Do I have a right to be annoyed that my boyfriend never matches his clothes?

My husband used to do this… so now I buy his clothes for him as “surprise gifts”, they’re mostly neutral so we don’t run into this issue again :joy:

The only time I worry with my husbands outfit is if we have pictures or go out somewhere nicer than usual. Lol. Who cares what hes wearing?

No. And dont claim ocd just for being annoying, its a legtimate disorder


You are being a bit much lol. I had similar issues with my ex dressing like a crazy person… but in the end I realized it was just part of his personality (which was also wild). I just asked him to match when it was important and usually picked his clothes (pictures etc). We eventually separated after 8 years and he still dresses the same… at least now I can look at his pics and be like wtf and get a laugh.

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My husband too. He wesrs long winter boot socks with tennishoes and shorts. He wont pull the tongue of his shoes up when he puts them on its all bunched down by his toes. I understand its kinda embarrassing to go out with a grown man who dresses like a 3 year old. I totally understand.

Not your clothes so…leave him alone?

You are nuts, guys don’t care

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LOL no. You signed up for that when you decided to date him. Don’t try to change another person.


You started dating him for a reason, so why now are you trying to change him. I would leave him so he can find someone who is just as quirky as him and not constantly be asked to change.


I have been with my husband for 20yrs. And he has always dressed like a bum. Stained shirts holy cloths. He just doesn’t care. I gave up trying to change this years ago. Unless we have some where nice to go. Than I pick out his cloths. It will drive you crazy but it’s not worth the energy.


Umm… in some cases it does match? Lay off and deal with it, its clothes.

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If he doesn’t want to match then he doesn’t have to just because u want him to his choice not urs. If my fiance didn’t match his outfit i wouldn’t care at least he has clothes on. I mean i have to match and i have my kids clothes match. Just let him be.

That is not ocd. That’s needing to be in control😅


My s.o does the same thing and his response is, he doesn’t care what other people think and honestly why should he? And I also knew thats how he was when we got together. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

If you dont want him controlling what you wear, dont try to control what he wears. Pretty sure that goes without say.


He’s obviously cheating. Girl RUN!
JK. Jk… It would drive me crazy too. I don’t know what to tell you, as my husband typically dresses better than me. :woman_shrugging::smirk:


Ohhhh first world problems

Pick your battles plain and simple this isn’t one to fight about in my opinion


Dudes are so simple sometimes. Have you thought of going shopping together and getting him some new outfits?


Your down right nuts. :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming::joy::rofl:


Sounds like you need to work on your own personal triggers. Let them wear what they like it’s their body and their life let them dress themselves how they like if it that big of an issues remove yourself from their life’s instead of trying to turn them into your barbie dolls


I dress my husband when we go in public :rofl::joy::joy: for this exact reason and I dress all our children


Just pick out his clothes the night before or when he’s going to shower that’s what I do,I’m sure he’d enjoy that he doesn’t have to spend the extra 20 seconds of energy on looking for clothes lol :slight_smile: men are very relaxed and just want to be comfy they don’t really care what they have on really haha. When he starts matching on his own that when you should be concerned haha that’s what I tell my hubby " where you going looking all handsome and MATCHING?!" Haha :heart_eyes::wink:

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Buy him a couple of outfits you really like… all 4 pieces must complement each other….when he wears something you like, tell him how good he looks to you and plant a juicy kiss on that handsome guy!

Ocd is horrible to live with I have had it over 20 years I learned to live with it and worked on my triggers but there comes a time when you need to draw the line and fix up especially when it comes to trying to change and alter what your partners wearing like wtf that comes across as your controlling him he might not like matching clothes and is comfortable wearing whatever he wants so how about you focus what your wearing and leave him be your not his mother and he’s old enough to choose what he wants to wear and whatever colours they are if it’s triggering you too much go your separate ways and let him find someone that is in control of themselves and not nit picking over irrelevant stuff


I have pretty bad OCD about colors matching, certain fabrics not being worn together, things like needing things to be put in a row when put away, or furniture needing to be squared with the room to name some. Lots of stuff. And I think you sound super controlling. OCD sucks yes but who the hell do you think you are making a fuss about what someone else is wearing? You need to get some intensive therapy to address the root reason. I promise you will find coping skills and answers and you will learn to take your power back from the OCD. BUT, I know lots of people who use OCD as a crutch/justification/excuse so that could be the case as well and you could really just be batshit crazy, idk.


Maybe he is color blind.

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Lol my oldest sons dad does this but hes color blind so…:joy::joy:

Don’t put your issues onto other people… If he’s happy, leave him be.

If he doesn’t care about his appearance while out with you then he’ll be a problem

Sounds like my kid lol

My boyfriend doesn’t have a car right now. So when I go pick him up to go on dates or when we’re together and he comes out of his place looking crazy or mismatch and make him go back in and change LOL he always tells me it’s because he hasn’t done laundry lol lol lol

Leave him alone. If the kid’s clothes bother you so much, pick out the clothes the night before.

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I also have OCD and I have learned to curve it some. My opinion here is leave him alone your not with him for his sense of style. You knew this about him when you got together I’m sure. Stop trying to change him. If his cloths are clean and not holy leave him be. It’s not like he is wearing hot or neon pants with striped solid shirts.

let him be. my husband wears red shirt on pink shorts, i just laughed at it and asked him if he likes it that way, he said i don’t care it’s the first thing i got.

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I love how all of these rude comments are literally ignoring the fact that she said her ocd is what triggers all this. Some people actually have bad ocd and stuff like this is extremely bothering to them. I’m not saying this is her situation but everyone just saying to get over herself really should be a little more nice. Sounds like she might need some therapy, not a bunch of insults.


Stop controlling him! If he’s happy and makes you happy, who cares how he dresses! He probably likes being different and you should respect that! I’ve been married 19 years and I dress how I want and my husband dresses how he likes and we don’t act negatively towards each others likings but complement eachother!

Choosing what he wears would be something his mommy would have done for him. Let him wear what he chooses.

Sounds a bit crazy and even a bit controlling

Girl stop it. That’s his choice. Calm yourself .

23 years together and I could careless. He’s a home builder and always wears stained clothes. I can only sneak so many out

The moment you stop letting what others think of how you dress affect you, you’ll be much happier. And the same goes for when you decide that you get to try and dictate how others dress or present themselves. It’s not your job to tell people how to dress. Get over yourself, that’s controlling as all hell.

Is nobody gonna talk about bright black?? Wtf is that??

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You absolutely cannot hold your boyfriend responsible for YOUR triggers.
Your ocd is your ocd. I’d understand wanting to have a conversation, but getting upset/angry with him about it?
Sometimes men take things in the most innocent way ever and he truly might feel like that’s truly rude


Yes, buy him new ones and make sure they are interchangeable. I had to do the same. Throw away all his other clothes.

I would try not to feel annoyed about it, because it only bothers you. My husband likes when I put out clothes for him so he can just put them on and not think about it. Try and approach it as a nice gesture. Some guys are so well dressed, some just don’t care, don’t go shopping, and really appreciate if you buy them an outfit, or go with him and help him pick out some stuff. If he’s a great partner, I would always say focus on what you appreciate about him!

I have found most of my boyfriends were color blind. Once I asked one of my boyfriend about his color combo s. He told me he was colorblind and asked me if I would help him go shopping. Personally what a person wears should not matter. How someone treats you is far more important. If matching clothes is a deal breaker, that is on you.


Just buy him new clothes. Lol. That’s what I did for my husband, just bought him new clothes, things I found cute. And he liked them, didn’t care or anything. Honestly I feel like guys just don’t really care so he’ll wear whatever you buy him. Just don’t tell him you don’t like what he wears. Just gift him with new stuff

I gave up on my wife. We go to dinner at a very nice restaurant and I cringe when I pick her up. She has gotten over the rhinestone stuff and looks pretty darn good now. At the same time we head to a midrange Mexican restaurant and all bets off, sometimes she dresses like a piñata.:joy::joy::joy:


You should seek counseling and mental health help for yourself and coping mechanisms for your ocd problems as they look to be infringing on others in a negative and unhealthy way. Your personal preference/ocd problems are your issues when they are now putting down others for a difference in clothing and apparel you are at a point that your behavior is negatively going to impact those around you both man and child causing negative feelings and placing poor self esteem/self image on them is unfair and unhealthy. Please seek help.


Is this really a legit question?


I feel like the concept of matching colors in clothing is really subjective. Maybe match your own clothes to your taste and don’t worry so much about his, because both of the examples given don’t seem like big deals. You can’t even tell shades of black unless you’re somewhere well lit


Be patient! He might be color-blind. It happens with males occasionally.

A friend of mine had the same problem, though I don’t know who first pointed it out to him. The first I noticed was when he came up to me wearing a purple shirt, and asked me ‘this shirt is blue, right?’. That’s when I realized he was colourblind. Your partner might have the same problem.

But if the ocd trigger is yours, then fixing it would also be your headache. Whether by ignoring your triggers, or getting him colour vision glasses, it’s not his problem to solve, because it doesn’t change his attitude towards the world.

Let him do his own thing, if you pick on him about it he will feel insecure about himself! Men are just like us when it comes to outfits, if he is happy and comfortable then let him be.

Repeat after me “I am the problem”. Lol seriously. You being ocd is your issue. Can’t change the world to accommodate my feelings. Nothing you described sounds all that weird to me. Pick your battles. If he’s not wearing an orange Hawaiian shirt with wild Plaid shorts, he’s good. My husband walked out to the mailbox in flip flops with socks. Pray for me. Lol

Maybe he is color blind. Many men are. If not, it is not not important to him. There are ppl for whom the idea of matching clothes is an alien idea. They are content with clothes that are clean and neat. If it is important to you, help him arrange the clothes in the form of “outfits” that you have matched.

I just went shopping with my husband and over hauled his wardrobe so it was all in matching shades. So whatever he throws on matches. Simple

Those two combinations you mention match. Calm down, take a deep breath and let him be.

I can’t get over the fact that you have an issue with him matching two different shades of black :rofl: it’s an all black outfit, it literally is the same colour, it matches :sweat_smile:

This is a big deal if it bothers you. I totally understand. I am a very detail oriented person & I love fashion. I wouldn’t say a word to a stranger or acquaintance but if I was around someone a lot, I’d have to think of a kind way to address this, especially if you are wanting this to be long term. My X-husband was color blind. I bought his clothes & put outfits together. I enjoy doing this & it solved the problem. Some people, simply don’t care enough or are ignorant about colors that go well together. He might just need a fun, quick tutorial.

My fiancé does the same thing lol. He will wear whatever is comfortable no matter if it matches or not. If we are going somewhere nice, I’ll ask him to throw on a pair of jeans. Any other time I don’t care. He’s not out to impress a soul, I can tell you that much🤣

He’s probably color blind. Just help him put his colors together.

The fact you’re tripping about his clothes not matching… I can only imagine what else you lose your mind about… Your OCD is your problem not his.

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Lol I was expecting plaids and strips

Mine is the same , he just doesn’t really care as long as it’s clean and comfortable
I of course don’t have old about it
If its really bad and we’re going together I tell him won’t go out in public with him dressed like that. (Camo and tie dye is the worst.)

Yes, crazy as my ex wife’s bipolar/schizophrenic/OCD behavior. She was always OCD obsessed over whether I “matched” (even when I did match) & how her idea of me being mismatched would be an “embarrassment to her in public” (her words). Get some mental health help, so you aren’t always judging others because they don’t fit into your idea of how the real world works…also, realize that your OCD about this type of thing is strictly self created BY you, & not something beyond your control. Only you can control you & you don’t have the right to control how others dress, live, etc, regardless of whether you “like it” or not…it’s THEIR LIFE to control, not yours. Please stop trying to take control of everything around you. Please stop trying to make your BF who you “want” him to be & let him be himself. He won’t be your BF for too long if you keep trying to play mommy/god with his life & how he dresses. One of the many reasons my ex is exactly that…my EX wife.

My fiance does the same exact thing. Its a man thing, they dont see like how women see. They just see clothes to cover themselves, we try to match colors, patterns, styles, etc.
My fiance has gotten used to that it drives me crazy so I either pick his clothes or he picks and i help him match better with say a different shirt or something.
Its not that hard to just say “hey babe, can I help?”, he’ll probably appreciate it more than you’ll think. My man loves it, he says less work for him​:joy::two_hearts: so its a win win

No! What is wrong with you! If this is the only issue then thank your lucky stars… Let him dress as he sees fit. Your not his mother!! Women like this make me sick! It’s because of picking nagging women like this that the rest of us end up with bitter jaded men after they divorce your a$$3$…

Tell him that you think he would look good in this shirt with this pant. Buy him a shirt or two that will match with different pants. If you tell him he looks good in it he may wear it more often or ask your opinion

Honestly it’s a bit shallow at why you’d be even angry or annoyed at that, who cares if he doesn’t match
It matters how he treats you and about his personality, so what if his shirt doesn’t match his pants but maybe he does everything for you to make you the luckiest girl in the world

At least its not florescent orange and flat green… My 8yo constantly picks these

Drives me crazy too when people don’t match

I suck at matching outfits period. My own and my 4 kids. Give him a break. He probably tries really hard.

As long as the clothes are clean and appropriate it shouldn’t matter if they match

Those are really subtle color differences that most people wouldn’t even care or notice…maybe finding something to occupy you would help more than him doing different

If it doesn’t interfere with his ability to treat you well and do his job get over it.

I’m sorry did you say bright black and dark black? :joy::joy::joy:

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I can deal with the not matching its the stains and stuff I can’t stand.

Hey, it’s on FB. I’ve seen females wearing blue tops with orange skirts and red shoes Is that normal? Just curious.

Is he color blind? No offense. They can’t match colors

If clothes are such a deal breaker, get rid of him… There are worse things to worry about if this relationship continues…

If that is his worst fault you better grab him before someone else does!

A friend I grew up with was the worse until we found out he was color blind

What is bright black and dark black?? IOk

You crazy lol, some of us don’t give a fuck about how we dress

If he never matched when you met, aren’t you trying to change what you fell for?

Life’s too short :blush: :+1:t3: along as they’re clean u shouldn’t care. I’m all for ppl wearing what they want how they want. Who wants to be all the same? Dress ur way, ur style as long as ur comfortable who cares :grin::+1:t3:

Love him for who he is…don’t try to change him.

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Lol, you sound like a nightmare

Wow! And I thought my girlfriend was a nag…

Lmao! Guys do not care if it matches. Truly…

Maybe he is color blind.

Check out colour blind test

No that sounds alittle crazy

…what is bright black

My husband was super bad about this too. But then I found out he was color blind. So I just started hanging up full outfits vs piece by piece. And makes folding laundry Easier bc it’s all hung up little gets folded.

Green n brown go together.

I don’t see what it matters

Then my husband tells my kids their mismatching isn’t mismatched and then they say see Dad says it’s okay