Posting anonymously because my grandma thinks everyone can see any post on Facebook, but anyway my family and I are in a disagreement because my mom said she’d rather watch the the big OU game on tv than go with my grandma, son and I to do some Christmas activities since we haven’t done anything at all yet this year. Now, normally it wouldn’t upset me, but she is CONSTANTLY watching tv, and the game is able to be recorded, and she “just doesn’t want to.” So I guess my question is, what reaction would y’all have to that? I personally feel like she is putting the stupid game in front of doing something special with her grandson so I am pretty mad at her.
Instead of being mad check on her mental well being
It’s been a tough year she may be stuck in her own head
Is she just making excuses because she’s worried about covid?
Get the fuck over it. If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t want to go. She’s a grown ass woman and can make her own choices.
Reaction? Dont give her one. Dont invite her to do anything else and when she starts asking why she isnt invited tell her bc she made it apparent that tv is more important
What kind of activities are you going to do? Maybe she is worried about covid? There are no activities to attend where I live because of covid.
I mean my husband got mad at me bc I wanted to watch the bama game on our honeymoon. We plan things around football in my family so I get where she’s coming from
Leave her alone and let the woman watch her football…
If she wants to stay home, let her. There’s no point in being upset over something so small. Go out and enjoy yourself.
umm if she doesn’t want to that’s her choice … I never get mad at my mom and grandma for not doing things with us…they do babysit for me tho but even when they didn’t I wouldn’t get mad lol if she’s around you and your kid a lot maybe she just wants a break …plus with COVID SHE has a better idea anyway unless you plan to just stay in the car …
Maybe she is scared of getting out in the public due to covid… or maybe she is mentally exhausted and going through some depression… And does she normally watch sports?! If so maybe you should had made plans around the game that is important to her…
Maybe she has anxiety and doesn’t know how to help control it so best way is to avoid situations
Not everybody wants to do those things and she’s a grown woman. Very much entitled to make her own plans instead of going along with the crowd. Not like she’s doing something to get into trouble…
I think you’re being a little sensitive. Your son is your son, not your moms. Enjoy your day out with him and enjoy making your own memories with him. Maybe mom just doesn’t feel like going. I think it’s a little petty.
Seriously…maybe she had a tough week and wanted to relax…
I don’t do anything on Monday nights, Thursday nights and Sundays so my family knows not to even ask.
There have been times my mom has chosen to not be around at all including my daughter. Do I get mad? No absolutely not that’s a grown ass women who can do as she pleases. If your mom is choosing tv as opposed to spending time with her grandson let her. She’ll be the losing out in the end. I wouldn’t even stress it.
I understand wanting her to do things with your child but honestly if she doesn’t want to do something that’s her choice . On top of that, idk what kind of activities you had planned but maybe she doesn’t want to be in public… Because of the whole global pandemic thing.
We never plan anything on Sundays, Mondays, Thursdays because of football.
Like others said, maybe she’s going through a hard time right now, she may be depressed or anxious. Or she wants to stay in and be safe🤷♀️
I would never get mad at my mom for such a small reason. Seems like you want it your way or no way.
You invited her. You did your part. No is a complete sentence. She doesn’t have to go just because you want her to.
She’s being safe so don’t push.
Wow! She’s lived her life. If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t. Not a reason to be mad.
You can be upset with her all you want. Your feelings are your feelings. But her feelings are also her feelings and are just as valid as yours. Is she depressed? Is she worried about covid? Is she a homebody? All of these are valid reasons to want to stay home. Maybe she just wants to watch football. obviously your upset that she doesn’t want to go spend time with y’all, but have you tried to figure out something to do at the house with her? Make cookies, make ornaments, play board games? Maybe she just wants to be at home. Offer to watch a movie with her if she just wants to watch tv.
She might just want a break. To sit and do her thing.
Let her do her thing.
Don’t mess with my football days!! Lol that’s all I’m sayin ask on non-game days!!! Maybe try watching with her, something she likes that you can learn to enjoy.
Enjoy what you have I just lost my mom. I am am lost this Christmas without her.
Shes an older lady tired not as young as she used to be let her be and see her when you can and enjoy your day
Why are you mad?
Not everyone is going to want to, especially in a pandemic, but she’s a grown woman.
Just take the rest of you and go. She’s the one missing out and will regret it. Be mad, sure, but ignore it. It’s one of those things that happen but life will go on.
You can’t tape a football game!! It is just not right😄 however mama should do what she wants
You dont plan things on football days. I love football Im not missing the game to go out. You asked her and she said no. You are trying to make her go when she doesnt wanna go.
Just take the power cord for the TV when you go if shes at your house…otherwise meh who cares it’s her missing out not you
She’s a full grown adult and can do what she wants. Yes it would be nice for her to go with you but she doesn’t have to. Some people just don’t like going out that much and do you really blame her not wanting to go out in crowds with this covid around
She deserves to do what she likes. She has earned that. Also maybe she is getting considerate letting you have your own moments
Go out after the game is finished? Offer it anyway. If she declines then go without her
Ultimately it is her loss. Make memories with your son. It sucks but it’s the way it is right now
We are in the middle of a pandemic, we don’t leave our house to go do Christmas activities because we have a high risk in our house. She might just be keeping herself safe and doesn’t want to be told she’s over reacting
You can see Christmas lights, literally any year. Don’t stop talking over one year of her not wanting to go. And, you can go any other day before Christmas. Nor does she have to go.
Pssst. Covid is a thing. She probably isn’t comfortable leaving the house and is using tv as an excuse not to leave.
everyone is suppose to stay home it is only one year
You can not force people to do something they do not want to do.
Sure you can be upset. But is it worth it?
Probably not … in the long run.
Come on mom creat a memory .you never know when you’ll have the chance again or if you will foot ball can wait
There’s a pandemic going on… and you’re mad your mom doesn’t want to go out in it… yeesh
I mean if she doesn’t want to she doesn’t want to. It’s her loss if she doesn’t want to do family things.
Honestly, it sounds kind of petty to be mad at her. She doesn’t want to go, so what. It’s her missing out on a memory made.
Ummmm… if she doesn’t want, she doesn’t want to.
Also, Granny is probably safer at home.
There could be so many reasons. Maybe she fears the pandemic, maybe shes depressed, maybe her health is poor or energy levels are low or maybe she doesnt like the crowds that are everywhere this time of year…
Welp go without her … shake it off. It’s her that’s missing out and not you two. Have fun without her because she would be grumpy the whole time anyways
Just go without her and have fun. Why be mad? If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t want to go. Also in case you forgot, we are in the middle of a pandemic. Not everybody wants to go out and do a bunch of stuff.
Well it’s how she wants everyone to remember her by it’s her choice. Don’t get yourself worked up over others choices just have a good time yourself.
maby grandma doesnt feel like paying for everything
Before you jump to conclusions… maybe sit down and have a talk with her explain how you fell. From personal experience. I suffer from anxiety and fear of going out in the past. My friends family always thought I was rude or ignoring them and not making and effort when in reality just the thought of leaving the house made my hands sweat my heart race and lots more… that’s without even leaving let alone with everything that is going on in the world… so I would say. Before you think she is doing it because she can’t be boverd. Please talk to her… x
Maybe she just wants to enjoy being by herself and do something she enjoys. You can be mad, but get over it. You’ll be in her shoes one day when your son has kids.
Do a Christmas memory at her house and watch the game with her. String some popcorn and cranberries…
My reaction would be we’re both grown women and respecting that she doesn’t want to. If she’s constantly watching tv that’s her business
If you’re this mad because your mom, who by the way did everything for you for about 16 yrs doesn’t want to do something with you. I’d hate to see how you’re going to react when you son no longer wants to do anything with you
She doesn’t want to go… is she not allowed to have respected boundaries?
We’re in a pandemic still… BTW
If shoe was on the other foot, is she allowed to be mad at you?
Respect and accept that she gets to do what she wants. You get to do what you want. She isn’t trying to stop you or insist that you engage in the activity that she wants. She isn’t going to emotionally manipulate you into watching the game with her. “If you don’t do what I want I will be angry, upset, or hurt” is emotional blackmail.
U do know theres a pandemic on right?
It’s her loss,she is missing out on making memories with the family.
Compromise watch the tv with her and then ask if she will go out with you after !
Could she be depressed?
You can’t force people to change or to act a certain way.
Yes it sucks, either come to terms with it and work around it OR lay your feelings out to her and risk having them hurt more
I wouldn’t let it upset you BUT I personally don’t make others a priority if my child isn’t their priority. It’s her loss.
It would bug me with the constant repeat but dust that mess off your shoulders and don’t let it get to you. She is the one missing out. You can’t make her do what she doesn’t want to so don’t work yourself up over it.
She is a lot safer at home. She must be smarter than the rest of you.
These are depressing times maybe she is depressed
She has a right to do what she wants.
Is OU football? I saw some comments saying so but either way as a woman I’m a huge football fan and do not wanna miss the game for anything. You invited her but because it was an invitation she’s not obligated to go. Many more times for memories. It’s also a pandemic. Relax and find a time that works for BOTH of you to go out.
Do you think she’s depressed? Low energy? Loss of interest? I would sit her down and lovingly tell her your concerned for her. Ask her if she needs to talk or needs support?
I’d assume she might be depressed. Keep inviting her.
So your mom is following CDC guidelines & staying home. Good for her.
Maybe she doesn’t want to go due to Covid!! I know I don’t go out many places-just grocery store & dr appts!
Maybe she doesn’t like what you planned. If she doesn’t want to go that’s her choice to make. Ask her what she would like to do instead.
Maybe your mom is worried about covid🤷 I mean they are saying to social distance or stay home when you can.
She might be depressed
Maybe there is another reason and she doesn’t want you to know. I know as I’ve gotten older my vitamins levels fall off and I have no energy. I don’t see my grandkids as much as I would like.
What part of GLOBAL PANDEMIC are you people not understanding?
YOU’RE putting a sporting event before your entire family’s lives
We all get to make our own decisions.
She may be depressed. I would focus on the root and not my own feelings. Sometimes we think it’s all about us and it isn’t
I doubt its the game. Maybe she’s depressed. Maybe she’s afraid of covid. Maybe she’s tired and annoyed
Would you rather have her go and be unhappy and probably ruin it because she doesn’t want to be there. Hasn’t anybody ever wanted you to do anything before that you didn’t want to do? So you think she’s supposed to do it because you want her to and who cares what she wants. So are you saying she’s a bad grandmother and mother because she doesn’t want to go?
Just maybe she isn’t feeling well, or she might be exhausted
Maybe shes depressed and doesnt want to go out! Dont be mad at her talk to her and find out why find out if she is unwell
It’s the big OU game. Why did you plan to go out if that game is so important to your mom? Can you not go another day? Or maybe she doesn’t like the way your child behaves in public. Maybe she’s worried about COVID. Maybe she’s depressed. It sounds to me like maybe there’s an underlying reason she doesn’t want to go and maybe you need to look into that rather then be mad at her.
I believe her priorities are messed up. If the only thing keeping her from going is the game…that’s ridiculous & juvenile. If she’s going to be that way, I wouldn’t want her to tag along anyway. Take advantage of her wanting to be a sour puss & let great gran have more time with the little one.
Like everyone said. It could be depression. And maybe she is worried about the covid. I have been on medical leave for 6 weeks now. I have had one bad day that I had my own pity party. But after I cried and talked to myself I have been fine ever since. She might be having some pity parties also
Leave her alone, she is a Grandma so she has probably already seen just about everything. Maybe she just wants some time to herself AND she is giving YOU and YOUR family time without her along. Maybe its cold and she hurts and wants to stay home. Other people have the opposite problem
I’m sorry that you’re feeling this. Been there, done that. Did you ever take into consideration that your Mom is depressed and can’t get into the spirit of Christmas? Talk to her and maybe, get her to a therapist or doctor to find the real reason she doesn’t want to participate. I’m usually very excited about Christmas. But, I have to admit that this year I’m not feeling it. My family suffered a tremendous loss and I don’t have the spirit at all. But, I get up every day and try my best to cope because my children and grandchildren depend on it. Don’t give up. I hope your Mom gets the help she needs. From my family to yours, Please try to have a very Merry and Safe Christmas.
Im sorry and i agree. Believe me when I say she will regret her decision later unfortunately it will be to late. In the mean time spend as much time as you can with his great gramma. I know she will be sorry cause im 56 and my grandchildren are growing up without me because of my own poor choices and bad decisions my only biy got married and had his first child without me i wasnt even at his wedding and now he wont even let me meet her,my own fault,but the point is she will regret it,i live with regret everyday.
Just cause u want to do something dont mean she has to thats a lil selfish on your part theres alot of people now days that dont like to go shopping… just sayin plan a movie night or something dont be mad at her
Maybe she’s depressed. Sometimes just getting up and going somewhere is just too much work.
I would want her to want to. If that makes sense. But if she just doesn’t want to…i wouldn’t want someone there that doesn’t want to be. As long as her mental health is ok, meaning she isn’t so depressed that she is losing interest in things she previously liked… I’d let this one go.
Make memories with your grandma for your child to always have memories of her some day your mom will regret not having memories with your grandma
She may be afraid of getting this put a mask on and go bake cookies with her.
Could be depressed, could be COVID, could be physically in pain or tired, could be any number of things. Ask her what she would like to do. Maybe play a game or make cookies. Maybe she’s missing someone who has passed on. Don’t take it personally unless you know more about her reasons.
How you feel is how you feel, it’s neither right nor wrong
Go after the game.
Alot of people are scared of this virus