Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

My boyfriend never matches. I have been polite about it much time. It drives me crazy. My OCD takes over too. He will wear a green/grey shirt with brown shorts or bright black and dark black…etc. He does the same thinking of dressing his kid. Never matches. Do I sound crazy, or how can I approach it differently without sounding mean?


My son is this way. He is 16 almost 17 and he is oblivious to fashion or matching, etc… And he REALLY doesn’t care. So unless it’s very terrible, I just let him do his own thing. Because his attire isn’t why I love him. You know? And I’m certainly not going to make him begin to feel bad about himself. People today are already so vain, so self consumed with their look even to the point of making themselves ill. It’s a terrible way to be…you know…so judgemental. Live and let live. They aren’t hurting anyone and if it really bothers you, maybe you’re the one who needs help.

Honestly no you don’t have a right to be annoyed. I’m sure you were aware of the fact he dressed that way before you got together and it’s frankly pretty damn superficial of you and petty as hell to be annoyed by how anyone dresses, let alone your s/o. Get a grip jeeze.

Does it really matter that much?

If it does, then mention it to him. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Or maybe buy him a few outfits, or go with him next time he clothes shops and help him pick some stuff out.

If you’re going somewhere nice, maybe pick out an outfit and tell him how handsome you think he’d look in it.

But generally speaking, people who have their own style, and mix match clothing that doesn’t traditionally go together… tend to be creative and individual, unique people. It would be a shame to change something wonderful about him, just cos you don’t think his shirt matches his trousers.

If it really bothers you speak to him… But he is only going to take it one of two ways a) he’s gonna be grateful and appreciate your input on his personal style as he simply just doesn’t know what matches. Or b) he’s gonna be offended that you dislike the way he dresses and feel you’re embarrassed to be seen with him… :woman_shrugging:t2:

It all really depends on if he dresses that way on purpose or if he just doesn’t put thought into his outfits.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

Sounds like he may be color blind?


:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:such a trivial thing to be upset about. It’s his style get over it


Choose your battles in my opinion.


That would annoy me in a way but my husband always asks me how he looks before we leave to go somewhere and will let me adjust as needed :laughing:

What’s more important the boyfriend or the clothes?

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Personally, I think you’re overreacting. If you can’t deal with how he dresses and that’s the most thing you’re upset about then probably should just leave.


You could probably just leave it alone and let him dress himself :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lay out his clothes the night before

If HE’S comfortable, thats all that matters :person_shrugging:t2:


You sound super ridiculous… if he’s comfortable who cares. It’s not your prob.


Lmao does it really matter? He is his own person and should wear whatever he wants. If you want to control his clothes on his body I’m scared to know what other things you try to control.


Buy him some nice coordinated outfits every time a gift is appropriate.

Good lord…really?:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Have you spoken to a therapist about your OCD?

Lol he is your boyfriend and it’s his style, you sound ridiculous. If it annoyed you how you are two together? Makes no sense…pick your battles, and this isn’t one of them!


Maybe he’s color blind

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I dont think it’s that serious.

Just do it yourself because it isn’t a priority for him and you won’t go crazy anymore

Do you want him to tell you how to dress?

May lee he wears what he wears because he likes it? I wouldn’t even mention it, just let him do his thing. If it doesn’t bother him then leave it alone I am sure you wouldn’t want him telling you how or what to wear.


Easy fix ! Go into his closet and match his outfits up and your problems are solved. I’ve been doing it for my husband for years.

Your not his mother let it go but if you see his kid as yours too I would take the initiative of dressing him and act as tjo your just helping out

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Yeah…that’s a bit much, hun. You don’t get to chose what he wears.

This is a wierd thing to complain about….

That’s like him complaining about the fact you’re OCD… it’s out of his control. Choose your battles, grow up. Lol


Wow. Who cares? At least he wears pants.


Let him dress how he wants, he doesn’t expect you to dress like how he likes, so don’t expect him to dress how you like. Save your energy for actually life changing important issues.


You could simply mind your own business. Or help him figure out if maybe he’s color blind

If he dressed like that when you first met him and onwards than you don’t have a right to really say anything lol if he always dressed proper and then started doing that I could understand asking what’s up but it’s still not your issue. He’s a grown man he can wear what he wants lol would you want him telling you what to wear or that you don’t look good? Lol


This bothers me about my husband… and he knows it. I usually just let it go unless it’s an important event, then it matters :laughing:

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Imagine being so concerned about your boyfriend matching when there’s men out here cheating and etc? Imo, mine doesn’t match half the time we go anywhere…do I care? Nope. Does anyone else point out to us he doesn’t match? Nope. Is it gonna affect your life? Nope. Such a petty thing to be so annoyed about…sounds a little controlling to me…

Just buy him new sh** and dress him. Tell him you enjoy it and how hot he looks when he tries it on for you. I do this with my husband.:joy::raised_hands:t4:


Just leave him be its choice on what he wears.

My Gma told me that that tho g that annoys you while dating is the thing that will eventually cause you the most grief. Pick you battles.

First world problems

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I love it when people go out and rock it without matching! Lol I have a friend who does that and she knows it and doesn’t even care. It’s just her. Some people are like that and it’s ok. Choose your battles here.

Maybe, ya need to smoke some pot…


Ugh stupid. If it bothers you that badly why not go find someone who matches cuz obviously hes not it. If you loveor like someone you like them for who they are not wanting to change them. Im sorry to be blunt but this is theeeeee most dumbest post I’ve read so far. Quit being so pathetic


Omg get over yourself. If your ocd is that bad then leave this poor man he DOES NOT need no woman to tell him to match his clothes and he can dress his child however he pleases

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You must have liked him when you met him mismatched🤷


This will ruin your relationship and future relationships because you think they dont match but maybe they look good to him

Yeah that’s a bit much. You should love him for who he is and not try to change little things like that.

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There are bigger things to worry about.

Sounds like he is color blind…

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Buddy if you gotta good man u gotta suck it up sometimes

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Is he color blind? He may have never told you because guys seem to feel embarrassed by it. My guy is green blue color blind as well as shade blind.

Don’t approach it at all. Leave him alone. That’s rude.

Lol, my husband does the same thing. It is annoying, he doesn’t see the big deal in it. So I’ve just been buying him stuff I’d like him to wear and leave it at that.


Let it go. It’s just clothes. Nobody cares…only yr ocd. Be happy. Life is short. Enjoy it with yr family.

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Life’s to short to worry about matching clothes…if that’s all you’ve got to bitch about, then you’re golden sister.

Men are more likely to be colorblind than woman but whatever. 'Let that man rock his shit"

Pick ya battles chic…definitely NOT worth stressing over

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Pick his outfit for him :woman_shrugging:t3: make it sweet. Lay his clothes out and run his shower :joy: :joy:

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Honey I get it. But lawd let that man be.

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Controlling much? Geez. Good luck to him on moving on.

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As long as they’re clean & presentable

Am I crazy or are the color combinations she mentioned compliment each other? Either way let that man live and get some therapy.


If that’s the worst thing about him, you’re doing well.

And seriously, this is a you issue, not a him issue.


Green and grey go with brown shirts so… I feel like you are just picking at the tiniest things to destroy your relationship


If it bothers you that bad you shouldn’t have started dating him :woman_shrugging:t3:

Wow!! Seems like a petty thing to be bothered by.

If i don’t like what my partner wears I just buy him things I like that that know he’d feel comfortable wearing also

For one: those color combos actually match. And for two: leave him be. He can wear whatever the hell he wants to. You are just looking for something to complain about.


This is ridiculous lmfao Get a grip. There’s people out there whose spouses are cheating on them and you’re worried about how yours dresses, I literally can’t :joy: bigger problems out there sweetie.


Is he colorblind? But also, unless you’re dressing up for an occasion, who cares.

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Politely assist him as he may have a slight case of color blindness, do it with love as I am sure he loves you.

Yes you need get a handle on your ocd because it may ruin your relationship your bf and eventually your kids. I am sorry to be so blunt.

He could be color blind… … if NOT … You could attempt to lay out his clothes for him… each day… but if that upsets him… let it go … Its a minor detail.

I would just tell him he’s not matching and ask if it’s on purpose or not. I would let him know it bothers me at most but he doesn’t care you shouldn’t either. If he wasn’t matching when y’all met and started dating, then idk why you expect that to change now.

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Is this a serious question


Are the clothes clean and tidy?
If so who gives rats what colours he wears. Let him be. At least he doesnt look like he crawled out of a trash can with ripped clothing


I don’t always match when I wear clothes. Let him be and dress how he wants. He is comfortable you wouldn’t like it if he tried to make you change how you dress.

Getting over yourself would probably be a good start.


It’s not that serious.

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Out of all the :poop: to complain about. :roll_eyes:

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My boyfriend is a bit color blind and he use to Mitch match and with our daughter. You’re not crazy. Unless I’m crazy too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I’m the same way but I just now prepare her clothes and help my boy out before he heads out the door and let him know what colors he has on.

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Maybe you try to find ways to control your “ocd” instead of really concerning yourself over what he wears. :woozy_face:


I don’t care what my boyfriend wears. As long as he’s comfortable and isn’t wearing smelly stuff it doesn’t bother me

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Does he tell you what to wear? Do you expect him to?
Leave the grown man alone. He’s not your child, let him dress how he wants. The only time your opinion matters if he asks for help or asks for your opinion.


Just be direct about it, girl! You love him, AND you want him to look presentable. Not like you’re asking for the universe, you’re literally asking for basic life/society standards!


Could he be colorblind?

Just a FYI Ocd is a anxiety disorder not about your bf clothes matching :woman_facepalming: also if it bothers you that much lay out his clothes like a child :woman_shrugging:

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You can’t control him.


Sooo you can’t wear grey or a green shirt with brown shorts lol :woozy_face:

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Maybe he’s color blind?

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Just buy his clothes :woman_shrugging:t2:

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There’s a bright black and a dark black?! Holy crap, I need to get my eyes checked. :rofl:


I feel there are worse things :roll_eyes:

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Idk, my boyfriend dresses like a dork… i just tell him he looks like a moron & laugh & roll with it :woman_shrugging:t3:. I don’t care what he wears unless it’s a formal thing like weddings or nice dates. Let him do him booboo.


If he’s been dressing that way from the beginning then you’re just going to have to accept it. I mean, it’s some fkd up boyfriends/husbands out here…you got one who doesn’t match his clothes…pick and choose ya battles wisely ma’am and enjoy ya life, enjoy him, and enjoy ya kids.
My ankle socks never match…and I’ll never care😆.


Pick your battles girl!
If matching clothes is the worst of issues- praise the lord and let it be!!!


Maybe just maybe he likes to dress like that…:roll_eyes: and if so thats his choice as it SHOULD be

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You could mention it to him. But in no way, shape, or form should be you allowed to dictate what he wears. He’s a grown man.
Leave him alone. Wow.


Take the giant stick out of your ass :woman_facepalming: if he was like this when you started dating then you knew what you were getting. He obviously doesn’t give a crap what people think and is teaching his kids the same, and that is a good thing. Stop trying to control everything. How would feel if he said you don’t look good in what you wear. YOUR OCD IS NOT EVERYONE ELSE’S PROBLEM.

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Somethings aren’t worth nagging a man over.

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OCD :roll_eyes: you mean control issues. Unless you’re actually diagnosed with OCD probably shouldn’t say that because there are actually people who deal with OCD daily . OCD is a living a living hell.