Did You Regret Only Having One Child? I Think I Only Want One: Advice?

I have one daughter. Im a single parent. She is 11. I would love to give her a sibling so that she has someone else in addition to me tonsee her through life but then sometimes I enjoy the fact that I can just focus on her.

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Nope! I had one and thatā€™s all I want. Iā€™m going to get my tubes tied. I will not change my mind ever. The man I marry will have to accept it or leave. I refuse to have more kids.

As an only child, I hated not having siblings. There were so many experiences I couldnā€™t relate to. I had really wanted my parents to consider it but my Dad was against it. Do whatā€™s best for you but I at least wanted to give you insight on my experience. Personally, I have three kids with another on the way. I love my big family

I regret only having two daughters ages 21 n 12, if my circumstances had been different I would have loved more but as a single mum it was not to be, but itā€™s a very personal decision that only you can make.

I have 1 I adore him but as he has gotten older I so wish I had another one of him. Heā€™s the best thing that ever happened to me.

Nothing wrong with having a single child! You need to do what feels right to you. I grew up an only child and I loved it!!

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I had my firstborn at 19 and he always always asked for siblings but circumstances were never right :sleepy: I am due with his little sister next month, they will be just shy of 10 years apart and I feel like this time I can have more kid(s) close in age. My oldest and I are so close though from a decade of only-child love. It has its pros and cons :heart:

My daughter is currently 6 months and my husband wants to try for a second child to and I was all for it in the momentā€¦ but after I got to sit and think about it I really hope Iā€™m not pregnant and honestly am scared to have a second baby so soon. But Iā€™m not sure what to do

Best thing I did was having mine close 2gether. 2 yrs apart. They are we friends.

My oldest is 9 I got pregnant with another baby when she was about 4 (lost that baby to a miscarriage :weary:) then in 2018 I had another baby girl and Iā€™m pregnant now with my first baby boy due in Februaryā€¦I think this will be our last baby. Hubby wants to get a vasectomyā€¦

Iā€™m 48 and I am an only child and I have to say I hate it. Itā€™s good when youā€™re young because you get all the attention. Being older I find it very lonely.

I was an only child and I hated it. I felt like I missed out on so much of life that my friends had. I purposefully had 2 children just for that reason. I donā€™t regret that decision (I am 64 with 5 wonderful grandchildren).

I have a 4 year old definitely donā€™t want anymore

I have one, and honestly wouldnā€™t have it any other way!

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Totally regret only having one child :sleepy:

Iā€™m mom 4 kids and 1 girl & 3 boys my man begging me for chance another a girl & Iā€™m still feverbaby#5 & im not ready & my kids theyā€™re 12, 10, 8 & 6ā€¦

My kids 2 kids are 18 months apart

Nope I had to many problems having just one .

One and done . Love my child. I did not want any

Wait another year and see how you feel.

You are the one carrying the baby at the end of the day. It sounds selfish to say but you make the final decision

1 and done. My son is 12.

Honestlyā€¦ If the reason that you feel in your heart that you donā€™t want another child is because you believe that you could not love another as much as the one you have nowā€¦ that goes away. Your love is Immeasurable! :heart:. In your mommyā€˜s heart you have plenty love to share. This is your own personal choice.
I was raised as the youngest of six children in our family. We didnā€™t have a lot of money. But there was always lots of love.
Think long and hard about this decision. Any thing that you choose will be the right choice for you. :purple_heart:

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My son is 16 I got my tubes tied when he was 3ā€¦I regret nothing. I can focus on him and spend all my money on him too :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

My oldest had just turned 7 when we had #2. I loved only having 1. But now we have a 7yr old, 11mo old, and a 1mo old. Days are crazy but I wouldnt change a thing.

I personally wouldnā€™t have just 1 but everyone Is different, my first is 4 and a half now and Iā€™m due my second in 2 weeks but may be getting induced on Wednesday, I wonā€™t be having any more after this one, Iā€™ve always said from the age of 17 Iā€™ll only ever have 2 children and I had my first at 19 and turned 20 2 weeks after, Iā€™m not 24 and Iā€™m due my secons one then I am done! I will soon have both my princesses with me and right before Christmas too! And then I will enjoy my time being a mummy to them both jsjt like Iā€™ve enjoyed my time the past 4 years being a mummy to my firstā¤ļø I personally couldnā€™t cope with more than 2 thatā€™s why I will be stopping after this one but like I said everyone is different x

I grew up with 3 siblings and I myself have 4 kids. I couldnā€™t imagine being an only child. Life was loud, messy and there was someone always around. I couldnā€™t imagine not having a sibling to talk to about our childhood or our parents. A friend would never understand ā€œ remember that one time when we were littleā€ my 3 other siblings never had children and so my kids donā€™t have cousins but they have each other and Iā€™m incredibly great full for that. Itā€™s already a lonely world, so I would want it to be anymore lonely for them.

I wouldnā€™t not the way this world is going, I worry about what the world will be like for my grandkids and I have friends with sml kids ā€œ what kind of life will they live??ā€ Itā€™s too scarey

I only have one and I do wish I had another child as a sibling for my son. He does have an older half-sister that is about 18 years older but really didnā€™t grow up with each other so he really has no family members his age. And once our older generation is gone he wonā€™t really have anyone his age. So yes I guess I could say I regret it not for my sake but for his.

I have two and love it, but the guilt of not giving each of them enough attention is real. I also think pandemic parenting would be less stressful with one.


I wanted a second child, hubby didnā€™t. Then he spent some time with 2 older friends that lived elsewhere. He came home saying he didnā€™t want our son to have no family after we were gone. The boys are 21 months apart.

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Sometimes I regret it, but I see how much she loves being an only child. She has undivided attention from us (when she wants it). We can give her our all. I wanted 2, but the mental aspects that was I wasnā€™t prepared for after childbirth was too much. After I got myself healthy again, I couldnā€™t knowingly do that to our family. If it happened, it happened, but I wasnā€™t going to try for another. Iā€™ve since been fixed. Itā€™s done. We have made sure that we have long term care insurance so sheā€™s not stuck with caring for us all on her own one day.


I am in a similar boat. I have a 4yr old and I am 38. I have always dreamed of having 2 kids but getting pregnant was super hard for me and took almost 10yrs before getting pregnant with my 4yr old. I am completely content with having just having one child but I would love another. I just dont want to put my family or myself through the ups and downs of trying for a 2nd baby.


Well your kids only 16 months wait till sheā€™s two or three and then go from there, then maybe youā€™ll be ready cuz sheā€™ll be more dependant and you have time to take care of a new baby and focus on her to.

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I got my tubes removed after my kid was born. I wanted to only focus on her, I didnā€™t want another ā€œbaby daddy,ā€ and my child is happy even with bladder/kidney difficulty and a heart defect. Iā€™m not entirely for or against abortion, but Iā€™m huge on the quality of life.
I do regret it sometimes after being a single mom for two years, then meeting my current fiancĆ© I regret it sometimesā€¦ but the main reasons are usually dominant.

I have a 5 year old daughter and due to complications I canā€™t have anymore but I do not regret having one child. I wanted more but I was blessed with one and if God was willing to giving me one than I will trust in him

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Girl, give yourself some time! I waited until almost exactly 5 years and itā€™s blessing. Big brother is very independent and helpful with little brother. I did regret for a while not having another because I personally believe in having siblings. Iā€™m glade I waited tho. Gave me important time with my oldest so when the baby came, he was supportive not jealous

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I have 3, but
When I had my first, I honestly didnā€™t think Iā€™d want anymore. Truth is, having more kids obviously is harder, financially, time consuming, stressful but itā€™s so amazing too. And what really helped me decide to have more, is just closing my eyes picturing my life in 20, 30 years. What did I see? What had more joy throughout the years? And boom i have 3, and couldnā€™t be more happy!

I had my girl as an only child and asked her when she got older if she wanted a sibling. I wanted another my partner wasnā€™t so sure. She said she wanted another one. And then we started trying. It took a year and a half and now that sheā€™s 4 we are happy to say we are expecting #2 :heart:

I am an only child & although have always wanted a sibling my cousins and I are very close in age so we grew up together and are still close despite living a couple hours away. By the time I was 25 both my parents have passed. It has been and was extremely hard especially in the months/ days leading up as they were both very sick. I was very fortunate to be able to help as much as I could at home, dr appt and driving to and from the hospitals daily but not having someone to share the responsibilities was very overwhelming at times. My daughter is 4 now and we are expecting our little one next week. I want her to have her forever best friend, someone who will always be there for her in all walks of life, if anything were to happen to us they can lean on each other. Maybe the timing is too soon for you to think of having another. I got rid of all of her stuff at 2 thinking I wouldnā€™t need it again but by the time she was 3 we were ready again haha

I grew up as an only child and granted I got everything and anything I ever wanted, I was still very lonely. We lived out in the country so I didnā€™t get to go to friends houses or even have friends over cause I lived too far out. Knowing how that felt for myself I didnā€™t want to have just one child.

Do what you feel is best for your household. :heart:

I am a mother of a daughter. She is 10 years old. However, my husband and I ALWAYS wanted 1 child. We waited 10 years to have her. (We were 17 when we met) We LOVE her so much. When she was a little younger she wanted a sibling, but now seeing her friends react to siblings she is happy being the only 1. Also she has a cousin who is the same age and they are close even though they live in different states.

My oldest was an only child for 8 years. Constantly begged for a sibling (but that wasnā€™t going to happen with his father). Now he has two more siblings. And while itā€™s different bc of the age gap, they adore him and vise versa.

I think your children should have a sibling I have 3 boys 26 12 10 my oldest left home went into army so my 1 year old missed his brother terrible then my 10 year old appeared and they are really close and glad I had them so close together considering I was told I couldnā€™t have any more children xxxx

Little bit my son wanted a sibling but I was too afraid of having too many problems like my first pregnancy beside I wasnā€™t married.

Iā€™m an only child and I have one child and wonā€™t be having any more.

My kids are 9 years and 2 days apart and I love the relationship they have. I was happy with one kid but having her brother was the best thing to happen to our family. The are both crazy about each other

I have a soon to be 3 year old in January and sheā€™s my only. I donā€™t care what folks say I donā€™t want anymore kids. She gets all the love from her father and I, and thatā€™s how I intend to keep it. If someone has something to say, they are more than welcome to financially contribute.

I am an only child and never liked it, always wanted siblings. Everyone is different.
Had a different upbringing compared to others.
I had two kids because of this.

We were torn for about 2 years. I have a daughter who is turning 6 Tuesday, and a 3 month old little girl. After seeing them together, I am SO GLAD we had another one. My 6 year old is smitten. Iā€™m 36 years old.

My daughter was 4 before we decided to try again. I like the age gap but I would have been happy with just 1 as well. I just wanted to give my husband a chance for a son, which is what we had, so it worked out.

I had mine back to back currently pregnant with baby #4 I think having them close in age works better than a bigger age cap it seems some Motherā€™s I know struggle more with kids 6-10years apart. But hey is just my opinion.

Sometimes I do and sometimes I donā€™t regret it. My husband and I have a 2yr old but he has 2 other kids from his previous marriage. Our 2 year old only gets to see his siblings twice a week. During the summer its every other week. He hates when they leave. However they are also much older (5 and 10 years apart) than him so playing with him doesnā€™t last to long. I play with him most times and other times he does well by himself. But there is definitely a difference when playing with other kids. My husband and I talked about having another when he turned 4 or 5 but we are now leaning more toward no lol. Just for our sanity and because of our work we will be kicking ourselves in the butt.

Wellā€¦firstlyā€¦i come from a big familyā€¦six kidsā€¦im the middle childā€¦i.just had my 2nd baby 4 monthā€™s agoā€¦my 1st baby is 5years oldā€¦my partner already wants baby number 3!
I think having only child isnā€™t that much funā€¦i mean how would I know? Iā€™m not an only childā€¦my daughter loves the idea of being a big sister to her baby brotherā€¦

I am an only child and I hated it. An only child is lonely child. As I have got older and your parents are in need of you more it would be lovely to be able to share themmore. It would be great to talk to brother and sister about the things that you did as a family. Memories sre so inportant

I have 1 wonderful son who is 15. Had fertility issues after he was born and couldnā€™t have another. Although I used to feel upset and guilty about not giving him a sibling, I feel proud to know Iā€™ve raised a strong independent young man. So no I donā€™t regret it now.

I only have 1, and I truly love it! Donā€™t regret it at all!!!

Weā€™re only having one and our daughter is 21 months. Yes we are sure and no we donā€™t want to argue with people about it :joy: we are beyond blessed. Why ruin a perfect situation?

I have been around a only child they miss a lot but the worst is they have the idea the world is for them they are spoiled and hard to be around

Once i had my first daughter i was happy with just one. Then i ended up pregnant. Not planned but honestly i couldnt imagine my life without her.

I just had a baby 8 weeks ago. Iā€™m 40 so we agreed a tubal ligation was a good idea. Iā€™m not going to lie. Iā€™ve always wanted two kids. Iā€™m heartbroken I canā€™t have anymore.

I am a mother of only 1 child. I never had regrets when he was small. Now that he and I are older I wish he had brothers and sisters. He also wishes the same.

I have one, im content with the one but my partner (not my childs father) wants one of his own (he has no kids) weve talked about it, and decided one more and thats it. The cons outweigh the pros for me e.g: costs of holidays and family trips would be hefty, we would need a larger vehicle (van) and just having to provide for all children we would be limited. Also, i think we can give our 2 a better headstart if we leave everything to just them ā€¦ if we leave everything to 3+kids they wont get a good nestā€¦ but split between 2, that should give them a good headstart in life :slightly_smiling_face:

Sometimes being an only child is lonely.

2 kids is WAY easier than 1 of they are close together. My oldest 2 are 16 months apart and best friends even though they are now college age. They were best friends their whole lives. My 2nd set. After a 5 year gap, are 19 months apart and great friends. My 5th is a loner and would love a brother because having a built in friend, wven if not a best friend, makes life easier. As a parent, 2 means you arent the sole provider of home based friendship.

We took another 8 years to decide it was time for the second baby :woman_shrugging: everyoneā€™s different, you may feel differently after time passes maybe not.

I have 1 sheā€™s 11 and i regret not having a second. She says sheā€™s lonely being the only one and she sees all of her cousinā€™s with siblings and sheā€™s jealous.

My girls are 14 years apart in age. I am a proud Momma of 2 girls and an even prouder Mimi to my grandchildren.

16 months really isnt that long. My sons 3 and Iā€™m only now thinking about it

My mom is an only child and she always said she wished she had a sibling.

From an only child who has an only child - definitely have more than one! :hugs:

I have 2 boys and I love it they are 5 years apart. My husband donā€™t want anymore, but I wouldnā€™t mind having another one.

My son was 3 and I decided a brother or sister would be nice, we had twins!!

Nopeā€¦1 & done , sheā€™s 24 & married now, lives in Ireland & doesnā€™t want any kidsā€¦

Mine are 13 months apart oldest being 28 months old best thing ever and they best friends

No love my son dearly but thing I ever created.

Iā€™m exactly the sameā€¦ my partner wants anotherā€¦ I really really dontā€¦

One and done here and no regrets!

One now is more than enough.

I have a 17 year old. Some days Iā€™m glad that sheā€™s been an only child cause it made her more creative since she had to play by herself a lot. Expense-wise itā€™s been easier too. But other days Iā€™m sad that she doesnā€™t have a sibling so sheā€™s not always alone.

I wanted two, until my my child turned one. Sometimes I do go back and forth and think maybe we should have but I donā€™t regret not having a second child. Each child changes your lifestyle and what you can afford in life. Some kids are harder than others too.

I was an only child for 7 years and all I wanted was a sibling to play with. I would get together with cousins and they all had siblings. I was always jealous of it. Dont get me wrong, I loved the attention received from both my parents and the trips we would take, but it wasnā€™t the same as playing with someone my age or close to it. My sister and I struggled after I became a teen (angsty teenage years, ya know :sweat_smile:) then we got close and then she became an angsty teen and we struggled once again. Now weā€™re the BEST of friends. Sheā€™s 21 and Iā€™m 29. Im forever grateful to my parents for giving me my best friend. :two_hearts:

My husband and I only wanted one child and bam! Twins! Lol

Really needed this today. I have been struggling with the same exact question.
Mom of a 3 year old girl, going to be 33 next month, and hubby will be 38. He basically says now or never and doesnā€™t want to be changing diapers at 40. I had a terrible pregnancy and was so depressed I wanted to commit suicide (thankfully I got through it) but that alone terrifies me to have another.

My daughter has a step brother who will be 9. We have him a lot so itā€™s almost as if she has a brother all the time. But my brother in laws donā€™t have (and wonā€™t) be having children, and my brother just moved to the other side of the country. So any chance for her to grow up with cousins is out of the picture. So here I am every single day of my life questioning, do I have another?

We have never regretted having just the one child.

I have one daughter who is now 11 and I know for me personally I donā€™t want anymore children. Sheā€™s incredible and smart and brave but being a parent is fucking exhausting and expensive and I know I have zero patients for more kids

Itā€™s really a decision for the two of you. If you arenā€™t ready, dont do itā€¦but you can always change your mind later. Well, to a point.
I have way more than oneā€¦I have 6! But my last oneā€¦I was done after 5. They are all less than 2 years apart, so I was just exhausted and I didnt want any more stress and chaos. But around #5ā€™s first birthday, we had a birth control failure and I got pregnant with #6, my son. I would never consider abortion (you do you, but not a choice for us). I was really angry at the beginning, then that faded into stressed. At the 20 week ultrasound we found out he was a boy and it was like a huge weight was lifted! I couldnā€™t handle another girlā€¦and my kiddos (4 girls and 1 boy) were thrilled to death to have a brother. They told me they had all been praying for a brother (minus the 1 year old) :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I had the last half of my pregnancy to fall in love with him and enjoy the LAST time for everything. All I can say is, God knew what he was doing. He gave us the perfect kid to balance our family. He was just what we all neededā€¦and yes, he is the last.
The point is, itā€™s not impossible, but its very very unlikely that you will regret having a second child. You donā€™t need to go crazy and have 6ā€¦but 2 isnā€™t horrible. But drawing the line might be necessary if you donā€™t feel like you could ever emotionally handle another one. I just encourage you to really consider your reasons for wanting to be done and discuss them with your partner.


So true. I was so worried during my second pregnancy that I couldnā€™t love another child as much as my first. But I did and the third and fourth as well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Then come the grandchildren. :hugs:

I wanted more than one but medically they said a second pregnancy could kill me.Im always torn because I wish i could medically have more children but at the same time the chances of having another child with special needs is really high. I love my daughter and wouldnt change her for the world but I wouldnt want to chance my life or another childs life as she almost died

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If your hubby wants a 2nd child. Explain that if you have one, he needs to be a parent father and help in the raising of another little boy or girl. Of course. It is nice for a child to have someone near to their age at home. As I see it it takes two to tango, so dual parenting is a must. Not just one earning the finances, and the other putting in the long hours.

I had my first when I was 20 years old, she spend 11 years as the only child and me having a brother close in age I regret not having one sooner and closer to her age because of the bond my brother and I share. I had a lot of fun with her alone and it was easier financially but I feel bad she didnā€™t have that buddy to grow with. I now have a two month old and she is so in love with him! Sheā€™s the best helper a mommy could ask for!

I have one son and I would of loved to had a daughterā€¦I love my boy dearly but donā€™t wait to long like I did. One each would have been niceā€¦

I have 5. I feel that having only 1 is not my thing. He or she would grow up alone and after parents are gone he she would have no family brothers sisters or nephews nieces to be with.

I want a 5th baby so bad. Everyone is different for sure! My babies range in age from 2-10. I also home school my kiddos, maybe Iā€™m just insane by this point haha!?! :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

I have one and no regrets at all. Heā€™s now 11. I love how close we are.

I only gave birth to one & I donā€™t regret it at all.

Nope, got it right the first time :rainbow:

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No I dnt regret it at all I take it as a blessing from God Im a single parent to 2 amazing handsome boys I have a 14 yr old and 2 yrs old and they are my world and as far as you and your husband yall sit down have a talk and tell him what you told everybody in here that ya you want another baby but you arenā€™t ready for another baby now in the future yes but no not now and there are other options like adopting I mean 1.if you can carry the baby like health wise and 2.going back to square one one having and raiing a kid 3. Can yā€™all afford on having a baby like money wise 4. Whoā€™s gonna work and while one of yā€™all works who gonna watch the kids while yā€™all or one of yā€™all works its a lotā€¦lol

I have one & am completely fine with that. Kids are damn expensive!

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