Did my moms boyfriend cross a line with me?

Tell Mom!!! That guy needs to go!!

U should have told him right then and there that’s creepy don’t say things like that! Sounds like he’s been watching way too much porn hub.

Creep! Tell your mum he shouldn’t be talking to you like that!

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Nope ask away, that is creepy AF.

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Absolutely creepy. Tell your Mom in front of him so he cannot lie or minimize his behavior. Let him know how uncomfortable it made you feel.

Tell her , something similar happened with me and my daughter . It almost cost me my relationship with my kid , I dumped the perverted asshole , that thought he would have the mother and the daughter .

Tell your mother and if she don’t believe you , say something when they are together and if she takes his side …

Leave and tell her to make a choice … Truth hurts but she needs to dump him now …

Tell your mom her boyfriend is a creep!


Tell your mom on how uncomfortable it made you feel.

He was out of line. It sounds like when you’ve tried to talk to you mom about other things she’s dismissed your concerns by saying you’re being dramatic. I would tell her but be prepared for her to deny it and accuse you of being dramatic and have another place to stay. You are right to be uncomfortable.

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Tell her and stay away from him

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Tell her,infront of him,be firm with what you say.let her know if hes saying this ro you in her home wtf is he doing in his own time away from yous.he sounds like a wrongen tbh

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I would say nope. And I would tell her.

I would give her the facts… true…just the facts… and leave it to her to handle how she chooses but I would NEVER be alone with him. Possibly he was just trying to be complimentary but I doubt it.

That’s highly inappropriate!!! Tell your mom!

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If it made you uncomfortable he crossed a line.


Definitely crosses a line! I would’ve felt violated too. Bring it up to your mom. He’s probably testing the waters to see how far he can take his inappropriately and your mom should be aware as well.


Please be careful around this guy …
Try not to be alone with him .
I’m afraid he will try to assault you .
Will your mom believe you or be like most …my boyfriend would never do that …?

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Yes he was out of line, tell her. And don’t hang around him.

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First of all, whoever told you you’re being dramatic for expressing your feeling about certain situation or person is manipulating you to think you’re just being dramatic so they don’t have to be accountable or responsible for their actions/ bad behavior. And that’s a form of abuse. Secondly, let your mom know that what your mom’s bf said to you is inappropriate and it makes you uncomfortable. Even if you smell good or your hair has grown since the last time he saw you, he doesn’t need to tell you. Especially after you just got out of the shower is quite creepy/disgusting. There’s other way to make small talk with you. Still, even if it was just a comment, if you feel uncomfortable then that’s how you feel and it should be addressed.

Nah, that’s weird. Dramatic or not, if it made you feel uncomfortable then it’s not okay! I would tell him AND her.

Is your mom the kind of mom who would choose her man over you? Are you known for your honesty? How close are you to your mom… questions to ask yourself. If you can’t tell her, then tell another responsible adult, and make sure to never be alone with this man (bf) again.


Please tell your mom hun he definitely crossed a line and that’s just downright creepy! :tired_face::sweat:

Definitely out of line. Absolutely tell her and it will be in her court after that.

I would not tell her because then the riff might end up being between you and her. Tell him that this made you uncomfortable and concerned for your Mother. Depending on his responsiveness to your concerns will tell you more about what you may need to tell your Mom. Sometimes guys are just creepy and not socially aware. He may have not thought anything wrong. Just put him on notice, you are watching him.

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Absolutely tell her. No one gets to tell you how to feel either. Those are your feelings. It was inappropriate, if you felt it was.

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You should tell your mom if what he said made you uncomfortable. You can never be too careful.

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Tell your mom he’s trying to hit on you, for now he’s testing you out whether you will keep it quiet or not next time he will come in full swing on you thinking that the feeling is mutual because you kept quite when he attempted at first


I would want my kids to tell me if a man made them uncomfortable. There are plenty of men in the sea, but my kids are always going to be more important than you. To me, that’s weird and I wouldn’t want someone treating my daughters that way or talking to them like that. It doesn’t matter what HE thinks, my daughter is uncomfortable and he’s got to leave.


Tell her. He sounds like a pervert waiting to strike!


why are you debating…tell your mother before something happens.

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Tell your mom about that creep

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This is by all means crossing all boundaries … it would creep me way out to think well how long has he looked at me like a piece of meant or trophy …. I wouldn’t have hesitated I would’ve called my mom ASAP as soon as it happened

Yup, tell mom cause that is a creep.

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He was baiting you with unnecessary, creepy AF compliments. It was a test—next time it could go even further.
Tell your Mom. You never have to tolerate behavior like this—and she deserves to know what he’s doing so she can decide how to handle it. :blue_heart:


No, you’re not being dramatic and he definitely crossed the line. He sounds creepy AF. :woman_facepalming:t4: It wouldn’t surprise me if he actually would sneak into your room just to watch you sleep. :roll_eyes:
Please tell your mom ASAP!!!


Why was he brushing your hair …I’d tell her that …that seems weird to me

Speak up Tell Her now.

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I mean if he had just said “wow your hair is getting so long” end of conversation then I wouldn’t find it wired but it’s all the stuff he said after that sentence that makes it weird to me! I’d tell your mom for sure!


How old are u first of all? I’d say something but chances are she’s gonna blow it off, unless she knows he’s creepy

You should tell your Mom, that he made you uncomfortable!!

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“It puts the lotion on it’s skin or it gets the hose again” kinda vibes. Tell her.


Why is he there if the mother is at work?

Record yourself confronting him about what he did and how it made you feel.When he responds and admits it,then show your mom. Otherwise it’s gonna be a he said she said thing and she may side with him


His way of asking, with out asking just in case your open to it.

Red alert right there. So much weird. Tell and tell and tell again. Definitely fuck no.

Tell your mom. Tell someone. Anytime you get that feeling, that is your woman’s intuition telling you something is not right. Listen.


I’d definitely say something to mama. Even if it’s just your so made me super uncomfortable today.

If it made you feel uncomfortable . He crossed the line and you should say something to her.

Wait why is he brushing your hair

Be careful when you record him too.

Spy cameras are small and they sell them online. Get one to be sent to your friends home and that way they mail won’t go to your home and he won’t know.

Tell her!!!'that’s how men groom girls


Recording him can be against the law some states you can’t even voice record without the other party knowing

I would have that conversation with her.

If he made you uncomfortable, then definitely talk to her


yes tell her and try not to be alone with him ,it sounds like an opening to assault you sexually


When I was younger I noticed my dad would creep around in our doorways at night and take off if I would wake up as I got older it got less but more creepy.

Instead of staying silent or not making a fuss I used to kick off…
What you doing you creep.
Go away stop standing by my door.
Once I’m sure it was around my 21st birthday I kicked off a shitstorm in the caravan as he came into where I was sleeping when everyone was asleep I woke 7 people up that day made sure everyone heard me kicking off with him over it all…

The worst thing you can do is stay quiet about it as that gives them that opportunity to target you more as I learned with another person from a early age he’d always go for me as soon as we was ever left alone and just got worse as I kept quiet about it he even had the boldness to try it at my moms funeral only got left alone when my aunt confronted me in a fallout thinking I was uptight about not going down anymore to visit them her ego took a shot for sure when I laid it out to her behind the real reason I no longer would go around due to golden boy who could do no wrong and I can only guess by her reaction that it was not the first time she has dealt with people saying stuff of that nature about him…


Tell her. Like right away. That is totally not okay.

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I’d tell her what he said bc that’s something a pedophile would say and do. Its creepy. I definitely would look up his background and not trust him with kids.


Isnt that was the first time he did it and you dont have any proof even if you wanna report to mum.Next time when you know that mum wont be around try to make a recording thats if he does it again

Absolutely tell your mom.

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That’s freakin creepy

Tell your mom!!! That is absolutely inappropriate. And not to mention freaking creeper status.

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Pardon me if I missing something here, if you felt so uncomfortable why on earth didn’t you remove yourself from the situation or tell him how uncomfortable he made you feel. If you were visiting for the weekend I guess you are not a child.

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Why were you in the shower with the door un lock knowing there was a man in the house alone not All men are that way but be safe not sorry

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Tell her
Update us too please!

When you do tell someone be prepared for the accusations of it being you who is at fault Why take a shower when he is there or some sort of such. The mother will not want to hear he is coming onto that daughter.


Tell your mom! That is disgusting. Tell your mom and tell him, confront him so he knows nit to mess around. Not to scare you but this is when sick men will take you when you’re vulnerable.


Yes, he was into you.

Is your dad in the picture? If so,tell your mom first,if she’s the one calling you dramatic,tell your dad.

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Tell your mom!!! and tell her boyfriend to back off and he is disgusting if you dont feel comfortable telling him alone get some trusted friends to be there with you , no man should act this way to a young lady who isnt his wife/girlfriend

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Well that’s definitely not a normal thing for a moms boyfriend to say to anyone. Period. Especially her kid. Grown or not.

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I would tell her what he did and how it made you feel.

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You should of said something to him at the time it happened !! Tell him you are going to tell her if it happens again. Since you don’t live there it’s not an ongoing thing and your Mom will think you’re just being dramatic and probably not believe you. Good luck :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ur an adult u should no better i would had cursing him to the end, i would’ve grab my phone without him noticeing n said play that again, wow how wouldn’t you not tell ur MOTHER!!!

Fucking creep! Definitely crossed the line. Telling your mom might piss her off and she might reflect it onto you. I’d be straight up with the guy and let him know that if he ever says something weird like that to you again you will bring it up to your mother and she won’t be impressed.

Tell her, but be warned she might end up being against you…most parents for some dumb reason always choose boyfriend or girlfriend over kids.


Umm yea tell her that is a little weird

Tell your mom, it made you feel uncomfortable and she needs to know! Not to mention :triangular_flag_on_post:

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Yeah my friend had a stepdad when we were in high school that would make comments like this and he ended up being a pedophile so I’m gonna say tell her! He probably doesn’t show her that side of himself for a reason

He’s buttering you up. Seeing if you’ll take that; next time, it’ll be a little more, and a little more.
If your dad is at all involved ~ I’d tell him first. If not, then your mother.


Tell her immediately

That is not okay. Don’t know how old you are, but what he did was wrong. If you live on your own don’t be there when your. On is not there. If you live with your dad, tell your dad, or a counselor at school if you’re in school. His behavior is infringing on “grooming behavior”. Be Careful. Don’t be alone with him.

That’s super inappropriate. He’s starting to flirt with you. Tell your mom.


Tell her at once and I hope she won’t do like many others and close her eyes turn away. THIS NOT A JOKE AND SHE SHOULD TROW THAT OERVERT OUT FOR GOOD.

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It made you feel uncomfortable. Your feelings are valid. I don’t know how old you are but deff let her know regardless.

Very inappropriate! Tell your Mom ASAP. That is a huge red flag.

Tell her hun. Please, please tell her


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Very inappropriate and crossed a line for sure. Tell your mom!! She needs to know!!

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Tell her or if you think the situation could/would happen happen start recording ( of course without him knowing)


How Old are you? If you are a minor, absolutely tell your mama. If you are an adult tell your mama also but let him know he makes you uncomfortable and that you will discuss it with your mama. You owe it to yourself, and to your mama in case she doesn’t know she is dating a creep.

Get you and your mom outta there.



Tell her, she needs to know he’s a scumbag being inappropriate and flirting with her daughter. He may be flirting with other’s too.


He’s definitely a creep he’s grooming you tell your mother and tell him to go shit in his hat

Eewww! He’s a friggen creep! Tell your mother and if she ignores it tell someone else! And the next time which I hope is never that your in a situation alone with him, tell him he overstepped by his comment! Don’t let it go

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I hate when you hear the stories and the mother takes the boyfriend side and not her own child


Are you dramatic or are people invalidating your experiences when you react appropriately to a bad situation? :thinking: