Did You Regret Only Having One Child? I Think I Only Want One: Advice?

As an only child, I always wanted siblings. I always felt like the odd man out in my family. Just a cousin, or (later in life) just a step sibling. Even though everyone tried to include me & treated me great, I still felt alone.

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I am an only child and always wanted a sibling. I have two children and so glad because they are great friends and will always have each other. But to each his own.

I planned to only have one. I decided not to have anymore babies but the lord had different plans for me. I was an only child till I was 14 and we are born on the same day. We donā€™t get along at all.

It is hard when they are little but once you get through the potty training they are awesome.

I felt this way when we started to try for a second. We miscarried the first time and I thought 'maybe I just need the oneā€™s but the more I saw my 1st playing with other kids I just knew she needed a sibling. I know some parents that regret it, one set in particular regretted it after their only child told them at age 16 how they felt robbed of the experience of being a sibling when they could have had more. Itā€™s really up to you as you will be the pregnant on. Iā€™m pregnant with our 2nd child (3rd pregnancy) and Iā€™m excited but also concerned about a new baby taking time away from my first. But I know Iā€™ll find a balance.

DO WHAT YOUR HEART DESIRES!!! Dont let a man convince you to have another kid right away if you dont feel like it!! Definitely give it time because 1 is a huge commitment on its own.

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My husband and I had only one child and we decided to have another. They are 12 and a half year apart. So yes we regretted waiting as long as we did and did something about it and never regretted our decision. Or two girls are 2 and 15 now.

Give it time is you are still not wanting another one than donā€™t have another my son was 4 when I had my second thatā€™s when I was ready

My son is 9 years old sometimes I think I might want another but my son has a tumor on his brain stem and I think to myself could I really handle another with all the attention my son requires

I only have one child, heā€™s 4 years old, and although sometimes I like the idea of having one more, realistically I believe one is best for me and Iā€™m happy either way.

I always felt happy with just 1 but 4.5 years later on my beautiful boy came along and surprised us im very grateful for the age gap ā€¦ i think if my two were closer in age Iā€™d find it harder to handle lol xxx

I have moments of it when my child wants to play and Iā€™m busy and canā€™t. And a few times Iā€™ve been asked if they could have a sibling, but for the most part no. Especially because Iā€™m the primary caretaker and we donā€™t live near family. The thought of juggling more than 1 makes me crazy.

Not all siblings are bffā€™s. We have 3 boys in their 20ā€™s. None of them talk to each other on their own. Itā€™s not that they dislike each other, they just donā€™t have common interests. They enjoy catching up at family get togethers. Donā€™t have another child under the illusion that they will be bffā€™s. God will place people in your childā€™s life to be there for them whether they are related or not, just as He does for us all.

I have 3 siblings and even though we can be complete assholes to each other, we have each others backs with everything and leaned on each other heavily when our dad passed. I think when it comes to siblings it may be how much a good relationship is encouraged growing up. My niece started off as an only child, then when her dad and my sister got together she had to adapt to having 3 siblings, her and her sister have fights, but they also get along more often than not. It can go both ways, your little one is only 16 months old, I wouldnā€™t make a final decision just yet.

I wish Iā€™d of had another one sooner after my first, sheā€™s 6 with a one year old sibling and she was always playing alone as a child (when not with her friendā€™s) and she loves her brother but finds him a little annoying at times so wish I would of had him sooner but thats my opinion as I was born 15 years after my sister and I always felt alone as she had her own life :grin: x

I donā€™t but I also realize that parenting isnā€™t for everyone.

I waited 4 years. My son loves his little sister more than anything! My husband and I are very happy we decided to have another baby. At first we were set on having just one child. But then we both started wanting another baby secretly. We opened up to each other and talked about it. I personally believe only children tend to be a little lonely bc they donā€™t have another person their age of closer to share life with daily. Each person and couple is different. This is a decision only you and your husband can make.

My 16 almost 17 year old is an only child and I couldnā€™t imagine him with a sibling. heā€™s very independent and we both enjoy our quiet time. he has siblings from other momā€™s out there and has met one so far and heā€™s ok with it. give it time and see.

I had 2 children and now 50 years later i so wish i could have had more. Would have if i could have and if i did i would now have a house full of grandkids and great grandkids. Iā€™m very proud of the ones i got but i would love it if i had more. Lots more. I just love my grands and great grands

My boys are 4 and 1ā€¦I didnā€™t want another child after my 1st but Iā€™m so happy That my baby here and that they have EACHOTHER

Iā€™m good with just the one, lol. Sometimes I get baby fever looking at cutie baby pics in these mommy groups but then I look at the reality of how awful my colicky daughter was and I recall saying many many times to myself ā€œI will never fucking do this again, this was a bad ideaā€ or any time my daughter now throws a fit in her terrible twos, total birth control right there. Iā€™m tired, yo.

Well my son and daughter were born 14 years apart ā€¦sad but they arenā€™t close ā€¦they get along fine not like I hoped for ā€¦but that a decision only you all can make

I donā€™t want another one. I think 1 is just fine for me. Donā€™t listen to those people that claim that your child will be lonely without a sibling because most of them grow up not even caring about that. Itā€™s mostly the older folks who say that crap too

Seem like a lot of mums on here only have 1 or 2 childrenā€™s, Iā€™m 33 with 5 beautiful childrenā€™s, they are all amazing, its not hard at all, sorry but I laugh at those that struggle with there 1 or 2 children, uz made it look so hard, lol nd I get looked dwn at 4 having a lot ov happy kids,

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I could not imagine my life without my brother!
I also have two children, a 5 years old and a 20 months old. The love between them it mealts my heart. Best decision ever. :heart:

I am an only child and I have an only child. Iā€™m not mad at either, Iā€™m happy I survived having the child I have. Zero regrets!

I am an only child and I hated it growing up. I donā€™t have a playmate since my mom was not the playful type (my dad is but he was working most weekends). Now they are getting old and becoming less independent, i wish i have siblings so we could take turns on daughter/son duties. So hard to take care of them too if you also have 3 kids esp when theyā€™re so hard-headed :joy:

i did one and doneā€¦i knew in my life what i could and could not handle and my family supported me in my decisionā€¦i had my tubes doneā€¦its a personal choice and its really up to you since it is your body ā€¦maybe talk to him and tell him right now may not be good but in a year or twoā€¦you do what is right for you and where your at in life

I personally feel like you should have at least 2, but its your own choice
Andā€¦I also think the cap should be 8
Seems like way to many people are having 10 or moreā€¦:roll_eyes:

Someone once told me ā€œyou will never regret your child but you may always regret not having another oneā€ and that always stuck with me.

An only child is ok, better than having another one and wonder why you did

Thatā€™s your decision but I think youā€™re regret it. Your daughter will be better adjusted if she has a sibling. My opinion. Iā€™ve been married 50 years with 4 children & 14 grandchildren. I wouldnā€™t change one thing. We share so many good memories when weā€™re together from the kids growing upā€¦priceless!

I always only wanted the one. Shes 35 now. I did have a blip around 20 years ago but it wasnā€™t to be.:baby:

Nope. I was told I couldnā€™t have kids. I got pregnant at 34 and delivered her 8 weeks early. I got my tubes tied and have the perfect little girl!

Iā€™m an only child and ALWAYS wished I had a sister. You should definitely have another

I only have 1. Heā€™s 25 now and not once did I regret it.

Myself and partner were the same, i had always wanted 2 then i had my first and i didnā€™t feel i wanted anymore. As she got older we thought about a sibling then reality kicked in and we said we were happy as family of 3, 5 years later i felt pregnant again haha. It is hard but my eldest loves having a baby sister and i love seeing them play together. I also did put in to consideration about being uncle/Aunty when they are older, and hoping they would be like best friends as they grow up.

Its totally up to you and your partner, and your first is still young you may change your mindšŸ˜€

I felt the same as you and when my son turned 4 we decided to try for a sibling :heart: his due to be a big bro in January and his so excited

I am an only child and life is lonely.

Did 1 to age 19. Then adopted 4. Didnā€™t want to do 1 again. Lots of life lesson benefits for kids who have sibs.

When my son was 2 years old and I was 30, I knew I couldnā€™t handle more than one . This is strictly a personal preference.

I decided to get my tubes tied. my OB doctor told me I would regret it later in life because I was so young. I am 45 and my son is 17 this month. I do not regret one second of one day with my decision.

Everyone is different and if you feel you canā€™t handle another one then donā€™t. I gave my decision six months. After the 6 month mark , I still felt the exact same way.

My son and I are very close. So, donā€™t have a child because society thinks you should. You are the only one that knows how you feel in your heartā€¦ go with that.

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I was the same my oldest is 9
A d I loved the 1dt few years with just her but then she started asking for siblings
So now she has a 2 yr old little sister and 1 yrs old brother and she is great with them

Iā€™m on the fence. I have a 5 year old who really wants a sibling but I am NOT having another baby. I had a super easy pregnancy/birth but the postpartum was horrific. I couldnt go through that again. However, seeing as she is more looking for a sibling her own age and I dont especially want to relive the baby stage, we are looking into starting the foster process to decide if adoption is a good fit for us.

I wanted more than one but I could not have a 2nd. My daughter who is now 17 still says she wants a brother or sister

I didnt want another until my daughter was 5 almost 5 and I love the age difference!

I have three girls 9,6 (nearly 7) and 1. I highly recommend the age gap! Having a toddler and a newborn was hard going!

I am the youngest of 5 with one child. I loved having brothers and sisters. However I am so grateful that I only had my daughter. I was able to spend all the one-on-one time with her I wanted

Do not regret it at all. Our family of three is perfect for us.

I Did bc I had her at 20 but then at 33 I had a miracle baby and another at 35 sometimes waiting is worth it

Only having one child here and Iā€™m so happy with that decision. I can give my child better opportunities by only having the one

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I have 3 kids. Ex had 2 prior so they were 7 6 5 3 and newborn. I had 2 of my youngest cousins that were also 7 and 6 that had been with me every weekend almost since born. They help occupy each other. I swear it seemed easier when had all 5 then just the 3 after split up. His were older 2 mine were younger 2ā€¦ Then last together. My oldest has aspergers. His 2 had dyslexia and needed alot of homework help. I enjoyed them closer together. My sister has 3 kids and all are 6 yrs apart from the last one. I have crohns fibromyalgia and AS. My kids are now 20 18 and 15.

If you only have one child just know that you will either be their constant playmate or be their constant social director for playdates. I say have another.

I donā€™t have an only child so, I canā€™t speak on that but, idk if itā€™s where Iā€™m from or what but, the people Iā€™ve met that are only children are the biggest bitches Iā€™ve ever met. We had this ex friend who refused to ride in the backseat because ā€œI was an only child so I dont do thatā€ bitch, youā€™re 30 years old and my husband is driving us somewhere, get yo ass in the backšŸ˜‚

I watch my 3 yo with her dollies and know she would be an amazing big sisterā€¦ But fuck that :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: one is plenty lol,

10 years between mine by decision no regrets

The more u think about wot?? Wot are u even thinking about, u just made a whole theory up in ur head, can u not picture a happy family, neva mind the struggles that come with it, u deal with it nd enjoy ur family, xxx

Iā€™m 71 and STILL want a second babyā€¦ itā€™s never gone away for me.

I am 28 I have a 2.5 year old I and fixed and I do not regret it one in done its alot of money and responsibility

My daughter was 9months old when I got pregnant again, I didnā€™t realize it until she was 11months old that I was actually pregnant, my husband was ECSTATIC, but I was scared. It has been utterly difficult for me to say the least. PPD did a number on me, as well as battling nursing aversion that started when she was about 7months old, I think mainly because I wasnā€™t ready for another baby, on top of dealing with my grandfatherā€™s passing within a month of finding out I was preggos, having a bad csection and her going to nicu and not getting that initial bonding/breastfeeding time with herā€¦but everyone is different!! I personally love my 2nd daughter, but itā€™s extremely hard to keep patient at times, and I wish my 1st daughter was a bit older when I had my 2nd. They are now almost 3 and 17months and drive me NUTS

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There are enough unwashed children in this worldā€¦

Werenā€™t you asking for suggestionā€™s on breast feeding your new baby the other day tho?

Mine are 3.5 years apart. Trying for #3. Youngest is 4 now

We do not regret it, and most of my friends with just one dont either.

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Love my one and done family. Shes almost 5.

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I donā€™t regret having just one!

I have one who is 12 & I am absolutely done!

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Do not do it! I read your words. You are allowed to not want another!!

I have one and would never have another

Never just have one! Only child is awful

My baby is gonna be 14 and I wish I wouldā€™ve had another one or two close to her age :pensive:

Be honest and tell your husband how you really feel.

My daughter is 5. Sheā€™s an only child :woman_shrugging:t2:

I accidentally had my 2 kids in a year ā€¦ 10 months apart. Wasnā€™t even sure if I wanted kids definitely not when I did but they are inseparable now. :upside_down_face:

U r not readyā€¦yetā€¦u may want another as the first is okder

My husband is an only child and I think he missed out. I have a sister and the difference between family holidays etc was huge. My mum was an only child and seeing her care for our nan was terrible. No sister or brother to help with decisions etc.

Iā€™m an only child and love it

My daughter is about to turn 12 and I am pregnant with her sister. I lost a baby in March this year, and this little girl is due March 2021. I swore I was only going to have 1 child, but this is turning out to be a blessing!!

My son is 4.5 and still donā€™t want another child. I am my motherā€™s only child but my dad has a daughter who is 10 years older than I am and weā€™re best friendsā€¦ I love it. As Iā€™m already 35, and still have no desire to have another one, my husband either Iā€™m okay with that. We have great friend family supportā€¦ my best friend her son is 3 weeks younger than mine, and they are best friends. So far, my son and us are doing great with out another child. Never feel guilty on what makes you feel happy or complete.

Get on birth control , keep birth control a secret , enjoy trying , you control when youā€™re ready for another baby not your husband

I struggled too with having a 2nd one or not. (Mainly because of my age) One of my best friends is an only child and hated it. She kept pointing out all of the negatives. I had thought of them all except she would never be an aunt. I never thought of that one. Sure, she had her husbandā€™s nieces and nephews but none biologically.
I looked at it like this, I knew I would never regret having the 2nd one (and I donā€™t) but I could possibly regret NOT having a second one.
Itā€™s really a very personal choice. Give it some time.


I do not regret having just 1 , I was able to provide a better life for him than if I had more, he learned to socialize thru daycare and school, always had friends over or was at their place, and the fact that he is the only child means he has always had my attention and love to himself . He grew up to be a well adjusted young man with a kind heart and a loving soul, you donā€™t NEED to have more than one baby if you donā€™t want, ultimately you make that choice and you do what feels right to you

I always wish my 9 yr old had a sibling close-ish in ageā€¦ in her toddler years and early primary years she was always looking for companionship and as much as I tried to be her play friend it wasnā€™t the same for her. But I knew her father and I were not going to last (and we didnā€™t, split up when she was 3) so I didnā€™t want to have another child together knowing that. Now, 9 years on Iā€™m married and pregnant with my second child. My daughter is so happy to finally have a sibling even with the big age gap and my husband and I are 100% going to be having another! It can be very sad watching them grow up lonely at times xx

Have a child because you want to, not to make a friend or sibling for your other child. I did that and both my daughterā€™s siblings are disabled and so instead of giving her family or a safety net after I am gone, I likely gave her a life of caregiving that she didnā€™t ask for. There is no guarantee your children will like each other or stay in touch. You roll the dice when you have kids; you think you can teach them to have a strong bond or get along, but kids have their own personalities immediately, you donā€™t put it there.

I know a couple of people that havenā€™t spoken to their siblings at all in adulthood and one in particular has a sibling deep in addiction who has threatened her safety and uses her whatever way possible. Favoritism broke up another family I know.

My suggestion is wait. Your other kid is 16 months. You likely contribute more of the care than dad, and if so, your thoughts matter most. You can have an age gap of 3, 4, 15 years if you want. My sister is 13 years older than me and our relationship is very good. Do what you feel you need, there is no rush.


My daughters an only child. Im not. She didnt miss out on a damned thing.

Tegan Guthrie both sides :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I have one. I was divorced when he was not even four. Even when the topic came up, I always said no because I had no faith in my ex. I was raising the one we had mostly on my own and I could do two this way and keep a full time job.

I never remarried or had a relationship to even have the chance for another child. This was a blessing. I have a great relationship with my son. I see other families with more than one and I often think I lucked out.


I am an only child and it had ita benefits and its down falls. One benefit was that everything was always about ā€œmeā€ like I was the only one opening presents, I got to pick the movies, and other stuff like that. At the same time though I felt like I was almost ā€œcheatedā€ (my mother couldnā€™t have another child) out of a sibling because I saw everyone else having little/big brothers and sisters and having that built in friend. I was an awkward child who didnā€™t have many friends so having one who lived with me sounded like a dream. Thats just my perspective though I made friends with the one other only child in my grade so that was plus.

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No. One was plenty for me. My daughter is 21 and I think we would not have such a close relationship if there had been more kids.

Iā€™d tell your other half your just not ready yet. Give yourself some time. 16 months is still very young. My 2 are very nearly 5 years exactly apart (5 yrs and 2 weeks to the day) 8 and 3. You may find that given a little time you may change your mind. Or you may cement your current thoughts of no more. Dont rush these things. You have time. But if you tell him now, you defo dont want anymore, you may find it difficult to get him to agree to having another in the future IF you change your mind. I personally always wanted 2. So they would always have each other growing up and when me and their dad are long gone. But everyone is different. But I would give yourself some time to make the decision, donā€™t rush it x


Yes all the time! I refused to have another child unmarried though. I put so much time and energy into making sure she was great so, there wasnā€™t enough time for anyone else.


I have 3 and all are about 6 years apart lol they are 14 8 and 1. After my middle we decided no more and suprise! Lol I dont regret any of my children and love them all the same. My saying is youā€™ll never regret having a child but you may regret not having one.


16 months is still young. I didnt think I would have another after my son then had another one 9 years later. Said for sure NO MORE then less than 3 years had the last lol. So I have a 12 yr old 3 yr old and 7 month old. You have plenty of time!

Ps last one for sure this time! Tubes fully removed! :rofl:


I thought the same, didnā€™t think i could love anothor as much as my 1st, didnā€™t want to share the love i had for her with another. I was wrong, equal love for them all. I now have 5 xx


My son is turning 22 this month. I have no regret! Different situation though. I raised him alone.


Planned on only one but had a second 11 years apart. And it wasnā€™t what I planned but I couldnā€™t imagine life differently. She is a person addition and my oldest absolutely adores her.

Nope. I have one. Heā€™s 14. No regrets at all. Heā€™s my ride or die. Weā€™re going to Vegas next spring break.


I have a 3 year old daughter. Sometimes I think about having another so she has someone to grow and play with. But the more I think about it, I donā€™t think I could ever love another child like I love my daughter. And I worry it would take time, love and attention from her.

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I have only one. I love just having one. As heā€™s gotten older, Iā€™ve been able to go back to a moreā€¦ā€œfreeā€ lifestyle. Iā€™m not having to shuttle kids to different events, or having to buy multiples in school supplies. Plus, I have a super great bond with him because I got to spend time with just him and not have interruptions or have to split time with anyone.

My son is about to be six and Iā€™ve wondered the same. I worry about how itā€™s going to effect him and worry who will be there for him when we are one day gone. But after 2 miscarriages and just personal preference, I donā€™t feel itā€™s right for me.

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One and done!!! Another would have been nice but the circumstance didnā€™t present itself and I know as a single mom with little to no financial help from my ā€œsperm donorā€, I wouldnā€™t have been able to do as much with two as Iā€™ve done for one. I had as many as I could afford. My daughter will be 18 in Jan.:v:t5: