I work in an early education center and the Commonwealth says masks 2 to 7 are optional. All of my kiddos over 2 come in masked from their parents. They wear them without fuss. So if they are introduced to them, they will wear them. I was surprised too.
If they can’t discipline their children then find other ways to get to their destination…
According to the CDC their recommendation is younger than 2 they don’t need to wear a mask. 2 and over do, even if they don’t want to wear one.
Comply or don’t fly! It’s simple!! If you pay for a ticket that means you are agreeing to their policy.
If you need an exception call and speak to corporate!!
That’s what’s wrong with you privilege folk
The majority of little ones I see have them on. I have 2 questions- 1. How is it that you think it’s ok for your children to not wear them but you need them. Just because some places say they don’t have to doesn’t mean it’s safer for them without it . Take the time to train them a few minutes at a time so it doesn’t bother the. So much And explain why at their level. 2. How do you do dr visits and Such with it being required. If they get sick and aren’t trained to wear them you will be in quite the fix.
Here is the thing those are air line rules not the CDC. CDC is 5 and under don’t have to wear a mask.
It’s really sad to me how many people believe a mask is going to save you. They haven’t even proven a mask can stop any virus.
Pretty simple if they had a sick relative or other really important reason to fly it’s not the f****** Airlines job the police when and why a family chooses to fly it’s none of their damn business. Or how they parent their child as long as the kid was otherwise quiet and respectful who gives a flying f***?
It is stupid but, what if the child caught it. In any case families shouldn’t be traveling with this virus so high anyway!!! Ignoring.
Rules what about the rules for all?
My opinion, this masking and shutdown “plandemic” is just to control the masses and to see how easily the sheeple are controlled and will give up these freedoms under the guise of “safety.” Now they are sprinkling in an untested vaccine where the manufacturers have absolutely no liability and some of you fools think this is the greatest thing since mother’s milk. I don’t buy any of this propaganda. Sure there is a virus…thanks to illegal biological warfare & unsavory people around the globe and the CCU’s deliberate withholding of the news this virus was unleashed on their people and subsequently worldwide because CCU refused to admit and place their people/country in quarantine—
Ask yourself: why is this vaccine “ready” in less than a year when historically vaccines have 20-40 years being created—but never rigorously tested like other drugs
Ask yourself: why was animal testing skipped to only be tested on human guinea pigs—
Ask yourself: why hasn’t a corona virus vaccine been successfully created since SARS? It’s because all of the corona virus vaccines tested, until now, were animal tested and ALL had serious side effects—-
Now ask yourself why would you want to give up your health or that of your children and loved one’s without having better intel and testing.
Ask yourself: which is the bigger risk? The virus with a 99% survival rate or a vaccine with no legitimate testing and no product liability—if you’re vaccine injured or you develop an autoimmune disease due to this vaccine—you are on your own.
Which risk are you willing to make for yourself or your loved ones.
I’m 69–and don’t do vaccines. My last vaccines were in the mid1950s and I’ve had none since and I’ve probably had the flu 2 maybe 3 times in my life. I’ll NEVER take this vaccine or any others. I don’t trust the people creating them for what I believe is political and financial gain.
GOD BLESS AMERICA—He is where I place my faith.
Don’t take a 2 year old on a plane right now. Parents fault. Airlines just following rules
Baaaaaaa…don’t comply if your child is 2 and under!
Masks are ridiculous anyway. I don’t wear one, never have. The so called pandemic has been going on for nearly a year! People have lost their minds and all forms of common sense. It’s sad, and that’s why I left the US.
airline idiots all the way
Is ridiculous how people agree with this bullshit…
You would have to be an idiot to put a mask on your children period!!
It’s a TWO YEAR OLD… freaking ridiculous!!!@
My lover is back in my life only 3 days under only for my one friend help he is very good person God bless him i really so happy now in my life whapp Dr Joshua Love Spell His email (drjoshuaspelltemple@gmail.com) Please friend Beware Of Fake Love Spell Doctors Beware Of Scams Friends and any other person using this very testimony is a scam Good Luck And Thank You Dr Joshua I Love You So Much…
Keep voting in commies and shit will never change.
It’s not impossible to reason with a toddler you are the parent whip their ass and they will listen
Simple enough. DRIVE.
It’s crazy time right now.
I don’t want to catch anything from yours or anyone elses little Petrie dish . Just like you wouldn’t want to catch anything from mine. Rules are rules. If you have an issue with it, drive Shit. Road trip
Ridiculous. Everything is fkn ridiculous
People have gone nuts!!!
Insanity!! COVID has a 99.99% survival rate and the left is still pushing it as the Black Death!!!
Heartless people. They dont know the word CONSIDERATION.
I agree and not any of the shit we are being feed makes sense
Ava VanBebber Callahan THESE COMMENTS. I can’t take the stupidity!!! The brainwashing and conditioning of Americans has definitely been completed
Un called for, she’s a baby
Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Akhere contact +2348147956530 email is: drakheretemple1@gmail.com and told me Sir Akhere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Akhere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Akhere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir Akhere on (+2348147956530) Email: drakheretemple1@gmail.com Redirecting...
incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.
I completely agree!!!
Kinda of crazy to expect a 2 yr old to wear a mask. I agree with mask wearing in general but 2 yr old not so much
Not sure if it’s the same family but the one I read was they got kicked off bc the father kept pulling his mask down on the flight.
Mine wears it no problem . As well as my 5 year old …
While my only child is 6, I have to disagree with you about not being able to reason with a toddler. They understand more than you think if you lead by example and explain things in an age appropriate way. Yes a 2 year old understands being sick. My daughter understood at 2 that peanuts gave her diarrhea and she understood basic car seat safety. She isn’t gifted or super intelligent she’s average if I’m being honest.
Unless your 2 year old has a legitimate learning disability, it’s your job to explain masks in a way they understand and make wearing a mask fun and not scary.
Mine is 2 hes about to turn 3 but when everything started he never rejected wearing a mask i think in my opinion its how we teach them every time we go out he knows he needs a mask and goes grabs one.
If you watch the video… clearly an agenda… made no real attempt to have the child wear mask for their weekend trip to New York in the middle of a pandemic… It is a policy attempting to keep others safe… Also my 2 year old loves her masks… While 2 year olds don’t know what a virus is… they do think it is cool to have masks with their favorite characters…
Look at all the A+ parenting on here. Not every child is the same. Just because your child does something does not mean every child will do it.
I agree kids follow by example my son turned 2 when this all started and he puts his mask on no problem
I think it was ridiculous what the airline did. Clearly the parents were trying to comply. They werent anti maskers with some hidden agenda they were a family with a toddler trying to travel. I get the airline has its policies but i personally found it to be absurd. What annoyed me more than the airline were the pod people on the plane refusing to even look up let alone speak up for a family obviously struggling with their child. We may have a vaccine now, but look what it already did to us as people. Were going to need a cure for that too.
I have a 4 year old and 2 year old both keep mask on I told both of them you want to go in store you have to wear mask
In uk children under 11 dont have to wear ot and children under 3 are medically advised against wearing a mask
I disagree with this.U can’t make a toddler?Shit u wearing a mask baby.lol your kids should listen to the parents
Dreading the day my child turns 2 if masks are still required… she won’t keep a bow on much less a mask on her face. Glad to see some judgmental parents on here shooting for the stars tho, here’s your cookie.
Rules are rules. Toddlers also don’t cover their mouth…
If you can’t all be protected while flying then don’t fly (regardless of age) I don’t understand why people would still want to fly anywhere at the minute?
I knew my 7 year old could handle the mask all day so she went to school this year but we kept our three year old out of preschool because we knew she wouldn’t comply with wearing a mask that long during the day. She will wear it in the store for maybe an hour tops and then she has hit her wall and is done. So when we go to Costco we get two carts, split the list in half and meet at the front to get in and out or we shop at stores with pick up grocery options. Honestly I’m on the fence with both the parents and the airline. I think as parents we know our children’s limitations and what they can/ will/ won’t do. I saw in the video the dad holding the little girl and the mask to her face, personally if he held it there the entire flight as another passenger that would have been enough for them to stay. But as far as a company the airline has rules in place that when you purchase a ticket you agree to so the parents were aware. If they let a little girl fly without a mask because she isn’t understanding of why she has to wear it then they open up for other people to make excuses and not comply so I see both sides of it.
Ok my unpopular opinion:
All children are different! Congratulations to those parents that can make your child wear a mask 24/7, your teaching them to be sheep. We believe in personal space (new social distancing), good hygiene (wash your hands), clean (ridding of bad grems)/ dirty (play outside we live on a farm) environment so far we are all healthy.
My children (15, 7, 6 & 4) like myself only wear mask when we are forced. Dr offices/ hospitals, we go for vaccine, injury, surgery & sickness (It was his allergy). School, they choose to wear masks so they can go to school. They need socializing, they need friends & they need license certified educators. No they are not forced to wear masks all day at school!
As a mother, I would not be taking a vacation with my 2 year old in the middle of a pandemic. Also I would not expect or traumatize my 2 year old with that experience. I do not find fault with the airline, they are following their rules, which I would assume the parents were aware of.
Don’t fly if you can’t wear a mask. These rules are in place for safety. Find another way
Happy to see all these judgmental perfect parents on here. Hats off to you.
My youngest will be three next month he goes to a daycare where no one wears a mask because toddlers need to see the teachers mouths to learn language. He has a mask we let him hold when we go to the store he will wear it maybe 10 min. He also rejects socks so y would I exspect him to cover his mouth and nose. But with that being said if the company had these policies you either find a different flight or drive.
I thought it was complete crap. Every single place we have been since the pandemic started has been 3+ wear mask.We won’t be using that airline ever again.
My daughter likes her mask she wears it for fun and at the stores.
Parents already knew the rules that were put in place, they should of made it part of their daily routine at home, everytime they left the house turn it into a game with the child making out they were superheroes or something so the child got use to the mask…
Here kids under 13 dont have to wear them
Rules are rules. If your 2 year old won’t wear a mask, then your staying home. Toddlers can still spread the virus. Wtf is wrong with people. The amount of people that are dying round the world and you guys are worried about a missed holiday.
Don’t travel with a 2 year old during a pandemic
The parents knew the rules before boarding the flight. You can’t read the rules, not follow them, and then cry that they enforced them.
According to our restrictions kids under 3 are not obligated to wear masks. Also its not safe for kids under 3 to wear masks for long periods of time.
Don’t travel with a toddler?find childcare if you have to?not so difficult
Its weird. I was on a flight a month ago and a lady had a one year old with her and we was playing hide and seek and stuff and I actually wound up sitting by them (with moms permission of course) and he was not required to wear a mask.
They knew the rules I’ve seen plenty of little kids that wear their mask just fine. My grandson leaves his alone.
The way I got my 2yro (now 3yro) to wear a mask was his pacifier or ringpop. As he is a thumbsucker and is always putting hands in his mouth, this helped us with two issues.
If their kid won’t wear a mask its not the airlines problem. Iv seen some say they could have blocked off that part of the airplane but how fair is that? Its not. There is no special treatment.
My thoughts on the subject is
#1 we’ve been wearing masks for 10 months. It would be hard at first. But if the parents were consistent she would’ve worn it. My kids didn’t like to wear clothes as toddlers. That doesn’t mean I took them out naked. They had to wear clothes & shoes. Cry, scream, strip I persisted & they wore them. Masks aren’t any different. It’s something we have to wear. It’s another item of clothing.
#2 these parents traveled to see a friggen Christmas tree. It wasn’t neccesary travel. They shouldn’t have been going in the first place. Obviously they aren’t taking this virus seriously. (Also the father wasn’t wearing his mask right & recited conservative “facts” that are false)
#3 they knew the rules before booking the flight. If they knew their kid wouldn’t wear the mask they shouldn’t have booked the flight. They expected rules to be changed for them. They thought they were special. The fact that she recorded the incident & fake cried in the video that she posted online shows me they orchestrated this whole thing for attention.
I have no sympathy for them. It’s people like them that are spreading this virus & making America #1 in covid cases & deaths. I’m glad they got kicked off. Unfortunately they didn’t learn the lesson.
The CDC says that children that young shouldn’t be in a mask anyway. My son will be 2 on Christmas. He has a mask for fun because he is a toddler and wants one to play with like mom and dad. But he won’t keep it on his face, and it doesn’t fit him anyway.
I wouldn’t be taking my 2 year old on a flight during this time🤷🏽♀️
I thought under 5 didn’t have to wear one. You can’t get a two year old to do it. And those saying shouldn’t fly dont judge. It’s their decision not anyone elses
I didn’t realize they had too. I sure hope they don’t give us too much heat because I can’t keep one on my 3 year old. And before anyone attacks me. Yes. We are flying home for Christmas. Pandemic or not. You can travel safe and be cautious. It’s my family not yours and flying isn’t going to create anymore risk then the ones we take everyday to go to a store or my essential husband whom has to go to work and comes into contact with people everyday while in their homes working.
If she couldn’t wear a mask, then they shouldn’t fly. It is not complicated. There are things you cannot do if you have a two-year old. That’s life!
What if little Cathy gave everyone on the plane covid …THIS IS SERIOUS…" WONT " at 2 YOU ARE THE PARENT if it were a life vest you would have found away to put it on her no questions asked … she let the dad hold a towel to her face so she wasnt that terrified … When shes sick do you give her an option to take the medicine ? Its gross she dont like it come on now …This is a government rule … for safety EVERYONE INVOLVED… #comply. On #PLANES it’s #EASIER to catch a virus or bad bacteria THESE PLANES HAVE #RECIRCULATING AIR AND LOW IN HUMIDITY VERY EASY TO CATCH #COVID-19 virus
I think a two year old is too young to understand they have to wear a face covering. My daughter wouldn’t keep a bow in her hair, imagine a mask.
The lady should not have been put off, but at the same time ,it is pretty awfull when a Mom cannot control her own child! I raised 5 kids and no way would I have put up with that. If she can get away with behaving like that at 2 she will at 16.
If you know your spoiled brat won’t wear a mask, don’t fly.
I have two two-year-old Grand-daughters. They both wear masks when they are told. It’s called parenting. They didn’t want to wear them at first either, but their parents were persistent, and they learned that they have to do it sometimes.
If you are teaching your child discipline right from an early age then you can teach that child to wear a mask. I see many children younger than 2 wearing a mask because the parents are teaching them right from wrong. If you can’t do that maybe you should not be having children in the first place.
As a parent of an almost 2 year old, I dread having to go out and take him along when he’s required to wear a mask. I very much so agree and stand for children obeying their parents but a 2 year old…and for those of you saying your 2 year old does it no problem…great, fantastic…but that isn’t a complete reflection of your awesome parenting skills…2 year old’s cognitive abilities to comply and understand rules and consequences are at varying levels…some are ahead of the game and others are not! Have some compassion and understanding…the child was a 2 year old!!! Most 2 year olds aren’t even completely potty trained yet!!!
I feel bad for them but they knew the rules before getting on the flight. Pretty sure they’ve heard of others getting kicked off flights for the same reason…so they knew it could happen. I do think 2 is a bit young to be required to wear a mask, BUT, they knew, so, should have made other arrangements then.
I think the airlines are doing what’s best. They have kept this virus from going crazy in our skies. So sorry this little one was not having it, not the best times for littles and flights.
My 4 yr old wears masks no problem, even double checks that we have her mask before we leave the house. Kids parrot what they see🤷🏻♀️
Then you can’t fly with a toddler right now. Why even try? You know the rules when you book the flight.
If your kid won’t wear a mask then they stay home and stay safe…simple. Why risk your child’s life??
Our grandson is 16 with special needs and can’t wear a mask … this is totally wrong to make a 2 year old wear one !!!
If a toddler can’t wear a mask stay home… simple
The thing about that specific family, they fly frequently and the daughter has and knows how to wear a mask. At that time she just didn’t want to wear one anymore. Unfortunately airlines have specific guidelines to follow. There are policies for those that have disabilities and are not able to wear a mask
The airlines should reimburse their flight and give them free flights for the next five years. AND A VERY LARGE AND VOCAL APOLOGY.
We are not talking about Shopping at Walmart … AIR PLANE #Cabins have #RECIRCULATING air … On the ground it’s worse …Air quality is different on a plane … Cabins are often low in #HUMIDITY making it easier to pick up BAD #BACTERIA OR #VIRUS … the Parents should have #COMPLIED for everyone’s safety … Too many are sick with COVID-19 and #DYING … letting a 2 year old decide what’s best for #THE family is WRONG
I have a 2 year old and most days she will wear her mask without issue and other days there’s no reasoning with her
I agree with the two year old child. We think alike. Masks do not work and are unneeded. Not wearing it!
I was watching a video of an Asian toddler eating with his face mask on. He lifted his mask to put food in his mouth and bring his mask down while chewing.
To these kids wearing a mask is a way of life. We allow our children to manipulate us.
Michelle Wilkins Bradley thank you Mam. I am a nurse caring for the sick at hospital bedside. Many are COVID. I have seen too much. The best way to limit the spread of a micro organism is to avoid the micro organism. Unfortunate in these times but proven effective. A Vector is a host fir a virus. I am not sick “yet” and get tested regularly. I understand I could be a Vector.
I wear safety goggles, N95 mask, surgical mask, splatter shield and that is just from the neck up. I do this for 12-14 hour shifts. Gowning for maybe 25 times a day. I whip my shield and glasses all day long with bleach wipes. I have a face task, painful sores from the bands on masks. My hands are dry and irritated. I miss lunch often and a pee break is hard to get. I am the caregiver for parents in their late 80s. I prepare their food. I do this to not be a host to the virus, and protect my patients, family, friends and family.
At work I was so sad and tired. The stories I could tell… when I got a pee break I just wept. Lord, I cannot save everyone. Please end this pandemic.
We have a family at our church with 3 kids 3 and under and they all wear a mask. It is all in the parenting!
It was a shame. To many people telling us to do things that with little ones are impossible. Hope things get straightened out soon. Time to show respect for all.
I can no take my three year old anywhere. He has low muscle tone and drools so bad his mask gets wet and he refuses to wear it. So hubby stays home with him and I go shopping or vice versa. It sucks, but no choice now.
I agree on both ends, the rules are the rules but I flew with American Airlines to Cancun and not one person said anything about my 2 year old not wearing a mask. She kept it on when we got on the plane and off of the plane but pulled it off and literally fell asleep right after takeoff both ways. I was anxious for days prior to leaving. I didn’t want to be THAT family getting kicked off. I also have a 3 year old and both girls wear masks when we go out in public to the store without even messing with it. I feel it depends on the flight crew. We had awesome flight attendants on each leg of our flight who talked to both my girls and not 1 said you need to get her mask on now.
I think 5 and up personally for the mask wearing. You can’t reason with a 2 year old
It’s been proven that children seldom get the virus and that they don’t spread it. This was an absolutely stupid action by the airline.