Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

Hahaha, you sound full blown crazy.
I’m sure he was this way before yall were married.

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Dark black with light black? I think you need a therapist for your “OCD”
Not everyone cares if their clothes match 100% of the time. If he was always like that, why is it a big deal now??


I’m sensing much larger problems here :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:


Buy him clothes and also pick out his clothes for him. Just say I saw this and thought it would look great on you. Maybe you can color coordinate with him to lead into guiding him on what to wear. He may need to bring you along when he goes shopping. I find complimenting when he does match and look nice help boost self esteem.
Maybe he really doesn’t care if he matches. Maybe that’s all the fit him and they are his fave.
Maybe he doesn’t have enough money to buy new clothes and or clothes blind abs has no sense of style.
This is an easy fix. They definitely need a women in their lives. You guys can compliment eachother by being this fashionista for them.

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I mean…what color is "bright black":sweat_smile:

Get him some garanimals!


Don’t waste your breath, I tried for 40 years to change my Xs way of dressing. It never happened. He thinks he matches if he wears green pants and a green shirt. It looked awful


Focus on ur shit n how u look and act

Mamas Uncut this is your issue. Either accept him as is or let him go. TO silently suffer will result in an explosion.

Yall bright black means newer black. The other is like a faded black. Im assuming. I won’t wear two different blacks together if not the same color.

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Get over it. He won’t change the way he dresses. That seems like such a small petty issue to me though. I’d suggest talking to your doctor about some medication.


Yeah. You’re crazy. Please let him go…because if that annoys you, then you shouldn’t ever marry him

Life is too short. Who gives a shit. Let the man wear what he wants.


Did you not get to know him well before being official? Surely, you knew how he dressed and that you’d have to deal with it.

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Well, this now it’s funny :smile:

Did you get with him to change him into someone else or because you valued him and loved him for him?


My mind is blown! :woman_facepalming:
Sounds like you may be crazy if you’re actually saying dumb shit like this to ruin your marriage.
Like what the actual fuck is going on here!
Asking for a friend

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You suffer from chronic control issues, whatever happened to “my body, my choice?”


Apparently you didn’t care about this when you meant him+ first started seeing him.
But want to dress him like he’s your Ken doll now?

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Shop for him and match his outfits…thats about as good as its gonna get.

Make sure he has one matching suit/shirt/tie, because every adult needs at least one set of wedding/funeral clothes and then get over it. Even if he never wears the suit, get over it.

They are clothes, that he likes and that he feels good in. This is one of those pick your battle things. I don’t even make my kids “match”. If it’s clean, in good repair(no stains, rips, tears, holes), and they are comfortable in it, then they can wear it. If they want to pair polka dots and stripes then I’m okay with it. If it that big of deal to you then you may want to reconsider the relationship


He may be color blind.

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Maybe he’s color blind. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

I wouldn’t… Leave him alone please. Unmatched clothes will have no impact on how loved YOU are, at the end of the day, but you picking on his clothing WILL have an impact on how loved HE feels. Don’t do that to people.


Is he color blind? My husband was…it was a mess ha ha

Maybe he’s color blind? But honestly it’s petty.


Bright black? Never heard of that particular color… Also don’t worry about how others dress… You would be shocked at what some people wear.

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I have OCD with a lot of things, matching stuff is one. However, when in a relationship, you need to put your OCD aside with some stuff. You are both there to make each other better, not to change one another. Take this as an opportunity to grow.


If he’s comfortable in them why does it matter?

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Yes, you sound crazy…
This isn’t a runway, it’s just life and men usually don’t care. Body parts covered, :heavy_check_mark:, good to go.


Dump him. He’s a sociopath and he’s doing it on purpose. If you have children with him he will teach them to wear shoes on their hands.
You can do better


Please don’t use OCD this way, it lessons the meaning for people who truly suffer from this mental health disorder.

“OCD is a mental health disorder that involves repeated, unwanted thoughts or urges that cause a person anxiety. In order to reduce that anxiety, the individual performs a compulsive action or ritual – sometimes one that isn’t necessarily related to the fear or anxiety that they’re trying to overcome.”

Also, let’s not judge other’s based on materialistic matters.


That would drive me crazy…lol

But. BUT. There is a 90% chance that he also just doesn’t care about matching and if you talk to him about changing his whatever to a different color because you have your own issues, that he’ll be perfectly fine and change and still not care about it. That being said, if he doesn’t change his shirt to match your OCD ya just gotta deal and not bring it up. It’s clothes, we really do not care that much so it is entirely possible to simply ask and we’ll be fine either way with whatever, that’s color mind you, not style.

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I think you can approach it by gently offering fashion advice and if he refuses it, let a grown man act like a grown man and pick out this own clothes without your input.

Mathew 6:25 suggests we shouldnt worry about what we will leave it alone.


Does he match his socks?:socks: ….:joy::joy::joy:

Maybe he is color blind? :woman_shrugging: it wouldn’t bother me much

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My husband is the same way so I straight up told him he’s color blind and doesn’t know how to match. I pick out his clothes now.

He can dress how he wants and he can dress the kid how he wants! You dress how you want and dress the kid how you want WHEN you dress the child!! You seriously can’t be that controlling you gotta tell him how to dress​:smirk::woman_shrugging:t4:
Sorry but that’s nuts haha


No because I’m assuming he’s grown and that’s your ocd not his… my husband never matches and neither does our son if he dresses him. It drives me crazy but they wear what they want. I’m not my husbands mother he’s a grown man… and he can dress our son in whatever he wants. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Most guys don’t care about what they wear. So either let it go orlet him go find a woman who can appreciate all that he has to offer.


That’s cute lmao.
He probably doesn’t care.
Or maybe he needs your help

Yes you sound crazy. :joy:


Madison Rose…is that you?!?

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Crazy? No. Self centered? Yes. Your boyfriend sounds like a nice guy who needs a new girlfriend.


I literally could care less. This seems pretty petty.


It may be as simple as he might be color blind. Just saying.


A bit self centered, as long as my husband feels comfortable and good about himself with what he’s wearing I don’t care. He is his own person. You do not own him.


Unless it’s a formal event don’t worry about it. I see plenty of guys mismatched and think nothing of it.


I don’t match most days either. As long as it’s comfortable and i can keep up with my kid.


My husband is a better dresser than me lol.

Learn to pick your battles! Not everything is worth getting upset over and he’s grown

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He can wear whatever he wants. If you ever have a kid, please, let them dress themselves.

Just a thought

Maybe HE likes what he’s wearing?

You do sound a bit crazy.

If the clothes are clean, and he doesn’t ask for help, or says he can’t find any…he’s good!!!

Definitely sound crazy

I think if this is a major problem for you, you must lead a fantastic life

maybe he is color blind

I can’t…

No you can not! You need to get help for your ocd!
It’s a grown ass man, not a kid… Match his clothes… :roll_eyes:

This is what your choosing to be upset :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

It sounds like your his mother and not his girlfriend,he’s a grown ass man and he can wear whatever the hell he likes,it doesn’t have to match

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I understand wanting him to match and look nice when going on dates and important events but everyday?? There’s no need. Let the man be himself. And kids don’t need to be matched. They need to be clothed.

Self centered on your part. Maybe a little to controlling.

Bright black and dark black :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


As I tell my kids “if all your private areas are covered your good to go.” Who cares if it matches as long as they comfortable/happy let it be.

It’s just clothes :woman_shrugging: is it really worth fighting over? I’m lucky if I match and my kids, they pick their own outfits. There was a point in time where all my 4 year old would wear was her skye Halloween costume. I didn’t care, she had clothes on!

leave him alone. if thats your only problem with him then your a lucky woman


My ex used to do this too, and it would drive me nuts! He would wear this ugly camouflage muscle tank, with a bright blue shirt underneath it. Purple Nike high tops with knee high socks and whatever ugly ass pair of shorts he pulled out of his drawers that day. I was blunt at the time and told him he looked like an idiot :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: but he was determined to be himself so I just let him be…. And didn’t stand too close :joy:

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You definitely sound over the top sorry but I think this is a little far out there

Me too girl me too :rofl: but for me it’s my OCD that takes over :smiley:

Maybe he’s color blind


He can wear what he wants.

Imagine if he went around telling you what you can and can’t wear :woman_shrugging:t3:


Pick your battles
You sound crazy :woman_facepalming:


Yeah your crazy he’s got clothes on so he’s all covered up its if he starts walking around everywhere naked is when you need to start worrying if you want to match your clothes then by all means go ahead but don’t expect him to follow suit his body his clothes his choice god my 3 year olds clothes especially her pj’s are all unmatched so she could literally end up with a paw patrol top on and her pants from frozen on but it’s no big deal she’s covered and comfortable

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You can’t. Because what he wears isn’t in your control and ocd or not, that’s petty.
If it bothers you with the kids, you get then dressed.

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Wth is bright black and dark black :thinking:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

I mean it sounds a little crazy. Ppl are allowed to dress how they choose. :woman_shrugging: also more common in men than woman but I have a very hard time distinguishing like colors. I ask my kids n so a lot for an opinion


Honestly, if a man came on here saying that about a female partner everybody would be up in arms and rightly so. That sounds a bit too controlling for my liking. I appreciate that you say you have OCD but if he were to change his dress style there could be another issue later down the line.
A person’s dress sense is a very individual thing and not for anyone to change unless the person concerned actually wants to.
I agree with another comment saying that if he asks your opinion, give it albeit kindly or keep schtum altogether. Not everyone has an eye for fashion or pays attention to detail but it’s what’s inside that counts IMO.


Honestly in my opinion clothes are clothes. And their material things and what you wear on your back does not make you the person that you are. So I mean I can see maybe trying to encourage a matching outfit but hey I don’t always wear a matching outfit you know I wear what the hell I want to wear to where I want to wear it to and that’s the end of it. And I’m an adult and nobody will decide what I wear everyday only myself. And that’s the way I see that. Now if I look totally ridiculous or something you know that might be different but other than that who cares. Why would you waste your time and energy being mad about the way the person dresses? I mean pick your battles here. And being in a relationship you know doesn’t mean you control the other person. And that’s the way it is. Because somebody like me will turn around and tell you hey I’m an adult I’ll do what I want how I want and you can’t tell me otherwise. And that’s the way I feel about it.


Yea I dress my husband sometimes….:joy: he will try and wear dark blue with black. Or black on black and it’s not the same color black… just a few things where I’m like oh honey no and I’ll give him a different shirt.

Maybe he’s color blind! If he wears a lot of solid colors that maybe the case.


I am OCD too, but only when it comes to socks. They have to be the same style but different colors. I don’t care what anyone says I will alway always have mismatched socks on. Also alot of men don’t care about the way they dress. I’m sure he isn’t doing it to drive you crazy. So like other suggested you could try laying matching clothes out for him. But even better you could find ways to help you cope with your ocd. He shouldn’t have to change who he is because of your issues. (Hope that doesn’t come across as rude, not my intention)

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Sounds like you need to see someone for your OCD. It’s not his clothes that are an issue


I think as long as his underwear are under the pants and his shirt isn’t inside out or backwards he will b fine n so will u. Ocd sucks but try to let go a little, it’ll feel :+1:


Try laying his clothes out for him I usually have my fiancé clothes out for him in the morning


Yes you sound crazy. Clothes dont have to conform :woman_shrugging:t2::thinking:

That drives me crazy with my grandsons too!!! So many people don’t care, but it is super important to me!!! I try to show them how to do it while they are young so they will know before they are grown!!! :grin::grin:

Is he possibly color blind and has not told you yet thinking it wasn’t important

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If this is the only thing about him that bothers you or at least the thing that bothers you the most thank your lucky stars ! If he asks your opinion of his outfit be honest if not than you have to learn to deal with it and keep your opinion to yourself. If he feels confident with the way he dresses don’t damage that for him. Sometimes the one thing that bothers us as a partner is the one thing that makes our significant other feel okay. We have to learn to accept them for who they are or move on and find someone else.


Your crazy; you obviously don’t have kids. My teenager purposely wears mix matches socks to school on purpose; when I asked why she said all the kids do it. If He’s comfortable and your not. YOU NEED TO ADJUST NOT HIM


You are not his mother. Let the man dress himself. If the kids are still young it doesn’t matter. If their older they can dress themselves.


It does sound alittle crazy but makes sense with u saying you have ocd

As long as they are clean, I’d let it go…he’s a grown up…if he’s comfortable wearing them…less stress for you to match and pair up, lay out, etc etc…

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He’ll never change and neither will you.So Hunt a boyfriend who is ocd too or you’ll both always be miserable

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Sounds controlling, I wouldn’t be with someone who picks at how I dress or feel the need to “lay out my clothes for me to wear” your his partner not his mother.
It’s his kid too he can dress his kid how he wants too.


It’s a guy thing. He could be color blind and not know it. A lot of guys are


I, too, am OCD about more than just clothes. This would drive me nuts. I would explain this to him and go shopping with him and hang the appropriate sets together and eventually he will make the connection. Actually, I dropped my daughter’s crazy due to their housekeeping. Every time I go for a visit I start organizing. I should have chosen a career as a professional organizer. We are all different and we all have our idiosyncrasies and I’ve accepted mine and my kids all know how I am. Notice, I didn’t say I organized that my son’s house, because he’s just like me he keeps everything in order at all times. He says I gave him the curse.

So, this girl can’t help it either. It’s part of who we are and it’s very, very difficult to change if you have OCD.