Did anyone struggle to get pregnant after Mirena?

Has anyone had issues TTC following the use of Mirena?


Lord no. It was almost immediate. And NOT on purpose. My bonus kiddo was also post Mirena immediately.

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I had the Mirena for 8 years and 4 weeks after Mirena removal I had a positive pregnancy test. So I must’ve gotten pregnant the first week after removal.

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I was pregnant within a few weeks but lost baby. I conceived again about 2 months later . I struggled with my progesterone and took supplements the 2nd he’s 4 now .

I had a healthy pregnancy and baby girl just a few weeks after having mine removed.

Yes it took 7 months and I had a chemical pregnancy and then got pregnant again next cycle

I had mine in for 5.5 years I had it removed end of November 2019 we used condoms till mid January 2020 got a positive test end of Feb 2020 25 weeks with a healthy baby girl

I had the Mirena in for 8 years and it took me 3.5 years to get pregnant after removal.

Took me 6 months each time after removal.

I got pregnant right after removal. I had it in for 2.5 years

Yes, took 6 months :sweat:

Got pregnant within 3 weeks of removal. Didn’t even get to have a period! Removed Nov 19th, tested positive Dec 16th.

I had mine out in February and have been doing no version of prevention and still nothing which surprised me when I had my son before getting the Mirena I got pregnant really easy

I did! I was on mirena for almost 6 yrs after I had my first baby and I got it taken out when we decided to try for another. I went through 6 months of hell after getting it taken out. I had my period for 30 days, I had pregnancy symptoms but was definitely not pregnant. I lost 50lbs in 4 months without changing anything from all the hormones it gives you. It took my body over a year to feel normal again and it took us 2 years to conceive. I bought ovulation tests to track my cycle and finally got pregnant this past December. I’m due in a few weeks with our baby boy! I hope this helps you and I hope you get a positive pregnancy test soon!!

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I was miserable with mirena. Killer cramps, heavy periods, etc. Got it taken out a couple years early and switched to Nuva ring. Pregnant in 7 months. While on Nuva ring. :woman_facepalming:
Found out I was pregnant 1 week before leaving to go on a cruise.

I was pregnant w twins within 2 weeks of my 4.5 year inserted Mirena removal

I had a miscarriage after each of my IUD removals. :blue_heart::angel::heart::angel::green_heart:

I got pregnant on my IUD :woman_shrugging:

I was pregnant before my first period after mine was removed

My daughter had issues

Yes I did… I had my youngest about a year and a half after having the mirena (it was still in place when I became pregnant). That was 2011. I had 6 miscarriages after my son and am finally 7 months pregnant with my rainbow baby.

No. I had gotten pregnant in less then a month after it was removed.

I was pregnant less than 3 months after having mine out and they told me I would never make babies again

Sorry but mirena was the devil for me. I bleed way too much…I didnt last 6months on it

You should take vitex! I struggled after the depo and this helped me!!

I had a cyst on my left ovary the size of a baseball after I had my Mirena placed. I had the cyst surgically removed, and years later when I tried to conceive again, it took us 15 months and I learned that my left fallopian tube was blocked. I don’t know if it was from the cyst/surgery or coincidental. 2nd month of Clomid led to my daughter being conceived. Ovarian cysts can be a side effect from Mirena.

I had an early miscarriage after I had my 5 year mirena removed 3 months after. Then took me another 9 months to concieve again. I was told it was normal to go a year without conceiving after mirena.

im in the same boat literlly

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did anyone struggle to get pregnant after Mirena? - Mamas Uncut

Nope i got pregnant exactly a year after talking mine out after 4 years. I did take prenatal vitamins to help my period become regular again

I had mine in for 5 years after it was taken out it took me another 5 years to get pregnant again😑

It took me a year of trying after my IUD was taken out.
I had the hormonal one and my doctor told me it would take about a year for my body to go back to “normal.”

I got pregnant the month after mine was removed

I had Mirena twice, first time I was pregnant 3 weeks after removal, the second time I was pregnant 6 weeks post removal, every body is different.

I had my Mirena for 5 years and got pregnant within a month or two after I got it taken out.

Me. Been 6 years since I’ve had it out. Been trying

I’ve had 2, the first for the full 5 years, the second for 6ish months. Had it taken out, 5 months later I was pregnant

It took me 2 years to get pregnant after I got mirena removed.

Nope. Got pregnant the next month I was 30. Myself but miscarriaged at 5 weeks. But 2 weeks after I was pregnant again. Turned 31 years old when I was 31 weeks. My baby came healthy 5 /29/2021.

Prenatal vitamins every day will help you get pregnant

I had the Mirena for for 5 years took it out and had a new one put in. Took that one out after a year. Took it out in May and I was pregnant by November. I was 32

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I’ve seen some woman take weeks, months and even up to two years! But everyone is different.

I’ve had it 3 times an swear I got pregnant the day I had it taken out twice. Every one’s body will act differently to it.

I had it in for 3 yrs, took it out and couldn’t get pregnant. Finally 12 years later… I’m pregnant.

I had my first child at 19 got the mirena put in 6 weeks later, got it taken out at 5 years, put the mirena in again had it for 2 years, got it taken out and got pregnant not even a month later with no period. Now I have to for the 3rd time and will be getting it removed next year.

Nope. Just like I was told after a few regular periods after removal .

I got mine out in 2008 and i has taken 13 years to get pregnant

Takes about 6month or more so for the body to regulate after birth control… depends on your body.

I took a year to get pregnant after I had my mirena in for about four years then my first pregnancy I had a miscarriage at six weeks about a month after my miscarriage I had my daughter who is now 2 1/2 I don’t know how much of that is due to the mirena but that was my experience

Yup I struggled for two years…

I took mine out and was pregnant before i had it out a full year. Im struggling now to conceive though at 33

I had my first removed after the first 5yr yrs. (I met my current like 2 yrs after) and it was about 8 months into our relationship when I got pregnant with our oldest.(Born in Jan 2019. Had second one in 6wks later got it out March 2nd 2021)… im almost 12wks pregnant. Im due again in Jan 2022…

Took me 3 months had it 7 years

I had it taken out after 5 yrs in Dec. 2011 and I got pregnant in Feb. 2012! It helped that my husband is super fertile too!:joy:

I was told it can take up to a year for the body to cleanse itself of the hormones. I had it the whole 5 years. Got pregnant 3 months after but had an early miscarriage. I was told that was common as well and nothing to worry about. It took another 9 months from my loss to have a successful pregnancy. I was 29. Then was able to get pregnant when I wanted at 31.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did anyone struggle to get pregnant after Mirena? - Mamas Uncut

I had a miscarriage caused by my Mirena so I had it taken out. Years later I actually started ttc and it took 22 months. I’m not sure if it was directly related to having the Mirena or not though so I’m not sure how much help that is.

Had it for 5 years took it out one month the next month I was pregnant

After I got my mirena out after having it in for 2 years it took me 6 months to get pregnant.

It took me 3 years after getting Mirena taken out to conceive again

Had it 5 years. Got pregnant within 5 months with twins :flushed:

I had my daughter at 32 with two previous Mirena. It was removed November 2009 and I was pregnant January 2010. She was born 9/11/2010 lol. No issues getting pregnant.

You could wait until 12 months to get pregnant and that’s totally normal with any birth control method

I’ve had mine taken out since Sept 2020 & I’m still trying to get pregnant.

I had two over 9 years and got pregnant five weeks after removal at age 30.

I got pregnant immediately after removing but lost that baby at 8 weeks. I personally believe that if you allow it to happen on its own time without the worry or stress, it happens way sooner. Good luck to you :heart::heart::heart:

I believe I got pcos after having the marina. I went on the depo shot and after it wore off I got pregnant

Had mine in oct. 2018-june 2020 got pregnant after 5 months

Took us 16 months actively trying after merina removal but 20 months all up to get pregnant with our middle child I had it in for two years

It took me 6 months to get pregnant after I had it removed.

I had mine for about 3 years and was pregnant the first month of trying after it was removed.

It took a year for me to get pregnant after I had my Mirena taken out

Took me almost a year after I got mine removed and I miscarried . Then found out I was pregnant again 6 months later now 32 weeks .

I’ve had the Mirena 3 times, after each of our kids.
The first time it was removed it took 8 months to get pregnant.
The second time it was removed it took 2 months to get pregnant.
I now have it again after we had our 3rd baby and who knows what will happen when we have our 4th lol

Its normal to take a year or two to get pregnant anytime let alone after you have a long term birthcontrol removed. Just give your body time to adjust

I had mine taken out in October 2018 and started trying right away. Didn’t get pregnant until early July 2019.

I fell pregnant twice on the pill 2005 and 2017 my 3rd I hadn’t been on any birth control it took 4 years so I was in shock and brought every test u can imagine

It took me 9 months after Mirena to get pregnant

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did anyone struggle to get pregnant after Mirena? - Mamas Uncut

Had the Mirena for 5yrs, had it taken out when I was 33 and got pregnant with my 4th child within the year. He is now almost 8.

I didn’t have the Mirena, but I was on the depo shot for a few years and I truly believe that is what made it hard for me to get pregnant the second time. My oldest I had at age 18, my second child was born when I was 30. We started trying when my oldest was 4yrs old and it took 8 years of no birth control and lots of doctors appts for us to get pregnant with our second. I think all of our bodies react differently, and age plays a role as well. Maybe have your dr check your hormones and other levels. If this is what you want, dont give up! I know my answer wasn’t exactly what you were looking for, but I hope it helps some😄Good luck to you!

Quit stressing it harms your body

I had it it took me like 5 years to get pregnant. The first 2 times I had a miscarriage and the 3 time I got pregnant. Seemed like it took forever. Still to this day my period is only 3 days because of this birth control I had in 18 years ago.

Got pregnant while having the Mirena. It was the last year before it needed to be replaced. About 8 mths to go.

I had my first child at 19. Got the mirena in, in 2012, got it taken out in 2016 got pregnant right away and found out I had a partial molar pregnancy and had to get a dnc done then had to wait for my hcg levels to go back down to 0. Then I got pregnant right away with my son who is going to be 3. Remember as we get older in our 30s we will have less eggs. You just have to let your body get use to the no birth control and just have fun. Remember if you constantly worry and get stressed it wont become fun. As we get older if does take longer. I am 35 and definitely want one more. But just make it fun and it will happen :blush:

Got pregnant within a week or 2 after I took mine out.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Did anyone struggle to get pregnant after Mirena? - Mamas Uncut

Had my last baby at 41

As Mirena is a hormonal birth control, it can take a while to get the hormones out your system. It can take up to a year for some women and only a small amount of women can get pregnant in up to 6 months coming off it. Just give it time and don’t stress yourself out!

I know many people that have had this problem. It took time for their bodies to adjust and most got pregnant in 6 months to a year and they were all over 30.

I didn’t even have mine out for a month when we found out I was pregnant. I was 30 when I got pregnant.

I wondering the same thing, because I’ve had Mirena in for the past 5 yrs, I get it taken out this year in November. I’m 31.

At 29 I took Mirena out. Had 1 cycle then got pregnant. Gave birth 2 months after turning 30

My doctor said that it can take up to a year to get pregnant once the IUD comes out. Everyone is different

I had it for 3 months and begged the dr to take it out due to horrible side effects. 8 months later I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. 2yrs later got pregnant again and had a blighted ovum and had a D&C. 2 months after that I got pregnant again and had my son at 33 weeks due to my water breaking because my placenta had a infection.

I got pregnant within 5 months of removing mine at age 36.

Mirena put me into early menopause

Got pregnant at 33 after Mirena , we did wait a few years before trying.

Took me 2 years to get pregnant after Mirena was taken out.

Your body has to re-regulate before you can get pregnant. I took my iud(low dose one) out in October 2018 got pregnant sometime in December had the twins august 2019 but I had my twins after my 30th birthday they are turning 2 soon but my lifestyle and genetics also aide big. Like I socially drink and smoke. And my husband doesn’t drink nor smoke. And he’s pretty active and I rarely workout. The only vices I have is eating and shopping but I also did have major weight loss in 2017 like 150lbs loss