Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

Green and brown do go together tho…
What tf would you do if he tried to control what you wear? Double standards are ridiculous


Shut the fuck up maybe he’s color blind

He is a full grown man he can dress the way he wants ur not his mother. And his child can dress however he wants as well. They are just clothes.


Keep saying to yourself: “I am not responsible for his choices. I can only control myself.” It took me a long time to learn that.

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Yeah, you sound crazy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Lmfao this cant be real?! Girl hes a grown ass man leave the man be lol

Have you thought that yes he might not match but he also might be color blind! Instead of picking a fight just let him do him bc at least he’s trying

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Was he dressing this way when he first became your boyfriend? If so, Maybe you should let him be his own person, trying to control someone’s else’s way of dressing is not conducive to a good relationship.


:rofl::rofl: is this fucking real

You sound controlling af. I would hate being your spouse :joy:


I used to jokingly give my husband some crap about it and he became a little bit more aware :joy:. Now when he wants to look nice he’ll be like ….so does this match or just no??? Lol.

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Let it go woman. There are so many other important things in life. Quit stressin over something that doesn’t even matter.

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My husband does this…at times. But I buy his clothes, so they tend to all match each other. My 12 year old son on the other hand…would wear neon colors all over if I’d let hin

My ex was Horrible about that! He sends our daughter home with unmatched clothes as well. :woman_facepalming:t2:

No hunny, you don’t have the right to be mad about this.

If you want to have full control over how one is constantly dressed go get yourself a doll xx


Imagine this the other way round :eyes:

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Is he telling you what to wear? If you’re embarrassed of him you might as well go ahead and get rid of him now.


My husband doesn’t always match and sometimes it irks me too but I usually dont say anything unless we’re going somewhere nice or it’s an occasion. Or if its something totally ridiculous I’ll make a joke but let it go after that… I wouldn’t sweat the small stuff tho


:sob::joy::joy: my husband is the same way honey it took me to buy his clothes and help him with fashion/matching… all it take is you to just teach him girl!! take him with you shopping… my hubby now knows how to dress better …either way I dont care on the days he doesnt match because if he feels comfortable then I let him be… he could complain about how bummy I look every morning but he doesnt because he loves me and accepts it. :person_shrugging::smirk:

Pick and choose your battles


Chill out its just cloths


Yes,I use to let things like that bother me.I had to realize I can’t control everybody and everything!Guess I’m less stressed!

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Bitch what :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: let that man live his life. Lmao. I wonder how you are about finances or kids?? Chill tf out.

I say to my husband, “did you have your eyes open when you got dressed?” Lol
Not in an ugly way but to make him think again. I’m not high maintenance in this way but with how rarely we get out, I kinda care that he care a little. In the same sense that we don’t go out with BO.
He wears shoes that I hate but he loves he loves them. He gets to be himself and so do I.
But if it’s a constant to impress people on your part, you need to let him go be happy so you can go find someone who can handle your “OCD”. :woman_shrugging:

He may be color blind. Or not. I can think of A Lot more important things to stress over. Just sayin

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LOL PICK YOUR BATTLES… this is the littlest shit of the most little shit to be concerned about. Embrace the dork and enjoy his dork-ness. He treat you right? Is he good to you? Is he a good human? Is he a wild thang otherwise? Do you love him? Does he love you? Or is he a wife beating alcoholic drug addict without a job or a future? Get yourself straight girl

Unless you going to a wedding or dress up affair-Let it Go!!

You’re kidding, right?! My boyfriend never matches. But he’s an adult. So if he wants to wear clothes that don’t match, then rock those clothes that don’t match.

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At I the only one wondering what the difference is between bright black and dark black?


What did I just read??? Like… What?


He may be color blind. Different variations make colors look lighter or darker or like another color all together. :woman_shrugging:
Maybe get a check on your OCD. I’m not letting mine ruin my marriage.

Buy his clothes . Match them for him .

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Soo I like to put forks in my sister knife part because she hates it and it gives me a giggle but chat to him ocd is a real difficult thing to handle if it’s constantly in play in your day to day life try folding their clothes in bundles to be helpful but not too controlling they may appreciate it

He could be doing way worse than mismatching his clothes :joy:


Dress your kids. Leave your boyfriend alone. Pick your battles.


Do you mean khakis cause I feel like any color matches khakis and your not picking.


If the worst part of your day is that your boyfriend’s clothing didn’t match I would say you had a pretty good day…


He could be color blind. Or he just doesn’t give a shit like my hubby. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I think he needs to run :grimacing:


Good thing she don’t see me

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Maybe he is color blind

Pick your battles… matching clothing isn’t a necessity… lol

Lol how would you feel if your boyfriend tried to make you dress how HE wanted? Let him dress how he wants. His body, his choice.

The day you start using correct grammar and proofreading, is the same day your boyfriend will start matching. Until then, leave the poor guy alone. He wears what he wants and feels comfortable in.

My daughter mismatches all the time. But it doesn’t bother me because she is comfortable and pulls it off well!


He might be colorblind. I have a hard time distinguishing certain colors. I can not tell green from gray or gray from blue. Maybe start setting his clothes out for him. I always appreciate someone helping me.

You sound like a control freak, let him ware what he wants🙄


My husband never matches his clothes or my kids clothes either :sweat_smile: I pick my battles and I know this battle is either unmatched clothes or a family in various states of undress so I’ll take unmatched :joy:

Let him wear what he wants to wear.

Maybe he does it to be a jerk because he knows it bothers you so much


I think you’re being a little overbearing.

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You saw how he dressed when you started dating him and you keep dating him. So just let him dress how he wants. Unless it’s completely hideous. Some things aren’t worth stressing over.

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Who cares are the clothes clean, neat and no hole. PS except if they purchases them that way. Help him manage this better, be kind anyone can criticize.

Leave that man alone geez :roll_eyes:

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There are so many other things to worry about or spend your time on

I mean for one is he a good guy? Does he treat you kindly does he clean up is he there for you down for you there for your kids etc? If he isn’t then you have more questions to ask yourself etc

But the last thing The LAST THING you should worry about is his clothes matching. My dude could wear a potato sack and look like a freaking hottie because he is so handsome and wonderful and treats me like a princess I don’t care what he’s wearing I’m going to rip it off anyways

His body, his choice.


Does he get to tell YOU what to wear ?

Let him be lol….maybe that’s what he likes. Sometimes I purposely wear a top and bottom that don’t match bc that’s just what I feel like doing :joy: it’s me :woman_shrugging:t4: Let him be him

Lmaoo girl pick up some clothes for that man and yourself and tell him he looks really good in those and u just though y’all needed makeovers haha

:laughing::laughing: I’m certain this is a you problem that your going to have to deal with


Leave him to dress how he wants? Omg

If this is your only problem let it be!

Hes a grown man. Its his own style. Not your place to tell your man what to wear. How would you like if the tables were turned?

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Look up coping mechanisms


Well I guess I’m crazy and everything else y’all called her cuz ill be dammed if I walk out the house with a grown ass man who can’t color coordinate his own clothes. I wouldn’t care what he wore but it needs to match, clearly yall don’t care about appearance

Did he dress like that when y’all met lol


Does he get to tell you how to dress?Leave him be.Why does it matter how he dressed the kids?You should be happy hes dressing them

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That’s a personal problem. What he wears and how he dresses HIS kid is up to him lol


Does he shower? Take that win if he does :joy: who cares about the mis-matched clothes!


Buy him some clothes

Lay out the clothes for them

Accept people for who they are …

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That is just him. Love it or move on.

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Seriously, if this is your biggest issue with the man, count your lucky stars!! If it’s an important event lay his clothes our for him. Day to day, leave the man alone and be grateful he’s not into drugs, kiddie porn, abusing you or the kids, dog fighting . Jesus-Fix-It, there are so many worse things that could be wrong with the man.


I just want to know what’s wrong with a grey shirt and brown shorts… :joy:

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My dad couldn’t match stuff. Not if his life depended on it. So I used to hang his brown shirt n ties with his brown suit. Dress pants had to be paired with the shirts. One time he went to go out the door in a nice summer suit with boxers that had red hearts on them. I made him change. I used to say he needed granimal tags. Lol. Maybe ask if you could help with matching things. If he says no you will either have to let it go n learn to live with it or get out of the relationship

I pick my husbands clothes when it’s important events or company. Then let him dress in every other occasions he doesn’t seem to mind

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He’s grown if he wants to wear biker shorts and a FkN Tutu he can… my husband dresses a lil thuggish sometimes …not a damm thing I could do about it because I would hate if he tried to tell me how to dress myself💃🏻


Was he like that when you met him ? Sounds pretty petty you either like someone for who they are or not . Imagine him posting this about you lmao
This page I swear it’s so entertaining :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Is he color blind? My son was always like this. Navy & black, green & red etc. He took a test online & turns out he’s color blind.

My old neighbor only let her husband wear plain white t-shirts & jeans unless she matched them. He was just lazy. I match my son’s clothes on hangers so He doesn’t have to guess.

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If this is all you have to worry about, you have a charmed life…


You sound like you need mental help. Asap


I understand you on this . I like matching but have learned to not say anything . It the grand picture it’s just too small of a thing to cause arguements over


I feel like he has a right to dress how he wants. My fiancé wears obnoxious colors together and I just laugh. What’s the use in trying to change someone if they like the way they look?

I mean it’s his clothes…would you like it if he told you what you should wear? Probably not. Quit whining.

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I mean how doesn’t that match :rofl:

Was he doing this before the relationship began? If so you were clearly attracted to it in the beginning. Find that again.

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Is he possibly color blind? If so … then help him by laying out his clothes… if he not… why does it matter to you so much how he dresses… doesn’t sound like it’s really that bad … gray goes with anything… and two different shades of black? I wouldn’t say he didn’t match… I’d say you just don’t like it…

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I think he should be able to wear anything he wants without answering to you to be honest. And who cares. It’s just clothes.

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Sounds like it’s you’re problem not his… I mean is that really worth a fight? Probably not worth it… at least he’s not running around naked…

Just relax. There are bigger problems in life.


Um u aren’t his mother and he is a grown man. How would u feel if he was trying to control what YOU wear???

key words…HIS clothes…HIS kid!

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Look at the person not the clothes, people tend to expect others to be like themselves, what a boring world that would be if we all did it one way.


I just read the first sentence. No, you do not.

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Deff sounds like he’s colour blind…

God if him dressing mismatched drives you crazy please don’t ever get married.


I really am starting to believe none of these questions are real


Put his clothes out for him if it bothers you that much! Ask if he wants shorts or pants then proceed! I have been dressing my husband like that for 37 years!

What is bright black lol

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Mines too but I’ve learned to accept that he’s him and it’s his choice. Only time I do say anything is when we’re together going somewhere then I’ll be nice and say let’s match just to change his fit

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