Did anyone hear about the family who got kicked off the flight?

All of you that are saying it’s ok need to watch the video. The airline should have to apologize, and pay for lost property among much more just for the way they handled it.


Yep they was kicked off United Flight because 2 year old would not wear a mask. They was stranded cause the car seat went with the luggage to New York NJ. Banned from flying United Airlines. Just not good. TMZ had the story.


I’m sorry but at 4 months old mine knew not to grab my earrings and necklaces, at 1 they knew not to touch things and do as they were asked. They wear coats and shoes and pants and socks in public, they can be told to wear a mask and expected to do so.


I’m not sure because my 2 year old does a gear job wearing a mask. The most she’s ever had to wear it is maybe 30 mins and not sure how she would do on a flight. But I do see both sides.

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Two and under are supposed to be exempt.


United owes the family an apology. The flight wasn’t even full. Totally unnecessary. Wouldn’t give them their luggage. Had to argue to get the car seat back.


Seriously, a 2 year old. What good is it going to do wearing a mask on a plane with recycled air?


I think I would practice with the toddler before the day to travel. I would try to make it routine for when we were not home. Maybe treat it like ai it a special thing? If it was evident that we could not comply with the airline’s requirements, I would go to plan b.

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Why don’t they just shut down the air lines and cancel flights all together? They did it with cruise ships which are much bigger than planes. You can’t sit down and eat at a restaurant, but you can on an airplane? Most places have closed public restrooms, but you can use one on a plane? Let’s face it. Commen sense is dead. Meanwhile, let’s all bicker on social media about how parents should be raising their children and how much better of a parent you are than everyone else, how you would do it differently, blah blah blah.


Maybe the parents should have known that before flying and worked on it. Maybe they could have driven or stayed home.


Im just lucky my 1&9months wears mask when going outside …He just want to wear when she looks at me I wore mask :blush:

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I took my toddler with me to the fabric store, she got to pick out the fabric for her masks…

We have double sided masks so we can flip them each time we wash them after we wear them…

We have frozen/paw patrol

Paw patrol/paw patrol


Princess/paw patrol

My masks match hers basicallt bc I don’t care what mine look like.

She has picked out 5 different paw patrol fabrics, one frozen, one princess and 1 monster fabric pillow case we used :woman_shrugging:t3:

She chooses which one she wants to wear


My daughter just turned 2 this last Friday and I will not make her wear a mask she don’t like anything on her face and she has bad allergies already so I am not going to make it worse for her.i know that I am doing the right thing for my daughter but her not wearing one.my 2 older girls wear masks in school but they are old enough to know if they can’t breathe in them or not.

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I have a two year old (she’ll be two on the 21st) and her wearing a mask would vary by the hour. Sometimes she may comply, others it would be kicking a screaming. Two year olds are entirely irrational.

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A two year old is not going to wear a mask for a long time. Too little. Toddlers can be fussy. If they don’t like,they ain’t going to do it. Too young in my opinion. My little guy will wear the mask for a short period of time.

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They should have practiced with her for a few weeks before the flight. Can’t risk everyone’s life for the comfort of one child.


I see kids that little wearing masks all the time
The airline had the right and the responsibility to enforce the rules.


Well some stores have signs that children under 12 don’t have to wear a mask in the stores !! I think it is wrong to make people wear them anyway !!


Too young to meet those expectations. At the same time I will say that under these covid times, traveling unnecessarily with a little one isn’t the best idea. But if travelling is a necessity, work with the airlines in advance to see what can be worked out.


My granddaughter has no problem with wearing mask, it didn’t take much.


My 18 month wears one. Its about being constant. He will turn 2 in feb and not concern with taking him places. Plus he sees mom and dad and his brothers wearing them so he wants to be cool to i guess


No one should be flying anywhere anyway right now no matter the age!


I think commonsense has gone out the window it was also reported that the airline is restricted the child I will probably consider restrict the child from ever flying on their airline again go figure


Airline was wrong!! Difficult to have a toddler wear a mask!!!


I 100% agree with you, BUT, and I don’t know how accurate this is, I read an article that said the family wasn’t being cooperative whatsoever, started acting belligerent, and caused a huge scene. Again, I don’t know if this is true, but any one of those things can get you kicked off a plane. I feel like there’s more to the story.

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My 3 year grandson who is on the Autism spectrum will not wear a mask. We tried when he was turning 3 and it’s been a struggle ever since. There are many kids that age won’t and don’t understand why they need to wear one and they should not be punished for it or the parents.

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Then put a shield on small kids. Airline require a face covering. If you can’t… Then drive don’t fly


You know mask or No Mask an airplane is the worst place to be at this time. If you think about it you’re on an airplane full of strangers. Even with the best air filters on the plane there is NO fresh air you just have air going through filters that Don’t filtered out viruses or germs. Look around you are breathing the very same air over and over. Think people you are taking your life and your children’s life in your own hands :raised_hands:

I think if she practices wearing the mask before going on the airplane like a couple weeks around the house , you also wear a mask make a game of it.


I have a friend whose baby is about 2 or 3. He just tested positive and neither parent is positive. He most likely got it from daycare where he is around lots of little ones his age.

You do not put mask on a 2 year old


You can train a two-year-old perfectly to do something but that is no guarantee that s/he will cooperate when the critical time comes. My son is mentally challenged and we fought for months trying to get him to wear a mask. His workshop reopened and he put it on and wears one all the time. Who knew? But the worst thing is that the airline sent their luggage on and left them stranded at the airport without anything.

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Teach the kid to wear it no problem


I thought children under the age of 5 did not have to wear masks… but it could have been an airline rule.

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Bring a doll with mask on and see if that works. I does not hurt to try!

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If people believe that the virus is as bad as it is they shouldn’t be taking their children on planes to begin with! you want to protect yourself why would you not want to protect your child by not taking them on a plane

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2 year olds are not required to wear a mask due to breathing restrictions!


My not yet 2 year old grandson (2 end of Dec)will wear one. He wants one because we have one

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It sounds like they were having a big family reunion. Perhaps they ought to rethink their actions during a pandemic.


Its time to start teaches them to wear a mask


Why would you take a flight during a pandemic with a two yr old? They should have been practicing wearing a mask to prepare the child.


I totally agree,a 2 year old doesn’t understand the mask situation,

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I think they should have gone by Car-Bus-Train-or stayed home. They knew the rules of the air line.


Children under the age of 5 aren’t required to wear masks. I’m so tired of this crap!


Where I live, masks are compulsory but young children and babies are exempt.

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How about teaching our children to obey . That young might be hard but it is possible !


Maybe they could have asked before if a shield would have been acceptable …it would have let her breathe better

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Plus what if your baby is uncomfortable and feels they can’t breathe . How do they tell us but to take it off . I guess we just stay home

Then you may need to consider another form of transportation for now. Unfortunately this is the new normal.


Unfortunately child or not it is a rule for the safety of you and others. Children 2 years and over are required to wear a mask when out in public. Did the child not wear one when she went outside with her parents?

We have gone rule crazy for no logical or rational reason.


Children and others can be taught to wear masks. You just have to try something besides “here put this on” or “no you have to keep that on, stop”! My son is 4 and he didnt like it at first either. Now he’s a ninja when we go out. Problem solved. Ninja may not work for your kid but use your imagination and find something fun that would work. You just have to put more than 2 seconds of thought into it.

Kids under 10 don’t have to wear a mask in the UK!! this is just stupidity on behalf of the airline!!


When an adult exhales, his breath will travel 2 maybe 3 feet. A babies lungs are small and with a very small diaphragm probably exhales from less than 1 foot to maybe 18 inches at the most. Please use common sense. This child was not a danger to anyone, especially if everyone else is wearing a mask.


They never should have tried to enforce it. They airline needs pay the family’s way home.


Two year olds don’t have to wear them in stores, why on planes? That’s just damn stupid!


Kids 2 and under aren’t required to wear a mask anywhere else. Why should it be different for a flight?


This is nothing but a legal issue for the airline. The rules say under 2 does not require a mask. So if they allow a 2 year old to skip wearing the mask, that means all the way to 3 is ok to not wear a mask. Because they’re already trying to push the boundaries now, they will continue to push. If that kid has Covid and breathes all over the seat, everything the kid breathed on will all need to be washed. If the guy sitting next to the kid sees a kid not wearing a mask and finds out the kid is over 2, the airline is open for a lawsuit. if the passenger gets Covid whether he can prove he got it from the airline or not, he’s got a lawsuit if he’s got photos of someone breaking the rules and the airline does nothing. Airline insurance carrier probably said, have rules, enforce the rules, show proof that you’re enforcing the rules, or we will cancel the insurance or raise rates.

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I know I would have never chanced a flight when my girls were toddlers.

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The media didn’t show the whole story. It was more the parents attitude and reactions than the 2 year old not wearing a mask

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If you have to try to get a toddler to wear a mask, I would try a bandana style mask and let the “dress up” as a cowboy. Or subject them to old episodes of I dream of jeannie and get them to "play " Jeannie. I think 2 is too young to demand they wear one . 5 or with documented developmental delays is about as young as I would go for that. My nephew is 2 1/2. He will wear one for a little while at a time. But his momma makes a game of it.

I thought kids under 5 yrs old are exempt from having to wear masks?


I’ve seen toddlers in the stores and they wear them. Those children were minding better than some adults with it.

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The family should have checked ahead of time. It was unfortunate. And most babies wont keep a mask on.

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It wasn’t because the child wouldn’t wear a mask. It was because dad took off his mask to soothe the child

if 2 year olds in daycare can wear a mask then y not on a flight

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Why did they require a 2 year old to wear a mask. I understand that the age for masks is anyone 10 years old and older must wear a mask.

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If they can pack a plane the way they do then they can over look a child not wearing a mask because social distancing or safety of others is not an issue

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My grandson wore one when he was 2. He’s now 3 and still very good at wearing one.


They hsve gone out of control with this covid control…time for us to put a reasonable stop to their rules!


When I was two years old or whatever age I did what my parents told me to do. No question about it!

At what point in this pandemic do you HAVE to get on a flight that bad. I also like how the mom took her mask off in the airport so we could see her ridiculous sob story. :roll_eyes:

I disagree I have seen many little children wearing masks


Its also makes it harder for them to breathe

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My son is 2 years old and he won’t keep the mask. But sometimes if he sees grandma or grandpa wearing it he will copy them since he is at that stage.

In the beginning toddlers and kids four and under were not suppose to wear a mask.

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Texas age requirement is 10yrs old. This is crazy and uncalled for (yes i said MY opinion)


I agree I saw it and thought it was stupid as hell cuz I agree with what ur saying u can’t expect a toddler to wear a mask and expect them to know y and understand it just ain’t happening so a 2 yr old should not be required to wear one I’m sorry. A 3 yr old maybe a 4 yr old and up definitely but not a damn toddler ppl come on. There’s a lady I go to church with her daughter just turned 2 and they went out of town for Christmas and she was required to wear one so she had hers made to where they look like bibs but they’re actually masks so I’m wondering how things went with that.

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Just saying but 2 years old are not mandated to wear masks

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I have to agree. If they will wear one great but if not then so be it.

I think children will listen if you talk to them, just tell her she has to follow the rules and do the same as you and everyone else in the plain so she won’t get sick

Her mom could have made a game and practiced before traveling. Toddlers respond to statements like,”now let’s play( or practice) our little mask before going up in the big old plane. Or. Be a big girl and show everybody how big you are with your big mask… always worked for my kids with challenges with my boys

A mask? or screaming kid…??? A mask?..or a screamer. Give me a break! Everyone else was wearing a mask. Is that airline really afraid of a two year old passing on the virus??

They should have practiced at home before the flight. Made a game of it.

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2 and under do not need mask according to that doctor Fauci.


Plus United tells you to leave the plane one row at a time to social distance but they had all the seats filled on my last flight. Ridiculous

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How did they know she was 2 and not 1 yr 13 months

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My 1 year old(she’s 22 months. So almost 2). Loves to wear masks because everyone else wears one.

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I understand two and under don’t have to wear mask. In fact it might be five and under

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They were wrong in the fact that the masks do not apply to current under age 10

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My children wear masks just fine and being that they can be very asymptomatic and spread it to someone who’s compromised I agree with the airline :woman_shrugging:t2:


Fact is…why put your child and others at risk ? Stay home.

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I thought children below a certain age were exempt for this very reason!

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I agree. There should have been a compromise of maybe as long as they were the only ones in that row it would be ok

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What did they want the family to drug the child to keep the mask on I thought there was a exception for children under a certain age

Rules are rules. If adults have to follow them for the greater good, then children should also. If they made an exception for this family, then they would have to make exceptions for All Families. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen


They said 2 and under not required because of choking hazard? They are Unable to be responsible for themselves :woman_shrugging:t3: I agree


Precaution is better than cure.


Does it suck? Yes. But those are the rules. I’ve conditioned my two year old with his mask and I can now get through grocery shopping which usually takes about 45 mins to an hour with him wearing his mask no problem. We had to start small. 5-10 mins and work our way up but it can be done. I’m not sure how long their flight was going to be but none the less if you aren’t prepared for everyone to wear their masks then don’t book a flight and cause a scene. At that point you are doing it for attention.


Fly Delta. Their rules are more reasonable.