Our youngest refuses to wear a mask either. It got us refused entry at sprouts in Yukon. I tried to tell the worker of her condition, and even contacted corporate headquarters. They basically told us to buy online. Which we’d do if it weren’t for the insane costs of shipping.
Thank God for science and the vaccine. Let’s just hope this won’t continue for much longet
He going to put america in lockdown hope who voted for him will see what they done wrong
I never thought I’d see the day when sheep fly. But there you all are.
My 2 year old grandson wears a mask when it’s necessary. He does not argue about it. No one should argue with a 2 year old, and let the 2 year old win the argument.
I would have never planned on taking a vacation where i had to get on an airplane with my child.
You teach them to wear a mask , before your trip. Or drive.
If you have children under the age of 5 or 6 maybe do not fly. Drive or find a closer place to vacation. Unless you’re seeing family then drive.
maybe you shouldn’t travel and expose your children to the virus as well as spread the virus to others. do you rally think a trip more important than safety. if travel is a must go by car
I reasons with 5 toddlers just fine. More of a parents approach if. You can get it to work. Try something else.
They said children 2 and under should not wear a mask, to many mask freaks,
I think there is more to the story than we know my granddaughter has wore a mask through the entire pandemic
Under 3 yrs old no masks are required
You should read more about the anti mask mother of said child
Is no one going to recognize that wearing a mask is a suffocation hazard for children under 3? Like it says in the CDC that masks are not recommended for children under 3.
And they were holding the mask over her face and they still going kicked off.
Unconscionable Unreasonable
Common sense and common courtesy are on their death beds.
I feel bad for the 2-year-old but the parents, who are adults made a decision that their family would travel. If their daughter did not want to wear the mask then they deserved to be removed from the flight. We wear masked not to protect ourselves from the virus but instead to protect others from the virus that we may be carrying. Children can be infected with covid and be asymptomatic, ie carriers. The parents with their child should have been removed from the flight. I support the decision of the airlines to remove the family. I would hope that the airline also waivered any fees to change the family´s tickets without restriction in the future when the child might be able to wear the mask.
Make a game of it make it a costume not a mask
That is the same kid that only eats chicken nuggets.
under 5 they don’t have to wear a mask
If your child is sick and doesn’t like the medicine you going to tell them don’t take it if you don’t like it? From a doctor: who’s the parent you or them?
It should be changed to at least 3
99% of children 9 and under have not developed the receptor for the virus.
Furthermore, the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. both noted legitimate studies that concluded that asymptomatic people are extremely unlikely to spread the virus. (They had to walk it back for political reasons)
There have been numerous studies showing that common masks only protect the wearer, not to mention prolonged wearing of masks is a serious health risk.
Children should not be strictly mandated to wear masks.
Everyone says follow the science but few look for themselves at the actual scientific studies.
Don’t be anti-mask, just think for yourselves
A rule is a rule . Kids are super spreaders
Thought it was 5 or older
I’m outraged!!! Enough is enough!
I’m on the inside here. I am a flight attendant and I see 2 year olds wear their masks…with no problem…ever single day when I’m working, yes, they can take them off to have a snack etc. if you have a small child you don’t think is going to comply then maybe rethink flying. I understand sometimes it’s necessary, funeral, etc. but if you are just trying to take advantage of the cheap tickets and you know your child will have a problem complying with the rule then maybe you should consider another option than flying. We as flight crews are under severe scrutiny from all sides…passengers and management to make sure EVERYONE age 2 and older wears their mask for the entire flight. It’s not a surprise either. When you book your tickets the rules pop up in your face to read. I’m sure most people just skip over them. You must wear the masks to go through security at the airport, at the gate before you board the plane the agent goes over the rules again, then on the plane us flight attendants repeat these rules. Then the captain comes on the speaker and repeats the rules again. All this is done before the aircraft door is closed and before take off. I am a mother of three kids so I understand 2 year olds. But it’s our job as flight crews to enforce the rules or we are reprimanded as well. It’s tough out there!
you know if the child became ill because of spread on the plane you can bet there could be recriminations and maybe even a lawsuit. parenting your child comes first if it is too inconvenient to heed the rules for everyone’s safety go alone. this second spurt of covid is no joke people I know of serious consequences of taking covid lightly. your rights are fine then go it alone
The airline is a private company, if their rule is 2 year olds wear a mask and yours won’t you don’t fly that airline. Too many people think they are privileged characters and the rules shouldn’t apply to them. Children spread covid.
It’s a fact that masks don’t stop the virus… if it why are people that stay home wear them on and out getting it? People are assholes
It’s called complete idiocy!
Then dont fly, drive.
Sorry its.stressful momma, I’m hoping that the germs sponges hurry up, the cross contamination is getting so bad with all the filthy pigs touching their masks and smearing their spit on EVERYTHING that it shouldn’t last much longer, but mad that a TODDLER won’t wear a mask, keep your head up momma, the ignorant will eventually take themselves out and the world will go on anyway, you got this
I think this is so stupid
Lol Cathy you to funny
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Next we will be forced to wear the symbol of our religious belief, just like in Nazi Germany and the the Marxists will outlaw religion totally!