Do 4 month olds need water?

My 4 month old refuses to drink water. Does anyone have any tips to get him to drink water?? He keeps getting dehydrated and the only thing he will drink is milk but when i give him milk he keeps throwing up.


Have you tried icy poles?

Doctors tell you not to give water as the milk is everything they need. He has to keep having milk even though he is throwing up :cry: is it a bug?


Try watered down Apple juice


Ur not supposed to give them water not good for them at that age in ur breast milk and/formula there is enough.


If he keep getting dehydrated something else is wrong with him


Pedialyte different flavors they have strawberry that seems to work on mine

He doesn’t necessarily need water… Formula or breast fed they get all the water they need from the milk.

He doesn’t need water if he’s having breast/baby milk. It keeps them hydrated and fed. If there is a problem it’s something else. You need to take him to the doctor, he may be lactose intolerant. This isn’t something you can wait around for. He NEEDS milk until he’s 1 and food added in from 6 months.


Diluted coconut water is very hydrating even if he s only getting a little as he gets older u can dilute it less n less keep offering milk n watch his urine output n colour

Do not give water to your 4 month old.


I sometimes add ‘mio water flavoring’ to my kids drinks. It’s safe and it makes them think its a juice / kool-aid. Target / walmart carry them. I love the pineapple mango flavor and strawberry watermelon.

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He doesn’t need water. Try switching formula.


Scratch that I read the post wrong. I thought it said 4 year old… In that case baby is to small to drink water. Baby gets all it needs from formula or if nursing than breast milk.


Talk to your pediatrician and see what they recommend formula wise if your baby doesn’t tolerate what you are currently giving.


If your lo is dehydrated try pedialite my best friends a nurse and she swears by it. Comes in clear “water” or different flavors they also have pedialite popsicles

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Do not give a 4 month old water please.


He’s only 4 months old, wtf are you doing giving him water??? Milk only.
Milk only.

I get parenting doesn’t come with a handbook, but come the fuck on people


As much as advise is great from other parents sometimes it’s just best to speak to ur own doctor. My little guy had vomiting bug wen he was 4months old couldn’t keep the milk down so we were advised by a professional to give water he just took little sips & he is fine today. We were lucky tho as he took the water with no issues. Good luck & wen in doubt talk to a professional to many wannabe doctors on these sites x


At 4 months is it throw up or spit up? Is he being burped after you give him milk?


Offering water will not kill your baby :sob::woman_facepalming:t2: if they’re dehydrated, then usually offer it. I had to do either ice cold water or a little flavored water. When in doubt, call your local pharmacy or doctor…


There are many kinds of infant formula so I am sure that your pediatrician or nurse can help you find that right one for your baby. If your baby is vomiting from a virus and not an intolerance to the formula your health care provider can also help.


Don’t give water. Ask pediatrician.


Pediatric pedialyte babies shouldnt have water until 6 mos atleast


Don’t give anything besides formula

No water at 4 months give pedialyte for infants

ONLY FORMULA OR BREASTMILK! he’s 4 months old!! Shouldn’t even have sterile water until 6 months old And even then only a FEW SIPS! Even if they are puking some out it will still keep them hydrated my son’s also 4 months and he’s doing the same. Just feed less MORE often. NO WATER OR JUICES. Some people’s comments oml…


Only formula no water they get enough water in the formula try pedialite plz or go to ER

I just want to say- no you shouldn’t give your kid water until 6 months in most circumstances, however when my son was about 4 months old, he began projectile vomiting 4-5 times a day for no reason at all. WITH THE ADVICE OF OUR PED, we gave him alternating doses of 3mL of water and 3mL of formula every 15 minutes for 2 hours and then had to wait 2 hours. I will say he did not take very well to the water…maybe that’s what this mama is doing, just left out some details

Call Telehealth and speak to a Registered Nurse or call your local pharmacy and speak to a Pharmacist - Seek medical advice.

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Usually it’s not recommended to give a child that young water. It dilutes the sodium in their body and can cause water toxicity. If your pediatrician told you it was ok to give small amounts of water throughout the day but he is still refusing to drink that and he’s still vomiting up the breast milk or formula another phone call to your doctor’s nurse advice line might be in order. If they are closed for the holiday today then you shouldn’t hesitate to bring him to an ER. Infants can dehydrate quicker than adults and they might have to run an IV of fluids. You should also have him checked for a dairy intolerance/allergy. That could be what’s causing the vomiting and he might have to be switched to a soy based formula. If you’re breastfeeding I think removing dairy from your diet will help him but I’m not 100% certain on that. Always speak to your pediatrician before making any changes to your son’s diet. Also I hope when you say milk you mean formula or breast milk. Cow’s milk should not be given until much closer to 1 years of age or after they turn 1 since their tummies can’t digest it yet.

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He’s doesn’t need water. He gets enough in formula or breast milk

Would highly suggest you see your doctor. But giving water to a 4 month old is not suggested. I mean dropping 1 ml to 2 ml of water with a dropper wont kill them but I wouldn’t personally do it. Milk should be the main source of food up until 6 months of age. Try a lactose formula. Or a different brand of formula I liked similac for my little one she had issues with others. Make sure you burpe her frequently when feeding. And if you can find a bottle like the doctor brown ones with the green tubes in them to help prevent air bubbles well their drinking. It really is pretty normal for babies to spit up and throw up when on formula its not normal if their throwing up crazy amounts like a whole bottle but 1-4 ml of spit up at 4 months is so normal! Just it one sitting we used to have to wipe up puke constantly. Just try to avoid the water thing. If your baby is very dehydrated please go to the emergancy room. Watch for signs of dehydration like lethargic, sunken in soft spot, crying alot, irritability, throwing up lots, sunken in eyes, etc. Those are some good warning signs to look out for at any point if dehydration gets serious it can become deadly. Take your baby to the hospital if their not keeping down any fluids for 1 full day. Best of luck hun.


He refuses it probably BC he’s NOT suppose to have it!!!
My daughters pedi. said absolutely no water til 6 months and even then only 2 oz. It can actually kill your child. If your child is throwing up and dehydrating its either from the formula your giving him or he has a virus.
Feed him more milk.
Or TAKE him to his pedi.


He doesnt need water at 4 months. See a doctor to get recommendation


He’s not supposed to have water.


It’s been 10 years here for me since I had a newborn. I would of called the doctor or went to the ER ASAP! I know you can’t give that age straight up water…


He needs to see a doctor.
The nutrition from formula or breastmilk is all he needs. Adding water to his diet can interfere with his nutritional needs.

I gave my son water from this age. Dont worry what others say, each to their own. A way you can get him to drink it is, add a small little sugar to the water or you can google the salt sugar solution and give it to baby, in moderation ofcoz


Unless its dr approved you shouldn’t be giving him any because it can mess with their nutritional needs. You should probably take him to the dr

Please call the doctor!!! Do not let the internet tell you what to do…or of people give an opinion just to do it…call the doctor…every child is different and every doc is different


I give my boy water with the flavour drops. Just like juice he loves it. My boy is 2 and a half though (not a baby)

U dont give a 4 month old water


Exactly. Don’t take advice from the internet. And just because another mother got lucky and gave her infant water does not mean you Should take the risk. Just call the pediatrician if you’re worried about severe dehydration like hard solid stools for multiple days. In my own experience my daughter who is 8 months now had reflux extremely bad as an infant. After feeding her we sat her upright for 45 minutes. She still threw up sometimes but she’s gaining weight. If your little one is gaining weight they will probably tell you he’s fine but still check.


Kids under 6 months are not supposed to have water…or milk for that matter. Still should be strictly formula or breast milk at that point and nothing else…


STOP giving your baby water. It’s not healthy. They get enough fluids though formula or breast milk. :person_facepalming:

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Where r u located? My 22 month old won’t drink plain water but their is a grocery store by us that sells flavored water for babies so we buy that.

At 4 months old he isnt supposed to drink either one really, he needs formula or breast milk, whatever your doing.
I done forgot but i think he can have that baby juice at this age…

Find a new formula. 4 month olds are not supposed to have water.

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They don’t need water. They get that from the milk they drink. Change the brand youre buying.

:rotating_light:Do not give that little baby water! :rotating_light:Only breast milk or formula!


Give him less milk in the water

He shouldn’t be having just water that young anyways

Your 4 month old is not supposed to be having any water. They say no water till 6 months and only 2 oz at most in a 24 hr period. Baby needs to be drinking formula or breastmilk. If baby is dehydrated go to the hospital dont try to self help. 1 water fills them up but provides 0 nutrients they need and 2 it can cause water intoxication which can kill your baby.

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Your 4 month old shouldn’t be drinking water…

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Your not suppose to give a 4 month old water


Your 4 month old needs to be drinking nothing but formula or breastmilk. No straight water.


Don’t give him water. Find a different formula for him. He shouldn’t be drinking water. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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The baby can have up to 4oz of water.

1oz for how many months old the baby is


Breast milk or formula only u can do serious harm to ur son if u switch it up hes not suppose to have any baby foods untill 6 months!!!

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Maybe you need to ask the pediatrician


Bay leaf and water boil let get room temperature

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Pedialyte they even have popsicle ones if your baby doesn’t like juice

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Take this baby to the doctor!


Yeah a 4 month old shouldn’t have water. Take baby to the doctor. The formula may not agree. Baby may need soy.

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4 months old aren’t supposed to have water! if he is dehydrated, take him to the doctor!!


Please do not give a baby that young water especially if baby is breast fed. Breast milk is 80%water. Formula is 50% water. Baby’s can get fluid intoxication and get swelling of the brain and it can be fatal. Please please speak with your child’s pediatrician. If you’re nursing you may need to change something in your diet. If formula change formulas. Please seek medical expert. Water that early is not recommended!!


Please do not give this baby water or milk. Only formula or breastmilk.

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Online advice is going to make you feel confused and unsure. Call your dr. Even if its to get advice. Typically babies dont drink water unless theyre older. If he is really sick, they recommend an ounce of pedialyte at that age. If he refuses to drink anything, the Dr will most likely tell you as long as hes drinking something its better than nothing. That age is delicate because they can get botulism or food poisoning.

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We were told no water til 6 months and i would definitely make an appointment to see why baby keeps throwing up

A baby of 16 weeks doesn’t need to drink water…he will be getting all the water he needs from his milk either breast or formulas


A 4 month old should have nothing but formula an water

No water!!! Formula or breastmilk only at that age


And this is why children die/have died. They go to Facebook.


Babies that young dont need warer since their formulas/breasrmilk have enough. I wojld call the doctor is baby is getting dehydrated and ia puking out its formula/breastmilk. This seems like a medical thing and should 150% be consulted with your doctor asap. Hope the little one ia alright.


Your 4 month old baby should not be drinking regular milk or water. Google water intoxication. You cant even start giving babies water until 6 months old and even then its literally suppose to be rarely and only an ounce or so at a time. Their stomachs cant tolerate milk at that age. So its no wonder your baby is throwing up. Formula or breastmilk only. Probably has a bowel impaction now from the milk. So you may wanna take your baby to the doctor instead of asking fb for advice on this one.

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Doctor, Pedialyte or gatorade

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4 month old shouldn’t have water

My pediatrician said I could put fruit in it or even use the water enhancers (mio…they even have ones with vitamins). Sometimes when my daughter isn’t feeling good I mix in pedialyte…I try to avoid juice because of the sugar on the teeth all day.

I only introduced water at 6 months when baby started taking solids.

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What makes you think he’s dehydrated? Is thus something that just started or is ongoing?

A 4 month old should not be drinking water. If they r throwing up from formula or breastmilk u need to consult a dr. To see watch is going on


DO NOT GIVE A BABY THAT YOUNG WATER! It can kill your baby. Ever heard of water intoxication? If baby is breast fed, they get plenty hydrated from that. If they are formula fed, they get plenty of water from the bottle when you mix it with the formula. That’s why they tell you not to water it down to make it stretch. It must be made exactly as stated on the can. Too much water causes their bodies to release sodium. Losing sodium can affect brain activity, so early symptoms of water intoxication can include irritability, drowsiness and other mental changes. Other symptoms include low body temperature, puffiness or swelling in the face, and seizures.
AAP and WHO will tell you NO WATER until 6 months and even then, only 2oz a day.
How do people with kids not know this?!


No water!!! Only breast milk or formula!!!


Formula or breastmilk only.


Please do not take advice about your precious baby from keyboard doctors. Go to the er of family doctor if the are opened. My son almost died because of this when he was only a month old.This is serious!

Please do not give that baby water! My son did the same thing throwing up all the time, he had laryngeal penetration. Breast milk and/or formula only please!

Do people not just take their kids to the doctor anymore??


I wouldn’t continue trying to give your baby water. If you’re unable to get into your PCP I would maybe try switching formulas, or urgent care/ER if he/she becomes lethargic.

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Try Pedialyte and little bits of water ain’t gonna kill your baby. I brought water with me to the Dr and made sure till she was about 4 months old I gave her an oz or 2 of water since hospital if baby isn’t drinking water try an oz of Pedialyte and an oz of water but don’t go over 3oz


You need to call his doctor if he keeps throwing up and you need to STOP giving that baby water. Babies under 6 months are unable to properly digest water and it can throw their electrolytes and sodium off and you will have serious problems!!!


Pedialyte Popsicles!!

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Ok to sum this extremely long comment section up , DO NOT give your child under 6 months of age anything besides formula or breast milk UNLESS your dr tells you too !!! DONT take medical advice from the internet because someone got lucky or there grandma back in the day did it and they are fine! And last but not least CALL YOU BABIES DR PlEASE!!!


Pedialyte is ok for 4 months old. Little sips at least to rehydrate

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A 4 month old should not be drinking water


Throwing up milk means there is something wrong. Your instincts should tell you to run to the doctor not to Facebook.


Are you sure he’s not throwing up because he is being overfed?

Change the formula put a little sugar in water,

Nothing but formula or breastmilk under 6 months!! Call your pediatrician’s number if they’re closed, they’ll generally have an answering service that will have someone call you back. Follow their instructions. Good luck!


A little sugar or flavoring in the water

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