Do I have a right be upset if my ex doesn't invite our son to his wedding?

Omg I would be livid. That is his son, he should have been in the pics and for sure he should be part of the wedding!!

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I’d be pissed. My son was in my wedding-in fact he was a huge part of it and in almost every picture. He dad got married-had a shot gun wedding-soon after and didn’t invite any of their kids, nor did they tell anyone about it until pictures surfaced online. It hurt our son a lot and he still talks about it. He was only 6 at the time.

No doubt you are so hurt for your child but if dad doesnt even bother to ask it’s his loss. He will always look at those photos and all they will remind him of is how he didnt even ask or try to have his son there. Doesnt bode well for his inclusion in dads family but he will have his momma x

2 yrs ago Ish my dad got remarried. I only found out like 2 weeks after. I was the only child of 4 not invited. The other ones were. Soooooo yup… I was 31 at the time.

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I would be pissed but I wouldn’t tell your son. He doesn’t need anyone but his momma! :heart:

Yes I would casually ask the dad what arrangements he was thinking of making abiut his son attending the wedding, would you drop him off or would he collect him, also did he want to have him for his outfit fitting like you werent ever contemplating that he might not be at the wedding, and watch his reply and reaction. Do not get stuffy with him if its the wrong answers, but do tell him to be the one to explain to his son if its negative. You must bring it up to hopefully soare your child that hurt in the future. When children are slighted like this they do not put it behind them and it always hurts, like they werent important enough to the parent. Of course if he dies not want him there, you will be hurt for your child, but do not make a scene. You will have done your part. Hopefully he will want him there. Have the conversation.

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When my dad remarried for the third time we were there but when they took family pictures it was only his 2 kids from his last marriage and her children we were completely left out

You could take him to just the ceremony.

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My son’s father got married when my son was 19. He invited his parents and his siblings and her adult kids were in the wedding. Never said a word to my son, then posted the pics on fcbk. My son is now 32 and hasn’t spoken to his father since. I have never said a word. He burned that bridge and it’s not my price to pay.


Well my first initial thought is if this woman is going to be in your son’s life and apart of his family she should have wanted him to be apart of that photoshoot to begin with. His father should have also made sure that happened as well. The fact that they haven’t already brought it up and or wanted him to even be part of it doesn’t look like a promising future for any of you I’m sorry to say. If I were you I’d just flat out ask and if he says no… that’s going to put a huge dent into your son and yes you as his mother have every right to be pissed off! Good luck!!


We had my stepchildren in our wedding… I can’t imagine not having them there .


Yeah you have a right to be upset, it seems to me he is moving on with his new life and leaving his son behind. Id tell him if he doesn’t want him in his life then sign over his rights and then he can sit down and explain to his son why he doesn’t want him anymore.


Dads decision, his wedding.

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If it’s his sced weekend then hes set to go.if not then hed have to ask if this wedding is soon and he hasnt I’d say they arnt having him there

Please remind him that it will bite him in the ass down the road for the NO invite to the wedding!!!

I would be absolutely pissed, but at the same time, I’d want him to ask y’all’s son to be in the wedding.

I’d crash the wedding. Oooopsie

So is he in your sons life regularly at all? Yes you can be upset but I wouldn’t ask if he doesn’t try to do anything with your son regularly. Why pretend to be a perfect family if he neglects your son otherwise… but if he is regularly then you should open his eyes to it. He might not be thinking about it the way you are or his wife doesn’t want it…?

If he don’t ask for him to be at the wedding forget it. Take your child to do something he likes to do. When he get older he will see the truth and make up his own mind if he wants to spend time with his dad. Maybe your son will be too busy for him. For now just focus on your son and make happy memories he will always remember. :pray:


How can he get married and not have his child there???


He shouldn’t need inviting he should be going anyway! His dad should have already made these arrangements but also depends on the age obviously


Any parent who doesn’t want their child at their wedding obviously isn’t a parent at all… poor boy😞 stay strong mama♥️


I’d be upset if he doesn’t invite your son. He’s apart of two families, and therefore should be added. We as parents do so much when our children are little to help keep the relationship with parents open, communication and visits. A wedding shouldn’t be any different. I’d be asking why he isn’t invited and who made the decision not to allow him to come.

Hell yeah you have the right to be mad when someone hurts your child like that Mama. How will your son feel when he’s older and realizes they didn’t want him there? It’s very wrong, especially seeing as his sister is being included. This stuff makes me so angry.

They should invited him to be in the wedding photos not just one kid should involve all kids

My sons dad made him a 2nd best man and he is a child. You need to ask because your kid WILL be devastated if he is atleast son said if dad didnt have him there he would be very angry and sad. If he wont have him document it

I was 18 when my mom remarried and my older brother an I weren’t invited to the wedding while our younger siblings were in the wedding party. I was hella bitter about it. She and I no longer have a relationship and I’m better for it. I’m not sure how old your son is but if he is old enough, I’d ask him how he feels about it but I wouldn’t want my daughter to feel like her father was forced to invite her…

I didn’t get to go to my uncles wedding nor did any kid because they had an adult wedding.
My cousins (his kids) didn’t get to go either.
So that is understandable.
But to have one kid but not the other included is disgusting.
Very harsh!

Oh what a fucker!!!

Your kids totally should’ve been there for the pictures AND the wedding… they should even be in the wedding as ring bearers!

My son was I think 4 when his dad got married. He wasn’t involved or invited. He doesn’t see his real dad but has had my husband for 10 years. I was pissed but now I realize I can’t push that relationship.

If your son it usually at his dads on day of planned wedding. Why would he need invote as will already be there. Maybe ex dosnt want you knowing all details

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No… Let it serve as a reminder…
Your son will learn soon enough who loves him… It’s not YOYR responsibility to make dad see kid… It’s dad’s responsibility…

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No I wouldn’t ask. My daughters uncle got married a while back and she wasn’t invited as it was a no children event… Even though she’s almost 16…
I wouldn’t bother he would of already asked otherwise x

I think it would depend on your sons age

I would ask especially if you usually have your child that day. Don’t be accusatory just say " I need to confirm he will be at your wedding so I can be sure he has the proper clothes.". If he says no then just say no problem. Yes you can bead, upset or whatever just don’t let your child know that. If he asks you why just tell him I don’t know sweetie you need to ask your Dad and LEAVE it at that. Take the high road and let him decide his relationship with his Dad on his own. It is hard I know. Just be there to hold him if he needs it. When you clarify to your ex and he confirms son not going don’t say anything to your son unless he asks. He will learn how important he is in his Dad’s life on his own.

Yes you have every right to be upset. After all, he is your son and watching your ex hurt your son is very painful for you. I would personally say something if your son wants to be in it. But you have to keep in mind, if he is excluding him now over his new family then he will continue to exclude him and it will continue to hurt him. You have a tough decision to make. Do you really want him in his life knowing he is doing this to him? I dont know what kind of father he is but I had to make that tough decision while I sit and cry with my kids.

My answer is quite different from the ones you’re getting. I’m a vocal person. I always speak my mind despite what others think or say. If I were in your situation my mama bear would come out. I’d be having a talk with dad. I wouldn’t care that he’s getting married or starting a new chapter in his live. But to exclude his child from that new chapter is messed up. I wouldn’t try to change his mind but he would definitely how I feel and think on the matter. I don’t know how old your son is. But I’ve always believed a parent should be the voice of their child when they can’t be their own. Your son must be heartbroken and so confused right now. And his father should be aware of what his kid is feeling over his careless decision

Leave it alone, encourage your son anyway you can. Your son will end up making his on decision on his dad, stay out of it and just love your baby through it.

There are so many men and women wrapped up in their own world of dreams that they forget what they left behind. Just stay out and make a new for your son.

Not knowing how old your child is hard to say. But I wouldn’t ask. I’d let it play out. Your son will or does already know what is going on. But seen they took pictures and didn’t include your son as well says alot.

I personally would ask in a matter of not caring, and this is for two reasons. My ex husband is a challenge. One If I didn’t ask at all and it came up later it would be well I didn’t think you’d want him apart of my wedding so I just assumed since you didn’t say anything. (It then becomes my fault and I’m not even going to give him that) Two I ask in a matter of not caring because I want him to want my child there and not feel obligated because than it prolongs the reality for my sons but softens it a little for them.

And yes I’d be hurt or upset as well but at the end of the day I remind myself it’s not about me or him it’s about my children and if he isn’t going to try to make it better than I’ll do what I can. I.e explain to my child that some people just don’t see things the way we do. That your dad isn’t trying to purposely leave you out but he is. Tell them (your child) that his feelings are very real and have every right to feel that way and then talk about there feelings with them and ways to cope with it. Just talking takes the power away. Sometimes they don’t even care and it’s more us. (Depending on the situation)
I’m not sure how old your son is but my sons are now 18, 14 and 13. I’ve been dealing with this stuff for 12 years now. Mine are now old enough now to call there dad and talk about there feelings with him. For instance he took my younger two and his 3 with his wife to universal and didn’t even think to ask my oldest (because at the time he is 17 and works was his excuse) my son called his dad and told him that’s messed up and so on. It’s actually helped there dad become a better father not perfect but I see a little difference.

Just my opinion. Maybe ask your child’s father if he plans on including him in his new life because he was excluded from the engagement pictures when their daughter was included and hasn’t been included in the wedding. If he says no, I’d take a long, hard, take. I don’t think I would want any of that mess around my child. It could become abusive and he’s already been disregarded.

You don’t say anything about the age of your son so that would make a difference but the bottom line is your Ex may not want your son at his wedding. He may be trying to cut all ties with you and your son and start a new life with his daughter and new wife. I learned a very long time ago one of the hardest things to accept is that we cannot make people do what we think they should. The more you make of this the harder it will be for your Son so be careful how you handle this.

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I feel sorry for the young son. Some day he will realize that his dad excluded him in the festivities. I saw this with my own daughter. I knew her dad was remarrying; and that our daughter wasn’t included. She later saw pictures of her half siblings in the pictures. She’s now an adult, and her father has passed away. But she still feels the pain of being excluded.


You can not force the baby daddy to be a good father. Nor can you force his new wife to be a good step mother. Is it in the best interest of your child to put him into a situation he is not wanted.? Children listen to our words and watch our actions. Make your words and actions positive parts of his life. As he gets older he can choose whether or not to have a relationship with his father.


I would definitely ask him privately…if the answer is no, I would lose all respect for him. Be strong for your child, dont let him know what is going on. Good luck…


I’m sorry but this is BS!! If he doesnt include his child in his wedding that says a lot about him as a father and as a human being. When my ex got remarried, I was very hurt, but he made sure to include our daughter in their wedding and he even did the pick up and drop off to make sure that she was included without having to involve me at all. Even though I stayed at home and cried, I have to give him kudos for making sure she was a part of his very special day! Now this was more than twenty years ago but I wouldnt expect anything less today!!!


I agree it is dependent upon the age of the child. I also agree to speak with the father and soon to be stepmother to find of they plan to include the child and if not explain why. I disagree with it being your responsibility to explain it to your child. The child’s father is making the decision he should explain why he is excluding the child, age appropriately. But as mom your job is to be there for your child to support them and let them know you love them.

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As a mother we carry the pain for our children. The pain they are feeling is a lot worse. I would ask the dad in a private setting why he excluded the son. He has a son he can’t go away, no woman should ever feel comfortable excluding a child, she choose to get in a relationship with a man who had a son and he choose to start a new relationship with a son by no means does it give him the right to exclude the son out of something like this, he has a sister by his father they need to be treated fairly.

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You are better off if your child doesn’t attend since the adults have already been living togather. It just might be more hurtful than you realize. Their daughter will be included in everything and your son won’t.

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That’s a tough one. Remember every one is different and reacts differently. I don’t even know these people and I hurt for your son and you. Prayers and hugs.

My 2 brothers and I were not invited to my fathers wedding either but I am sure all of her kids were at it. I am 46 now he got remarried when I was 9 or 10. This still hurts me today although we have never spoken about it. We have a very distant relationship.

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It is their perogative to invite who they want at their wedding. It is their moment to shine and live their best life. It is not a good idea to organize their wedding, like it is a funeral.

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You have a right to however you feel! I know if my first husband left our daughter out of his wedding I would be upset for her.


You can’t force a man to love his kids. Too many fathers aren’t around for their kids. Sounds like his fiance is influencing his decision. Just love your kid.


I can understand your being upset because you are afraid it will hurt your son. I am sorry your ex is letting this happen. It foreshadows what kind of father he will be to your’s and his son. You can’t make him love the child or treat him with respect. You didn’t mention if he sees the child regularly or has him over to their house. I would leave it alone and let it take its course. If your ex is so dense he doesn’t see how this could effect your son, he doesn’t need to be around him.


Why are you going to push something that the ex obviously doesn’t want? You’re setting your son up for major heartbreak and disappointment in my opinion. Take it from someone that has a step momster that only dealt with us because she had to. My room raised my brother and I because we were an inconvenience to her, but their daughter together got everything she every wanted… it’s turned me into a bitter and angry person in my adult life. She didn’t get better as we got older either. Please do not push or force him to be apart of something he clearly is not wanted in. You do you mama, and raise your baby with the love of both parents for him. :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: It’s better off for him in the future in my opinion!


You can’t force them love your child, concentrate on filling in the gap that’s gonna be there for life. Your son will appreciate the parent who loves him. And don’t speak negatively about the other. Children DON’T forget.


I would be upset, for the child. That’s his father, he has every right to be at his fathers wedding. I would feel as if he was picking favorites.


Does you son want to be there? Start there. If it is important for him to be there then I would bring it up. If not leave it alone. If your ex wants a relationship with his son he will find a way. If not, no sense in putting your son in that very uncomfortable position. You love him, you listen to him.

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My dad never invited me when he married my step mom. I didn’t even know he met or was dating anyone. My dad had my brother and sister there, because they lived with him. My stepmom’s kids were their too. Yet I was left out. I had a lot of resentment towards my dad. I was also left out of family outings they had. When I asked my dad he said he didn’t have any room for me. Needless to say I didn’t have a very good relationship with my dad. I would point that out to your ex. That if he excludes him. His son could end up resenting him for it. My dad passed away last year and we didn’t reconcile, which hurts. I wished we had a relationship. Now it is too late.

U shouldnt have to ask him if hos own child is invited…
By being left out of the engagement pics should let u know that he has no intentions of him being in the wedding…
N the fiancee needs to realize he has another child also

I would ask you son how he feels about it. If he is upset, then ask his father why he is being left out. If he is not upset, leave it alone.

You cannot force a man to be a good Daddy. You cannot save your child from them just be there to support the child and help recognize their feelings about what’s happening.

I would just assume he’s going and ask him what he wants his son to wear. I would be upset too if he wasn’t invited.

Do nothing
Your son will soon see how dad and new mom will treat him, IF he brings it up tell him to ask Dad
sit back and grab some popcorn

Don’t ask him. If he doesn’t bring it up that tells you all you need to know. Going forward unfortunately your son will always take a back seat to his “new” family. Sucks but actions speak louder than words

I wouldn’t ask he should know that don’t be mad it’s his problem when your son is older he’ll wonder why no one has time for dad

it doesn’t matter if your child didn’t get on their wedding day. …in the first place don’t mind them anyway. …sorry for the words maybe you assuming on that occasion :v:

Dont do anything if he wants him he’ll ask…take your son and make him the center of your life…his date might regret this someday but i doubt it…

It depends on how old your son is. Your ex may think it would be too much for your son to see his Dad kiss another woman that’s not his Mom.

it’s not right for one child to be left out. I would fix it so he would never see that child again

My ex was like that with my children but he treated his son different

You can feel upset and hurt but butt out. The father will lose in the end. Your son will make his decision. Mine did. You can’t make his father be a dad.

I dont think u should get upset they might not get along or something couldve happened that he dont want him there he might change his mind later on but i wouldnt force him to invite him

Need more info. Does he c his son often.

Go take your son out for a fun day all his own. If he’s not invited, it’s not the dnd of the world . Why should you be mad about it? It doesn’t involve you.

ask your son how he feels if hes fine shouldn,t bother you,its not about you.

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Go Ahead And Ask
He Might Be Thinking You Wouldn’t Want Your Son To Be A
Part Of His Wedding Just Mention To Him If He Would Like His Son To Be Part Of His Wedding Too.

Sounds like the new wife doesn’t want your son to be part of the new family

How old is your son? If he’s to young to know what’s going on let it go.

I never comment on these things but I’m genuinely surprised reading most of these comments.
Your ex is officially forming a new family that day and I would really think it would be important to him to have his son involved. Someday, down the line, there will be pictures and your son will see that his half sibling was included but he wasn’t. It matters and I feel that’s very wrong on his father and new step mother who should be doing everything possible to make a healthy and cohesive transition into becoming an official family. (This exact thing happened to my friend’s child, and later on, the child was very hurt at not even being included. Turned out they didn’t really wanna include the child in very much of life afterwards as well) I could totally understand if your ex asked you to come pick him up maybe after a while into the reception but in my opinion, it’s very strange that he hasn’t asked or come up with a plan that he’s mentioned. I’d bring it up, kindly and respectfully.

Unless they are eloping with literally just the 2 of them then it shouldn’t matter at all.

Now, as far as being upset…No. I don’t agree that you have a right to be upset whatever your ex decides to do. This is totally on him and will affect their relationship and the relationship between your son and new step mom. I would still be sad and probably disappointed for my child if I were in your shoes, but in my opinion, no right to be upset.

Leave it the HELL alone. He has obviously moved on, you do the same and let that man live in peace

Hell yes its his son. Why do women think men make the decision

The only one to be upset is the child , if he’s old enough to understand .

Yeah some future mother of America award…if you can’t blend the families then don’t make the families.

Talk to him maybe he felt you would let him have him … afraid to ask . Talk in good spirit communication is key in co-parenting

Sounds like you are lucky to get rid of your ex.


Leave it alone he’s a low life anyway

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Your son does not need to go to the wedding he would be ignored anyway. Move on your son does not need him he will soon figure out his dad is a loser