Did anyones daughter start their period around 8 or 9?

My daughter started at 9, I was 10, and my mother at 9, since I am 50 and my mom older, I am not sure I believe hormones is the milk supply are 100% the cause, if you think about it women had children much younger than we consider appropriate now, so in my personal research I found it has more to do with racial heritage and genetics than hormones, but I am no Dr. so that is just an opinion, but menstruation usually begins 6 months after pubic hair appears. But a great book is the American Girl My Body book, it talks a about hygiene, emotions and changes to her body!!! At 8 and from personal experience make it a Mommy and daughter book, not to be shared with playground friends —you can imagine the phone call I got when my daughter shared it with her ultra conservative Morman playmate!!! :raising_hand_woman:t3:I got That call!

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My friends daughter started at 8

I was 8, my mom was 9 , but my sister was 13.

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: yes it’s normal girls mature faster then boys. Just have pads or tampons or both on hand n tell her how to use them.

I was 10 when I started mine and my daughter was as well.

I got mine in 5th grade.

I started having body odor at 8, but I didn’t start my period til shortly after I turned 10

It’s very normal for young girls to start early now days ( both of my girls started at around 10. ) but it does seem a little abnormal to me that the doctor would see pubic hair…my kids never had to undress for a well check at that age. What exactly was the reason for that?


I started my period at 9

I am not a mother but have helped raise 6 girls. All normal. Some start early some late.

I was around 7 when I got mine.

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YES! My daughter started last month and she’s 8… I literally had a break down. She is way too young to understand…I started with “all women” and then stopped, idc if she started her period, she’s not a woman, she’s a little girl. Pads don’t fit little girls correctly :frowning: I literally stocked up all 5 different “teen” pads in hopes of finding best ones. I invested in period panties and washable pads (she already said those are too bulky)… hopefully the panties are a better choice.
She did have pubic hair and buds for months, but her dad’s side of the family are extremely big busted (GG) and on heavier side, so I didn’t think about it. She’s always been on the thick side (wears a size 16 in kids or 6 in womans), she’s very tall for her age as well (almost 5ft). She looks like a little woman but def has the mind of an 8 yo.

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My oldest started developing at age 8, her period at 9…my other daughter started developing at age 8, period right before 10th birthday…they are now 21 and almost 19

My daughters breast buds came out at 6 and after other signs, but she didn’t get her period till 11

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Yes their is so many factors that can cause it earlier my daughter is the last one of her friends to get hers but we also only eat farmed grass fed meat

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I started around that age. I was an early developer though.

Im 34. I started my first one on my 9th birthday. I was the only 5 grader with size D tits. Ive had 3 girls and my oldest is almost 7 n has pubic hair so yes i believe that dr is right.

I got mine at 10 and my oldest got hers at 10.

My now 14tr old started at 8😒. I thought she wasn’t ready but she sure was

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It’s also cause of all the hormones there is in the food now a days which is why. N I started at 9 n that was in 1998. My friends daughter started at 11 :woman_shrugging:t3: stop worrying n freaking out cause if she sees u acting like that she may develop body issues cause of it


I was 9 when I started

My mom got hers at 9. My sister and I were 11.

I started my period at 9

I got mine two weeks after I turned ten and my middle daughter got hers a month or so after she turned ten

Stop the Beef, Pork & Chicken. It is poisoned with ANTIBIOTICS & STEROIDS!!!


My grand mom got hers at 9. I was 12 when I first got it.

I remember a girl in school started hers at age 9. I didn’t start mine until I was 12.

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I started at 10. It’s great that you are taking with her about it. Great job mom!

Research “precocious puberty”

My friend got it at 8, I got it at 9, my daughter got it at 8. Because of the growth hormones in all of the food we eat, it’s happening earlier and earlier.

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I was 10. My daughter was 10

Most of the women in my family started at 9. I was lucky enough to start at 14. So I really wouldn’t stress over it.

I started mine at 10. Got it during my first Sex Ed class :sweat_smile: talk about embarrassing :grimacing: and my mom was away for a week at a course, so just my dad was home. :woozy_face:

I got mine in fourth grade on mother’s day… I think alot of it has to do with dieting, and all the hormones they are putting in our foods. My daughter is about to turn 10 has yet to get hers. But she has started to bloom.

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Lucero Arenivas they’re still babies at 8​:pleading_face::sob:

You need to stop freaking out or you’re gonna freak your child out. Some girls start earlier and its often attributed to hormones in foods we eat and in the environment. Not really something to freak out about. Yall make big deals outta nothing :person_shrugging: yea shes young but its not out of the norm for that to happen. She will be fine

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I just turned 10 when I started mine!

I started my period when I was 9 and so did my daughter

I started when I was 9 I was in 4th grade it’s really no big deal just make sure you explain to her what a. Is and that is nothing to be scared of and even go out and buy the different types of pads that they have out there the thin ultra thin and then the regular and let her put them on her underwear to see how they feel so she knows what kind of dogs comfortable to her I wish my mom had done that for me because she got me them extra thick ones that were so uncomfortable

I was 8 and my oldest daughter was 9…

I started at 7. Thankfully my eldest is almost 12 and hasn’t had hers but I’m watching our 2nd (6) closely.

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i was 11 when i started mine.

I worry about this too having three young daughters! I was 11 when I started mine (2001) but I know my nieces started theirs around 9-10 years old (2017-2018)

I was 10 born in 1954

My mom started hers at 9. She was playing jumprope

I started mine a week before i turned 10. 2 of my kids got theirs at 9 also. We’re all perfectly fine, woman-wise

I started getting pubic hair at 9 and didn’t get my first period until I was 11.

My daughter started puberty around 8 and started her period when she was ten. It’s normal. All you can do is prepare her for it. All girls go through it. Make her feel comfortable about it. After the first few it will be no big deal. Good luck!

Both of my daughters started at 10.

I was 10. Its been 33 years now. I’m so over it


I was 10. It was horrific. 45 yrs later I’m finally free.

I was 4 months from turning 11

It definitely happens I started at 9 as well as my sisters and my mother. My daughter started a little later but not much. It’s wonderful that you have prepared her for it! We made a little care package for my daughter with cute new panties, pads, candy etc. so that where ever she was she was ready for it to happen

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My sister started hers at age 9

My daughter has had hair since 7 years of age now nearly 12. No sign yet

I’m sorry am I the last to know about an 8year old check up? And to of that checks your daughters naked body?

My daughter is turning 8 in September and I could not imagine putting her through that. Unless it was for a real medical reason.

No hate for the poster but I am shocked.



Started mine at 10 and i have friends who had them at 8 or 9🤷‍♀️

I started when I was 11

My oldest started at 9. Shes healthy, although slightly overweight now (she was underweight back then) Around age 13, she started having heavy periods with bad cramps and her doctor suggestion birth control. It has helped tremendously
Your daughter should be fine. When she starts, just make her doctor aware of it. The only downside is that you have to deal with teen mood swings and pms sooner :woman_facepalming:


I started my periods 2 weeks after my 10th birthday. I didn’t understand what was happening and I used to forget when I was due. I was so embarrassed going to school having to take pads etc. If I could suggest anything it would be to tell her teacher so she is allowed to leave the class room for the toilet whenever needed, and perhaps write her predicted period dates on the calendar so you can both be ready and prepared each month. X


I started at 10 and that’s been over 10 years ago. My baby girl is coming in 6 weeks and I just know based on my own genetics, hormones and the crazy shit we eat in today’s world that she will most definitely start her own period between 8 and 11. I’m not worried about it becomes I started getting saucy and having attitudes and pubic hair myself around 9 and was full blown in a C cup by 7th grade

I started a month before my 10th birthday. I was born in 84.

I started when I was 9. Luckily she has you who is concerned for her and has prepared her for it! My mom just told me “everyone cramps on their period you’re fine”. Cue to me being an adult and dealing with a battle of the cysts and possible endometriosis

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I had just turned 9, the summer before I went into 4th grade.

I started mine the week of my 11th birthday. I’ve never had any issues aside from being extremely fertile. :joy:

I started mine at 9. My daughter started hers at 19


My older daughter started at 13 my youngest is 10 and hasn’t started yet. However she does have pubic hair and her breasts are growing. I started at 11 so I’m thinking she will too. She will be 11 in August.

My daughter started growing hair at 8 and we noticed breast about 3 months ago. She is 9 about to be 10 this month and just started her period.

I know a few people who started at 9.

Wow I was so old compared to every one else. I was 15

Its actually now normal for younger girls to get it

I started at age 9 . But my daughter is 5 so she hasn’t start yet

Week before my 16th bday

It usually happens when the girl hits 100 pounds or close to that weight.

I was 9 when I started my period :sob::sob::sob: Feel so bad for your baby

I started at 12. My oldest daughter at 13. My twin daughters are 8 and no signs. We haven’t had the talk yet. I’m thinking we may need to. But I think I need to stock up on some wine first. I’m not ready…they’re just babies still!

Does she drink alot of milk? If she does take her off it.

I started around 8 or 9

My daughter is 12 and still doesn’t have hers… I was between 14-15 before I even got mine.

I’m 24 now and I don’t remember how old I was but I started my period the summer before my 6th grade year. I don’t think pubic hair is a big deal as long as you teach adequate hygiene and allow them to become comfortable in their own bodies. I know, from my personal experience, I was more scared about puberty because I seen my mom freak out so badly about it. It’s not a terrible thing, every girl is different! However, puberty requires the birds and bees talk regardless of the age it decides to show up. Don’t sugarcoat or hide the gory details. That leaves room for misunderstanding later on.

i got mine when i was 10

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Seeing everyone’s experience so young and I was 13 when I started. I guess I was a late bloomer :joy:

I never realized how young children are starting now! I was 17 and my daughter was 15 guess we were lucky? Wow

Try organic food. My sis daughter had the same thing and they started only eating organic. It is helping

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My oldest daughter started at 9 and my youngest was almost 16

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My niece got hers at 10

I started at 10…my only daughter at 9. It’s the milk

My friends daughter did, she just turned 9

My eldest was 9 and my 2nd girl was 12

I was 10 when I started and that was 16 years ago. My niece started wearing deodorant at 7 because she most definitely needed it, she’s 8 now and we’re pretty sure she’ll be getting hers in the next year or 2.

My daughter is 8 and will be 9 in September I’m preparing for her cycle to start soon because she has lots of pubic hair and has started growing breasts! I started at 11 so I was hoping she wouldn’t start so early but I could be wrong but I feel she will be starting in the next year :pensive::pensive:

I’m Now 26 but I started at 9years old.
It was Awful! My mom had me on birth control to try to slow down bleeding and cramps :weary:

So my 5 year old has pubic hair in her butthole and peach fuzz on her vagina her doctor said to watch it but its normal

I got mine about 2 months before I turned 9

I know someone’s child started at 5 years old. I started mine at 12 years old.

I was 9 and one of my daughters started at 9 as well.

I was 8 when I started

As a teacher I have seen some 3rd graders get it

I got mine at 11. Just discuss it with her, in depth, what to expect. I got almost no information and it was a terrible time.

I started at 9 n it was hell bcuz I started it at school n was completely unprepared. Have the talk with her now. And definitely explain predators bcuz there are too many out there n girls who hit puberty early can be at higher risk as their body’s r starting to change n mature. I wish my mom would had explained sex n bad people to me when I hit puberty . But she thought I was still too young. Explain it at ur pace tho. There’s no right or wrong way.

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