Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

Don’t sweat the small stuff

The color of his heart is what matters and if how someone dresses is a prerequisite for your love relationships then he would not be the indicated party… Likewise a person who would tolerate that you don’t know where you end and someone else’s person begins would be the best kind of partner for you.

He not colour blind he just didn’t give a fuck!!

This is a hard one. He was probablly never taught OR he’s just a rebel!!! Either learn to ignore it, educate him, or just accept it. You can change the kids clothes I would assume.

Wait, people still match clothes and socks?

Belli Fireland. You can now wear moss matches socks. Can I be annoyed?

The fact that you have energy to care about this is sad.

Not crazy at all. Same over here

He should get a new girlfriend.

Not a big deal to me as I go out in my sweats. I care more about character and integrity. If it bothers you, see if he will allow you to go through his wardrobe and match it for him.

Let him wear what he wants. However on a date then it be fair to tell him if he can wear matching clothes to impress yu

It’s what he likes and is use to wearing, and he may be doing it because of your pestering him on it!!

Brown/black go with everything. :person_shrugging: With that said, he’s a grown man. He can wear what he wants. There are real issues to concern yourself with and this to me isn’t one of them.

Choose your fights. Save the arguments for social events… when casual mismatch away

Can’t you just love him the way he is? Women, always trying to fix men

Get ahold of your OCD it’s not him it’s you.

Claire Louise have you wrote this about Treasure? :joy::joy:

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Robert Field. Classic

Ha​:joy: be glad yours can’t match clothes he wears. My can’t cook, clean, works, etc. just appreciate the effort :+1:t3:

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Petty. If he wants your opinion on how he dresses, he’ll ask…

Smart Vicky Bartlett
But mine is wedded to horrid stuff he’s had for 30 years. FYI he’s only had me for 16.

Perhaps he’s colourblind ??

Yes you sound crazy. He’s a man. You are not his mother.

Black n black go together too .

Good thing yall didn’t grow up in a third world country

As long as he likes it who cares.

Maybe he’s colorblind?

You’re crazy. You’re life shouldn’t be so revolved around what other people wear. You wanna match? Cool. He doesn’t want to match? Cool, why should he have too?

I just tell my husband what does look good and I pretty much buy all his clothes so he’s always looking fine. Lol