Did I take this too far?

It is a pain and takes a lot of work to make sure it’s gotten rid of entirely, but yes I’d say you might have gone too far in my opinion lol. But, to each their own and their own choices

Holy smokes Karen. You need medication and counseling. That is NOT a normal or healthy way to handle that situation at all…


To far. Use tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner

Yeah you went way overboard with that one :grimacing:

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Well that was a Lil extreme. Should’ve used the shampoo etc first

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uhm u need a psychiatrist !! u absolutely went to far. and let me just add this - it dnt matter if ya kids attend public private or catholic schools - they can still get headlice- poor kids! :unamused:


A simple dye kit from CVS would have done the job. Now get to treating the entire house furniture linens stuffed animals bedding coats hats. Get it all and save yourself lots of trouble in the next couple weeks
I soent 200.00 at a laundromat bwtween soap and everything. I am 100% no bugs kinda person and we have an Angus farm so there’s shit and bugs everywhere.

Holy crap that went from 0-100 in about 2 seconds. There’s so many things you can do before just shaving heads. Lice live in more than just hair anyways. They’ll be in bedding, couches, carpeting, cars, stuffed toys, etc. anything fabric.

There are ways to avoid shaving your head but it’s your hair so your choice

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Umm yeah you passed go awhile back.


Yes you did! :joy::joy: you certainly don’t play no sh*t lol but you could’ve got lice shampoo to do your hair at least. I would’ve shaved the boys’ hair if it was too infesred. Lice are nit that bad to get rid of.

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Hair grows back but if you dont clean the car sets , the bed, the pillows all funiture with cloth ,hair brushes ,caps and close and anything else they can lerk in ,your effort is in vain.

Next time just coat the head with Vaseline and plastic cap for 24 hours when time is up they are smothered. Wash hair with dawn and vinegar to cut the grease.

As someone who is desperately trying to rid my house of lice atm, you absolutely didn’t overreact! I’m fully considering shaving me and my daughters heads

This can’t be real… yes you went overboard & I think your fiance is reevaluating marrying you now. Rightfully so too


You should’ve just done the lice treatment. Yes you went way too far way to quickly

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If their mad you shaved your own head, they can get over themselves because it’s your body. It grows back. And if I had all boys I always shaved their heads. Once I battled lice for a year with my daughter because we didn’t want to shave her head. Had to take her to a doctor and for a pill and that got rid of it. But yeah I shave my boys head. I think nothing of it. And it’s your dang head. You do whatever you want.


I completely understand! :joy:

I see you just said Fu** It and went to the the closest thing that made sense to you. It’s just hair, it’ll grow back. It’ll be fine lol. She’ll get over it.

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Umm ya u did! They have lice shampoo! Drama queen!!


Its your effing hair!!!

:joy: girl there’s so many treatments :joy: and u kinda deserve them being mad at u but u grown you will figure it out :joy:


My daughter got it from school took her to get treated at a lice clinic best 100 bucks I spent

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Just the thought of lice can make your head feel itchy :flushed: next time just go buy a lice comb to check your head yourself instead of shaving your hair off :joy:

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Lol girl I probably would do the same my sister’s had it in school and they kept getting it back Everytime they got to go back to school. Love this solution :joy:

It’s your body. If you wanna shave off your hair to avoid doing the lengthy time consuming lice treatments I don’t blame you one bit!

You squashed the whole dam situation!!
Good for you!! They are only acting mad cause they know you have no fuqs to give and have just proven it…
Yes they are scared now🤣


Youve never heard of shampoo ? Bone combs?
Tea trea oil ? Problem sorted in 20 minutes. Treat again as instructed to get all the newly hatched lice
Human lice dont jump. Dont survive away from a human head so won’t be found in toys etc .
Shaving is definitely extreme

No you did what you had to do the hell with what everyone thinks

Too far.
3 years ago my kids got lice. 3 girls and myself. NONE OF US shaved our heads.
We worked through it. Ya totally fine you shaved your head but kids nah too far.

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I could see the boys being mad if they didn’t have a choice but if they are okay with it then why do your husband and mom care about hair that isn’t theirs :rofl: you do what feels right for you

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Yall saying she went to far? Its her own damn head! Thats insane to me that a buzzed head is the basis for anger now. Lice treatments are sooo annoying a pain in the ass and half the time you have to do more than one. Hair grows back quicker than you realize.

I have ocd , I probably would of done the same thing and try my hardest not to burn the house down too lol. I would have no one to help me pick the eggs out and hair grows back. Just make sure you wash all bedding and stuffed animals

First, your boys came home with head lice. It’s possible and very likely they’d had it for a few days. Your house still needed to be treated. Not just the hair and current clothing.
To be perfectly honest…it still does need to be treated properly. All of the stuff in the house as well as your vehicles.
You didn’t gain much of anything by shaving their heads and yours…because you’d didn’t prevent having to treat the house.
Second, there are other ways to treat lice, beyond the regular otc treatments.
You could have bleached your hair. Tea tree oil works. Mayo works for minor cases.
But even OTC treatments can be better than forcing a shaved head on your children (and yourself) in winter.

Third. This is important. I don’t think your mom and husband are upset that you shaved your head at that most basic concept. They’re upset at you overreacting so severely.
If my husband shaved my kids heads in the middle of winter because of lice without trying any other options first and then assumed that meant the house didn’t have to be treated at all
…I would worry about his mental stability and whether he was fit to be around our children alone…
Especially if my kids didn’t want their heads shaved or if he scared them into agreeing.
Then if he shaved his head because of a psychosomatic reaction when he didn’t want shaved hair…well that’s concerning too.
He’d think the same thing about me to be honest and he’d be within his rights to be concerned.

So. To answer your question…yes. you overreacted. Not only did you over react…but you showed no self control, no impulse control, and extremely poor reasoning skills.
Maybe bugs are just a particular thing you’re phobic about which makes the situation marginally better, but it is still concerning.


It’s your hair, so what if you cut it lol

Whoa. My daughter came home with lice, my 2 boys and myself ended up with them. It took hours upon hours to get rid of them, but shaving heads was not an option, ever. To each their own, but that’s just pure laziness, in my opinion.


You can do whatever you want with your own hair!

You did what you wanted. I can maybe understand your fiance being upset, cuz that’s got to be a bit of a shock. But your mom? Unless she’s raising you and your boys, she’s just blowing hot air.

A little .:joy::joy::joy: But, I commend you for being so confident to rock a bald head.

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Nope I don’t mess around with lice I would have done the same

Yes it think you jumped too far to fast it’s not that hard to get rid of them

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I love it. There’s multiple steps you could’ve taken but you went all or nothing. Extreme sure but ultimately it’s your hair to do with as you please

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Girl it’s your head not theirs. As long as your happy with the decision u made it doesn’t matter what they think


It’s YOUR hair, you make a decision what you want to do with it. Plus, it’s just hair, it’ll grow back. You can buy special shampoo that help hair grows. Now I could never do that, I’d be working through it but I’ve known other women who had done that and they rocked the look lol so you do you and do what you need to do.


Idk man I’ve never had lice but I might have been so grossed out I would have done that to

You in right if they got problem tell them buy wigs for you

I have an irrational fear of lice and I’d overreact too

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Shaving your hair doesn’t get rid of lice. They borrow in your scalp. Picking them out and love treatments are the best. But to each their own

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No. Mom n fiance needs 2grow up. U did wat was best n quickest way. Also nothing 2be ashamed of by shaving a person’s hair 4 any reason.

:roll_eyes:…yes. Lice are a pain to get rid of but…damn head shaving is an extreme reaction.

If you had girls I could understand them being upset but not with boys. And why TF do they care if YOU cut YOUR OWN hair!? Screw them!!!

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Im sorry to ppl saying it was too far.
Last time I checked that’s HER HAIR on top of HER HEAD. she can chop it off if she wants too she’s a grown ass woman.
Her mom needs to go somewhere with her anger cuz her momma isn’t changing her diapers or paying bills to be upset about what she does with hair.
Her husband should have been given the respect he deserves as a partner in this life and she should have spoken to him beforehand idk if she did or not. But that being said he should have given her, her rights to her own body and hair. …
Like is he gunna love her less because she doesn’t have hair???

Really u need to ask? They have medicine for that now.


I mean it does grow back. My boys brought home lice
The boys and dad shaved there heads.
My daughter and I just cut out hair short and used the robicomb which shocks the lice and eggs

It’s your hair, so what should they care? I might do the same thing if I were in your position. It grows back. I chop mine off every 3 years for wigs for kids, and each time I feel like I give about 18 inches.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: the medicine and spray works just as well…it sounds like you have a mental illness.


I would of done it for real . Actually probably not and all these people saying they would definitely wouldn’t because that is a hard ass move lol . Good job :clap:

Girll they literally have shampoos, ointments, oils. Like they literally have many many treatment options. Honestly I’d be pissed. I’m with them. Sorry. That’s really not necessary and now y’all have no hair. Next time just do the treatments and you don’t have to shave heads. :woman_shrugging:t4: Win win


Uh the boys hair not so much, but shaving ur own maybe a bit much


I guess what you did was okay for you but I would have used the lice shampoo like I did with my girls with very long hair. It took some time to comb their hair and having to wash all the blankets in the house, iron the mattresses and furniture, and to put all the stuffed animals in the dryer. But the lice never came back again.

This is a freaking joke :rofl::rofl:

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Lmfao yeah that’s kinda eccentric jesus

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I literally REQUIRE this to be satire

I would say you jumped the gun. There’s so many other options to treating lice than to just shave everybody’s hair. You can do whatever you want with your own hair but your sons dad should have had a say in yalls sons… You could have just cut the boys and yourself to short hair and did the treatments. But it either sounds like you didn’t want to bother with the treatments or you’ve got some sort of anxiety and your brain went straight to “get rid of all the hair”. I went thru the lice thing between me and my school aged sister and we’ve both got hair down to the middle of our backs. Lice treatment, comb, lice treatment, comb. It wasent really “we need to shave our heads bad”


Is…is this post real? Oh gosh

It’s just hair lol. They’ll be ok


I don’t think it’s a big deal. Its just hair. It should’ve been a conversation with your fiance but they sound immature . You can’t change it now. It WILL grow back, oh well. Plus you don’t need to explain to anyone what you do with your own body. As long as your mental health is ok you’re ok.


Kind of taking it far if it was my hair…but bottom line is…it’s YOUR HAIR…YOUR CHOICE… As far as the boys, dad should have had a say, and the boys should have a say.


No u did it right when my boys were alive and they came home from school with head lice I did the exact same thing shave their heads and wash everything…now mind u both of my sons were wheel chair bound so they almost always came with some from school so GOOD FOR YOU FOR DOING WHAT U think is RIGHT for u and your family God bless u all always hugs stay safe


I’d say yea a little too far.

Tea tree shampoo would of been better

Perfect example of todays world… conditioned enough they’ll believe anything.

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You could’ve easily gotten it out of boy hair before you did all of that. They didn’t have to go bald. It will grow back but maybe next time ask their dad first before you shave the kids heads.

It’s just hair, y’all will be okay. But I do have to say you are way better at dealing with shit than I am, I’d still be crying and treating everybody. :joy:

you did the right thing … lice can actually be very hard to get rid of

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Uh i definitely would not have shaved my hair lol you can get rid of lice without shaving hair. I would hv definitely talked to my fiance first about what we should do.

I’m sure you probably didn’t have it hon, but if you feel better about it then Hey, whatever floats your boat! I’m sure you’re more comfortable! When I worked in the salon, if people came in, we itched everywhere too! We didn’t have it but it sure felt like we did! The great thing about hair is it grows out! :heart:

:joy::joy::joy:bless your heart. You probably didn’t need to shave yours but I totally feel ya. Its hair it’ll grow back. Tell them to chill. Now I’m itching.:roll_eyes:

I’ve had to deal with lice three times over the years with my kids(girl and boy) Yes, shaving their and your heads is a solution, but its not necessarily a do all end all with lice. You still have to wash and sanitize their linens, backpacks and remove all stuffed toys and sanitize all surfaces. It’s your choice to do as you choose and I foe one will not knock your choice. However, regardless of it, you still need to do the sanitizing or else they will come back. They can live in super short hair. I have an undercut and hair just to my chin. I tied my hair when treating my kids and they still managed to stay in my super short hair.

Yes. Heat and product kills it. You could’ve just dyed and straightened a while.

This could possibly be a guy writing this, right? If a female, I wouldn’t shave my head, but that’s me.

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Yeah I think you took it a little too far. Treating the hair, washing all bedding and using the lice spray on all furniture in the home and the car would have been fine. All stuffed animals and pillows need to go the dryer for 30 minutes on high heat and you’ll also wanna check hair with a comb every day for two weeks. I usually do it in the morning and at night. This has worked for me every time we’ve had lice.


You do you. Don’t worry about what other people think.

This cannot be real, I’m convinced someone posted this to piss off other moms

Yes you took it way too far lmao.

Definitely a little too far. I feel like you should have at least tried a lice treatment first and maybe even a second time because eggs hatch in 7 days. And if the lice is persistent then I would consider shaving my head.

HOWEVER, it is your body and no one can tell you what to do with it. Not even your SO and mother.

Kids brought that home once, I used ethnic conditioner slathered in my hair, covered with a shower cap all night long, retreat 4-5 days later

Now kids at school will most likely know the kids had it and will start bullying them. You really went too far and for what reason!? You freaked out over something that’s totally treatable.


I mean you can’t help how you feel but there were other solutions then to shave your head

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My grandson has really really short hair and he still got them so unless you are bald to the skin you can still have

Yes, you overdidit. Don’t forget to wash your linens…bag up stuffed toys.

Would have been better to do hair treatment. There’s fancy gadgets out there that kill headlice on contact. Me? I’m still old school and use the shampoo treatment and comb through with dog flea comb to get the live lice. Then scanning hair for nits glued to hair shaft.

Oh man lol. I get the urge to shave your heads. hardcore. Esp after dealing with this in elementary school with my kid. But fuck man… lol oh well. Everyone will get over it. It’s just hair. Don’t beat yourself up. Lice are terrrrrrrrrible

Probably a bit overboard but it’ll grow out. Nothing to be mad about.

Dude, really?! What’s done is done. But wth?!

Your head your choice… It’s just hair… it will grow back…

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Maybe a little bit of an over reaction, but I don’t think anyone should be mad at you about it.


No…my kids have brought it and the shampoo works great…you can also call the pharmacy at any drug store and get some they have that is a shampoo that doesn’t require combing through… Yes you over did it but that’s ok…hell mayonnaise works ok for an hr put it on put a bag over it let it sit …and wash it will be greasy but shampoo with dawn several hrs later…the oil in the mayo kills all the lice and makes the eggs with there sticky stuff and its ability to attach to the hair not work and it SOOO easy to comb out …but again it’s hair and it grow back so it’s not like it’s permanent…but it is right before Christmas and pictures so it’s going to be remembered forever…I don’t see why they would be mad but again it’s hair and it grows back…but next time take the time to research a few things before you just shave it…there is easier soultions then shaving or even the shampoo and combing every little egg and nit out…

That’s unnecessary lol

You can get a prescription that kills it all at once. Usually a second treatment isn’t needed. Yes, you definitely went to far. Yes, getting lice sucks and is alot of work to get rid off. But there is absolutely no reason to shave your head. My hair is think and to my butt/lower back. My kids brought luce home from school. I was able to successfully get rid of it without cutting anyone’s hair. 2 daughter’s with long thick hair and a son. As well as myself.