Did anyones daughter start their period around 8 or 9?

My daughter was 8 when she started getting pubic hairs but she’s about to be 11 and still no period

My mom was 8. I got mine at 9. :woman_shrugging:t3:

My sister’s got theirs at 10 12 but I didnt till 16 so its different for everyone

I was 10, my girls were 9 and 12, it is happening at younger ages because of the growth hormones in dairy products. The best you can do is teach her young, find some pads she feels comfortable wearing and have some on hand, along with a change of clothes at all times, I am sure you remember your period showing up when you were not prepared.

I started when I was 9… it sucked but I’ve always lived a healthy help flow :wink:

I was 9 when I started my period

Ive. Heard. Of. Them. Starting. Early

Almost every woman in my family started before 10. My oldest daughter was 9 and my youngest daughter 11.

My mom was 9 and she’s now 58, my sisters and I were all around 12-13 years old. I was 12 1/2. I think it has to do with your paternal grandmother. Because that’s how it is in my family. My paternal grandmother was 13 when she started hers.

Mine started hers at 9.

My girl started at 12. It’s crazy how early they start these days

I was 10. A girl in my class was 9

15 here!!! I was told lower body weight and sports (being physically active) holds it off. Just be prepared. Xo best of luck!

I was 9 when i got mine.

I was 10. My one daughter was 10 the other 13

I started at 9, my mother was shocked that I was that young. I was in 3rd grade.

I was 15 before my period started hoping my daughters are the same

Mine is 11 will be 12 next month. Not yet… qst, you take your daughter to gynaecologist? I don’t allow dr check anything private parts and always go inside room to be present during dr visit


My daughter was 10…

I did at 9. Thank god both my daughters didn’t they were round 13.

My oldest started at 10, and my 9 year old has pubic hair now too so I expect her to start hers soon also. So far no issues with them starting young though thankfully.

My daughter got hers at 9 but ive always been open to her questions about anything and when she asked about pads i explained to her the reason for them so when she did get it she would know what to do,

I got mine at 7 and hope my daughter doesn’t get hers until she is older but she’s only 4 so i still have a while hopefully.

My daughter was 10…

I was 10.5. that was young enough I m o. There’s nothing you can do about this except prepare her and be supportive. Also be prepared to talk to gym teachers if she has problems because of this.

My daughters were 11 and 12, I didn’t start til 17, but I was very thin and extreamly active in a lot of sports. I was taken to the doctor and he told my mom it was natural for me.

My boyfriend’s daughter started hers when she was 9. I remember being 12 when I got mine. It’s really not that big of a deal unless you make it into a big deal

I started at 11 and my daughter started at 10

I was 8 when I started and didn’t know anything i was scared. I am now 52 and no problems

I started at about 9 or so

Mine got hers on her 10th birthday

My daughter was in 3rd grade. She was 8. When hers finally got regular they were awful. Clots, very heavy, & cramps were awful. As much as I don’t want her to be, she’s on BC to help manage. The gyno said it’s because some part (can’t remember what) isn’t mature enough right now to tell her body to not have those awful symptoms. So for now, she takes BC to help manage and not be awful.

I started at 12/13 and my two oldest started at 10. Now I’m waiting to see about my 9 year old as she’s been having all the things you’ve mentioned. I wasn’t nor am I ready and 4 females in the home of different sounds hard. Talk to her and you have us all here for support mamma.

Mines did! I felt horrible she had just turned 8 and I was far from home at the time I felt horrible… she had no idea what it was… took her to the doctor and they prescribed a shot 2 times a year we are keeping her on it until shes in middle school… so 1 more year…

I got mine when I was 15 :thinking: but know many people who started 8-10 and they are perfectly fine

My daughter just started at 10.

It is speculated that the hormones we ingest in our meats and poultry trigger early puberty, not to mention eating growth hormones adds to obesity.
Buy meats & poultry without hormones and antibiotics, use less meat & poultry in cooking, and eat more vegan & vegetarian entrees. Better for everyone’s health and the environment to eat this way.

Quinoa is easy, fast, tasty and a complete protein. Toss tofu chunks or puréed tofu in vegetable or egg dishes for a cheap & easy source of organic protein that absorbs whatever flavors it’s cooked in (yeah, plain tofu tastes like styrofoam unless you have a really great oriental source). Most kids like chick peas, lentils, black beans and meatless chili (or use textured vegetable protein, crumbled tofu or ground venison instead of hamburger).

When eating out, Indian, Ethiopian and Middle Eastern restaurants usually have several vegetarian options, or look for restaurants like True Foods Kitchen that use hormone-free meats. Meat-free salads & bean burritos are sometimes available at fast food places, or get egg salad, veggie subs or other vegetarian options at gas station mini marts or 7-11.

This is why Europe and other enlightened countries refuse to buy our meats and poultry. And with China processing some of our chicken it just gets worse. Read labels, ask questions and eat low on the food chain as possible. Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s Aldi’s, Mom’s Organic Market, and evening some regular chains sell organic foods of all kinds, and offer healthy frozen dinners and other quick meal options, plus some have juice bars, delis with organic options or lunch counters.

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I started at 10 & my 10 year old has started getting boobs so I don’t expect it’ll be long before she starts so we’re all prepared and she knows where her pads are and how to use them

My best friend started at 9 years old.

I started at 8, I can’t remember the experience, really. I just remembered hating that I ruined light blue khakis

How old are you in grade 4? I started mine around then.

Got mine at 9…lasted about 6 months and stopped off and on until I was 13, then I had to be on birth control to regulate it.

I started mine at 10

Why is the doctor even looking???
My daughter hasn’t dropped her pants at the doctors office since she was a baby! She is 7 and a doctor has no business poking around her genitals!
I didn’t either, first time I remember a doctor being down there was my first pap test at 15!


My daughter was nine

Peta McCoullough time for the talk :flushed::pleading_face:

My daughter started her period at the age of 8 years old & 10 months just before her 9th birthday. She started showing signs of showing breast and hair. But she now gotten her period 4 times and she still needs help changing pads and showering cause she scared and i have to remind her that it is normal. But the support and love you give helps because me and my girl talk and she very shy

Why would a doctor be looking at a nude adolescent vagina? This spells alot of red flags, I have 2 daughters and 2 sons and never once have they been asked to remove any clothing. This scares me.

My daughter just started she is 10 but also is a type 1 diabetic diagnosed at 3 years old Endocrinology said her body is in hyperdrive and for her normal

I was 9 when I started mine. Just make sure she always has pads with her wherever she goes. Go ahead and start teaching her how to properly wear pads and how to properly take them off, wrap them up, and dispose of them! Good luck to you mama, you’ve got this!

I got mine at 9 too …good luck

Takes about 2 years from onset of pubic hair to get a period. So you don’t likely have to worry until 10.

I was 7 when I started.

My cousin got hers at 9 2 years ago. I got mine at 11

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10.5 for me, my daughter is pre puberty now too.

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My 9 yr old started hers in May. I had spoke with her and her sis about it already, cuz I didn’t want them to be clueless and scared when it happened. I just hate it because my 9 yr old is still in elementary school.

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I started my period 2 months after I turned 10yrs old, and I’m almost 53 now.

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I started at 9 and it sucked

See an endocrinologist

I was a late bloomer didnt get mine till I was 13

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Now a days? Man I hit puberty at 10 and I’m now 31. Many girls I knew back then started around 9-10. It’s not surprising, everyone is different

My daughter recently started hers and she turned 10 in February. A few friends in her grade started before her though.
When I started to notice her getting hair I made her a “period pack” I used a pencil pouch, put pads, wipes, deodorant, and extra panties!

Our pediatrician said that they are seeing girls starting much earlier the last several years. Studies are being done but they think it’s related to the hormones in foods we eat. That’s a very simplified explanation but it makes sense.

9 years old for me and that was 52 years ago

I was 10 and I’m 25 now

I started my period in fifth grade.

I had a friend start at 9.

I was 9 when I started and there isn’t anything medically wrong with me. You could make her a period pack and keep it in her bookbag or in the your purse when you go somewhere.

I got mine at 9.

But what concerns me and frankly should concern you is the doctor checking out an 8 year olds private area and being so close to it they could see pubic hair starting.


My daughter at 9, shes 39 now

I had read that this was due to hormones both in our food and also those fed to cows that go into the milk our kids are drinking… https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/product-safety-information/bovine-somatotropin-bst

Lort! I was a late bloomer. Both myself and my daughter started at 14yrs old, less than a month from turning 15. I remember crying because all of my friend’s bodies had changed and I still looked like a little girl. Then I cried when it finally started because I wanted it to go away.


I started mine at 8… :woman_shrugging:

My daughter was 10 1/2 When she started

My baby’s 12 and shes got hair no period yet

I started my period at 9. Its just the new norm for our time. It has a lot to do with what is being put into our foods and drinks. Plus not to forget, the fact that we eat more and do less strenuous work than we used to back in the prairie days.

My daughter just started hers and she is 11. We had talked about it but it took her and I by surprise. I told her when she goes back to school. We will have a period emergency kit in her backpack. And if she needs me she can always call me from school.

Just because she’s starting to develop pubic hair does NOT mean that she will start her period soon. Both my daughter and myself started growing hair there at 9. I didn’t start my period until I was 12. My daughter is now 11 and has not started. Also, starting that young is not a “new” occurrence. I had a friend in elementary school that started when she was 8 years old (that was more than 20 years ago) and I have an aunt who started when she was 9 (more than 40 years ago). Developing hair at this age is perfectly normal.

I was 8yrs old when I started my period and what felt like in an instant I grew hair and breast over night
There’s nothing wrong with a female child starting “too early”
Remember everyone’s body is completely different from everyone else.

I started at 9. I had to be put on birth control because my cramps were so severe I was missing 3 days of school every month because they were crippling and I couldn’t get off the couch, but I later found out I have a bicornuate uterus and ovarian cysts run in my family so those 2 reasons are why mine are so painful and I also have a heavy flow. But, if it weren’t for those other health issues I don’t think it would have really been that big of a deal.

My daughter started 3 months before she turned 10. She had hair and body changes for a little over a year before she actually started

My daughter is 8 years old and also has some pubic hair and I’m so nervous about her starting her period than she is. She is just embarrassed about if she starts it at school lol. We talked about it. But I’m literally in the same boat. I’m not ready for her to start. I started when I was 10! But she will be 9 in a few months.

Well I was 9 so it’s definitely possible… it was definitely a shock to me and I didn’t even know what it was yet!! I actually got my first period on Christmas Eve and thought I was dying of cancer and didn’t even tell anyone, because I didn’t want to ruin Christmas. SO SAD. I went to my elementary school library and “diagnosed” what it was finally; but then hid it from my Mom until I was 13 (I thought that was a more normal age to get it, and she got hers at 16!). Looking back, I had already started getting pubic hair and underarm hair around 8 years old also. Best advice is to be open and supportive and provide her with a little feminine care pack to keep with her in her school bag.

Growth hormones that are being fed to the cows and in the milk our kids are drinking

My mum got hers that young, no issues at all, I got mine when I was like 14, I wanted it to come like everyone else so bad, glad i didn’t get it till late now. Hard part was none of her friends had theirs so they didn’t understand and she couldnt talk to them about it.

No mine started at 12 Thank God, but I can understand your concerns because 8 is young.

I started at 12 in 2007. My friend’s mom started at 8 and that was in 1963. It just depends on the body and happens all the time. Don’t freak out over it. Just make sure she’s as prepared as she can be.

I started at 8 and that was back in 1958 no hormones

My duaghters doctor said girls usually start shortly after reaching 100lbs or 2 years after pubic hair started to grow.

I started at 9. I’m 59 years old now.

I started my period at 9. I was very confused but understood once my mom explained it to me. She also started the same age.

I started at 14, long after most of my friends. I couldn’t imagine getting my period at 7 or 8 :flushed:

My sister just turned 10 and started last week. She also has pubic hair etc…

Yes young girls are going through puberty earlier and earlier because of the hormones in meat and milk. It is nothing to be too concerned about except poor little things are so n.v yo uh ngnro be dealing with all that comes with it.

My daughter was in third grade 8, it was not cute!!! They put her on BC and she was sick all the time, throwing up and heavy flow. Worst time ever!!!

The girls in our family start young around 8

I started to get pubic hair around 7 or 8, it was rare then. Didn’t get my periods until I was 11/12. I have mild pcos. That is my only problem

I started at 9 get her the book Are you there God it’s me Margaret by Judy Blume I read that book right before I started and if had questions I could ask my mom or dad

I started mine at 9 my mum didn’t tell me anything and I woke up in a bed with bloody sheets. It was quite frightening. As long as you have explained everything and treat it like a regular thing that all girls go through then she will be fine.

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Yes. My daughter started a month after she turned 9. A few months before that I talked to her about everything that happens with her body and when she gets a period and how to use a pad etc. So once the day came, she wasn’t scared or worried, she knew what it was. We have a collection of different pads, heating pads, Tylenol and specific underwear and clothes for this for her to be comfy. we have a snack drawer too for cravings and she’s allowed to miss a few days of school so she’s not uncomfortable.