Covid stay home so you can live and celebrate with family another year.
I get what people are saying about depression but really, PANDEMIC!! I mean hello?! I keep my son and my dad in the house! And I only leave the house for essentials once every few weeks. Are you really risking your family’s health for a Christmas outing??
She is probably worried about this covid
She might be concerned about the pandemic and afraid of catching Covid-19 and feels safer at home
There’s probably more then the game going on
Why not do Christmas activities at home with her after or before the game? I’d rather her want to come then have her come just to go an not enjoy herself. Plus she could be depressed or not want to be out. You can’t figure out something else to do that doesn’t involve going out
Any other time? Maybe…but considering we are in the middle of a pandemic because people like you cant seem to comprehend how to stay home, nope! And you’re an idiot! Assuming you’re grandmother is an elderly…yea. You’re the jerk, and a selfish one at that, since you apparently dont care if you put either your mother or grandmother at risk.
I would stay home and watch the Eagles rather than do Christmas stuff.
My kids would never schedule anything family oriented, for me to do if there was an Eagles game on. I also LOVE tv and Om not depressed.
I wouldn’t give af not my problem
Speaking from personal experience, you can’t make your mom interested in doing things that she doesn’t want to do. I used to get super frustrated because I would ask my mom to take off of work to help me or do something, but she wouldn’t. Later I would notice that she was taking off to go to the casino because that’s what she likes. If I want to do something with me mom, it almost always has to be to her liking. Otherwise, I don’t bother.
With that being said, don’t take it personal, she will either come to regret the invite or not. Either way, you know how not to treat your own son when he asks you to do something that he likes. If she likes to sit, she might want to do something more relaxing than walking around and whatnot. I stopped inviting people who tell me no all the time and started living my best life with my own family. I am much happier and I wish you the same!
How does she feel about the pandemic/Covid? My mom is being extremely safe so i couldn’t get mad if it had something to do with that. At the same time myself and my family are all avoiding certain activities.
Have you tried asking your mother why she prefers watching the game over doing Christmas activities with you? Some people just don’t like to shop. She may have underlying health issues. Regardless, I think you need to have a conversation with her. Tell her that her decision to not join you and your son hurt your feelings. Also ask if there is something you, your son, and he can do together.
Sound like there could be some depression, maybe she is not feeling well and doesn’t want to spoil your fun. Sounds like you might need to ask some deeper questions.
Just leave it alone and chalk it up to her loss. You can’t force or guilt someone in to doing something they don’t want to do. He’s your child. You make the memories. If he has none of her then that’s her choice.
She is, don’t bother to ask her anymore and when she wants to do something tell her you and your son are to busy!
Dont be angry, life is way too short. Maybe askbher to male cookies with you and your son at her house where she can have the TV on too. Some people are depressed and have anxieties about going out due to media fear mongering
This could be about something else. This pandemic had caused anxiety and down moods as well as depression. She may not “want to” or she can’t bring herself to do much. I’m feeling that way. I’m too sad or down some days. It was hard for me to join a Zoom happy hour because i just felt mentally and emotionally exhausted! Perhaps that is happing to your mom but she’s can’t or won’t admit it!
I guess you are putting your wants ahead of grandma’s safety. How foolish and selfish can you get. Really? With covid out there everywhere you want to expose her for your own selfishness.
Don’t know your Mom’s age but I am 69 and have some health issues and most comfortable staying home. (Haven’t discussed with my children). Just saying.
Is she afraid of the covid virus is she not feeling well
I tend to not tell my family when I’m sick or not feeling good and so if they want me to go out and I just cant I’ll make an excuse like a program I want to watch or whatever
So you know her better then a stranger… could there be some other reason that maybe shes not talking about
I get that you want them to spend time together but maybe theres something else going on and it wasnt just that she wanted to watch some program
I dunno but regardless remember we arent promised tomorrow let alone the next hour so maybe put your anger on the back burner as there are more important things to be upset about
Good luck
Regardless of COVID or anything else going on in the world, why do you think you have the right to be mad at her? Because she would rather not join you guys? Isnt that being selfish on your part. She is not responsible to make “your type” of memories with her grandson. Just because she doesnt want to participate in this set of activities, doesnt mean she and your son dont have other wonderful memories together. You invited her, she declined, no reason to be mad.
Listen if she is a huge Oklahoma football fan then you should understand that. That doesn’t mean she wouldn’t do something else with you and your son on a different day. Sometimes it’s irritating to me that people plan their weddings during football season. Don’t plan a wedding when my Gators are playing. I know you only get married once but I wait all year for football. Sorry, ask your Mom to go to dinner with you and your son one evening…no football.
Do not force people into doing what you want them to do. If I do not want to do something a simple “I dont want to”, should be good enough, no explanation needed.
With all that is going on, I wouldn’t stress my family to go out with me. My mom doesn’t go out, its on me. And honestly, I’m ok with it. As long as she is happy.
Stop sweating the small stuff … maybe she’s really not feeling well and uses this as an excuse. Get over it
Maybe your mom is depressed. In personal experience, anytime I’ve ever felt like I “just don’t want to” do things in life I was battling depression. That was something I didn’t share with others either. People would be upset at me for being lazy or not caring when in reality I was going through depression.
She is probably trying to save face because she might be worried about COVID
Wow… If she doesn’t want to go then leave her. And why are going out for activities during a pandemic? Aren’t you concerned about your son’s and especially your grandmother’s health? There’s definitely no reason to get upset over nothing
I know lots of people are worried about the pandemic. There’s nothing wrong with being cautious. I don’t understand shaming her for taking grandmother out. What, grandma can’t say no? She doesn’t have the ability, like her Mom, to say she’d rather not go? Seems condescending, from my point of view.
maybe she is depressed. maybe she doesnt feel well. moms hate to say that something is wrong with them i dont think it has anything to do with the game. look closely for other signs of her wanting to be alone.
You have NO RIGHT being mad. If someone doesnt feel like going out then dont force them. Not everybody likes socialising. Some prefer to stay home and enjoy their own company. Just because someone doesn’t want to go out or dont want company doesn’t mean there is something wrong with them. Let her do the things that she enjoys. If thats watching tv then so be it.
With all that is going on, i can understand her internal fear of going out side, and may need to sit down with her and see if you can get her to be honest with you. Her fears may be more than what is seen as being uninterested, she may be fighting more internal issues ie anxiety, depression. Just be understanding. Small steps make big difference.
During a pandemic your taking your Grandma and child out?
Your Mom has the better sense to stay home
She’s putting her health first!
You should be too!
Let her stay home in peace and quiet. Its not a big deal. I hate shopping and u am 83. But i get out and about really well so a shopping trip isn’t a big deal to me.
Oh my gosh…there is so many reasons why she doesn’t want to go! It might be to tiring for her and to much in one day, she may have some other little health issues that are bothering to her, or afraid of Covid, or maybe she ends up spending to much on a day like that, and a thousand other reasons why she doesn’t want to go. Why don’t you try to just make her happy by doing something she needs help with. Switch to making her happy not just wanting what you think should happen. It’s a good lesson for your child that could come back to bless you someday. Don’t get hurt over it. Someday you will understand when you get to heaven.
Depends what shopping means to her. Shopping is tiresome especially if you have arthritis and your feet hurt after walking an hour or so. I love shopping but I’ve seen a lot of older women trying to catch up to younger people shopping.
I understand, but do something special together at home. Maybe the “activities” are not something she enjoys, or maybe it’s because of covid. Let it go.
Maybe she is suffering from depression! Maybe try a little compassion instead of anger
How old is your mom? Maybe she doesn’t feel like going places. Maybe she dont want tou to know because shes afarid you will worry a out her health. There are a lot reasons why she may not want to go besides the ball game. She is just using that as an excuse. Why not plan something together at home. Maybe you can watch the game with her and bring some food.
Really why do you want opinion of people who don’t even know you. I am sorry I just don’t get why people need to post every detail of their lives and ask opinions of total strangers
As you get older sometimes just don’t want to go anywhere, especially shopping!
Respect here feeling, maybe she doesn’t feel like it
Sounds like she has developed agoraphobia or depression.
EXTREMELY common in the elderly especially during Covid!!!
Compassion instead of judgment is what she needs.
I’m an RN and I have been SHOCKED at how many elderly suicide attempts we are having lately.
She may be going through depression. Not wanting or doing onced enjoyed activities is a symptom. Getting upset with her will only drive her further into an already fragile state. Give her some much needed TLC, warm hug & have a good time with your son.
It would depend on how often she does this if she does this all the time then I’d be getting a little tired of it if she just happen to want to watch that specific game then it’s no big deal
I dont know where you are, but in California we are in lockdown and dont go out
Could be she just wants some down time. Maybe she doesnt wanna deal with crowds or lines. Maybe she takes care of you and her grandson and her mom and just needs rest
I’m not sure of any living arrangements but maybe she just wants some time by herself no one to take care of or want anything from her . just a couple hours to do and not be judged for what she is doing!
Don’t be mad at her. I’m old and there are days I don’t feel like leaving the house, or even the living room
Leave your grandma alone she is of age and can make her own decision. I can’t go out I’ve gained so much weight I’m ashamed of myself.Im 75 when I was first married his mom let me know they were better than me I would not to any where,my husband had business get togethers after all was easier to just stay home. So maybe she feels different .just talk to her.
There is this little thing called COVID going around. I don’t blame her… at all.
Get over it. Why should you be angry because she is choosing to do what she wants? Besides, the pandemic is still going strong… maybe she isn’t comfortable going out. Again, get over it…find a better way to deal with your anger
Maybe she’s just not comfortable going out with the pandemic right now. My mom is a healthy person but she’s 81 she only goes out for essential things. I’m ok with that I would rather her safe and healthy at home than sick laying in a hospital because I wanted to to go out with me. The guilt would be horrible.
I think if she watches football and this was important to her, you should have known this and arranged to go another time. My family is a sports family and realize how important certain games are. We would never ask them to give up there free time. Going a different time would be more enjoyable for everyone.
Could she be depressed? With the year we’ve all had, maybe she’s slid into a bit of a dark place. Or her fears of Covid might have got the best of her. Sometimes it’s very hard to admit to the people you’re closest to that there’s something wrong.
There IS a pandemic out there, consider she just may be frightened to go out and expose herself. Obviously, you aren’t worried about it but maybe she is. Stop being a twit!!! I’m sure you enjoyed it when you were young and she tried to tell YOU how to live your life!
Just look at it as her loss , don’t stress about it but if it were my child an grand I would give my eye teeth to get to do anything with them .
Wow, this is the stupidest thing ever. First of all there is a pandemic going on so getting together shouldn’t be the priority. Second, don’t let this ruin your relationship…one day she’ll be gone and you’ll be sorry.
Don’t be mad just feel sorry for her that she chooses to live in fear and leave her home.
There are certainly more important things to worry about then this. If she doesnt want to go fine!! You only have one mom.
I mean yeah you can be upset. It’s a little hurtful but, remember don’t let others keep you from still doing those activities. So go do them with who wants to spend time with you all and make memories. It’s those who choose not to that will later regret it. She’s an adult let her make her own choices she will have the regrets later
People… stop jumping straight to condemning people. She did not say what they were doing. Maybe just safely tucked in their car looking at holiday decorations. Obviously she knows the pandemic restrictions… she says that.
In regards to your mom, sounds like she’s got a touch of the blues, doldrums, depression. Might suggest seeing if she will talk with her Dr. About things, could be a simple vitamin need…or more.
No. You should not be mad, I let all family and friends what we are planning and all is welcome. If they don’t show that is their loss. I did my part and not losing sleep over it!
People are assuming that this lady is afraid to go out. Maybe, but maybe she has joint or back pain. Makes it painful to walk around or stand on concrete floors. Talk to her.
Me and my mother myself I would suggest that you just except her decision. Perhaps she doesn’t feel well and just doesn’t want to tell you I know mothers hide a lot from their children just so they won’t worry.
She is getting older and to have peace in the house it wouldn’t bother to get upset. As people grow older sometimes their view do what is important changes. I would leave her be. Explain to you son that in her old age she should have the right to do what she wants. I would like to say as we get older we don’t like to get up and down. I should say it hurts to get up a down. I just think that when your older you should get to do what you want
I’d be mad too! Family should put Family first! I do things I don’t want to do for my grandchildren! I do have a family member who Always puts herself first so I understand how you feel!
everyone should think of staying home and just spend time with the people that you live with !! we in RHODE ISLAND just came off of a 3 week pause as our Gov. called it where the virus had gotten very high again and hospital are full and more people dying . so I think all should think of trying to stay safe and hope that 2021 is going to be a better year , so Merry Christmas, Happy, Healthy New Year !!!
Don’t know how old your mom is but as one ages there are times that you just don’t want to go out.
It sounds like since all she does is watch tv, she wants to be lazy. But she can do whatever she wants. Go enjoy life to the fullest. If she rather be lazy then let her. It is her choice. Go spend time with your son and your gma. Make fun memories while you can
Depends on what you are doing. I agree with the COVID comments. Also, you can’t control anyone else’s behaviour, you can only control how you react to it. Let go of what you can not control and just enjoy your time with your son and grandma.
Went camping with my husband Halloween weekend. Stayed inside the camper to watch the Texas game and then went back outside with him. He didn’t really care that I did. He was enjoying the quiet. We made a campfire and made smores. All is well. Life is way too short to get upset over little things. Just put it behind you and try for another day to go shopping.
We use to feel the same way when my dad wouldn’t want to do things. Turned out he just wasn’t letting anyone know he was sick. We ended finding out eventually he was. And that the simple things were hard for him. And even after we got him to a doctor it was still hard but he was eventually starting to join in on stuff we did but we learned to at his pace. I miss him every day now since he passed away though.
I mean…do you live with her? If not, I’m on her side. Some people are petrified about getting covid.
Maybe she’s worried she’ll get Covid maybe she thinks that she should stay home because that’s what people do when they worry about that
If she normally would go with the family for Christmas activities but " l just don’t want to" you might be seeing the begining of a serious health issues commonly known as DEPRESSION please take the time to ask and share your concerns depression is very serious and often leads to the death either of the depressed person or an innocent loved one:pray:
It is her loss. Go without her , but don’t be mad at her. I can’t imagine putting tv before my family and friends though
Could be your mother has her own reasons for not wanting to go out and she doesn’t want to share that with you. Using the game as a reason. Respect that and do your thing with your son. No reason to get mad. Things can change next year.
So my mom has never been one to do anything with us. As a kid she never went to games or events to support me. Now as an adult I just say my mom hates doing everything. I suppose I’m accustomed to it now and it doesn’t bother me as much. It sicks that my husband’s mom is always down to do everything she can with us when she is around. I would just say put your feelings aside and tell her your feelings use I sentence to explain why you carr so much but you have to respect her response. She just may not be into it. Just love her for who she is and not who you want her to be. I know the pain. Its much easier to let go then be resentful. Good luck.
Maybe she is scared about going out due to the covid virus. Try doing some fun activities at home.
First, maybe she is afraid of getting the virus. Second, maybe she is depressed because of the virus and how her life is restricted. Third, maybe she doesn’t feel up to grandma and a k8d and crowds and parking and everything.
She has a life time to do something with him. Allow grands to do what they want as long as they are able. Covid has made many decisions for us so far. Let her be.
Who are you to dictate whether your Mom wants to stay home or go out it’s her life let her live it!
She may be anxious about going anywhere due to the need to wear a mask, maintain distancing. She may be afraid she will get sick. Don’t know what you had in mind, but shopping is not a team sport.
Maybe she is not comfortable being out and about with the cootie running wild. The older we get the more set in our ways we become.
State your mind in a calm voice but Sternly.
Make sure she gets it, then leave her alone if that’s what she wants.
She IS missing out on something Special in her life and your Family.
Maybe something else is at the back drop that U don’t know about.
But state your Reasoning, and let it go, don’t let it tear U up.
Some people deal with issues differently i would look on it as a bonding time for me and whoever is coming too granted she will miss out but its her lose mot yours i would give her her space and have gun with everyone else
If you’re not a football fan, you will never understand. Its nothing personal, but it’s football, for heavens sake. And if you’re an Oklahoma fan, you are not going to miss a game. You can shop any time.
Is she feeling ok? Tired? Maybe a little depressed? Dealing with anxiety? Needing a little time to herself? Or just wanting to give you time with Grandma?
Covid is at its highest right now everyone is being asked to not congregate. Why would you want to put your family at risk. So what if she wants to stay in and watch tv. Kids think when they grow up the become the parent to their parent not.
Honestly, I have learned not to let it get to me when family doesnt want to do family things. I just let it go, there the ones missing out on memories. Me and my babies will go and have a great time.
why would you say these things?? She has earned the right to do whatever she likes… all the years of bringing children up washing cleaning etc…surely Now she can sit and watch the TV if thats what she wants…
She is entitled to just say no. I personally hate events where crowds are involved. If you want to be with her, do what she wants to do.
Many older ppl -myself included- are trying to stay safe and only going out when necessary Sad to miss Christmas stuff but please God next year will be better
She’s going to regret every opportunity she misses to spend with her grands. I would never turn one down.
Pre pandemic My mom did something similar. I went without her and never attempted again.
Her loss
I have found that the older I get the more crowds bother me. Even big family gatherings. Maybe that is the problem. I actually get panic attacks.
Believe it or not, the level of energy goes down significantly as you get older, especially if you have health issues. Sometimes it is a days work to just get a bath! A bit of compassion would not be amiss, I was short on that with my mom and I have big regrets now.
Have u ever though her body an mind are tired That’s how I feel used to be active but now I don’t want to go anywhere do anything when u get older you just don’t care anymore
I say don’t dwell on it…if she doesn’t really want to go, she’d just make your time together miserable…enjoy some happy time without her…
Maybe she doesn’t feel like she can talk to you about her fears, a lot of people are very worried about the virus right now, I would sit down with her and ask her how she’s dealing with everything