My mom started dating this new guy a few years ago…he comes over on and off and has always been “okay” i guess. We dont really talk much…but the other day when i got out of the shower ( i was visiting for the weekend) he looked at me and said " wow your hair is getting so long, i could sit there and brush it for hours" and kept going on about how good i smelt…it made me feel really weird…my mom was at work when it happened and i am debating on whether or not i should tell her what happened…i can be dramatric sometimes which is why i amasking
If he hasn’t done this before I’d kind of let it slide, maybe he was just really oblivious to how creepy that sounded. If he starts making more comments when you are together I’d firmly let him know his comments make you uncomfortable and I would definitely say something. Hopefully he was just trying to be nice and didn’t realize how weird he sounded. I know half my family is tone deaf with that kind of thing.
Now if he has said creepy things before i would go ahead and bring it up to mom.
That’s a bit creepy in my opinion.
Yeah that’s inappropriate and it sounds like he was trying to see how far he could get. I’d tell her.
That’s creepy I would tell her and tell him he needs to understand boundaries
if it made you uncomfortable, it’s definitely an issue not over reacting at all
That would definitely make me feel uncomfortable… I don’t know how to advise you as to whether or not to tell your mom. I think I probably would
Eww no that’s creepy
How old are you? Because he either a plain out creep flirting with his girlfriends daughter, or he’s a creepy ass pedo flirting with his girlfriends child.
He was testing boundaries. Creep.
I definitely would tell her. That’s not good
I would tell my mama honey…
Yes he should have kept his fantasy of sniffing your hair and brushing it to himself
If something feels inappropriate, it’s usually inappropriate
yes, that is crossing a line. Trust your gut feeling & tell your mom.
Tell her. This sounds like the start of my life with “creepy Kerry.”
How much older than you is he? I don’t think I would be super offended…people normally smell really good when they get out of the shower. Does he have his own daughter?
Tell her that was very creepy and inappropriate of him
If you felt uncomfortable then yes he crossed a line.You need to make your mum aware of it so she can talk to him and it doesn’t happen again.It could have been innocent on his part or not.
If you feel uncomfortable there’s a reason why. Always follow your gut
I would definitely want my daughter to tell me.
Honestly, you felt uncomfortable, yes what he said was creepy and crossing the line. But even if he said nothing and he just continued to make you feel uncomfortable, say something.
Creep…tell her
No man dating your mom should talk that way to you ever …
My kids have had their step dad since their early teens and he would never say that to them …ever !!!
I always would teach them to talk to me if ever anything was creep
Trust your instincts
Good thing you said it now before she gets more involved with him
If it make you feel uncomfortable then it’s a problem. Tell your mum.
He knew that would make you uncomfortable… I mean how could he not? If you were my daughter I’d want you to tell me
I would most definitely tell her that’s just way too creepy
Tell her. He’s a predator.
Creepy. Leave it for now and wait. Maybe tell him to f off next time
Incredibly creepy and inappropriate considering he’s dating YOUR MOTHER…
Please be careful
Follow your instincts. Mention it to her.
Nope that’s weird and go with your gut feeling. Tell your mother right away he made you feel uncomfortable and unsafe in your own home.
Yes that was weird. I’d want to know if my husband said something like that to my daughter.
Tell her. Super strange.
Yikes! That’s very inappropriate. I would definitely mention it!
If it made you uncomfortable I would let her know. Especially if you are a minor child. Certainly needs to be addressed and her aware.
Edited to add this could be grooming as well. Defiantly be careful around him and limit your interactions around him. Definitely let you mom know as soon as you can. If you are there alone with him now see about going to a friends house or have a friend come over so you aren’t alone with him.
I would tell her. That should put a stop to him being there when she isn’t or when you are home alone. There’s no need of him being there alone with you.
The second he made you feel uncomfortable, he crossed a line.
If it made you uncomfortable, then you should tell your Mom.
Thats not appropriate at all. Its disrespectful to both you and your mum. I’d tell her if I.was you xxx
I’d want to know about this if I was your mother. It’s not being dramatic if you’re just repeating back what was said to you verbatim.
If my bf did that w my daughter. You’d not see him in my home again
Show her what you wrote on here,never ok!
Yeah that’s definitely strange as hell. I’d be telling her FAST!!! That’s not okay in the least.
Be careful that’s how it started with me when I was ultimately kidnapped and rapped by a family member. The rest of my family almost never found me because I was Mexico bound for sex trafficking at the age of 13. It’s also sad to say that sometimes other adults have been fooled by these manipulative men and sometimes won’t take these small things seriously. Never get in a situation where he could over power you and always keep staining pepper spray Incase of an attack.
I agree with everyone tell your mom it’s inappropriate and if it made you feel uncomfortable your mom should no. Your not being dramatic this time at all it’s creepy Good luck
Tell her it if she’s anything like my mother was she won’t believe you so be ready for that…
PLEASE do not be alone with him… Get out now
Ummm no that’s not ok. Tell her asap.
Pretty sure that was inappropriate, and maybe trying to test your boundaries to see how far you’d let him go. I’d tell mom.
Gut instinct can save your bacon. It could have been innocent, but it might not have been. You nex to tell your mom, casually , what happened. Dont blame, just give a heads up. I would also explain that you were not sure if His intentions were, but it made you uncomfortable.
That’s definitely awkward. If he was just trying to compliment and didn’t mean anything by it, he could’ve just been like “oh wow! Your hair’s getting so long! It looks good!” or “Your shampoo smells really good!” And leave it there. No weird, creepy details
Nope! Girl you always tell your momma everything. Please tell your mom. She going to be mad if you don’t tell her sweetie.
It wouldn’t hurt to record this next time you visit in case your mom brushes it off
Crossed a line for sure.
Do not shower with your mom not home and yes tell your mom!!!that’s not appropriate for him to say period!!
Tell your mom. That is inappropriate. It made you uncomfortable and he needs to be stopped.
I was uncomfortable reading this…yes tell your Mom.
That’s inappropriate in my opinion. He was definitely testing the boundaries to see how far he could get.
Did u tell him he was making u feel uncomfortable? I would’ve told him something not to be crossing the line with u I wouldn’t tell her unless it happened again after u told him to quit his shit
No, not ok. Definitely tell her.
Tell her. He made you uncomfortable and that isn’tokay.
You need to tell her.
Absolutely tell her!
Tell him ur self that u don’t like his comments…I bet he will stop real quick…
That’s weird. Tell her.
my advice is mention it to her, so that if something else occurs that makes you uncomfortable, you have planted a seed with you mom. I would also journal it with a date.
Tell her in front of him
Tell her ; reading this made me uncomfortable
If you were my daughter and that happened to you I’d want to be told immediately. You don’t deserve to be in a position like that- yuk ! You have done nothing wrong, the second you felt uncomfortable agreed with above the line was crossed so please talk to your mum… you are NOT making a big deal of nothing if it’s something to you it IS a big deal
Tell her ! I had something a A little similar happened with my ex-boyfriend. He would always complement my daughter and give her attention but not my son she was 14/15 at the time 10. Long story short I found out that he had been taking random close-up pictures of my daughters rear view and well. He is history. Please tell your mom !!
Yeah if you felt uncomfortable you should def tell!!
Or tell him he made you uncomfortable infront of her
Creep alert! Definitely tell your mom.
I would say something to her!
He’s testing you. There’s no reason to make any interactions with you in that moment. Follow your gut ! Tell ur mom.
that’s weird… I’d tell her
Def inappropriate he knew exactly what he was doing, like hes testing the waters to see what he can get away with. tell your mom forsure.
O hell no!!pervert.record him a d ahow her.what a creep.i pray u don’t have a younger sister cause who knows what hes saying or doing to her.smh
Idk maybe he was trying to b nice n make conversation, he did just talk about hair. Not everything is what u think and I would tell her but not in a way that comes off as u accusing him of anything. Just casually. She knows him better than u so let her b the judge on it … n maybe u did smell nice it’s ok for a man who isn’t urs to say u smell good too
If you were my daughter I’d want to know.
She may well brush the incident off but at least she’ll be aware. Passing comment on the length of your hair is fine but the rest is inappropriate imo. You should feel safe in your moms home
I would tell her. She deserves to know she’s involved with slime.
I’m sorry you feel like you over react and now don’t want to tell your mother about this situation. I’m sorry for whoever made you feel like you should doubt your gut in a disgusting uncomfortable situation…
Yeah definitely tell her. That’s weird
That’s fucking weird
Ok. I’d. Feel. Weird. Too. Cus. Eww. If. The. Age. Difference. Is. Wide. But. I’d. Let. It. Go. Unless. He. Does. It. Again. I.ean. If. He. Literally. Came. On. To. You. Then. Yes. I’d. Let. Her. Know
Go with your instincts
My mothers husband raped me when I was 14 , lied and told my mother I initiated the situation which was totally false , he was 29 and just got out of prison for rape ! My mother took his side , called me a whore that she didn’t want at her funeral , I’m 45 now , she still married to him and acts like what he did was ok she’s never been apart of my life or my children’s life !
I would tell her. If I were your mom, I would want to know, and that would be the end of the boyfriend. Very creepy and inappropriate.
Tell your
We, as moms, can’t do anything about what we don’t know!!!
Tell her. That is super creepy.
Ew wtf… what a weirdo…
Hmm smells fishy Your mum needs to know, she’s family and he’s not remember
Men are creeps. Definitely tell her at a dinner in front of him too. Casually you can mention how it made you feel uncomfortable but would like to maintain your relationship with your mother so you wanted to address the issue.
DEFINITELY TELL YOUR MUM exactly he’s tryin to test your boundaries cause he has other intentions in mind
and you wouldn’t want him inappropriately giving you unnecessary remarks
keep your distance from him hunn
Very much crossed a line! Tell her and don’t go back over there till he’s no longer there.
Definitely inappropriate love you tell your mum xx
Tell ur mom and anytime near him or might be in future turn ur phone on to video record …so mom knows truth if she has doubts when u tell her
That’s weird tell her
Tell your mum …and tell him to piss off …
I’m mad with you where’s the men in your family