Did I take this too far?

That’s a bit much but it’s your hair so you can do what you want with it.

Did you at least make sure your kids were okay with you cutting their hair off before you did it?

Shaving your head does not get rid of lice.

This can’t be real…

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Definitely extreme measure, however it’s your head and if your not bothered, neither should they be. Hair grows back. I don’t get people that get mad at other people about things they do to their own bodies. Not like you shaved their heads or asked them to.


This is a joke right?

Wow. That’s extreme, but I mean if that’s what works for you, screw them

It’s your hair, your choice. It’ll grow back.
But yeah I would have just treated for a week straight and been a little OCD until I felt comfortable again and confident that everything was dead. Even if I didn’t notice anything and was a little paranoid!
:woman_shrugging: you live, you learn. Next time I’d treat it first!

Oh no. You didn’t have to cut it off.:sob:

Hair grows back. It’s not like you had a family meeting and shaved mom, dad, you, hubby, kids haha

If you wanna shave your head do it. If they are mad at you for that then that is their inability to express their own emotions about the shock of it.

I’ve done some wild things with my hair and the second someone gets mad I always ask… did I do it to your head? No? Why are you mad? It doesn’t effect you

As for the lice, definitely throw anything and everything in the dryer on high high heat

Waaaay too far. There were so many other options you could have tried before resorting to shaving your head.

I think everyone should do some research on lice. This is very extreme, but ya it’s her hair. What about the boys? All you have to do is comb their hair and wash it with the formulated soap. Then, clean your house, deep clean. Fun fact: once lice drop from your head they don’t attach to another person. They spread from close contact person to person. You can also kill them by putting your stuff in the dryer. A family member of mine had this problem with her daughter bringing it home from school. I went to the lice clinic with them. Very informative. You can go extreme, but it’s really not necessary.

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From someone who also just dealt with my 2 girls having headlice. I treated twice, once with a store bought kit. And then once with listerine and vinegar. The treatment worked but lice can be so hard to get rid of sometimes. I don’t blame you for shaving heads. Hair grows back :woman_shrugging:


Dfaq. I hate to see what she does when it is something more serious lol

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Depends. But really at the end of the day it’s your hair and body and it grows back. My hair is so uncontrollably thick I probably would’ve shaved it too. It’s the perfect time of year if it were to happen :woman_shrugging: scarves and pretty knit hats!

It’s a whole style ! My best friend shaved her head and she’s still a baddie🤩

Yep. Some gold listerine soaked on your heads for about 10 minutes would’ve killed the bugs and the eggs and then just comb out all out with a lice comb.

You still have to treat everything even with shaving your heads. I see why ppl think this would work and go this route but getting head lice is just a pain🤷‍♀️ There are no short cuts and if you try you’re just going to end up dealing with it again in a month or less😬 I would never shave heads but that’s me. And I know there are even services now that will treat you all and give you a guarantee just in case you don’t know.


What? That doesn’t even get rid of lice😂


Oh no you should have saved your hair and poured bleach on it instead :thinking::woman_facepalming:

Some people have no sense really.

Whether it’s effective or not, it’s your head and your hair. It will grow back :woman_shrugging:

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It will grow back it’s only hair

Yes that’s extreme! It’s really not that hard to pick head lice out and do a shampoo treatment to kill any live bugs or eggs??


I agree! You will save on hair cuts,!

That is rather extreme. If you treat it and wash everything. You will get rid of them. It just takes a little work.

Better clean your entire house…use luce spray…clean and wash and dry all clothes and bedding …towels etc .etc…spray your vehicles and clean them or you will still have lice

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That was a bit drastic, and shaving doesn’t remove all the bugs, they bury themselves in the scalp :woman_shrugging:t3: maye seek professional lice removal. It can be pricey but worth every penny!


I mean it was a bit dramatic in my opinion but it’s your hair so you can do what you like and assuming the boys were okay with it then it’s all good really, I don’t see why it would end in a family fall out.


It’s your hair they have no right to be mad at what you choose to do with it

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I’m so sorry that you felt this was necessary. It will grow back though. If it happens again maybe try treating your hair with treatment , washing all bed clothes, vacuuming, and running pillows in the dryer on high heat.

Ummm yea there are other ways to handle that they have lice Shampoo and there are home remedies

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Lice shampoo isn’t that expensive but picking out the lice woulda been a bitch and a half lol it’s your hair :woman_shrugging: shave it if you want, it’ll grow back.

Your hair your choice :blush:

It is a bit extreme. Quickest way to get it out of your hair tho. Still have to do all the cloth stuff in your house. Although, you didn’t have to do this. I never cut my hair and neither has my mom and I’ll admit I had lice all the time as a child. There was a kid at school that didn’t know she had them and kept giving it to me. The treatments are awful but I mean it keeps from cutting your hair

:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:I loved reading this, really made my day… There’s 2 kinds of people in this world…people who think about doing it, and people who actually do… You are not the thinker…:heart::heart:I love people like you :joy:


The Dr could have gave you a prescription that works way better than over the counter shampoo.my daughter hasn’t had any in months because of the stuff the Dr gave us.

If the boys were upset that they cut their cut with out trying any of the many available treatments than yes you went too far
As for your hair it’s your hair to du what you want with but its absolutely an over reaction I know my hubs loves my hair and I would do anything in my power to bot take something he so enjoys away from him :woman_shrugging:

My daughter came home with lice (it happens ) I spent like 5 hrs combing through the first treatment it really reads like you simply couldnt be bother to put the work into treating the lice and that’s something you should really think on for a bit


I bet you look fucking great! :heart: It’s your hair it’s a bit extreme of them to be mad! Also hope you get the lice taken care of good luck mamma!


If your ok with it why not !

Its extreme that you shaved your own hair, but not the kids cause their boys…


Hair grows back :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes…this is why they have shampoo and lice combs. Crazy to shave it. Thank God you didnt have little girls… how embarrassing.


Thats your hair! End of story

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It’s hair it grows back
Why their panties are in a bunch I don’t understand

It was brave of you to do that but It’ll grow back :slightly_smiling_face: Screw em

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Lmao although I think everyone has contemplated this still laughing :skull::joy: we all just take the hard road I give you props for acutely doing it this week most have been one hell of a doozie :no_mouth::woman_facepalming:t3: been their …. But a wig and call it a day for furniture live just out tea tree oil on everything mix the essential oils with water a little spray on future anything that can’t be dried …. And put it on the back of you head and your ears ect or spray on head this will prevent lice as well my daughter has hair down to butt that’s extremely thick and kept getting it from school my entire house has bagged my head had a bag on it her pillows had bags on it I was definitely here at this breaking point but then I learned about tea tree oil and IT WORKS !!! That and a blow dryer !!! Done !!! Good luck !!! Just get a lace from wig or full lace wig no one will even notice and your hair will be back and new in no time ps maybe order a wig take a shot and just put your feet up for a min the bugs ant going anywhere girl just breath

:joy: yes because shaving your head doesn’t get rid of lice.


Noo let me stress not wrong. I would do the exact same thing! My son knows that if brings lice home his head is getting shaved. It saves time in the long run. And your hair is your biz!

Yes. Cutting off your hair DOES NOT GET RID OF LICE!!


It’s your hair who cares what they think. The only reason it would have been to far is if it effected the kids? We’re they ok with shaving their heads? Yes cool then everything is fine. If not then yes, there are TONS of other ways to deal with this problem… like Mayo kills them quickly and is the most amazing conditioner


Hmmm :thinking: :thinking: I don’t even know what to say :joy:.

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You went further than that, border line crazy far


Yes why not just use lice treatment first


Best post I’ve ever read on this page :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It’s hair. Who cares :woman_shrugging:t3:

Its just hair it’ll grow back look on the bright side u can have a different look when growing out hey maybe u might like it short or u can train it a different way instead of a part in the middle u can try to train ur hair to part on the side or maybe messy look that never has a part ive always wanted the run fingers thru hair look but could never train my hair to do that

Its hair… it will grow back. But next time use baby oil and a lice comb to brush it out and then wash it in dawn it will kill the lice and get it out of your hair. And put anything that can go in the dryer in the dryer. That will kill it too. And they have a spray for furniture

This is a joke right?! :joy:


It’s hair and they make amazing wigs lol

This is all I can think of :rofl: definitely would have used treatment first, but the hair will grow back


Yeahhh that’s excessive. You just need to spray furniture, bag up anything with fabric you don’t need immediately, do lice treatments for all people in contact, wash all clothes and bedding with hot water and dry on the hottest setting.

Your head your decision. I shaved mine once and my husband hated it. I got lots of compliments on it from other friends and family though.

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Bald people get lice to you know. They attach to the scalp not the hair. That was pretty pointless!!

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It’ll grow back. You can buy cute wigs. It’s YOUR hair, who cares?

Why is everyone being mean and saying, “why didn’t you do this or that first, etc” ??? It’s already past that point so why even say it. She probably feels bad enough about it & you all commenting rude things like it’s lazy- does that really help the situation?

It’s ok girl, it’ll grow back and sooner or later your family won’t be upset with you anymore. It’s a huge shock but so is any kind of big hair transformation. :heartpulse:

Are the kids bothered by having their heads shaved? Are you? If not, there’s no argument. It’s just hair. It grows back. Just keep in mind that lice can infest other body hair besides your head and it should be thoroughly treated. Shaving isn’t a fix.

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Omg wow there is lice treatment for a reason. But if ya dont care abt shaved heads power to ya

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You know, they make things for this. You can even use stuff you find around the house or in the fridge to treat it. It was extreme, but hair grows back. I would be a little puzzled, but at the end of the day, it’s your own head.

um, yes wtf. lmao If the kids didnt want their heads shaved, it shouldnt have been done. Proper care with comb and lice shampoo and all that will take care of it without having to do that. Honestly its up to the kids preference on if you took it too far. If they dont care well damn, i guess no one else should haha!

Um just a little bit

Also, shaving your heads won’t get rid of it. You still have to treat your head and the house.

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Shaving your head doesn’t get rid of lice :rofl:


Do what you need to do girl! :two_hearts:
If shaving your head made you feel better then shave it! I’m itching mine just thinking about it.


It’s your hair. But actually lice like short clean hair best.

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I mean if I had a boy with lice I’d shave their head.

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Who the hell cares if you shaved yours. It’s your hair!!


I’d be mad too lmao girrrrl they sell shampoos n stuff


Yeah that was excessive.

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Did you have lice or a mental break down like brittney? Cause that’s too far


Not sure about taking it too far…but not the correct treatment to get rid of lice.

Yeah I think u can do as u want but just shaving ur is not the correct treatment

You may have taken it just a tad too far :wink: That being said you also made sure to stop the problem. Bottom mention IT’S JUST HAIR !! It will grow back. As long as you and your kids aren’t upset over the shaved heads then who tf cares :woman_shrugging:t3:.
My daughter is 13 and just shaved her head because she wanted to and I can’t believe how many shallow people are saying mean things. It’s just hair !!!
Don’t stress it. Next time though, maybe just breathe and take a minute to make sure you’re not acting out of panic. I get it lice is horrible and I’ve thought about doing the same thing. You don’t really have to though :wink:.
Sending lots of hugs :purple_heart:

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If I had to shave my son’s head because of lice and then shaved mine because I thought I had it, my husband and my childrens response would be " mom finally snapped". :joy:


there is shampoo for that… ya know… but whatever you think you need to do. personally i would not have taken it that far!


With your head do as you wish lol . A little but I mean I’m paranoid or lice so I’ll do the same to be honest

My Mom had brain surgery in 2006 for a ruptured aneurysm, and they only shaved the front of her head from ear to ear where they opened her up. I wanted to shave the rest of her head so it would all grow back evenly…but she refused to let me. I was shocked that the strip grew back fairly quickly and wasn’t that noticeable after just a few weeks. Tell them to get over it…hair is hair. It doesn’t make you the woman you are.

Well that was a little extreme. Yikes :flushed:


U took it too far… but only by a hair​:wink::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: sorry had to, but all jokes aside, it’ll grow back.


In my opinion, you took it a bit too far. My girls brought lice from school. (I have 3 daughters) I bought a treatment called licefree spray i gave us all a treatment. I combed their head and took out every nit (lice egg) that I could find. It has been 2 months and I am yet to find another lice. Is a pain in the butt, and a lot of work but it was possible to get rid of them without shaving everyone’s head. I know hair grows back but did your kids have a choice whether they wanted to shave their heads or not? That’s the real question.
But then again your hair, your choice.

Wow!!! I feel so bad for your boys!

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Nope I would of done the same

Have you lost you mind


Lmao SMH some people SMH

I would of just cut hair short and used lice shampoo…

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They make shampoo for that, you know? Way too far.

That escalated quickly :flushed:


You also have to wash bedding, jackets, hats, etc.

Lol your Dr could of given you a prescription for pine oil treatment… literally melts them. Then you wash your linens. No need for shaving lol

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Maybe you should asked other people their opinion before thinking for yourself. :rofl:you know how people know more about you than you :rofl:

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Uh yeah you should’ve treated it and your house bc now it could still be in the bags beds and ur car.