Did your spouse get you anything for Valentines Day?

Let him sleep on the couch !

I didn’t get anything. Then again, we both agreed to wait. We just didn’t have the extra funds. I don’t push it though. When you’re with the right person, every day should be Valentine’s, not just a government pushed holiday for sales.


Our anniversary is today so two days after Valentine’s day and for the past 15 years because we’ve been married 19 we don’t get each other anything for Valentine’s day because our anniversary is right here. Every year he asks me what I want for Valentine’s day and our anniversary and it is the same answer every year a weekend away without the kids. I really don’t mind not getting anything on Valentine’s day because he gives me flowers and candy throughout the year sporadically. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Have you spoke to your husband to let him know that you were maybe wanting or thinking that you were going to get something? You know men they don’t think about stuff until the last minute most times. :joy:

Usually my husband flops on the holidays. This year I didn’t get Christmas gifts so he gave me $500. I let him know that I better get something for Valentine’s day…that he really needed to put on effort. I got two bouquets of flowers for Valentine’s and whatever I wanted to eat.

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Girl, if he wanted to, he would. Hard truth. After 10 years he can’t make an excuse for not knowing what you want or like, etc. Time to cut your losses and move on. I say this after I just did the same.


My Valentines day present is him working his arse off all year round and providing everything we need
Rent Power Food internet gas Everything the kids need for themselves and school everything i need including my cigarettes, holidays at Christmas and more… so for me to moan about not getting anything on Valentines day would be a fcken cheek :joy::rofl:

My husband of 56 years made me a beautiful dinner was so nice


If you base your entire relationship/marriage off of not being or feeling ‘appreciated’ on ONE DAY OF THE YEAR, is childish!! Look at all the days he HAS done something for you or made you feel special or appreciated and so forth. I cant believe how many woman actually get selfish and jealous on this day! Id rather feel appreciated on random days throughout the year than ONE holiday!! Ridiculous!

And if you went out of your way to do something like that and he made you feel that way, there is more to it here than just not feeling ‘appreciated’ on Valentines Day.


I got nothing a card from my great granddaughter she. Made it That was so. Precious she is 6love. Her so much

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I didn’t get anything not even a happy Valentine’s Day! I had what I wanted my husband and kids!

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He wrote me a lovely love letter. He didn’t get me anything but thats okay. I love my letter

I told my husband in the very beginning of our relationship don’t even bother with this damn hallmark holiday. That’s all it is! If they show you love, respect, and appreciation all year, why do you need this stupid holiday?? I say it each year that this holiday causes more grief than actually love. Let’s not base our whole dang relationship off of one day!

Communication is needed here imo. I went grocery shopping Friday and told my husband he got be chocolate covered strawberries for V day. I also shared with him. We agreed no cards or other crap, but he thanks me every day when I make food, I thank him when he does things and we make every day about caring for each other.

Valentine day is a big waste of money think of all the things you could do with that money and quite veins selfish at lease he works and comes home every nite

I got some lotto scratch tickets. We’ve been together for 13 years. He got some candy from me. After so many years together its not as big of a deal if we don’t get anything for each other. He shows me he appreciates me different ways throughout the year. I dont need valentines day for him to tell me.

My husband goes crazy on holidays, but he’s like that year round. He randomly brings home flowers, lingerie and jewelrt. I’m sorry you feel unappreciated.

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Valentines is 1 day a year, my husband got me nothing but he’s giving me everything

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He finally upgraded my ring since we didn’t have a nice wedding and had to wait until he’s done with his child support to his ex. I jus gave birth to our baby girl after 2 boys (3 & 5), been a homemaker for almost 6 years now, no social life, homeschooling our kindergartener and no relatives near us. He gives me flowers even though there’s no occasion. It really feels better when you know and feel you’re appreciated. Open communication is very important.

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It totally sucks that he acted like a douche about your painting. I’m also sorry you have all the comments about how they are madly in love and super appreciated when you asked if anyone else is dealing with this. Why even comment? Lmao


He went food shopping for the week’s groceries!!! Much better, to me, than flowers. Lol

Well I’ve been married for 41 years , 5 grown kids and raising a Grandson.Got my Husband a nice shoulder and back massager fixed a really nice brunch for him. My son bought me a Beautiful Bouquet of roses.When I gave my Husband my gift for him he said boy you guys are making me look bad. I said nothing .


I never get anything for any holiday or my birthday, not even a card. I have expressed my disappointment several times nothing changes…


A painting of your body? I think you need a wake up conversation. He will explain, I’m sure. Lol.

Fifty four years. Didn’t even say Happy Valentines

Just another day to spend money.

Nothing for Christmas, our anniversary in January or Valentine’s day.

I did not. But mine does things on a daily basis.

I didn’t get anything Either, I know it’s just a made up holiday but like you said the thought of just showing some appreciation and kindness goes along way or even saying it…mine didn’t either. My baby girl was my valentine instead of him.

Girl. I got a babysitter for my kid. Arranged for the roommate to be gone for the weekend. Made a nice dinner. Dressed up… Got a gift and a card for him and then found out he spent his valentines with another woman. And spent it by myself. So then side chick day I got ignored and guilt chocolates in my mailbox when he knew I was home. Didn’t even see him that day either. He caught me leaving the guilt chocolates today on his doorknob and that was a whole other shitty sitch.

Not only did I not get anything, I don’t have the option of getting anything unless I want to go out and buy it myself because my husband is disabled, can’t drive, and housebound about 99% of the time, unless I take him somewhere. I haven’t gotten anything for Valentine’s Day in over ten years. Thing is, even with all his medical issues, I still have him, and that’s a gift in and of itself, no matter how hard life is and how much I have to do alone.


Yes, he should make you feel appreciated but don’t get sucked into a commercialised day.
If he doesn’t buy you a birthday/anniversary/Christmas present than definitely be upset but not v. Day.

Petty or not, I’m not going through these comments to see other opinions, but I’d be pissed AS FUCK.

My hubby was above comemt all I got was happy valintines day no card no present I didn’t except a gift cause it’s my birthday today but a card would of been nice to and I love you I do every thing here thats all I get but men can be un appreciated to but today’s another day

Time to go spend a day away from the home front and spend some money on urself!!! Self care day treat ya self to whatever u want make urself feel special

I feel you chic I been with my boyfriend a few months shy of being two years I took him to dinner and got him a basket of stuff and he come n empty handed and he knew the whole time he would be getting something and I let him know I was upset and told him he could at least for me a card and he try to make me feel bad and said well my bad guess I’m a bad guy now I said I didn’t call u a bad guy he said well t sounds like it I said well I did not I just let u know how I feel and he has said nothing else about it but yes I have been in your shoes …

Nope and I told him I didn’t want anything. I seriously don’t. He got the kids something, but that’s it.

Nope. My man went to work at 7:00 am and got home at 10:30 pm. But, he did come home to me, even though he was nasty and smelly from working, he came home to me. He is a mechanic and gets paid by the job. This is our year of hopefully paying off everything we have. So, he’s working extra long hours to do what’s needed in order for us to move forward onto other things. I may not get the cards or bears or anything else but his actions speak louder. He’s trying to make sure we have what we need and comes home to me. He doesn’t go out on the weekends unless it’s us as a family. So, me having a man who doesn’t cheat on me and continues trying and making that future with us, then that’s all I can ask for. We are a team. I rarely get things from him but he encourages me and helps with whatever and never argues or complains. :woman_shrugging:
I’m sorry you feel unappreciated. Hopefully it gets better for you. Sit and have a heart to heart. Communication is key. Good luck :pray::sparkling_heart:


I have gone through the same thing as you. I came to a point where I realised I was spoiling him rotten and getting nothing in return. I went overseas and he didn’t send me anything for Xmas from my sons and him I got absolutely nothing. I was heart broken. I have baked for him and sent him things from myself and my kids. I was always cleaning the house and mowing the lawn so he had nothing to do. Then I woke up and growled him for being so selfish and self centered. 31 years of torture experience from a man who has never laid a hand on me. No card mother’s day so I don’t do anything for him. His birthday nothing from me.

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You have a talk to him. Tell him how you feel because it will continue

My husband and I have been together 14 years this summer and honestly he never forgets but just tells me to buy what I want for myself because “women are complicated” and that I know what I like. I usually never take him up on his offer because I do not need anything but I decided to go get my hair done ALONE while he takes the kids for a few hours. It really is not about the gifts, I get your point though just the gesture would be nice sometimes. He has stuck by me through it all for 14 years and what more could I ask for, it could not be easy​:joy::heart::heart::heart:

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I didn’t get anything but that is because I think it’s a useless holiday so I told my husband not to spend the money


This is my 9th Valentine’s wi to my husband and I got a stuffed animal a diamond cross and a coach purse. You definitely deserve things

My friends had to gang up on him. He is notorious for getting me gifts that are more his style than mine.

I hadn’t the first 3 valentine’s we had been together but this year I did. I was shocked.

He is a rude asshole

Nope I got Jack its always been like that :joy:

Nope…my fiance and I have been together 10 years. We don’t celebrate it as it’s rubbish it’s only for the shops to make money. We show our love everyday not one day a year


I am in the same boat. I voice my thoughts and nothing ever changes.

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Look up Love Languages. My fiancé is not the romantic type at all, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love me. He shows his love in different ways. I just don’t ever expect gifts on holidays from him so I’m never disappointed. It’s really not a big deal to me.

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What I hate when someone tells me what they got for valentines day from their husband and they say what did you get from yours and I say he didnt get me anything. sad is how I feel.

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I didn’t get anything bills came fist but hopefully a date night soon

I didn’t get anything either momma, haven’t since I was 14 and my dad was buying me Valentine’s Day stuff. I’m sorry, your painting is probably beautiful! Xoxo

Valentines is just a con day really… you should be loved everyday of the year. Heck I’d be pissed if he forgot Mother’s Day Cos I should be appreciated being a mummy or my birthday though :joy:

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We have been together 16 years this year and no I never he never really got time he is a truck driver and gets home late every night we where going to go out for dinner but I wasn’t in the mood and it was raining

We dont give gifts for any holidays unless its somthing we reallly want and ask for it. Our money all goes into my account and i worry about bills. So if he wants to get me a gift he has to ask for the money and thenninask why he needs money and i refuse to let him buy me stuff. I rather have our bills paid and not worry about gifts. But i def think u should not feel weird aftwr making somthing for him. I mean i told my fiance STOP buying me stuff and somtimes he cnt help it so we fight becuase i tell him i dont not want anythinnggg.


Married for 31 years. Only knew each other 3 months and we married. Let your husband know how it hurt you. Men aren’t mind readers and we most certainly don’t think alike. If he loves you, he will understand your feelings and try to help make it better. Let him know it has nothing to do with material things but you were hurt that he didn’t even acknowledge you, his wife, on Valentine’s day.


Giving is my husbands love language. He always bring home random things when he’s out and Valentine’s Day is just another day for us. We just make time to go out to a nice dinner alone. But for me I do the exact same and I’d rather have help with household chores than gifts,it’s been discussed several times and he has slowly started to help instead of gifting. Talk to him about it. :heart:


That day is weird here s my thought we love each other dearly all year we show each other everyday my dad who passed three years ago loved that day even as a kid always had candy stuffed animals always I was a little emotional this year I worked a nite shift so when I was sleeping my guy went shopping for all the grandbabies I had no clue I cried because he didnt know my dad loved that holiday and did that every year that teared me up!

We dont really celebrate any holidays (he did say Happy Valentine’s day & went out to eat as a family) we are working on other goals ( buying a house, getting financial stable etc) buying all that extra stuff isnt needed for us. I would talk to him and let him know how you feel.


We just decided not to do gifts and do a date night later. It’s also snowing and not good for travel right now. Remember, men don’t show love the same way some of us do. Tell him what you need and give him the chance to redeem himself. You deserve all of that and more, I wish you the best.

Been with my husband since 2007 and no we didn’t buy each other gifts because we believe you should show how much you love each other daily and not on a hallmark holiday.


My husband and I haven’t exchanged gifts on Valentine’s Day ever. We both carry serious bad history with the day in our respective pasts. We feel that our love is higher on a spiritual level than to feed the commercial aspect of Valentine’s. We celebrate our love everyday, we take time everyday to appreciate each other for our partnership in love. We choose to celebrate each other and what we have daily, as we all know you are not promised a tomorrow. Material things are well and good, but the real gift is having your best friend, your love, your significant other to walk hand in hand, side by side for the rest of your days. Giving of each other’s love is the most precious thing that can be given, more precious than anything you can buy. You can’t take objects with you into the afterlife, you can take the love you have with you.


We didn’t buy for each other, but we know we love each other after 52 years

You totally deserve to feel appreciated! I would also feel bad ! You sound like an awesome wife ! Good job !

Do you normally celebrate valentine’s day? We don’t make a big deal about a hallmark holiday, we love each other on all the other days of the year just as much if not more than most on that junk holiday.


You should communicate this to him . Also love languages is a great audio book for you both to discover what your love language is … it might help you both see what you need in your relationship

Yes, my husband doesn’t get me anything or say anything either. We been together almost 10 years. He tells me he dont need a day to tell me he loves me. He says it’s a conspiracy for big business’s to gain money off people.


We are in Texas where the ice age is happening so I had not been to the store in the couple days before. He managed to get to a store and got me a card and his gift was to shave his bushy goatee.


My BF of 7yrs went above and beyond for my birthday then Christmas then our anniversary… All between Dec and Feb. I told him I didn’t need a bunch of stuff on Valentine’s Day. This man came home with a bear, card and chocolates. No flowers this year… I got him a card and his cologne. He was almost out. Also, on the affection thing, a hug or 2 a day, a kiss or 2 a day, and a message here and there thru the day matter. And ALWAYS tell them u love them! :woman_shrugging:

I felt like this for a long time with my husband but in all honesty, he didn’t know or understand how I felt until I sat down and explained how I felt to him. Things didn’t change overnight but he now expresses his appreciation a little more.

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Acknowledgments are free period (there is no cost to say I love or appreciated you), and seriously cards especially are inexpensive -he could have made it work IF HE WANTED…


I have been married for 15 years this February one thing I can tell you is if you don’t tell him he doesn’t know. Did you say hey are we getting Valentine’s Day gift for each other or do you want to go out? My husband and I talk about upcoming events, come up with a game plan. We decided to go through life together which means talking about things and making a decision together.

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I know its frustrating but you need to tell him how you feel. Try to find time with no interuptions. Be honest and keep the mad emotion out of it. If you get mad he will get defensive and communication will break down. Maybe he doesnt realize its important. Talk talk talk. But also listen! Hopefully both of you will come together to a better understanding!


I choose not to celebrate Valentines Day

Talk to him about things like this… Also, every chance should be taken to show appreciation, not just one holiday.

Married people are suppose to give gifts on love day?? Me and my husband stopped giving gifts to each other on Valentine’s day 15 yrs ago. We know we have each other and that’s all that matters. We make sure the kids get something, that’s what makes us happy. He works, I raise the kid’s, cook and clean. We both know what each other brings to the table.

I didn’t get anything, but I didn’t want or need anything. If I want something then I can get it and he encourages me to do so…

I was sick in bed all day, horrible day.

Have yall ever celebrated it?

I didn’t get anything from hubby either, but I laughed at this video today :joy:


Brittanie Marie Valdez

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Half of my home state of Texas is without power during a winter storm that we haven’t seen since 1989. People are literally freezing to death.
My husband didn’t get me a thing for Valentine’s Day, but he DID go out in a snow storm to find us any groceries possible, helped construct a fort of blankets and made sure that me and our son were comfortable as possible.
Start a gratitude journal- appreciate the day to day things that your husband does for you and by showing your gratitude- he may start to show his.
If you’re just after materials, dump him and find someone who gifts physical gifts.


I wouldn’t take it to heart. Most people have these expectations and if you feel the same you shod have told him so. Most men don’t get subtle hints. They need it spelled out. My HO and I do t do valentines day. We will go out of our way to so something together a day of two later but never in a typical valentines manner. Yesterday he sorted a babysitter so we could get out on our motorbikes and I have to say. It really gave me a lift.
Talk to him. Dont just assume he doesn’t care or appreciate you. X


If he loves and provides for you all year you should be thankful. He loves you if he is going to work every day and caring For you just be thankful


I am 2 months post partum with our first child and we have been together for 7 years and married for 4 and he didn’t get me anything. But I didn’t get him anything either and we are broke from having a baby and me not getting paid maternity leave. Soooo I guess it makes sense. But a card couldn’t have hurt. I totally get where you’re coming from. I love him and he loves me but sometimes it’s nice to be made to feel special.

My husband got stuff for me. This year I dropped the ball and didn’t get him anything. I usually go all out. I felt bad but this weekend is his birthday so I’ll just do a little extra this weekend. He knows I’m having a difficult time with my class right now.

Some men need a little push. When dates like our Anniversary and Valentine’s, I start asking my husband about which restaurant he’d like to go to. If he says I don’t care, then I ask if he wants seafood, Italian, steak house, etc… I make a reservation after that. In a way he kinda picked the restaurant. If we are out together and I see something I tell him that I would love the item for that day. The conversation usually goes like this, “If you need an idea on what to buy me for Valentine’s Day, I’d really love this”. Sometimes I get what I want, other times nothing. In the finish you’ll at least have a dinner out.

We usually just get the kids something and then have a nice dinner the following week when it’s not as busy. But honestly, I dont need or want anything. Just spending time together is enough

I believe Valentine’s Day is more for the young new couples that don’t live together and don’t see each other everyday. When you live with your significant other you are constantly doing gestures for them . Everyday little things taking trash out , doing the dishes, changing the oil in your car, buying groceries etc. All these little things add up quickly and they turn out to be everything. To splurge on one day shouldn’t be necessary to show love.


Different love languages sis.
Communication. Or he’ll never know.
But first you have to figure out his love language and yours.
See I’m one for gifts, cards, being physical etc.
My husband on the other hand is more of a “I’ll acknowledge holidays i just hate them.” It took me YEARS to respect that.
But he also respects my love language and will buy me something small.
You gotta meet in the middle.

I bet he still loves you.
And I bet he liked the gift but in his mind he probably Just thought it was unnecessary.
Like I said, talk to him. .you might need it. :slight_smile:


You need to talk with your husband and tell him how you feel. Guys are so clueless. Never know how to speak to us. It’s frustrating, absolutely!

I have a lot of friends who have this issue. I think it comes down to communication. My husband and I have known each other since we were 14, and if financially possible, he always gets me gifts/flowers/etc. but he 1000% knows I expect it. I’m not a “buy me the world type of woman” but you can bet I want to few a little extra special a few days if the year. & I reciprocate hardcore (he got great gifts for Valentines Day). And no he doesn’t neglect me year round. He still makes sure I never have to do things like put gas in the car, run to Starbucks in the morning and grab me coffee, plus do all the laundry for our family of 5. Some inexpensive flowers and chocolate never hurt anyone and your feelings are valid. Set the expectation that you want to be treated special sometimes and let him know it bothers you. Don’t let those feelings fester.


I didn’t received any on Valentine’s day it’s also our wedding anniversary,I understand because we both don’t have extra budget for that,I have been hospitalized and lots of medicine needed that’s why both of us understand that we don’t needs gifts or celebrations for that day as long as we have each other back that’s enough :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: we can still celebrate any day we want when everything is fine

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My hubby and I have been together 10 years as well. This year I surprised him and made it all about him. I made him a card, I made dinner and got flowers for the table. I don’t feel unappreciated tho. He didn’t get me some eccentric gift but he did make me a nice rose pedal bubble bath, gave me a bottle of wine and took care of the kiddo while I relaxed and watched the office on our iPad. :heart:


I have been married for 34 years. We do not celebrate it. Men do not always get it. You pretty much have to say. Hey Valentines day is Sunday don’t screw it up!!!


We never do Valentine’s Day or Christmas for each other. We spend our time and money on our kids :woman_shrugging: I mean I would love to get something but my husband doesn’t even think about it


We don’t go shopping for much, I’ve been with my husband for 12 years and even though we didn’t do gifts, he cleaned the house and took care of the cooking for the days. Which was great for me.

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Really in the end it’s a day like any other and maybe he doesn’t care to celebrate it. How is he the rest of the time?? Me and my husband try to always do things for each other not just on a certain time of the year. Now if he never makes you feel appreciated that is not ok and you need to have a serious talk wirh him.


Sometimes you have to ask for what you want. If getting a gift on Valentine’s Day is important you have to tell him. You have to communicate your love language. If it makes you feel appreciated and loved when he randomly brings home flowers- tell him. Or whatever it is that would make you feel good.

What bothers me more than anything is that he didn’t even appreciate what you did for him. A gift is a gift, but it costs $0 to say happy Valentine’s Day, run you a bath, give you a back or foot massage etc. and be appreciative.