Do babies born at 37 weeks need the NICU?

I gave birth at 36
Weeks my son didn’t go to nicu and he latched easy and straight away but all babies are different. Normally with gestational diabetes the baby is bigger

I had a baby at in the middle of my 35th week. He did not need the NICU. He just needed one extra night because he was jaundiced. But otherwise he was perfectly fine

My daughter was born at 25 weeks weighing 1 lb and 15oz. Today she is 36 years old and well.

My baby tried dropped on week 25 and around then I developed gestational diabetes. I was able to control it with my diet but main concern was keeping her in. I went into labor week 37, 3 days before my scheduled c-section. Though my baby was small she was healthy. My doctor said typically if the baby is over 5 lbs and healthy NICU wouldn’t be necessary.

37 weeks is considered full term, but it all depends on the baby. some need more attention than others, even at full term.

Had my son 37 weeks 8 lb 10.5 oz he was definitely ready :joy::joy: he was in NICU for 1.5 days but not because of being early

My baby was 36 weeks. Didn’t need nicu

I had gestational diabetes and was really high risk. Had my daughter at 38 weeks scheduled c section. 8lbs 6ozs. Never needed the NICU. She was and is healthy as can be. She’s 8 on Aug 24th and stands at 4’9

I don’t have experience with this so no advice but pointing out this does not sound stupid. Your post is well communicated and I would have the same concerns presented with this situation. Mine were 41 w 4d and 39 w. I wouldn’t know what to expect with this one coming tht early. Glad lots of people have similar experiences to put you at ease hopefully. Good luck.

I had my son at 37 weeks and was all good. Home in 3 days as I was unwell after having him. Had my daughter at 38 weeks and was home the next day.

Not necessarily. Babies born at any gestational could be in the NICU for many reasons. My 37w4d rainbow didn’t need NICU. Anything after 36w is considered full term. Ive had a 39 weeker in the nicu.

Had my baby at 36 weeks, didn’t need the NICU at all and went home after 2 days.

My son was born via emergency section at 37 weeks because I had pre eclampsia, he 7lb 13oz and totally healthy, no need for NICU. Stay positive and good luck :grin:

I was induced 38 weeks for both of mine. Had preeclampsia w the first and gestational diabetes w second. Neither had to be in NICU.

I had 2 kids 3 weeks early both were fine one was 9 lbs with jaundice 1 was 7 lbs perfectly fine

My baby was born at 35 weeks, no nicu time. It all depends on babys health, growth and development. My daughter could breastfeed well, we were lucky and I had steroid shots before her birth to strengthen her lungs.

36 weeks is considered term

I had an emergency c section at 34+3 and my little girl was born 4lb 6oz but was perfectly fine we was sent home the day after she did develop jaundice but we just kept her basket under the window in natural light.
All babies are different so I wouldn’t worry about it x

I was induced with my youngest at 37 weeks exactly due to hypertension. I had a couple days notice so I got two steroid shots to help his lungs. He was perfectly healthy and we had no NICU or extra hospital time.


I think it just depends on how the labor goes. My mom has my sister at 36 weeks and she got to go home next day. I had my son at 39 weeks and he had to go to the Nicu for a month because it was a traumatic labor. He ended up having to get surgery at 1 week because his diaphragm was paralyzed from it.


My son was born at 36 weeks and didn’t have to go to the NICU. We just had to stay in the hospital an extra day. He’s almost 8 weeks old now and doing great. It’s different for everyone though so it really depends on you and your baby. Good luck to you. I hope everything goes well <3


I have diabetes and had my last baby at 37 weeks and she did not need the NICU, but she did have a hard time latching so we used a nipple shield and it was very helpful. By the time she was 3 weeks old she was able to latch correctly (and no sore nipples )


I had gestational diabetes and went on my own at 37 weeks and 1 day and she had a sugar issue with her first feed but after that she was fine we went home 2 days later ( my choice they were gonna let us go the next day ) … I think it would just depend.


My daughter was born at 37 weeks and she’s perfectly healthy. 36 is considered full term, everything should be fine. If you have gestational diabetes most likely the baby will be a good weight.


Depends but I delivered at 36 weeks and was able to bring baby home.
I had cholestasis and then developed preeclampsia. I went into the hospital at 35 weeks & 3days they were able to hold off delivery for 4 days until I was 36 weeks then I was induced we were in the hospital 3 days after birth (total stay in hospital was a week with the 4 days prior) but my baby didn’t have to stay in the NICU we were able to take him home & do jaundice treatments at home. Prayers for you and your little one.


Not necessarily… It depends if something is wrong. Both mine were under 35 weeks so it was mandatory in my state for NICU time… Plus both were also under 4 pounds. They needed the incubator. It just depends is all. I know babies born at 37 weeks and no NICU time


My oldest was overdue, induced and 8lbs, spent 10 days in NICU with pneumothorax he never latched, had to pump and my youngest was on his own at 36.5 weeks 5.5lbs and no NICU. We stayed an extra day. He latched but I pumped after 6 weeks. Both healthy! Both C sections!


My daughter was born at 35 weeks 6 days. NICU doctors/ nurses had to be there when she was born, to evaluate her. She didn’t need to go though. Just had her blood sugar checked every couple hours for the 1st 24 hours. She was 6lbs 9oz

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Depends on so much but 37 weeks is not generally a NICU need. My first son was 36 weeks - no NICU but my second son was 34 weeks and he did stay a week in the NICU based on his being early. All and all … as long as his weight is good, he’s breathing on his own, and not showing distress he should be fine. Saying a prayer that all is well with your 4th blessing.


All 4 of my pregnancies were born at 37 weeks. One induced, 3 on their own, all gestational and all healthy. They were not considered premiees or high risks. But they were all jaundice and needed blue lights for several weeks.


I had my daughter at 36 weeks, she was perfect and hairy :joy:. They kept her In the neonatal unit for few days but was for some complications during delivery, but not due to her gestational time. Wish you well and many blessings

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Today is actuallyy son’s Birthday and he was 37 weeks. He was 6lbs 3oz. Perfect except for a little jaundice. I went in to labor not induced


37 weeks is considered full term; I had pre-term labor with two of my pregnancies and that was the magic date they wanted me to reach. The lungs are fully developed by then and they are at a healthy weight.


My 36 weeker (to the day) daughter and my 37 weeks and 1 day son were both fine, zero need for any intervention or NICU. However, both had jaundice which is easily treated and not a huge deal!


I had gestational diabetes with my last baby. He needed a day in the NICU to monitor his blood sugar, and he was 39 weeks. He was fine, but the doc in the NICU told me sometimes the babies produce too much insulin to compensate for your lack of insulin so their blood sugars go too low. Idk if this is the practice in every hospital it it was my experience


I went into labor with my twins at 36 weeks and no nicu for them. With my last daughter I was induced at 38 weeks and no nicu for her either. My cousin delivered at 34 weeks and he had no nicu time either. I think it just depends on each person and each baby. Wishing you good luck and many prayers!


My son was born at 37 to the exact day so he didn’t have to, he was 6 lbs but they monitored his breathing at first because he was having problems. 37 is considered full term I believe. I barely passed my diabetes test. My younger son was born at 29 wks 3lbs 5 oz. He was in the NICU for 5 wks. They expected him to stay until my due date but he was a rockstar. I had gestational diabetes with him. My water broke at 37 wks so I spent 2 wks on bed rest at the hospital to prevent infection. Ultimately I think it isn’t so much when you have it but how the baby is doing after being born.


I had my last daughter at 37 weeks due to gestational hypertension. She has happy, healthy and nursing no issues. Could nicu be a possibility? Yes. Even a 40 week baby could need the nicu. I hope for the best for you and baby :heart:


A baby at that gestation can do just fine. If the baby doesn’t have any other medical issues. My daughter was born at 34.5 weeks and was out in 3 days. Blood pressure issues. Try not to worry mom.


I had 2 boys at 36 weeks one that needed oxygen and to stay a few extra days and one that ended up in the NICU. I had my daughter at 37 weeks and she was fine other than Jaundice. It varies so much from pregnancy to pregnancy but I honestly would say to trust your doctor’s judgment on what is best for you and the baby. My doctor’s did everything they could to keep my babies and me healthy. My NICU baby made it 11 more weeks in utero after preterm labor began at 25 weeks.

I actually think it’s odd that at 36 weeks your little brother was only 4lbs, but 37 weeks is very normal especially when you have diabetes to the extent that you do, the more insulin you take can be harmful if the baby gets too big inside. Really after 36 weeks your considered full term.


My little girl was born at 25 weeks. Amazingly she latched, sadly I didn’t produce enough. Generally they plan for NICU if before 39 weeks but if all is good at birth, chances are you’ll both go home. We spent 66 days in NICU. She was 1lb, 10oz. Tiny! She came home 4 weeks before my due date.


I had my first at 37 weeks. Induced but got her by emergency c section. She did not need the NICU. My second came at 33 weeks and 4 days…NICU for 4 days. Third I had at 40 weeks…no NICU …every baby is different.


My kids were born at 34 weeks, 37 weeks and 38 weeks. None spent any time in the NICU.


Of course SOME babies born at or after 37 weeks still need the nicu, but most wouldn’t. My twins came by scheduled c section at exactly 36 weeks because baby b had several birth defects and needed to come out right then, but baby a had zero nicu time at all stayed with me the entire hospital stay.

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My son was born at 37weeks he was 10lb3oz,I didn’t have GD or anything like he had very low bloody sugar levels which nearly put him in there but they came right just in time.
It will all just depend on how baby is when born. They do say anything over 37weeks is seen as to term.
We only stayed 48hours in the end as his levels came right

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I had gestational diabetes and gave birth at 37 weeks. He was 7lbs 14 oz. He did not need to be in the NICU. All depends on baby’s Apgar score and other stats.


Depends on baby! Mine was born at the beginning of35 weeks did not have to go to the NICU at all
She stayed with me the whole time and 4 lbs 12 oz had her Saturday morning and came home Monday
They should give you the shots to develop baby lungs a little faster
But a full term baby was born while we was in the hospital and had to go to the NICU
Depends on baby and situation

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My son was born at 37 weeks and his lungs were not developed so he spent 10 days in the NICU, however, my other son was born at 38 weeks and he was perfectly fine, so honestly, it depends on the baby.

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I had my youngest at 35 weeks and she disnt spend any time in the NICU. And had no issues breastfeeding her at all


37 weeks is considered full term. Both mine were born at 37 weeks.


My baby girl was born at 35 weeks and did not need and nicu. Only a little jaudice other than that perfect!
My son was born 37 weeks and a few days and was perfect too! 9 lbs 5 oz… big baby!

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All babies are different, but typically a 37 week baby is considered term and everything is usually fine. I’m a NICU respiratory therapist for 25 years. :heart: congratulations!

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It really depends on the weight/apgar/other stats. I can tell you my son came early at 36 1/2 weeks- was 6.5 lbs no NICU, home 48 hours later perfect in every way

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I hope this makes u feel better. Ive been diabetic all 3 of my kids my newest son is 2 weeks old born at 36 and 6 days exactly he did need the nbicu because his sugar dropped way low due to i couldnt stay out of the 250 range my whole pregnancy he was breathing great and normal and was perfect only low sugar my other two were perfect with a basic iv to help keep there sugars up and didnt need an nbicu

I had my last 3 at 37 weeks. They were all fine went home next day. As long as Mom & baby healthy. No breathing problems or complications during delivery. Good luck ! God bless !

I would wait to 38 weeks if you can. Babies born less than 38weeks don’t usually breastfeed well, they are so sleepy and just don’t have the energy to feed for very long they usually always need supplementation. Boys also don’t mature as fast as girls inutero so that’s why you may see them not do as well if born early, so they may have some respiratory distress.

Baby will probably need nicu either way because they have trouble regulating their sugars when mom has GD and will need monitoring. If baby needs the nicu, baby needs the nicu. Theres nothing wrong with it and its better safe than sorry.

I’m type one diabetic all
My babies were born at 37 weeks and were all perfectly healthy and did t need the nicu for breathing or sugars! Good luck!

37 weeks is generally considered fullterm, but they usually like to let the baby come out when it’s ready. With gestational diabetes, he shouldn’t have a low birth weight. The last 3+ weeks are usually when the baby is gaining weight, everything should be grown and ready to function in the outside world by then. Try not to worry. You’re doing great. The doctors generally know what’s best for mama and baby.

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My last 2 were both born at 36 weeks and they were healthy

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I was induced at 37 wks with mine because the placenta was detached. He was a little over 6 lbs. They told me at 37 wks lungs are developed and would be fine. He had a hard time latching on but I also have bigge nipples. No ICU but had to stay a few extra days to be monitored and they had me feed him through a syringe. He eventually was able to latch on. Once he started gaining weight there was no turning back. He is a wonderfully smart healthy 9 year old now.

My one daughter was born at 36 wks and she was good she didn’t need the NICU at all. It all depends on how your delivery goes honestly everyone is different. I hope everything goes good for you

As long as baby is healthy there shouldn’t be a nicu stay but if baby has some complications or is small there will be a nicu stay

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I’m in the nicu with my baby in which I had at 36 weeks 2 days pregnant and he has been on oxygen and cpap machine he will be 2 weeks on Saturday so 38 weeks then he was actually big they said he weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces but they said every baby is different another baby his age could have been born and not needed the air pressure in the lungs like he does. It just really depends he has a feeding tube they didn’t feed him anything for the first 2 days just sugar water through an iv he just started taking full feeds today we are making progress if he goes 48 hours without needing his tube they will remove it.

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My son was born at 30 weeks, went to NICU for a couple of weeks. I was told he wouldn’t make it pass the age of 2, he is now 14 years old, and get on my nerves with fortnight. Lol it’s up to the baby. Just keep praying. :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

I’d say it depends on how things go? I had to have a planned c section for my daughter being unable to have natural birth and that happened at 37 weeks. She was perfectly fine. I had issues during but we were both given the all clear and sent home 3 days later with no nicu. I suppose it is all down to how baby is once born! Congrats and the best of luck.

My niece was born at 37 weeks exactly to the day she was a little under 6lbs but beautiful and healthy she did not need to be In the NICU and went home on time my oldest was 10 days late my youngest was born a day before my due date :joy: be so I don’t have first hand experience

My baby was born at 36 weeks. No medical reason, he was just ready. They gave me a steroid shot to mature his lungs and he was fine except for a 24 hr stay under billi lights. Hes almost 10 now and just fine

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My first 3 were all at 37 and all were perfectly fine but I didn’t have the diabetic factor. Praying for the best.

I had my 2nd at 38 weeks and 1 day and no issues, and she was an emergency breech…my son was just at 39 and also completely fine, but I also think it depends on how you’re pregnancy has been and how healthy the baby has been? Good luck momma!

My baby boy had to be induced at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia. We received the steroid shot to help his lungs develop a couple days before his 37 week. He was born perfectly healthy but tiny. He was a little bit jaundice but other than that and being tiny he was perfect. I wish u the best for you and your little one. :heart:

I had gd with all 3 of mine, middle son i had it the worst ans they delivered him at 36 weeks ans because if the insulin he weighed 11lbs 3oz. They wouldn’t deliver him without special care and he was born hypoglycemic but he was fine. He is 4 now and he has always had his chest as a weak spot, they gave me steroids as his lungs were underdeveloped he has asthma but other than that he is fine. We were hone from the hospital within 4 days jf delivery

It depends on your child. Everyone is different. My son was born at 35 weeks but measuring at 32… due to having a stomach bug. Born by emergency c due to a placental abruption… he weighed 3.15 and we didn’t have to spend any time in the nicu. We stayed in the regular labor and delivery for 5 days so he had more time. He was perfect a little jaundice and had some trouble regulating temperature but healthy. Pregnancy and delivery are never cookie cutter everyone is different. Good luck❤️

It depends on their stats once their born. If their stats hold strong they will not need a NICU


I had 2 sons at 37 both were fine. I had my daughter 36.2 days and she stayed in Nicu her lungs needed surfactant. She stayed for 6 days

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We deliver babies all the time 36 weeks and up and they rarely need to go to the NICU! With GDM we are concerned about the baby’s blood sugar, so as long as it’s good, baby should be able to stay with you :crossed_fingers:t3:

It depends. Mine was 36.5 weeks and didn’t need to be…she just had a little jaundice.

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I delivered my last at 37 weeks and he was healthy as can be didnt need any nicu time stayed in hospital 24 hours. I was induced. It just depends on how baby is doing after and during delivery

Honestly, always depends on the baby. I have seen babies born at 36 weeks and not need the NICU. My oldest daughter was born at almost 40 weeks and had a week stay in the NICU. She was fine for the first 24 hours then was rushed to intensive care after no bowel movements and failure to eat.

I was induced at 36 weeks and my son did not need the NICU… he was 5.3 pounds. He also did just fine with latching for breast feeding. I will say that they did give me an injection to help his lungs develop at around 34 weeks, knowing I would need to be induced early due to some placenta complications. I think that helped him stay out of NICU.

I think it depends on delivery and baby. My little guy was born at 37 weeks on the dot. He came on his own time and never needed NICU. A friend had a baby born at 37 weeks that needed NICU for various things despite having a healthy pregnancy

yes. it all depends on the babies blood sugar after it is born when they will bring them to you. theu will have to keep checking the babies blood sugar.I am regular diabetic and they watched my boys carefully. my oldest was in the nicu cause he was a sugar baby and really big… my little one was in the nicu cause the diabetes made me have him at 34 weeks.

Not usually, unless they have something that presents itself at the time. My 37 weeker came right to my room!

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Both of my boys were csection emergencies at 36 weeks. My oldest sons bilirubins were off and needed to be in NICU for 3 days under the heat lamp. My younger one, no peoblems.

I went into labour naturally at 36 weeks 6 days. My daughter came the next day so I was 37 weeks exactly. She was perfectly healthy, she didn’t need the NICU. We were home home the following day. She did require to be readmitted to hospital the morning after we went home for severe jaundice, she had to get light therapy due to being born at 37 weeks x

Up Till 35 weeks babies are considered premature. A full term baby could end up in the NiCU. It all depends on the baby. My first was 30 weeks and stayed a month in NiCU. My second was at 38 weeks and just had low blood sugar

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I had two babies born at 34 weeks and neither of them spent any time in the NICU. With my one daughter I’d had steroids to develop her lungs but with my son I didn’t have anything. My water broke or they’d have probably tried to stop my labor with him. Both were 6 lb 13 oz

I had a daugther at 35 weeks and she went home two days later didn’t need the NICU I had one of my son at 37 weeks and he went home two days later best of luck to u hun

Not always, it really depends on how developed the babies lungs are. My son was delivered via c-section at 36 weeks and was in the NICU only because of the anesthesia that was used to put me under due to complications considered risky for me. If no anesthesia had been used he would have been great.

It depends on how much he weighs. He will probably need insulin after being delivered. It can go away after a few days or so. The baby may need a little more pra tice latching on but he should come along nicely. Congratulations and God bless!

My oldest was born at 37 weeks. Perfectly healthy but stayed in the nicu for 4 days because she had a hard time maintaining her temperature but that was it.

Just depends on the baby and mom
They took my daughter via csection at 37 weeks because she wasnt gaining the proper amount t of weight. Was born weighing 4 pounds 14 oz. And came back to my room with me right after surgery! Tiny but oh so mighty!!

I had a baby at 37 weeks and gestational diabetes with him and he didn’t need nicu. But it just depends on how the labor and delivery goes too!

I had my second at 37 weeks she was a bit under weight but did not need the NICU she will be a 1 in just a few weeks her development was amazing she growing so nicely now as well

There is no straight answer for this. It totally depends on your baby. If your baby is fully developed and there are no complications, no.
However, your baby could have minor complications that require the help that NICU can provide.
Most babies at 37 weeks are developed and can thrive out of the womb without extra care, though your dr may give you medication to help the babies lungs. Also babies born to moms that have diabetes tend to be bigger( not always), I wouldn’t worry to much.
If you are really concerned, talk with your dr. His goal is to bring a healthy baby into the world, I’m sure he wouldn’t induce labor if he felt the baby wasn’t ready, unless it becomes dangerous for you or the baby to wait.
Every pregnancy is different, the person you need to take advice from is your dr. He knows you and can give you a better answer than any of us.

I too had gestational diabetes with my son , I went into labor at 36 weeks… he was born perfect. Did not need nicu. He is now 33 years old and the best ever. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

Both of my kids were planned c-sections at 37.5 weeks, because of previous fibroid surgery. And I was on bedrest for 6 weeks prior with the first one because of low amniotic fluid. No NICU for either one. They are 19 and 17 now, the oldest turns 20 this year.

Depends. 37 weeks is considered full term. I was induced at 37 weeks and my son was healthy and did not need the NICU.

My youngest was born at 36 weeks exactly (premature rupture of membranes). He didn’t need any extra care and nursed like a champ from the get-go. I was tracking my cycle so my due date was as accurate as it could get.