is completely understandable where difficulties may come about. I’m referring otherwise.
2 yr olds are not required to wear a mask…ridiculous!
Two year olds shouldn’t be expected to wear a mask. Most won’t wear a hat
If they were going to try to force a two year old to comply with something she can’t understand past, “the mask is uncomfortable. I want it off.” And leave them stranded with NOTHING then they need to sort out their priorities. It would have been one thing to kick them off, but give them their stuff too. And no, I don’t think we know the whole story. But holy crap, if you’re gonna enforce a rule, at least let it make sense. Sheesh.
My two year old cries when he wears his and then he rips it off in two minutes tops and I’m giving some credit with those two minutes but we also don’t go out a lot nor all together so he’s only had to wear it 3 times max since March.
Discipline her. Parents should of had her wearing a mask if they planned on flying.
It’s a business and they have the right to refuse service.
Two year olds shouldn’t be taught that they can call the shots.
Either wear it or stay home
You don’t fly then!!! The rules are clearly stated when you purchase a ticket. Don’t fly an airline that requires masks for two year olds. It’s very simple.
Our family can relate. People have gone overboard on this. I remember seeing signs in the beginning saying young kids did not need to wear masks. We have a 10 year old Special needs grandson with sensory needs and non verbal who will not wear a mask more than 1 to 2 minutes. He cannot attend school in person as our county has rejected him from riding the bus. He is in a school in another county (as our county does not know how to handle him as he is not autistic, which is how they tried to teach him) so he rides a bus for 90 minutes one way. He has to watch zoom which is not the best way for him to learn. The day he got kicked off the bus, he broke down in tears (which he is not prone to) and started smacking himself in the head as he felt he did something wrong. No child should be treated the way these kids are.
It’s not just then plane…took my daughter to the ENT she’s 2 . The ENT is located at the children’s hospital. And was stopped cause she didn’t have a mask. They handed me one and told me to put it on her. I looked at the lady and said she’s 2. We tried…she didn’t like it. Got to the ENT and he was mad that they would even try to enforce it. He stated children shouldn’t have to wear them until grade school where they have more understanding. We are setting our children up…to be kidnapped, hurt, compliance at 2??? Think about it long and hard. I’m a child development advocate professional and I’m gonna put this out there. You’re taking their childhood away when having to start forcing things in them. Let them be 2 this is where they explore. This is when they start finding out who they are. Yep this country is a hot mess. A mask is just as bad as grabbing their mouth and holding your hand over it. It’s super scary and takes away their security.
My grandson started wearing a mask last March at 17 months old with no issues and still does at 26 months. He is a feisty little guy but not when it comes to the mask.
Wow, I thought those under 5 didn’t have to wear masks. You can’t make a 2 year old understand. That is ridiculous!!!
Many airlines have this same policy in place though. Mask wearing for those 2 and older, anyone under 2 does not need to wear one. We are (hopefully) going to Hawaii in May and I have a 2-year-old who refuses to wear a mask. I know this is the policy, at least now, and am working at slowly getting him used to wearing one. Hopefully he’ll be more adjusted to wearing one come May but I also understand that the airlines are putting policies in place for the protection of ALL people on board so it is what it is.
Come on! A two year old??? I may never fly United again. My husband and I are in the million dollar miles club. Terrible decision. She probably would’ve put it on eventually when she wasn’t being forced and yelled at!!! Thanks Trump. This is what your Covid inaction has turned this country into.
They knew the rules when they booked the flight. They knew their child had to wear a mask. Simple. Children can carry the virus too. Follow the rules or don’t book the flight. Don’t cry about it after you get kicked off because you chose noe to make your child wear a mask.
My personal opinion… i refuse to wear masks… sit in my house and be told how to live… i live in the USA… LAND OF THE FREE… Constitution gives us these rights… jus say’n…
My son is 3, has a speech delay and don’t comprehend or understand as another child his age would. He absolutely will not wear a mask and freaks out when I try to make him wear one. I obviously wouldn’t be trying to fly with him right now though. The only places that absolutely require them are the doctors office and we haven’t had a problem with him not wearing one.
I think it’s not a good time to travel by air with a toddler
Since they are packing airplanes again and zero social distancing and no ventilation in an airplane… Why is everyone expecting a mask to work?
If everyone else is masked why is one two year a problem. Don’t make since.
From the news report I seen it’s not because the toddler would not wear a mask it was because the dad kept taking his mask and pulling it down around his neck not covering his mouth or nose. That asked him a few times to put it on right.
They have to follow protocol or take the chance of being shut down leaving how many people unemployed. If they would not have said or did something who saids a nother passenger would not have turned it in. Thay have to protect themselves, there jobs, there business and everyone else on that plain.
Personally would not be on a plain during a pandemic let alone taking a small child during one.
Then they should have used another means of transportation…their car?
I wear my mask religiously and haven’t gotten covid however I got bronchitis and I dont know how …I rarely leave my house and when I do …mask…hand sanitizer and lysol wipes yet I had to go get antibiotics, steroids, inhaler and when I asked my dr HOW I could possibly get this when I always wear a clean mask and she said …oh that isnt stopping actual germs but the cats are cute
My youngest son is 3. He loves his mask.
My kids hated hats at toddler age I can not imagine trying to keep a mask on a toddler ! Impossible
Wow what a bunch of mask police freaking out over a 2yr old not masking. And to insist they drive?! Really?! Its a 2yr old…if youre worried about the virus and its high death rate of 0.06% then YOU drive. Eesh, but youre all still willing to shoot your kids up with toxins by companies that cant be held liable…makes perfect sense🤦♀️
Those are the government rules snd believe me the airlines are going to follow the rules. 2 and over must wear a mask just as an adult. Been with the airlines too long to know they don’t bend the rules. They didn’t make them. They were made by the govt. if she goes into a store she must wear one.
Their airline, their rules. You knew the rules ahead of time. Nobody is forcing you to fly. We all need to work together in this!
If your child can’t do it make other travel decisions
They shouldn’t have been flying anywhere!!!
100% agree. Anyone with half a brain cell would know the impossibilities of keeping a mask on a two yr old. The airline made a huge mistake on that one.
I have a 2 year old niece and she knows we wear a mask. She sees us with ours on and not complaining and she does also. The only issue we have is waiting for her to pick out the perfect one she wants to wear
They should not be traveling just to vacation and visit…
I know a seven month old baby who is COVID positive and has all the manifestation of the virus high fever and respiratory symptoms