Did your spouse get you anything for Valentines Day?

Did anyone else not get anything for Valentine’s day? I’m kinda annoyed and just need to vent. My husband and I have been together for ten years, and I really just want to feel appreciated. I do all of the housework, take care of the kids, have hot meals ready when he gets off work, and he can’t even tell me happy Valentine’s day. I’m just tired of feeling unappreciated and like he doesn’t care. I went out of my way to make him a unique painting with my body, and he didn’t even like it, and he made me feel weird for making it. Anyone else going through this?


I got us a couples massage… told him about it after. We can enjoy together but I planned it.

So basically…He’s selfish.


I’d stop doing things for him.


Sounds like the “terrible 10s”
Takes 2 to make an effort. Make sure he’s making his.


Uhm…this would definitely hurt feelings. So sorry girl💖

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I got a happy valentines day. And I took us out to eat. But as far as gifts, none were exchanged. He isn’t really the romantic type either so I didn’t expect anything anyway. I wish he was more romantic sometimes. Good luck.

I tell my wife that she can go to work and I stay home and take care of the house


Sit him down and tell him how you’re feeling. Just be blunt. Sometimes people need to be told exactly how they’re making others feel. Make sure he knows it’s not about the gifts it’s about being appreciated.


I didn’t get anything but it didn’t bother me. N I definitely understand the struggle being real with the house n things.

If he’s like my husband he may just say it in his own dumb way. Like if he takes my truck he washes it and puts gas in it.

When he’s on his way home early he picks up lunch etc.

Good luck getting him to partake in a lot of holidays n things

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I made a post to my husband on vday and he heart reacted it. That’s about it. :rofl: no feelings hurt tho.


I have been with my hubby for over 20 years i didnt receive anything but we were out at a grocery store and asked me if i wanted any of the flowers i said no thank you im not fancy on any if yhe bouquets they had i told him i prefer the ones he gets me during the summer and i can wait .

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If you’re not feeling appreciated, then receiving a gift on one day outta the year where it’s semi expected isn’t gonna solve your main problem.
I’m just sayin’.


If he didn’t even say happy valentines day he doesn’t care. Not enough anyway. On a day that millions of people are making their partner feel special he doesn’t even say anything? It sounds like he doesn’t want to make an effort to be in that relationship. Id talk to him and express your feelings and if he doesn’t change id leave. You don’t deserve to feel like you don’t matter


Has he always done things for you in the past? … and I couldn’t be with someone who can’t do something small to show me I’m appreciated … he sounds like an a**


What a jerk!!
Next time he goes looking for your body tell him you don’t like his


I wouldn’t have dinner ready, house clean, or laundry done (at least his). When he gets home, leave, and leave the kids with him. (Even if it’s to drive around the block). After that a couple of times, he will gripe, then tell him how under appreciated you feel when he forgets Valentine’s and birthdays . Just an occasional pat on the back would be appreciated. My daddy would get up from the dinner table and give momma a kiss and thank her for a great meal. Even if was a sandwich.


I never get anything for Valentine’s, anniversary.


I would have a talk with him and tell him how you’re feeling, sometimes relationships become so routine, we have to talk about it with the other one before they realize it hurts the other one.


I didn’t get anything but I didn’t get him anything as well. I get your point that’s why I stopped doing stuff I was not feeling appreciated and never received so I stop doing a lot of stuff.


Me and my boy friend have been together for 11 years. I got him ammo for all his guns and 2 cards. I got flowers! Its the thought that counts!

My ex husband always got me gifts. They were rarely anything I wanted. He could’ve kept the gifts, if he actually paid attention to me, and respected me. I eventually left because he always said he loved me, but never behaved like he loved me.


I didn’t get anything. But then again my birthday is Sunday. He snitched on his self got me a expensive gift so I’m not mad any more. All I wanted for Valentine’s day was a damn card.

I got him a Bob Ross doll, made dinner and got me a box of truffles, necklace, littlr goodie basket and a unicorn.

Now we have bern married 13 year and he has only been getting me gifts the last 4 years. The time before that he got me nothing.

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I’ve been married 44yrs and I didn’t get anything!


I didn’t get anything for him n he didn’t for me. We had a nice steak dinner just the 2 of us tho

I didnt get anything but it doesn’t matter lol he shows me he loves me everyday


I got the kids and him stuff and then on Valentine’s Day he went out and got me something after I gave him his.
Same thing happened w Christmas I got him and the kids done and on Christmas he ran to rite aid and grabbed me something :roll_eyes:

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we have been together to long that we both forgot about valentines day…bought candy the day after for us and the kids.

My hubby knows I’m not big into Valentine’s Day and before the day came I told him we didn’t have to exchange gifts and he said he wanted to, he got me something I’ve been wanting for a long time and it was totally unexpected. We’re not always a super lovey couple but he made an effort to genuinely surprise me with a gift and although I hate the holiday for other reasons he made it special for me. We both got each other things we’ve been wanting and it made me realize that even something small makes a huge difference when day to day we don’t always have time to show each other love. I’d definitely tell him how you are feeling because if you don’t it’s going to build up!

Wow. So sorry for all of you. I have been married 15 years and my husband has not missed one single holiday/anniversary/birthday in all of that time.


I didn’t but I got him and our 6 kids stuff together 5 years in May.

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A pair of working gloves to help keep my hands warm/dry while feeding/watering farm animals in this cold. So romantic


I didn’t but that’s because we don’t celebrate it. We both think it’s a dumb fake holiday lol with that being said though… if its something you guys have always celebrated he’s wrong for not doing anything for you.


My boyfriends dad passed away last month so he’s in another province selling their house and dealing with funeral arrangements and he still made sure to have flowers sent to me.

We don’t celebrate Valentine’s, or Sweetest day. It shouldn’t take a hallmark holiday for him to show you he appreciates you and if you really wanted him to do it, especially on a day when spouses are ‘supposed’ to show their affection, I’d be even more worried. My husband will randomly come home with flowers, or my favorite ice cream, or candy.

If you really feel like you need something for Valentine’s day, I’d sit down and talk with him about how you’re feeling. Personally I wouldn’t get upset over a made up holiday. Also we’ve been married for 12 years and been together for 14


His love language is obviously not the way you receive it. Talk to him about it & both learn each other’s love language that way y’all don’t feel like the other isn’t appreciated

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We don’t Valentine’s day. I think it’s a stupid holiday. A day where someone is forced to say I love you and buy you things even if they don’t. I get flowers 1 to 2 times a month and he schedules date nights and buys me candy throughout the week. These things should happen all the other days not one specific day.

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We don’t celebrate Valentines. Haven’t the 12 years we’ve been together. We have 2 kids now, so I get them something small and some candy and we usually just dinner at home and watch a movie - the movie part is rare because he doesn’t care for movies often and sometimes dinner is steak & shrimp and sometimes it’s pizza (pizza it was this year because we didn’t feel like cooking). For me EVERYDAY it’s about the small things he does to help. Never the gifts.

I didn’t get anything either. I was hurt.


Every year we pick a card and don’t show the other person until Valentine’s Day. He usually writes the same stuff “thank you for everything you do” cute & sweet and then I send a list of what I would like. This year it was simple just butter tarts and 2 chocolate bars.

He doesn’t appreciate you, you need to leave him! Hubby and I have been together for 13yrs and he surprised me with roses and I got him candy but we both said happy valentines day first thing in the morning to eachother. Also stores were closed so we didn’t go all out for us due to the pandemic and our current lockdown in our area. But still made it nice.


Yes!! I’m with you girl

Here’s a thought… don’t expect anything and you won’t be disappointed :relieved:.

Yes I do every year I got neckles and I got him a watch

Our anniversary and Valentine’s was all in the same week and didn’t get a thing for either one.


Same. I dont receive birthday, Christmas, or valentines gifts from my husband. Even when we were just dating I never got anything. Some men really just don’t care. I quit expecting anything a long time ago, helps to keep me from being disappointed.


6 years here he only got me something this year because I complained and he didn’t want me to leave. Our anniversary is on Valentine’s Day


Sorry yes it’s nice to feel appreciated that’s for sure but I’d stop doing things for him and only do things cause you want to because at the end of the day if he’s not appreciating you and your looking to be appreciated your never gonna feel that way keep doing things for him you should only do it if you want to do what you wanna do to make yourself feel good but also set him know how you feel

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It doesn’t matter to me if I do/don’t get anything for any holiday during the year anymore. I’ve learned that if there’s something special that I want then I ask for it because he’s not a mind reader, bonus is that I don’t have to wait for a special occasion to receive it.

I didn’t get anything

We don’t celebrate it. However, my husband spent a lot of money on maintenance for my car, it is definitely something I wouldn’t have done or wanted to do, so I figure that is good enough for me.

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I didn’t get anything, but we don’t really do gift giving to each other. If I see something he likes I get it for him, no occasion needed and vice versa. It’s just how we we are, but if it means something to you, tell him. Be honest and open with him.


Its something you need to talk to him about. If you both decide not to do anything that’s fine. He could have picked you up something small. Great idea for of the painting any Man should Love that. Maybe if you tell him how you feel he will understand. Life is too short not to get what we want and need out of life❤

Nope but I told him I didn’t want anything.

We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day… we celebrate our anniversary. That’s our “love” day. Not some random date that means nothing to us


My husband didn’t get me anything. I bought candy gifts for both kids, him and myself. Life is so crazy right now (pandemic, work, kids, and everything in between) and I’ve decided not to hold anything against him for that. His actions were not intentional or malicious. However, if you feel different and your feelings were hurt, just address it with him.

Yes I am. My hubby and I have been together 11 yrs married 7.5. He didn’t get me anything last year or this year but I got him something he really wanted. It’s not about the present but just to be appreciated… not even a card is really hurtful to me. Totally understand your feelings on this. I’m not even a valentines person, but not even a card is lazy to me. I’m frustrated too

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I am sorry for all of you too. But I think the time to let them know is b4 you marry him or if he forgets during the first year. Lucky for me this has never happened. I am one of the lucky ones. We will have been married 33 years on June 16th. On the 16th of EVERY month for 33 years he buys me something. It can be big or small.He has gotten me gold rings and also something as simple as my favorite candy bar. It doesn’t really matter what it is. It only matters because he makes me feel special. He has never forgotten. I have had only one marriage, but I held out til I found what I was looking for. I was 38 when we married and just turned 70. Yes, we don’t always agree on issues so don’t think it is always perfect, nothing in life is always perfect, but I do always feel special.


I got some puzzles and a thing of chocolates for valentines day. I got him a few things and also painted him something super cute. Sometimes we do stuff and sometimes we dont but usually we talk about it before the day gets here. I tend to ask him if he plans on getting me anything so i can make sure to do the same. Also depends on how we are doing financially. Since we talk about it beforehand neither of us are let down if we dont do anything for each other

Sorry he made you feel like that. I’m sure your present was awsome he just doesn’t sound like fun.

Talk to him tell him how u feel

We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. We agreed on that when we first started dating. If he did get me something that would be ok, but it’s not expected because we both agreed upon that and that it wasn’t an important holiday for us.

However maybe that’s a talk you and your husband need to have, wether or not to celebrate what days together.

Only do things because you want to do them. That goes for anyone in your life. Never do anything to feel appreciated, just do things because that’s who you are and leave it be. You can’t make someone show appreciation or be happy with a gift. Never expect that. If I gave my husband a gift he didn’t love I’d accept it and move on. May hurt my feelings a tiny bit but in the end him being honest means more to me.

You just need to talk to your husband if you can and set expectations and rules when it comes to these things. A lot of people just don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but if it’s important to you and he loves you he should atleast try to understand your point of view too

Honestly after So many years I got over it. I wasn’t willing to leave my husband just because you didn’t get me a present on a holiday.
But he shows me he appreciates me in many other ways, because I learned to look for his love in his language instead of in my own. He does try to remember to get me a card or something but half the time those days kind of blend in with his busy schedule.
Your good days and you’re good times should always outweigh your bad, look closely at your relationship and if the badd times outweigh the good times its time to make some changes or hard decisions.


We didn’t get each other anything. We got our kids stuff though.

I was married to a man for almost 20 years who never appreciated me and didn’t get me a card or a flower in all the years we were together, with the exception of the first or second year. I was in your shoes, we had 4 kids together and I did everything to make his life easy and comfortable, all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, and working! Leaving him was the best decision I ever made for ME!! I’ve found someone who truly loves and appreciates me and reminds me all the time with small gestures and cards and gifts that make me feel special! I was in a loveless marriage that I tried so hard to fix all the time…but it has to be a two way street!! If someone truly loves you, you should never have to wonder about it!


My husband makes a big deal out of Valentine’s Day and every other anniversary/holiday for me. He says it’s his job as my husband to make me feel like a queen and if I don’t, he’s failing. We’ve been together 15 years this September. Good men are out there.


We never celebrate it, but he did sneak in a card.

It seems to me that when a spouse “forgets” to do anything for you on a special occasion, like Valentines Day, his heart is somewhere else. I would ask, in a calm way, why the romance has gone out of your marriage?

We don’t do Valentine’s Day. We get a little something for our daughter and that’s it. There’s enough holidays around to get something. Christmas and anniversary and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and birthdays. And we only really get each other something for mother’s and Father’s Day as it’s more in the middle from Christmas and our birthdays. Lol and for our 10 year anniversary we get each other something and then probably won’t get each other something till we hit 15 yrs of marriage

Yah roses and chocolate but we talked about it i got him a rick and morty t-shirt and a eye sleeping mask. We talked about and i told him i got him a gift and that id just want flowers and chocolate.

been together for almost 7 years 2 kids and just got married in September. This year was the first year he got me something lol

My husband and I don’t buy gifts for each other on any occasion. We do buy random things all year for each other see something we think the other would like we get it. The way I think of Is we show our love every day by him working and taking care of me and me taking care of house and kids (they have moved out now youngest is 21) we go grocery shopping together it’s the little things. We have been together 33 years btw!

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Do y’all have different love languages? Have you expressed to him how his reaction to your gift made you feel? Have you expressed to him how you want to be treated on the holidays? Have you expressed how he can make you feel more acknowledged and appreciated?

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He better luv me everyday and show it daily. I’m not ok with a day dictated by the world to show appreciation or love. Just like my kids better love this mama more than just 1 day.

Been together 12 years and didnt get nothing. Couldn’t care less. I also didnt get him a gift. I did get him chocolate truffles from our kid to him

Nope but I don’t care

Jessica Fowler-Smith

I know how you feel (I’m a sahm) I got for all the kids and my fiance for Valentine’s and I didn’t get nothing not even a handmade card except for what my kids got from school. All day he slept and my kids stayed on youtube I did housework and all so i know how you feeling it hurts big time


Did you get him something?

I got flowers but he made sure to say he only got them for me bc I was crying about it that I made him waste $25 ha they pretty tho


I’m a single mummy & my mum took my two kids out to pick stuff for my Valentine’s Day & they made me a lovely handmade card & picture :heart: Could you maybe suggest to either one of your family members or a friend if they could take the kids out next year to pick a gift or even better if they themselves could make you something :heart:
I’m so very sorry you didn’t get anything from your husband.

We exchange cards. I usually get Bingo scratch cards which he enjoys watching and helping me do

I got my hubbs a card and didn’t get anything in return on Valentine’s day… Now all other 364 days of the year he does so much more for me and our family. Don’t let one government made holiday determine his love for you. Think of other nice, sweet, romantic thing he does for you. Love each other and show it all year round.


Nope we don’t care for presents although I had a princess party for my 5 year old daughter on Valentine’s Day :ok_hand:

I didn’t get anything, All i asked from him was that he be home. He works 6 days a week and anytime someone asks for his help he is there. We don’t get much time together. He even ignored his boss to be home and spend time with me. :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart: Its memories that count not material possessions.


mine too Ashley…everyday is valentines day

I started a arguement the day before because of some bullshit I saw on Instagram. Then was told I’m not his wife and he didnt have to explain anything to me … I didnt expect nothing but I had some kind of hope for a surprise. I just knew the day before after that was said and just gave up all in all I didnt even try either . I feel :broken_heart:

I got flowers and we got the kids gifts. I didn’t get him anything but I usually go big on Father’s day or his bday. I used to be into valentines day but he never was…

We just hit our 10 year too…pm me if you want to talk!!

Been together 10 years, and we didn’t get each other anything. Well… he did get me a body pillow as I’m very pregnant right now lol.
We just went out and had a nice dinner just the 2 of us.
I never really expect anything, he’s been good to me so far lol hopefully will keep being good :relieved:

All I wanted was morning time with kids then off they go to grandparents… order steak n cheese while watching horror movies in bed all day together in cold dark room🤷‍♀️

Wrote things about our life together and things I didn’t even know he noticed about me :heart: 12 years and alot of bull , this is the first year he has been so thoughtful :heart: it was pretty sweet

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Ive been with my bf for 4 years and this is the first year he didnt get me anything, however we stayed in and ordered a heart shaped pizza and made homemade choclate covered strawberries with our kids. I was a little bummed i didnt get at least a card, but i did tell him how i felt and we still had a special day together so im not really upset. Im not materialistic at all too. So the time together is special too.

I was with someone for many years and every Valentines he would go all out, jewelry, gifts, stuffed animals, chocolates, a heartfelt card and lot of flowers delivered to work of course to make all the girls jealous, followed by a very romantic expensive dinner out. Well come to find out he was leading a double life and had another family and was very abusive. Now I am married to the most wonderful man and yup I got nothing for Valentines, but enjoyed the day and couldn’t be happier.


Nope! I slept all day. Were in Louisiana bearing the snow and ice, my son is at grandmas since we dont have central heat.
Fiance couldn’t get his check cashed because of the weather.
Hell I was happy with sleeping in :rofl::rofl:


35 years; not a damn thing (birthdays, Mother’s days, anniversary, NOTHING). YES, it hurts! Especially when they make fun of you for crying. I wish I had gone on my way 30 years ago, but I stayed with it for the kids. Now, he doesn’t even take out trash or pick up his own bath towel. And where is it written that “woman shall cook while man sits at kitchen table asking, is it ready?” If you can’t tell, this has been going on WAY too long! Ok, rant over. I’m just saying, don’t be walked all over; it only gets worse

He paid for me to get my tattoo done and took me out to eat. I got him a cple led flashlights, shorts and hotsauce.

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We have been together almost 11 years. We said happy Valentine’s day to each other and that was it. But to be fair, I really don’t like the day. I think it’s ridiculous. But I’m one of the few who think like that. He should have at least said happy Valentine’s day…

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Been together 8 years and did not get gifts. Not celebrate but we will make up for it sometime.